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IBM Systems Director

Installing IBM Systems Director with managed IBM DB2

database on Windows
Version 6.3

IBM Systems Director

Installing IBM Systems Director with managed IBM DB2
database on Windows
Version 6.3

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on
page 115.
Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2012.
US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
About this publication . . . . . . . . v
Conventions and terminology . . . . . . . . v
Publications and related information . . . . . . v
Web resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
How to send your comments . . . . . . . . ix
Checklist: Installing IBM Systems
Director Server . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Checklist: Installing agents . . . . . xiii
Chapter 1. Installing IBM Systems
Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Installation overview . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Installing IBM Systems Director Server . . . . . 2
Acquiring IBM Systems Director Server . . . . 3
Acquiring an installation DVD . . . . . . 4
Downloading the installation package . . . . 4
Preparing the management server . . . . . . 4
Installation worksheet for the management
server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Preparing the database application . . . . . 7
Preparing to install IBM Systems Director
Server on Windows . . . . . . . . . . 9
Preparing firewalls and proxies for IBM
Systems Director. . . . . . . . . . . 10
Installing firmware and device drivers . . . 11
Running the Pre-Installation Utility (PIU) . . . 15
Running the IBM Systems Director
Pre-Installation Utility on the management
server (Windows) . . . . . . . . . . 16
Windows pre-installation checks . . . . . 17
Installing IBM Systems Director on the
management server. . . . . . . . . . . 23
Installing IBM Systems Director Server on
Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Tips for creating the server response file for
IBM Systems Director Server . . . . . . 29
Verifying the successful installation of IBM
Systems Director on the management server . . 30
Configuring IBM Systems Director Server after
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Switching the database that IBM Systems
Director uses . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Database configuration attributes . . . . . 33
Tips for database user authorities and
passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Logging on to IBM Systems Director Server
for the first time . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Restarting IBM Systems Director Server . . . 49
Enabling Dynamic IP support . . . . . . 50
Configuring IBM Systems Director plug-ins . 52
Configuring the command-line interface . . . 53
Reviewing Microsoft Internet Explorer security
options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Configuring IP address properties . . . . . 55
Changing IBM Systems Director server health
settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Recovering from a failed installation of IBM
Systems Director Server 6.3.x . . . . . . . 58
Chapter 2. Installing agents. . . . . . 61
Running the Pre-Installation Utility on an agent
(Windows). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Installing Common Agent . . . . . . . . . 63
Preparing for a Common Agent managed system 64
Obtaining licenses for Common Agent . . . 64
Preparing to install Common Agent on
Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Installing agents using the Agent Installation
Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Installing Common Agent manually . . . . . 68
Installing Common Agent on Windows . . . 69
Installing Platform Agent . . . . . . . . . . 76
Preparing for a Platform Agent managed system 77
Preparing to install Platform Agent on
Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Installing agents using the Agent Installation
Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Installing Platform Agent manually . . . . . 81
Installing Platform Agent on Windows . . . 82
Verifying the successful installation of an IBM
Systems Director agent . . . . . . . . . . 89
Chapter 3. Preparing agentless
managed systems . . . . . . . . . . 91
Preparing to manage service processors with IBM
Systems Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Preparing to manage an IBM BladeCenter chassis
using IBM Systems Director Server on a non-blade
server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Preparing to manage an IBM BladeCenter chassis
using IBM Systems Director Server on a blade
server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Preparing Windows managed systems . . . . . 101
Preparing Windows Server 2003 managed
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Preparing Windows Server 2008 managed
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Preparing Windows Vista managed systems . . 102
Preparing to manage an agentless managed
system running Windows Vista . . . . . 103
Preparing a Windows Vista system for
Platform Agent managed system
management . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Preparing a Windows Vista system for
Common Agent managed system
management . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012 iii
Preparing Windows XP managed systems . . . 106
Chapter 4. Uninstalling . . . . . . . 109
Uninstalling IBM Systems Director on Windows 109
Uninstalling IBM Systems Director using the
Windows Add or Remove Programs feature . . 110
Uninstalling IBM Systems Director using the
isduninst command . . . . . . . . . . 112
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
iv Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
About this publication
This publication provides information about installing IBM

