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prepositions of place next to, opposite
Use prepositions of place to say where someone / something is.
next to My friend is next to me.
opposite Pete is opposite Jude.
object pronouns
Use a subject pronoun to say who / what does an action.
Use an object pronoun to say who / what receives the action.
subject pronouns object pronouns
I me She phones me at the weekend.
you you I know you.
he him She likes him.
she her He speaks to her in French.
it it She watches it in the evening.
we us David teaches us English.
they them We usually see them on Sunday.
Use an object pronoun in the place of a noun.
Put an object pronoun after the verb.
>> Now go to exercises 5.1 and 5.2 to practise.
order of adjectives
Adjectives are the same with
singular or plural nouns.
a red book > two red books
an old man > four old men
Adjectives go before the noun. a small car
an English teacher
Colour adjectives go after other
a big green house
a new black bag
>> Now go to exercise 5.3 to practise.
I / you / we / they have got
Use have got to talk about possessions.
+ (ve = have) (havent = have not) ?
Ive got a computer. I havent got a computer. Have I got a computer?
Youve got a phone. You havent got a phone. Have you got a phone?
Weve got a TV. We havent got a TV. Have we got a TV?
Theyve got a dog. They havent got a dog. Have they got a dog?
short answers
Yes, I / you / we / they have. No, I / you / we / they havent.
>> Now go to exercise 5.4 to practise.
he / she / it has got
+ (s = has) (hasnt = has not) ?
Hes got a blue bag. He hasnt got a blue bag. Has he got a blue bag?
Shes got a clock. She hasnt got a clock. Has she got a clock?
Its got a battery. It hasnt got a battery. Has it got a battery?
short answers
Yes, he / she / it has. No, he / she / it hasnt.
>> Now go to exercises 5.5 and 5.6 to practise.
5.1 Complete the conversations with an object pronoun.
Example A Mr Brown is a very good teacher.
B I dont know him . Is he new?
1 A Do you often listen to the radio?
B Yes, I listen to in the morning.
2 A Do you use computers in your school?
B Yes, we use to learn English.
3 A Hi. My names Jane.
B Pleased to meet .
4 A Do you and John know Mary?
B Yes, she works with .
5 A Why dont you talk to Pablo?
B He doesnt like and I dont like .
5.2 Rewrite the sentences using an object pronoun.
Example She works with Justin and Holly.
She works with them.
1 Do you understand John?
2 He doesnt like coffee.
3 She knows me and my brother.
4 Listen to Mrs Jones.
5 He teaches Ana and Satomi.
5.3 Right or wrong? Tick (3) or correct the sentences.
Example He drives a red old car.
He drives an old red car.
1 Shes got long brown hair.
2 Hes got big blues eyes.
3 They live in a house white.
4 Ive got two black cats.
5 Shes a tall thin woman with grey long hair.
6 Weve got a small black dog and four browns cats.
7 My mother has got black short hair.
8 Weve got a big yellow clock.
5.4 Match 16 with af.
1 a Have you got a computer at home?
2 Oh no! I havent got any money.
3 What sort of car have they got?
4 Have we got any tea?
5 Whats book in Spanish?
6 Have we got any homework?
a No, I havent, but Ive got one in my offce.
b A Fiat Punto.
c Thats okay. Ive got a credit card.
d Yes, we have. Exercise 4 in the workbook.
e I dont know. I havent got a dictionary.
f No, we havent, but weve got some coffee.
5.5 Order the words to make sentences.
Example has he blond got hair ?
Has he got blond hair?
1 your has car GPS got ?
2 my has car friend got a blue
3 Gemma green has eyes got ?
4 he any children got has ?
5 Andy new s phone got mobile a
6 alarm got s an it
5.6 Answer the questions.
Example Has Henry got blond hair? No, he hasnt.
1 Have they got a car? Yes, .
2 Have you got a daughter? No, .
3 Has Sheila got a boyfriend? Yes, .
4 Has the hotel got a good restaurant? No, .
5 Have the classrooms got computers? No, .
6 Has Marco got a watch? Yes, .
8 7 6
2 3 4
8 7 6
2 3 4

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