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Smartboard: Enhances engagement and interest throughout

lesson and allows for images, interaction, and visuals.
Computers: The students will type their essay once they
complete their rough draft. This allows for self correction and
iPad: Dragon speak app allows a child to orally state what they
would like to write and also makes error corrections in what they

Reading: Students will receive articles to interpret and
analyze based on reading levels. I have pulled both low and
high level articles.
Writing: Students with difficulty in writing will be
allowed to use dragon speak when necessary.
Organizing: Students will be given a variety of organizers
to choose from. Students may pick whichever best suits
their learning styles.

Unit Web
*Learning Styles*
Visual: Pictures and diagrams will be portrayed on the
Smartboard. Visual organizers will also be given.
Physical: Students will be up and moving around during the
Aural: Students will listen to a song on opinion and fact.
Social: Students can work in groups on various assignments.
Verbal: Students will partake in a class debate, and they
will interview a class mate.
Solitary: Students will work independently on their writing.

Ticket-Out-The-Door: A quick written assessment that the
students hands in on the way out allows for monitoring of
knowledge gained during the lesson.
Writing Sample: Collecting writing will allow monitoring of
how much students are completing and how much they understand
and apply what they are learning.
Progress Monitoring: Having students have their organizers and
rough draft conference will allow progress monitoring.
Oral Presentation: Students engagingly show what they learned.

*Creative Teaching*
The Great Debate: Students will use the knowledge gained in
writing their essays to have a class debate at the end of the unit.
Truth be Told?: Students will work in groups to decide
whether various statements are facts or opinions and then they
will be able to post them on a class poster.
20 Questions: Students will have the chance to interview
classmates on their points of view on various topics.

Music: Through a song the students will gain an understanding
of the difference between fact and opinion.
Science: Students will read an article pertaining to human
cloning and testing on animals.
Reading: Students will gather and gain evidence and knowledge
for their writing piece through reading various information and

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