Systems Director for

the first time. It also covers the following topics:
v Preparing the server for the installation process
v Configuring a database for use with IBM Systems Director Server
v (Optional) Switching the database that IBM Systems Director uses
v Activating the advanced plug-ins of IBM Systems Director
v Installing agents and preparing agentless managed systems
v Uninstalling
If you are using a printed version of this information, you might consider printing
the following related PDFs:
v IBM Systems Director planning guide
v Upgrading and migrating to IBM Systems Director 6.3
v Systems management guide
You can access additional information and PDFs from the IBM Systems Director
information center Web site at
Conventions and terminology
These notices are designed to highlight key information:
Note: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice.
Important: These notices provide information or advice that might help you avoid
inconvenient or difficult situations.
Attention: These notices indicate possible damage to programs, devices, or data.
An attention notice appears before the instruction or situation in which damage
can occur.
Publications and related information
You can view the same content in the IBM Systems Director Information Center as
PDF documents. To view a PDF file, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can
be downloaded for free from the Adobe Web site at
Information centers and topic collections
v IBM Systems
View the IBM Systems information center landing page, which provides
integrated information for multiple IBM Systems products.
v IBM Systems Director
Updated periodically, the IBM Systems Director topic collection contains the
most up-to-date documentation available for IBM Systems Director.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012 v
v IBM Systems Director plug-ins
View the IBM Systems information center for information about how to install
and use plug-ins that extend the functionality of IBM Systems Director.
v IBM Systems Director Upward Integration Modules (UIMs)
Read the IBM Systems Director Upward Integration Modules (UIM) topic
collection to learn about how to install and use upward integration modules and
management packs that enable non-IBM workgroup and enterprise-management
products to interpret and display data that is provided by Common Agent and
Platform Agent.
v IBM Systems Director API Licensing
View the license information regarding use of IBM Systems Director APIs and
their associated documentation. Fill out the form to request API access. After
your information is reviewed, you will be contacted with additional information
regarding access to and use of the APIs.
Release Notes 6.3.2
Provides an easy reference to planning, install and troubleshooting
information for IBM Systems Director
IBM Systems Director Planning Guide
Provides planning information, including hardware requirements for
running IBM Systems Director components, supported IBM Systems
Director hardware, operating systems, databases, and workgroup and
enterprise systems-management software.
PDF files for installing IBM Systems Director Server
Provides detailed instructions to prepare for, install, and configure the IBM
Systems Director Server.
PDF files for installing IBM Systems Director agents
Provides detailed instructions to prepare for and install IBM Systems
Director agents on your managed systems, as well as, prepare for agentless
managed systems.
PDF files for upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director Server
Provides detailed instructions to upgrade and migrate the IBM Systems
Director Server.
PDF files for upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director agents
Provides detailed instructions to upgrade and migrate IBM Systems
Director agents.
IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide
Provides detailed instructions for using the Web interface and managing
systems and resources in your environment.
IBM Systems Director Troubleshooting Guide
Provides information about problems and how to solve them, and
strategies for troubleshooting common problems.
vi Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
IBM Systems Director Events Reference
Provides information about IBM Systems Director events, including the
event type, description, severity, and extended details.
IBM Systems Director Commands Reference
Provides detailed information about the systems management
command-line interface (smcli) commands, and other commands that can
be run directly from the command line, including configuring the database,
and starting and stopping IBM Systems Director.
IBM Systems Director Hardware Command Line User's Guide
Provides information about installing and using the Hardware Command
Line (formerly known as the IBM Management Processor Command-Line
Interface). Command output in this release might vary from command
output in previous releases.
White papers and briefs
v IBM Systems Director
This paper provides a detailed overview of the changes in IBM Systems Director
V6.1, including the new Web interface, security features, operating system
agents, integrated plug-ins and additional plug-ins that can be separately
v Value Proposition for IBM Systems Director
This paper describes the challenges of operational management for enterprise
server installations and the value provided IBM Systems Director.
v Performance Tuning and Scaling Guide for IBM Systems Director 6.3
Hardware requirements for running IBM Systems Director Server
Provides information about how to plan, implement, configure, and use an IBM
Systems Director Server to manage a large configuration with optimal
performance. The Performance Tuning and Scaling Guide also contains
information about the following topics:
Running IBM Systems Director plug-ins, such as IBM Systems Director Active
Energy Manager

