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143 Grammar Bank

for and to
to + a place Im going to school.
They usually walk to work.
for + an activity Shes going for a swim.
+ a thing Shes going for a sandwich.
>> Now go to exercise 8.1 to practise.
Id like , Would you like ?
Use would like to make an offer or an invitation, or to say that you
want something / want to do something.
offers would like + noun Would you like a glass of wine?
invitations would like + infnitive Would you like to come to the
cinema with us?
to say you want
would like + noun Id like a glass of wine.
(d = would)
to say you want to
do something
would like + infnitive Id like to go to Italy.
>> Now go to exercise 8.2 to practise.
Use imperatives to tell someone what to do or what not to do.
Listen carefully.
Drink lots of water.
Dont talk.
Dont write on the desk.
>> Now go to exercise 8.3 to practise.
present continuous


Use the present continuous to describe whats happening now.
+ ?
Im wearing jeans. Im not wearing jeans. Am I wearing jeans?
Youre walking to work. You arent walking to work. Are you walking to work?
He / She / Its working. He / She / It isnt working. Is he / she / it working?
Were watching a flm. We arent watching a flm. Are we watching a flm?
Theyre dancing. They arent dancing. Are they dancing?
short answers
Yes, I am. No, Im not.
Yes, you / we / they are. No, you / we / they arent.
Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isnt.
For information on how to make -ing forms, see 7B.
>> Now go to exercise 8.4 to practise.
Present simple and present continuous
Use the present simple to talk about things that happen sometimes
or all the time, and things that are generally true.
Use the present continuous to talk about whats happening now.
present simple present continuous
They work from nine to fve. Theyre working in London this week.
I do my homework in the evening. Be quiet. Im doing my homework.
He usually has a shower in the morning. Hes having a shower at the moment.
>> Now go to exercise 8.5 to practise.
8.1 Complete with for or to.
Example Do you want to go for a swim?
1 Were going a pizza after work.
2 Are you going the supermarket now?
3 My brother always goes a run in the evening.
4 Lets go a drink.
5 Im going the shop some sugar.
6 Theyre going the park a game of football.
8.2 Match 16 with af.
1 f Were going to the pub tonight. Would you like to come?
2 Id like a glass of wine.
3 Would you like to come to London on Saturday?
4 Would you like a cup of tea?
5 Would you like to come to Spain next month?
6 Would you like one of my ham sandwiches?
a Im sorry, I cant. I usually work at the weekend.
b Yes, please. With milk and sugar.
c Id love to, but I havent got a passport.
d Red or white?
e No, thanks. I dont eat meat.
f Sorry, I cant. Ive got an exam tomorrow.
8.3 Complete the conversations with these verbs.
buy dont eat dont go go make run take wash wear
Example A Im cold. B Wear a hat.
1 A Its raining. B an umbrella.
2 A I havent got any money. B to the bank.
3 A Ive got a lot of homework. B out tonight.
4 A This soup is horrible. B it.
5 A These jeans are dirty. B them.
6 A Theres no milk. B some.
7 A Im late. B .
8 A Theres no cheese for my sandwiches.
B a ham sandwich.
8.4 Complete the conversations. Use the verbs in the present
Example A Where are they?
B Theyre on the train. Theyre going to Oxford. go
1 A Can I speak to John?
B No, sorry, a shower. have
2 A Do you and Jamie want to come to the pub?
B No thanks, this flm. watch
3 A Whats the matter with your mobile phone?
B . not work
4 A Its nine oclock. Why are you in bed, Sally?
B ill. feel
5 A Why ? smile
B Im happy.
6 A That smells nice. What ? you cook
B A Spanish omelette.
7 A Who to? she talk
B Her boyfriend.
8.5 Underline the correct form.
Example Mr Minnit speaks / s speaking to his secretary now.
1 Listen. The teacher talks / s talking.
2 They have / re having breakfast now.
3 We always go / are going to school by car.
4 I have / m having a shower every morning.
5 We go / re going to the theatre now. Do you want to come?
6 Hes Spanish. He comes / s coming from Madrid.
7 Im on the train. I go / m going to Berlin.
8 Shhh! Be quiet. The children sleep / are sleeping.

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