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HLAC 1096-44 3-May-14

Name Course Date

HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper
Write a paragraph on each of the folloin!"
1# What $i$ you learn a%out &lifelon! ellness' from ta(in! this a)ti*ity )lass+
, lea rne$ the im-ortan)e of a $aily health routine to !o alon! ith
lon!term !oals# , learne$ ho small thin!s that e may .ustify/ li(e eatin!
out for )on*enien)e sa(e/ )an a$$ u- an$ are .ust not orth it#
0# Ho oul$ you a--ly this information to your life+
, -lan to use the -rin)i-le i learne$ in this )lass throu!hout my life# , ho-e
this ill my life healthier an$ lea$ to a ha--ier an$ more ful1llin! life#
3# What is your intention to )ontinue to e2er)ise in your life an$ hy+
, inten$ to )ontinue an$ a$$ to the e2er)ise -ro!ram i starte$ hile ta(in!
this )ourse# , ha*e more ener!y an$ feel more satis1e$ ith my life than
%efore hen my e2er)ise as %asi)ally non-e2istant#
4# 3eneral i$eas for im-ro*in! this )ourse+
, thin( this )ourse is !reat/ an$ $on4t ha*e an$ su!!estions that )oul$
im-ro*e it# Anythin! that i oul$ su!!est oul$ )han!e it/ not really
im-ro*e it#

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