and IBM Scalable Systems Manager

Integration with Tivoli

Implementing high availability
IBM Redbooks

You can also search this Web page for documents that focus on IBM Systems
Director and specific IBM hardware; such documents often contain
systems-management material. The following book is available for IBM Systems
Director V6.1:
Implementing IBM Systems Director 6.1
Tip: Be sure to note the date of publication and to determine the version of IBM
Systems Director software to which the Redbooks publication refers.
About this publication vii
Further information
See Searching knowledge bases for more resources for further information about
IBM Systems Director.
Web resources
Listed here are the websites and information center topics that relate to IBM
Systems Director.
v IBM Systems Director
View the IBM Systems Director website on

which provides links to

downloads and documentation for all currently supported versions of IBM
Systems Director.
v IBM Systems Director Downloads
View the IBM Systems Director Downloads website on which provides
links to download code IBM Systems Director, IBM Systems Director plug-ins,
and IBM Systems Director upward integration modules.
v IBM Systems Director Documentation and Resources
View the IBM Systems Director Documentation and Resources website on which provides links to product documentation, Redbooks, redpapers,
white papers, and learning modules that are related to IBM Systems Director,
IBM Systems Director plug-ins, and IBM Systems Director upward integration
v IBM Systems Director Upward Integration
View the IBM Systems Director Upward Integration website on which
provides more information about IBM Systems Director upward integration
modules that are created by IBM and other companies. IBM Systems Director
UIMs enable third-party workgroup and enterprise systems-management
products to interpret and display data that is provided by IBM Systems Director
Platform Agent managed system.
v IBM Systems Director Best Practices Wiki
View updated documentation and best practices for IBM Systems Director on
various systems.
v IBM Servers
View the IBM Servers website to learn about IBM Systems server and storage
v IBM ServerProven
View the IBM ServerProven website to learn about hardware compatibility of
IBM System x

and BladeCenter

systems with IBM applications and

middleware, including IBM Systems Director.
viii Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
v IBM Systems Director Forum (System x, System z

