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Aug 2, 2014

Dear Xhuljo Mamoi

Congratulations on completing the Cisco

CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals course
as part of the Cisco Netor!ing Aca"em#

program$ %his han"s&on, la'&oriente" course has
prepare" #ou for e(citing career opportunities in the technolog# in"ustr#$
)# completing this course #ou ha*e earne" a Certificate of Completion for CCNA +(ploration,
Netor! -un"amentals an" ac.uire" competencies that inclu"e the folloing,
+(plain ho communication or!s in "ata netor!s an" the /nternet
0ecogni1e the "e*ices an" ser*ices that are use" to support communications across an
+(plain the role of protocols in "ata netor!s
Descri'e the importance of a""ressing an" naming schemes at *arious la#ers of "ata
Descri'e the protocols an" ser*ices pro*i"e" '# the application la#er in the 23/ mo"el an"
"escri'e ho this la#er operates in sample netor!s
Anal#1e the operations an" features of the transport la#er protocols an" ser*ices
Anal#1e the operations an" features of the netor! la#er protocols an" ser*ices an" e(plain
the fun"amental concepts of routing
Design, calculate, an" appl# su'net mas!s
Descri'e the operation of protocols at the 23/ "ata lin! la#er
+(plain the role of ph#sical la#er protocols an" ser*ices
)uil" a simple +thernet netor! using routers an" sitches
4se Cisco C5/ comman"s to perform 'asic router an" sitch configuration an" *erification
%echnological literac# is more important to"a# than e*er 'efore, an" Cisco is prou" to pro*i"e #ou
ith the !nole"ge an" s!ills necessar# to 'uil" an" maintain computers$
6lease accept m# 'est ishes for #our continue" success$
7ohn %$ Cham'ers
Chairman an" Chief +(ecuti*e 2fficer
Cisco Systems, Inc.
180 9est %asman Dri*e
3an 7ose, CA :;1<4&180=
Direct, 40> ;2= 4000
-AX, 40> ;2= 4100

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