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Lets , How about
Use Lets or How about to make a suggestion.
Lets (lets = let us) + verb Lets go to the cinema.
How about + noun How about a cup of tea?
+ -ing form How about going to the pub?
>> Now go to exercise 7.1 to practise.
-ing forms
To make -ing forms
most verbs + ing speak > speaking
verbs ending e e + ing write > writing
verbs ending ie ie + ying tie > tying
one-syllable verbs ending with
one vowel + one consonant
double the consonant
+ -ing
run > running
>> Now go to exercise 7.2 to practise.
can, cant
Use can or cant to talk about ability.
+ (cant = cannot) ?
I can cook. I cant cook. Can I cook?
You can play the guitar. You cant play the guitar. Can you play the guitar?
He / She / It can run fast. He / She / It cant run fast. Can he / she / it run fast?
We can skate. We cant skate. Can we skate?
They can speak Greek. They cant speak Greek. Can they speak Greek?
short answers
Yes, I / you / we / they can. No, I / you / we / they cant.
Yes, he / she / it can. No, he / she / it cant.
Use a verb after can.
Dont use to after can.
>> Now go to exercise 7.3 to practise.
adverbs of manner
Use adverbs of manner to say how someone does something.
To make adverbs
most adjectives + ly slow > slowly
adjectives that end consonant + y y + ily easy > easily
irregular good > well
fast > fast
Use an adverb of manner at the end of a sentence e.g. Do your
homework quickly.
>> Now go to exercises 7.4 and 7.5 to practise.
like doing, like sth
I / You / We / They like
He / She / It likes
+ -ing cooking
+ noun sport
chocolate ice cream
>> Now go to exercise 7.6 to practise.
Use also to connect ideas in positive sentences.
I like fsh. I also like meat.
I go swimming and I also play tennis.
Use also before the second verb. I like football. I also like tennis.
Use also after the verb be. Hes rich. Hes also handsome.
Use also after an auxiliary. Does she also speak French?
>> Now go to exercise 7.7 to practise.
7.1 Cross out the wrong word.
Example How about to going to the park?
1 Lets to go to the theatre tomorrow.
2 How about going to shopping?
3 How about we going to London?
4 Lets us have a party.
5 How about to seeing a flm tonight?
6 Lets go for skiing.
7 How about have a cup of coffee?
8 Lets going play cards.
7.2 Write the -ing form.
Example shop shopping
1 take 5 drive
2 swim 6 listen
3 dance 7 stop
4 play 8 get
7.3 Complete the conversations. Use can or cant.
Example A Have you got a car? B No, I cant drive.
1 A Does he know any foreign languages?
B Yes, he speak Italian.
2 A Ive got a new guitar.
B you play it?
3 A Do you do a lot of cooking?
B No, I cook.
4 A Whats the matter?
B This exercise is diffcult. We do it.
5 A they swim?
B Yes, they .
7.4 Rewrite the sentences. Use the red words.
Example Her English isnt very good. badly
She speaks English badly.
1 Hes a fast runner. fast
2 Youre a quick worker. quickly
3 Im not a fast walker. slowly
4 Theyre good singers. well
5 Hes a quiet speaker. quietly
7.5 Adjective or adverb? Underline the correct word.
Example I can sing, but not very well / good.
1 Shes a good / well teacher.
2 You write very quick / quickly.
3 Listen careful / carefully.
4 They can swim, but badly / bad.
5 Can you speak slow / slowly, please?
6 Is she a quiet / quietly student?
7.6 Underline the correct sentence.
Example a Do you like skiing? b Do you like ski?
1 a I hate cook. b I hate cooking.
2 a I enjoy sport. b I enjoy sporting.
3 a We love swimming. b We love swim.
4 a Does he enjoy reading? b Does he enjoy to read?
5 a I dont like writting emails. b I dont like writing emails.
7.7 Write sentences with also.
Example I play football basketball
I play football and I also play basketball.
1 Robin study Maths Physics
2 She speak Arabic Chinese
3 We like Chinese food Indian food
4 He can drive car bus
5 My daughter have got mobile phone laptop
6 They like play cards watch DVDs
love like / enjoy
dont like hate

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