, Power Systems

View the IBM Systems Director Forum website on to discuss
product-related issues that pertain to IBM Systems Director, IBM Systems
Director UIMs, and IBM Systems Director extensions. This website includes a
link for obtaining the forum by using a Rich Site Summary (RSS) feed.
v IBM Systems Director 6.x SDK Forum
View the IBM Systems Director 6.x SDK Forum website to discuss issues that
pertain to the IBM Systems Director Software Development Kit (SDK). This
website includes a link for obtaining the forum by using a Rich Site Summary
(RSS) feed.
v IBM Systems Forums
View the IBM Systems Forums website on to learn about various
forums that are available to discuss technology-related and product-related
issues that pertain to IBM Systems hardware and software products. This
website includes a link for obtaining the forum by using a Rich Site Summary
(RSS) feed.
How to send your comments
Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and highest
quality information.
If you have any comments about this book or any other IBM Systems Director
publication, go to the IBM Systems Director information center Web site at There you will find
the feedback page where you can enter and submit comments.
About this publication ix
x Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Checklist: Installing IBM Systems Director Server
Use this checklist to guide you through the installation process.
1 Prepare the management server.
__ 1. Reference the installation worksheets (4.
__ 2. Prepare the database application (7).
__ 3. Prepare firewalls and proxies on the management server (10).
__ 4. Prepare the management server (9).
__ 5. Run the Pre-Installation Utility (15.
2 Install IBM Systems Director Server.
__ 1. Install IBM Systems Director Server (23).
__ 2. Verifying the management server installation. (30
3 Configuring after installation (logging in for the first time, switching databases, and more)
__ 1. Perform some post install configuration of IBM Systems Director Server (30).
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012 xi
xii Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Checklist: Installing agents
Use this checklist to guide you through the installation process.
1 Prepare your managed systems.
__ 1. Run the Pre-Installation Utility (62.
__ 2. Prepare systems for Platform Agent (77).
__ 3. Prepare systems for Common Agent (64).
__ 4. If relevant, prepare any agentless managed systems for discovery and
management by IBM Systems Director (91).
2 Install the agents.
__ 1. Use the Agent Installation Wizard to deploy agent packages to your
managed systems (65).
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012 xiii
xiv Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Chapter 1. Installing IBM Systems Director
If you are installing IBM Systems Director for the first time, use these instructions
to install the latest version on your system.
This procedure assumes that your system has no version of IBM Systems Director
or IBM Director and therefore, there is nothing to upgrade or migrate. If you are
upgrading or migrating data from a previous version of IBM Systems Director, see
Upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director.
Related tasks:
Upgrading and migrating Systems Director
Related reference:
Installation and migration troubleshooting
Installation overview
Before you install IBM Systems Director, understand the overall installation process
and components.
Installation process
The graphic below illustrates the overall installation process. After you prepare
your existing environment for IBM Systems Director and determine how you plan
to use the product, you must prepare your system to install the management
server. There is a Pre-Installation Utility, installation worksheets, and tasks to help
prepare your server for a smooth installation process. Keep in mind this overall
flow as you progress through the pre-installation and installation tasks. After you
verify that the management server is installed successfully, there are tasks to
configure the management server and tailor its settings to your needs. Similar tasks
are required to install the agent on managed systems.
Prepared environment
Acquiring Systems
Configuring after
Preparing to install
management server
Verify success
Check for updates
Verify success
Check for updates
Installing agents
After IBM Systems Director is installed and configured for the first time, you can
continue to discover new systems, collect inventory, and configure plug-ins.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012 1
The base plug-ins in IBM Systems Director provide core function to manage the
full life cycle of IBM servers, storage, network, and virtual servers. Plug-ins that
provide advanced function or function tailored to a particular environment can be
downloaded and installed on top of IBM Systems Director.
The advanced plug-ins below are automatically installed with IBM Systems
v Active Energy Manager
v Service and Support Manager
v IBM Systems Director VMControl
These plug-ins no longer have a separate installation or uninstallation process.
Although you do not need to download, install or configure these plug-ins
separately, you must activate Active Energy Manager and IBM Systems Director
VMControl before using them. For more information about activating or using
these plug-ins, see Configuring IBM Systems Director plug-ins.
Note: For more information about discovery, inventory, and using the Web
interface, see Publications and related information to access the Systems
Management guide.
Related tasks:
Acquiring IBM Systems Director Server
Preparing the management server
Running the Pre-Installation Utility (PIU)
Installing the Systems Director Server
Configuring after installation
Verifying the successful installation of IBM Systems Director on the management
Updating Systems Director
Related reference:
Installation worksheet for the management server
Installing IBM Systems Director Server
Installing IBM Systems Director Server requires some preparation.
The following graphic outlines the installation process for IBM Systems Director
Server. Use the links provided to acquire, prepare for, install, and configure the
IBM Systems Director Server.
2 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Note: For information about discovery, inventory, and using the Web interface, see
Publications and related information to access the Systems Management guide.
Related concepts:
System discovery
Related tasks:
Updating Systems Director
Discovering systems with system discovery
Activating advanced plugins
Logging on to IBM Systems Director Server for the first time
Related reference:
Systems Director Downloads
Acquiring IBM Systems Director Server
You can either download the installation package or acquire an installation DVD.
Then, you can use the installation package or DVD to install IBM Systems Director
Server 6.3.x.
Chapter 1. Installing 3
Related concepts:
Installation overview on page 1
Related reference:
Installation worksheet for the management server
Acquiring an installation DVD
If you do not already have an installation DVD for IBM Systems Director Server,
complete the following steps:
1. Download the DVD image from the IBM Systems Director Downloads website
2. If you are using Windows or AIX

5.3, burn the image onto a DVD.

After you have an installation DVD, finish preparing to install the management
server to IBM Systems Director 6.3.x. For instructions, see Preparing the
management server.
Downloading the installation package
To download the installation package for installing IBM Systems Director Server,
complete the following steps:
1. Download the installation package from the IBM Systems Director Downloads
website at
2. To extract the contents of the installation package, type the following command
depending on your operating system:
v Windows:
3. If you are using Windows, change to the directory in which the installation
script, dirinstall.server, is located by typing the following command and
pressing Enter:
cd \installed_files\server\i386|x64
Where installed_files is the path to the extracted installation files.
After you finish downloading the installation package, finish preparing to install
the management server to IBM Systems Director 6.3.x. For instructions, see
Preparing the management server.
Preparing the management server
Before installing IBM Systems Director Server, make sure that the requirements that
are applicable to your system have been met.
Related reference:
Hardware and software requirements
Supported operating systems
Installation worksheet for the management server
The installation worksheet describes the properties and parameters required to
complete the IBM Systems Director Server installation process for a custom
4 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
installation. Depending on your configuration, you may need to contact your
database administrator for specific values.
There are two paths through the IBM Systems Director Server installation process:
basic installation and custom installation. The basic installation path installs the
managed IBM DB2

