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articles a, an, the
the only one Is Venice the capital of Italy?
a more than one, and the next word
begins with a consonant sound
Im from a big town in Spain.
Hes a singer.
an more than one, and the next word
begins with a vowel sound
Kenya is an African country.
This is an umbrella.
>> Now go to exercises 3.1 and 3.2 to practise.
To form plurals
most singular nouns + s name > names shop > shops
nouns that end with
ch, s, sh, x
+ es church > churches actress > actresses
brush > brushes fax > faxes
nouns that end with
consonant + y
y + ies family > families nationality > nationalities
irregular nouns child > children person > people
>> Now go to exercises 3.3 and 3.4 to practise.
prepositions of place in, on
Use prepositions of place to describe where something / someone is,
e.g. Theyre on the bus. Hes in the restaurant.
present simple


? do, dont
Use the present simple to talk about things that happen sometimes
or all the time, and things that are generally true, e.g. My class
starts at 6 oclock. Mark speaks Italian.
+ (nt = not) ?
I understand German. I dont understand German. Do I understand German?
You live in a fat. You dont live in a fat. Do you live in a fat?
We speak French. We dont speak French. Do we speak French?
They like coffee. They dont like coffee. Do they like coffee?
Theyre from Spain. They arent from Spain. Are they from Spain?
short answers
Yes, I / you / we / they do. No, I / you / we / they dont.
>> Now go to exercises 3.5 and 3.6 to practise.
adverbs of degree quite, very
Use adverbs of manner (e.g. well) to say how someone does
Use an adverb of degree (e.g. very, quite) to modify the adverb of
+++ very well You speak English very well.
++ well They speak English well.
+ quite well She speaks English quite well.
not very well I dont speak English very well.
Use an adverb of degree before an adverb.
Use an adverb of manner at the end of a sentence.
>> Now go to exercise 3.7 to practise.
conjunctions and, but
Use the conjunctions and and but to join two sentences.
and I speak Spanish. I speak Italian. I speak Spanish and Italian.
but I speak English. I dont speak
I speak English but I dont speak
When you use and to join two sentences, it isnt necessary to
repeat the verb or noun.
>> Now go to exercise 3.8 to practise.
3.1 Underline the correct word.
Example Is she a / an teacher at your school?
1 The / A capital of Australia is Canberra.
2 Is the / a currency of Japan the / a yen?
3 Is Milan the / a big city?
4 Whats the / a language of Brazil?
5 Jim is a / an English teacher.
6 Carmen Maura is a / an Spanish actress.
7 Jamaica is the / an island and the / a capital is Kingston.
3.2 Right or wrong? Tick (3) or correct the sentences.
Example Its an French restaurant. Its a French restaurant.
1 Hes an Italian designer.
2 Mary isnt a vet. Shes an doctor.
3 The bank is near the station.
4 Marbella is the town in Spain.
5 Is the euro a currency of Australia?
6 My husband is an offce worker.
7 Ecuador is a country in South America.
3.3 Write the plural.
1 watch 4 designer
2 language 5 capital city
3 email address 6 that
3.4 Write the singular.
1 currencies 4 classes
2 trees 5 people
3 toilets 6 cash machines
3.5 Order the words to make sentences.
Example understand Arabic do they
Do they understand Arabic?
1 two speak I languages
2 do coffee like you ?
3 understand they English dont
4 we Cairo like
5 live they dont a in city
6 speak do you Polish ?
3.6 Answer the questions. Use the blue words.
Example Do you like Spain? Yes, we do. yes we
1 Do you live in an old house? yes I
2 Do they like football? no they
3 Do you understand Italian? yes we
4 Do you speak another language? no I
5 Do they live in Tokyo? yes they
6 Do you like big cities? no we
3.7 Order the words to make sentences.
Example well do speak very Spanish you
Do you speak Spanish very well?
1 very understand I German well
2 well dont they Italian speak
3 do English well they understand ?
4 understand well French quite we
5 you speak Portuguese do well very ?
3.8 Rewrite the sentences using and or but.
Example I like Spain. I like China. I like Spain and China.
1 They speak English very well. They speak French very well.
2 The telephones are upstairs. The toilets are upstairs.
3 I understand Spanish. I dont speak it very well.
4 We like tennis. We dont like football.
5 Jorge is a doctor. His wife is a doctor.
6 I dont speak Russian. I speak a little Polish.

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