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Caleana Nelson HLAC--1062--001 4-Aug-14

Name Course Prefx Number--

Lifelong Wellness Application Paper
!rite a paragraph on each o" t#e "ollo$ing%
1& !#at 'i' (ou learn about )li"elong $ellness* "rom ta+ing t#is ,eneral
-'ucation class.
/a+ing t#is 0exibilit( class 1 #a2e learne' $#at 1 t#oug#t $as o3 balance
$as onl( 4art o" t#e 4roblem& 5( lo$er bac+ is sti3 an' tig#t6 sitting so
muc# o" t#e 'a( m( #amstrings al$a(s "elt tig#t& !e learne' 'i3erent
a44roac#es to stretc#ing all areas o" t#e bo'( 1 #a2e not use' be"ore& /#is
class is one 1 #a2e been loo+ing "or$ar' to ta+ing an' it 'i'n7t 'isa44oint&
2& Ho$ $oul' (ou a44l( t#is in"ormation to (our li"e.
5( $or+ outs in t#e 4ast #a2e mainl( been car'io an' some core& 1n "ear
o" in8ur( 1 $as a"rai' to 'o an( $eig#t bearing exercises6 because m(
imbalances coul' 4ut unnecessar( strain on m( 8oints& No$ t#at 1 #a2e
learne' #o$ an' $#( 1 ta+e t#e time to stretc# out 'uring m( $or+out& A
strong core an' 0exible bo'( #el4 4re2ent in8ur(&
9& !#at is (our intention to continue to 4ractice $#at (ou #a2e learne' in
(our li"e an' $#(.
5( 8ob re:uires a lot o" sitting6 sim4le c#anges 1 #a2e ma'e +ee4 m( bo'(
0exible& 1 #a2e re4lace' m( c#air $it# a $or+out ball& /#e exercises $e
learne' in class can be im4lemente' t#roug# out t#e 'a( $it# little e3ort&
Currentl( 1 am $or+ing on 4osture6 #i4 0exibilit(6 an' core strengt#& /#ese
sim4le c#anges can #a2e a long term im4act&
4& ,eneral i'eas "or im4ro2ing t#is course.
1 #a2e en8o(e' t#is class es4eciall( frst t#ing in t#e morning& ;or me
somet#ing t#at $oul' #a2e ma'e it better is al$a(s #a2ing a $orm u4
be"ore $e began& 1 li+e' seeing t#e results "rom our stretc# test6 an'
learning 'i3erent tec#ni:ues&

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