database. The managed IBM DB2 database is packaged and

installed with IBM Systems Director Server 6.3.x by default. This database is
recommended if you are installing IBM Systems Director Server for the first time
and do not have an existing database that you intend to use with the IBM Systems
Director Server. It is installed on the same server as the IBM Systems Director
Server, does not require an extra license, and is updated as part of any IBM
Systems Director Server update.
Note: You can choose to configure the managed IBM DB2 after the initial
installation is complete or switch databases to use the managed IBM DB2 database
at a later time.
A custom installation (either using the installation wizard or a response file) allows
you to use an existing database and configure it for use with the IBM Systems
Director Server.
Related concepts:
Database application
Related tasks:
Choosing the database application
Installation worksheet when using managed IBM DB2:
Use this worksheet to record and plan for a custom IBM Systems Director
installation with the managed IBM DB2 database.
Custom installation worksheet
During the installation process, you can select a basic or custom installation. Unlike
a basic installation, the custom installation requires some values that you might
want to acquire before the installation process. Use this worksheet to record and
plan for a custom installation.
Table 1. Properties or parameters required during a custom installation process
Custom installation Your value
Setup type Custom
User credentials
Local computer name The panel displays the default value of the local computer.
User name The panel displays the default value of the local computer.
Common agent configuration
Common agent port
9510 (default)
Nonstop service ports 9514, 9515 (default)
Agent manager configuration
Chapter 1. Installing 5
Table 1. Properties or parameters required during a custom installation process (continued)
Custom installation Your value
Select an agent manager
v Create an agent manager
v Select an existing agent
Create an agent manager (default)
New agent manager configuration
Tip: To make it easier to remember, you might set the Agent manager user name,
password, and registration password to match the local computer user name and
Agent manager user name
Agent manager password
Agent registration
Database type
Select the database you
intend to use.
IBM DB2 managed by IBM Systems Director Server
Local installation folder
Database port 50010 (default)
Drive to contain the
The default values include:
v Windows: C
Note: While the C drive is the typical default, the value
matches the location where you install IBM Systems
Initial database password Generated by default; however, you can choose to specify
your own.
Web server ports
HTTP port 8421 (default)
HTTP secure port 8422 (default)
Server startup options
v Automatically start
server at the end of the
v Configure the server
service as a nonstop
Note: Nonstop service
monitors the IBM
Systems Director server
and restarts the server if
it appears to have
stopped. It is selected by
After you complete the installation worksheet, be sure to prepare your database
and management server for the installation.
6 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Related concepts:
Agent manager
Related tasks:
Preparing the database application
Preparing the management server
Setting the agent manager
Related reference:
Tips for user authorities and passwords for the managed IBM DB2 database
Preparing the database application
Prepare your chosen database for use with IBM Systems Director and configure
them to work together. If you choose to use the default embedded database, this
step is not necessary.
Ensure that you have chosen the supported database application that you will use
with IBM Systems Director. See Choosing the IBM Systems Director database
application for information that helps you decide the database application to use.
The effort required to prepare the database depends on the database application
that you choose. Preparation might include one or more of the following tasks:
v Downloading and installing the applicable database administrator client
v Downloading and installing the applicable Java

Database Connectivity (JDBC)

