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Faculty Member David Harper Position Assistant Professor
Department English Supervisor Eleanor Welsh
Date of Employment August 2! Period of Evaluation Fall 2"#
$his is a faculty performance appraisal form to be used in the evaluation of the faculty member above%
The performance appraisal form has two parts. Part I is to be completed for all teaching faculty. Part II
is to be completed for a faculty member who also has non-teaching assignments, either as part of the
hiring contract or the result of reassigned time. $he Supervisor&Evaluator may use student evaluations'
classroom observations' revie( of course materials' as (ell as a revie( of annual goals' and other relevant
information to evaluate the faculty member% $he narrative should address the overall )ob performance of
the faculty member and )ustify the responses indicated in the assessment of the performance criteria%
Enter the appropriate abbreviation *+ , A -&. /0 to indicate the faculty member1s performance in his&her
present assignment%
Performance Lee!" Def#n#$#on"
O%$"$an&#n' Performance #" con"#"$en$!( e)ce!!en$ an& "%*er#or+
Commen&a,!e Performance con"#"$en$!( e)cee&" $-e re.%#remen$" of $-e *o"#$#on+
Acce*$a,!e Performance mee$" $-e re.%#remen$" of $-e *o"#$#on+
Nee&" Im*roemen$ Performance #" ,e!o/ $-e re.%#remen$" of $-e *o"#$#on+
Unacce*$a,!e Performance #" con"#"$en$!( %n"a$#"fac$or(+
Performance Cr#$er#a0 O C A N/I U N/A
"% Encourages contact bet(een students and faculty%
DEFINITION0 Fre3uent student4faculty contact in and out of classes is the most important factor in student motivation and involvement%
Faculty concern helps students get through rough times and 5eep on (or5ing% 6no(ing a fe( faculty members (ell enhances students7
intellectual commitment and encourages them to thin5 about their o(n values and future plans%
CO11ENT0 David is often seemed walking between classes with a student, and students do make it to his office on a regular
2% Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students%
DEFINITION0 8earning is enhanced (hen it is more li5e a team effort that a solo race% 9ood learning' li5e good (or5' is collaborative and
social' not competitive and isolated% Wor5ing (ith others often increases involvement in learning% Sharing one7s o(n ideas and responding to
others7 reactions sharpens thin5ing and deepens understanding%
CO11ENT: Team building and group work are strengths that David brings to the classsroom from his outdoor education
#% Encourages active learning%
DEFINITION0 8earning is not a spectator sport% Students do not learn much )ust by sitting in classes listening to teachers' memori;ing pre4
pac5aged assignments' and spitting out ans(ers% $hey must tal5 about (hat they are learning' (rite about it' relate it to past e<periences and
apply it to their daily lives% $hey must ma5e (hat they learn part of themselves%
CO11ENT0 In the class I observed, David had the students using the laptops, moving around the room, talking with each
other, and digging for answers on their own.
=% 9ives prompt feedbac5%
DEFINITION0 6no(ing (hat you 5no( and don7t 5no( focuses learning% Students need appropriate feedbac5 on performance to benefit
from courses% When getting started' students need help in assessing e<isting 5no(ledge and competence% .n classes' students need fre3uent
opportunities to perform and receive suggestions for improvement% At various points during college' and at the end' students need chances to
reflect on (hat they have learned' (hat they still need to 5no(' and ho( to assess themselves%
CO11ENT0 In order for a composition class to move smoothly forward, students need to get timely feedback. During the
class I observed, David was returning papers that had been submitted the previous week and modifying his schedule to allow
students to rewrite before moving to the next stage of the proect.
!% Emphasi;es time on tas5%
DEFINITION0 $ime plus energy e3uals learning% $here is no substitute for time on tas5% 8earning to use one7s time (ell is critical for
students and professionals ali5e% Students need help in learning effective time management% Allocating realistic amounts of time means
effective learning for students and effective teaching for faculty% Ho( an institution defines time e<pectations for students' faculty'
administrators' and other professional staff can establish the basis of high performance for all%
>% ,ommunicates high e<pectations%
DEFINITION0 E<pect more and you (ill get more% High e<pectations are important for everyone 44 for the poorly prepared' for those
un(illing to e<ert themselves' and for the bright and (ell motivated% E<pecting students to perform (ell becomes a self4fulfilling prophecy
(hen teachers and institutions hold high e<pectations for themselves and ma5e e<tra efforts%
,+MME-$: David identified students who had made excellent progress on the assignment and !starred! them as team
leaders for others to meet with, encouraging the whole class to see where there were missing pieces in their assignments and
striving for a better product.
?% @espects diverse talents and (ays of learning%
DEFINITION0 $here are many roads to learning% People bring different talents and styles of learning to college% Arilliant students in the
seminar room may be all thumbs in the lab or art studio% Students rich in hands4on e<perience may not do so (ell (ith theory% Students need
the opportunity to sho( their talents and learn in (ays that (or5 for them% $hen they can be pushed to learn in ne( (ays that do not come so
,+MME-$: David is very conscious of the advantages of experiential learning in reaching a wide variety of student needs.
B% Advises students in their academic&career programs%
DEFINITION0 Participates in the ,ollege1s mandatory advising processC serve as a student mentorC serves as a program directorC
participates in program articulation efforts%
,+MME-$: Through his work with the "onors program, David is very involved in working directly with students, directing
them into appropriate classes, and encouraging them to apply for scholarships from four year schools.
D% Assists (ith recruiting&retention of students%
DEFINITION0 A student4oriented approach includes those activities (hich encourage residents of the five4county service region to use the
services and to parta5e of the opportunities the ,ollege has to offer% Attracting students and fostering student success may be accomplished
through a variety of activities *i%e%' open houses' high school visitation' participation in student organi;ations and activities' as (ell as student
referrals' providing follo(4up services' and supplemental support0%
,+MME-$: Dave works to recruit students into the "onors Program
"% Participates in ,ollege governance%
DEFINITION0 Participation of faculty in governance is a long4term tradition in institutions of higher education% Activities can include
service to the Faculty Assembly' service on college4(ide committees' participation in division activities' and participation in college4(ide
initiatives such as accreditation' development of the Strategic Plan' etc%
,+MME-$: David has been active as chair of the "onors #oucnil, and serves on the $cademic #ouncil, and will be editing
the %elf %tudy report.
""% Maintains academic standards in 5eeping (ith the
policies of the ,ollege' as specified in the &aculty'%taff
DEFINITION0 -o e<planation needed%
"2% Maintains level of e<pertise in field or discipline%
DEFINITION0 ,ollege faculty are professionals% $he obligation of a professional includes maintaining e<pertise in his&her discipline
through self4study' participation in professional organi;ations' scholarship' and other such activities%
,+MME-$: David has been diligent about participating in professional growth opportunities during his years at #hesapeake
#ollege, taking graduate classes and being involved in professional development programs on campus. "e has stepped this
effort up by applying for and receiving the President)s *eadership $ward last year, as a result taking part in the +ational
,utdoor *eadership %chool last summer. "e has also recently applied to a PhD program in leadership and seems to have
found a stronger focus for his academic development in this program.
Performance Cr#$er#a0 O C A N/I U N/A
"% Produces the desired results in accordance (ith the
goals and duties of the assignment%

