2004 05 04 Hunt-Byford

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Via Recorded Delivery

Mark Byford
Acting Director-General, BBC
BBC Media Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TQ
4 May 2004
Rejoinder to the BBC’s rejection of my complaint of political censorship

Dear Mr. Byford,

I have not yet received an acknowledgement of my letter of 19 April responding to your rejection of
my complaint of political censorship against the BBC. Mindful of the possibility that you did not
receive it I enclose a copy together with its five attachments.

In the light of the documents that I provided to you showing that BBC journalists who have examined
our research material into the “cash for questions” affair have vouched for its merit, I remain eager to
learn whether you intend to review your response, which was based on an opinion of some other
unnamed person (or persons) who has not, repeat, not examined this documentation.

I also wish to know whether you intend to take up my offer to visit London to explain to your staff
some of the evidence proving that The Guardian and Mohamed Fayed perverted the course of Sir
Gordon Downey’s parliamentary inquiry into the affair.
As I stated in my letter, I have amassed documents proving that The Guardian’s “cash for questions”
campaign began with an invented story based on a longstanding but mistaken hunch about the lobbyist
Ian Greer, which The Guardian defended thereafter by lies and forged documents in a cover-up. I
have also recently identified evidence showing that the three Fayed ‘corroborating’ employees, on
whose eleventh-hour, evidence-free testimony alone Mr. Hamilton and his wife have been condemned
to a lifetime of shame, were, in fact, the product of a conspiracy to procure false witness.

As I also stated, some of this evidence is new and not yet in the public domain. In other words, I am
offering the BBC exclusive rights to an important new development in one of this country’s biggest,
longest-running, and most damaging political controversies.
I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Boyd Hunt

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