v Creating a database or server ID
v Configuring and starting a TCP/IP listener
v Setting the authentication mode.
There is no preparation required to use the systems default database. However,
there is a database prerequisite tool that you can run to ensure that system meets
the requirements of the default database.
To use a database other than your system's default database with IBM Systems
Director, follow the steps in the appropriate topic to prepare your database
Note: You can install IBM Systems Director before preparing the database, but you
will only be able to use the default IBM DB2 database until you configure IBM
Systems Director Server to use a different database.
After the database application is prepared, you can install IBM Systems Director
Server and configure it to connect to the database.
Chapter 1. Installing 7
Related concepts:
Database application
Related tasks:
Configuring the database
Choosing the database application
Related reference:
Supported operating systems
Database preparation considerations for upgrading and migrating
smsave command
smrestore command
Running the Pre-Installation Utility
Preparing for Managed IBM DB2:
Before installing IBM Systems Director 6.3.x, ensure that your system meets
requirements for the default database.
1. To ensure that your operating system meets the software requirements for the
managed IBM DB2 database, run the Pre-Installation Utility (PIU). For more
information, see "Running the Pre-Installation Utility (PIU)."
2. IBM Systems Director installs the managed IBM DB2 database using a
temporary password. The temporary password is later changed to the
appropriate password value. On IBM Systems Director Server 6.3.2 (and later),
the temporary password is only used when installing managed IBM DB2
through the IBM Systems Director Server installer with the option to use
randomly generated passwords. For all other cases with IBM Systems Director
Server 6.3.2, including post-installation configuration, the appropriate password
is set immediately when managed IBM DB2 is installed.
IBM Systems Director uses the following temporary passwords:
v For AIX and Linux: think4me
v For Windows:
d1Think4Me (IBM Systems Director 6.3.x)
sd1_632Thnk4Me (IBM Systems Director 6.3.2 and later)
If your security policy does not support the temporary password, ensure that
you install with the IBM Systems Director 6.3.2 downloadable ISO image and
that you specify your own password for managed IBM DB2 when you perform
the installation.
After you have prepared for the managed IBM DB2 database, you can continue
preparing the management server for installation. For instructions, see Preparing
the management server on page 4.
8 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Related tasks:
Running the Pre-Installation Utility (PIU)
Related reference:
Installation requirements for DB2 database products
Preparing to install IBM Systems Director Server on Windows
Before installing IBM Systems Director on a management server running Windows,
make sure that your server meets all the applicable requirements.
Review the following information and complete the necessary steps to prepare
your system for installation:
v Review any technical notes related to installation issues. You can search for
technical notes on the IBM Support Portal at:
v Run the Pre-Installation Utility and fix any errors that it identifies. For
instructions, see Running the Pre-Installation Utility (PIU) on page 15.
v Ensure that your system meets the hardware and software requirements
(including those for databases, security, and networking) for installation, as
described in Hardware and software requirements.
v If there is an operating system update in progress, ensure that the process is
complete and you restart the system before starting the IBM Systems Director
installation process.
v Systems with service processors: Install the supporting device drivers and
mapping layers, if they are not already installed. See Preparing to manage
service processors with IBM Systems Director for information about these
drivers and mapping layers.
v Ensure that the Windows Installer service is enabled. If the Windows Installer
service is not enabled, the installation may fail.
v Before installing IBM Systems Director Server on a system that has IBM Storage
Configuration Manager installed, you must first uninstall IBM Storage
Configuration Manager. After installing IBM Systems Director Server, you can
reinstall IBM Storage Configuration Manager on a different system.
v Ensure that the system clocks on the systems that contain IBM Systems Director
Server and Common Agent remain synchronized.
v Acquire IBM Systems Director Server. You can install IBM Systems Director
Server from either a downloaded installation package or from an installation
DVD. Depending on which method you choose, you must either download the
installation package or prepare to use the installation DVD. For instructions, see
Acquiring IBM Systems Director Server.
v When you log on to Windows and install IBM Systems Director, the IBM
Systems Director service will automatically use your Windows user ID and
password for interactions between IBM Systems Director Server and its managed
resources. If your security policy requires an approved user ID and password for
communication between IBM Systems Director and its managed resources, you
need to change the IBM Systems Director service to use the secure service
account. To change ownership of the service account after installing IBM
Systems Director Server, complete the following steps:
1. In Windows, select Computer Management > Services and Applications >
2. Right-click IBM Systems Director Server service and select Properties.
3. Select the Log On tab.
Chapter 1. Installing 9
4. Select This Account and enter the credentials of the service account. The
account must have admin rights on all of the managed resources.
v Review the Release Notes

