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too, not enough
Use too when something is
more than you want or need.
too + adjective This hat is too big for me.
(I need a smaller hat.)
Use not enough when some-
thing is less than you want
or need.
not + adjective
+ enough
This dress isnt big enough for
her. (She needs a bigger dress.)
>> Now go to exercises 11.1 and 11.2 to practise.
too much, too many, not enough
Use too many with countable
nouns when there is more of
something than you want or need.
too many
+ noun
He bought too many apples
at the supermarket.
Use too much with uncountable
nouns when there is more of
something than you want or need.
too much
+ noun
Theres too much sugar in
this coffee.
Use not enough with countable
and uncountable nouns when
there is less of something than you
want or need.
not enough
+ noun
We havent got enough eggs
for breakfast.
There isnt enough hot
water for a bath.
>> Now go to exercise 11.3 to practise.
Use a comparative + than to compare two things, e.g. His house is
bigger than your house.
To make comparatives
one-syllable adjectives* + er quick > quicker
small > smaller
adjectives that end y y + ier easy > easier
happy > happier
adjectives with more
than one syllable
more + adjective beautiful > more beautiful
expensive > more expensive
irregular adjectives good > better
bad > worse
Spelling note
one-syllable adjectives that
end e
+ r nice > nicer
one-syllable adjectives that
end vowel + consonant
double the
consonant + er
big > bigger
>> Now go to exercises 11.4 and 11.5 to practise.
Use the and a superlative adjective to compare more than two
things, e.g. This is the most comfortable chair in the room. Hes the
fastest runner in the school.
To make superlative adjectives
adjectives with one syllable* + est quick > quickest
small > smallest
adjectives that end y y + iest easy > easiest
happy > happiest
adjectives with more than
one syllable
most + adjective beautiful > most beautiful
expensive > most expensive
irregular adjectives good > best
bad > worst
Spelling note
one-syllable adjectives that end e + st nice > nicest
one-syllable adjectives that end
vowel + consonant
double the consonant + est big > biggest
>> Now go to exercise 11.6 to practise.
11.1 Order the words to make sentences.
Example big isnt for room the people enough three
The room isnt big enough for three people.
1 shoes me small too for these are
2 got hasnt money he enough
3 my good enough English isnt
4 trousers are short your too
5 is expensive restaurant too this
11.2 Match 16 with af.
1 c Why didnt you do the homework?
2 Do they walk to school?
3 Do you want to come to the park with us?
4 Why did you turn the radio up?
5 Did he go to work this morning?
6 Did you win the football match?
a It wasnt loud enough for me to hear.
b No, we werent good enough.
c It was too diffcult.
d No, he wasnt well enough.
e No, its too far.
f No, thanks. Its too cold.
11.3 Write sentences using too much, too many, or not enough.
Example There are fve chairs. There are seven people.
There arent enough chairs .
1 The book is fve pounds. Hes got four pounds.
He to buy the book.
2 There are six people. The taxi can take fve people.
There for the taxi.
3 Weve got 100 books. We only have one shelf.
There for the shelf.
4 We wanted two litres of milk. You bought four litres.
You .
5 There are two rooms. There are fve guests.
There .
6 Weve got one kilo of ham. We want two kilos for the
party. We ham.
11.4 Write the comparatives.
Example cheap cheaper
1 old
2 hot
3 uncomfortable
4 poor
5 long
6 heavy
7 fat
8 boring
11.5 Match 17 with ag.
1 e Summer is hotter than a pasta.
2 Moscow is bigger than b your Spanish.
3 Japan is more expensive than c that book.
4 My car is faster than d your bicycle.
5 Fish and chips are nicer than e winter.
6 His English is worse than f St Petersburg.
7 This book is better than g Spain.
11.6 Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form.
Example We stayed in the nicest hotel in Paris. nice
1 La Dolce Vita is place to eat. bad
2 Mount Everest is mountain in the world. high
3 Is the Sahara Desert place on Earth? hot
4 Shes girl in our school. attractive
5 We bought bed in the shop. comfortable
6 Its bag in the shop. expensive
7 The apple in the world weighed 1.67 kilos. big
8 Halle Berry was actress in the flm. good

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