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Nazolia, a country divided on the basis of racial and tribal hatred gained its independence from
the European Continent in the 1990s. Due to internal dissension among the various tribals
groups, the concept of a viable unified nation could not be attained. The country adopted a
democratic constitution and a government through popular vote but soon a coup d etat was
arranged by a right wing faction of the government led by Mr. Lucanka who became the
President of the country. He defended the rights and liberties of the Hakayu Tribe against its arch
rival, the Masaurio Tribe. His aggressive campaign against the rival tribe included hate speeches,
confiscation and appropriation of their property. It was alleged that the Hakayu Tribe were being
supported by the the Government and the Military elite. Due to its repressive policies Nazolia
faced economic and political sanctions from the United Nations and was virtually isolated from
the international regime. The hostilities betweem the two tribes reached a breaking point when
the leaders of the Masauri tribe organised a national rally to air their grievances. Soon after the
rally speech there was an outbreak of violence, which was was unprecedented in the istory of the
nation. The Masauri peoples houses were burnt, men women and chilren were massacred on a
large scale. Masauri tribe were forcibly transferred and were ultimately reported as missing.
Hospitals which were controlled by the governmnet forcibly carried out operations which
prevented the birth of male children among the Masauri Tribe. Jazulu witnessed the most tragic
incident when
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