2% ,ompletes tas5s in a timely manner (ith thoroughness
and accuracy%

#% Demonstrates the ability to identify and develop
solutions appropriate for the assignment%

=% Wor5s cooperatively (ith others for the good of the
department' division' and college%

Narra$#e0 A general overvie( of the faculty member1s performance specifically addressing the previous
t(elve *"20 items% .t should also include' among other things' the particular strengths of the Faculty
memberC highlighted contributionsC teaching and scholarship activitiesC participation in ,ollege
governanceC collegialityC activities (hich serve to further initiatives (ithin the ,ollege1s %trategic Plan-
community and student serviceC service to the ,ollegeC and service to the profession%
$he narrative should also address areas in need of improvement% .n the event that promotion is denied' or
that the overall performance of the faculty member is deemed unsatisfactory' the narrative should clearly
address the shortcomings in the faculty member1s performance and provide recommendations on ho(
these areas can be improved% Documentation should be provided%
Directions: /se this form to summari;e the results of the faculty member1s evaluation%
Faculty Member: David "arper ,urrent @an5: Assistant Professor
Evaluation $ype: First Eear Promotion Eear:
,hange of ,ontract Status Assessment
Date of Hire: August 2005 Eears in @an5:
.nstructional Area: English
Highest Degree Earned: MA Date of 8ast Promotion:
Professional ,ertificates:
$his faculty members overall )ob performance for the period has been
+utstanding ,ommendable Acceptable .n need of improvement /nacceptable
@ecommendation: Si< year contract

Dean Date
. read and received a copy of this evaluation on:

Signature Date

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