for IBM Systems Director 6.3.2. To view and

download the Release Notes, see .
After you have prepared your management server, install IBM Systems Director.
Related tasks:
Acquiring Systems Director Server
Related reference:
Hardware and software requirements
Supported operating systems
Related information:
Windows installation troubleshooting
Preparing firewalls and proxies for IBM Systems Director
You must configure the firewalls and proxy server to enable installation and
operation of IBM Systems Director if you have firewalls in your network, or if the
management server must use a proxy server to access the internet.
IBM Systems Director must be able to access all the managed objects in the
network, and if you will use a remote Web browser to access the management
server, the remote systems running the Web browser and the management server
must have access to each other. In addition, some functions of IBM Systems
Director, including update manager, require access to the Internet.
To enable this access, you must configure firewalls and proxies in your network to
allow access by IBM Systems Director components.
Complete the following steps to configure firewalls and proxies in your network:
1. Identify the ports that you will use in your systems-management environment
and ensure that those ports are open before you start installation. For example,
you must ensure that the listener ports for IBM Systems Director Server and
Common Agent are open. See All available ports for a complete list of the
ports that IBM Systems Director components can use.
Note: HTTP port 80 is required to be open for downloading updates using
Update Manager.
2. Ensure that internet connections exist to the following internet addresses as
they are required by IBM Systems Director and various plug-ins.
Note: IP addresses are subject to change, so ensure that you use DNS names
whenever possible.
Table 2. Required internet connections
DNS name IP address Port(s) Protocol(s)
Update manager,,
443 and 80 https and http 443 and 80 https and http
10 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Table 2. Required internet connections (continued)
DNS name IP address Port(s) Protocol(s) 443 and 80 https and http 443 and 80 https and http 443 and 80 https and http 443 and 80 https and http,
443 and 80 https and http,
443 and 80 https and http,
443 and 80 https and http
Service and Support Manager 443 https 443 https,,
443 https 443 https 443 https 21 ftps
3. If the management server requires access to the Internet but does not have
direct access, complete the following steps to configure the management server
to use the proxy when accessing the Internet.
a. Ensure that the selected proxy server is configured to use basic
authentication. The update manager task supports only basic authentication
with the proxy server. If digest or NTLM authentication are required,
update manager will be unable to access update packages from IBM.
b. Use the update manager Settings page to configure the management server
to use the proxy server. See Changing update settings for more
Related reference:
All available ports
IBM Support Portal
Installing firmware and device drivers
Before installing IBM Systems Director on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux,
VMware ESX Server, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, or Windows
Server 2012 you need to install the latest firmware and device drivers for IBM
service processors, ServeRAID controllers, and IBM adapters such as Brocade and
QLogic. To accomplish this, you can either use the IBM UpdateXpress System Pack
Installer (UXSPi) or you can install the files manually.
Note: This topic only applies to Windows and Linux for System x.
Decide the level of agent management that is required for your system. See
Choosing the management level for managed systems for information.
Chapter 1. Installing 11
RSA II notes for installing on Linux:
v The RSA II daemon requires the libusb and libusb-devel packages, which are
typically installed by default. If your distribution or installation does not include
or install these packages, you must install them prior to installing the RSA II
v If you are running Linux, the RSA II daemon requires that you configure RSA II
for Linux OS prior to installation. Change this setting through the RSA II Web
management interface or through a setting found in the system BIOS setup
To install the latest firmware and device drivers for IBM service processors and
ServeRAID controllers and ServeRAID Manager plug-ins, use the IBM
UpdateXpress System Pack Installer (UXSPi) for the latest UpdateXpress System
Pack (UXSP) that is built for the target systems that you are updating. The UXSPi
will automatically install the latest BIOS, IPMI baseboard management controller
(BMC), Remote Supervisor Adapter II (RSA II), ServeRAID, and other firmware as
a set, as required for your server. It will also automatically install the required
IPMI device drivers for the BMC and the RSA Server Software for the RSA II.
v If newer versions of the individual driver and firmware updates that were
included in your UXSP are released after you apply the UXSP, do not install the
newer individual updates unless they address a very specific need or fix.
Instead, wait until a new UXSP is released, then apply that.
v IBM Systems Director has compliance policies that provide visual indications of
a system's level of compliance as determined by rules that you set up in each
compliance policy. If you utilize compliance policies, it is recommended to base
them on UXSP updates instead of individual driver and firmware updates. For
example, a recommended compliance policy would stipulate that all of the
systems in your environment should have at least the latest UXSP installed, and
an environment that contains the latest UXSP will be considered in compliance.
IBM Hardware Support will also consider such an environment as appropriate
and fully supported, and PMRs should not require that you apply any further
updates to your systems unless a fix is identified in a newer version of an
individual update.
To download the UXSP that contains the needed firmware and drivers for your
system, see "IBM Support Portal" and select the appropriate UXSP library.
If you choose to not use the UpdateXpress System Pack Installer, perform the
following steps to download and install the latest firmware and device driver files
for your Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux, or VMware ESX Server system.
Install only the required firmware for each of the following elements that you have
in your environment.
v These steps apply to only Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux, or VMware
ESX Server systems, though the steps that are required for Windows systems are
v See Preparing to manage service processors with IBM Systems Director for
more information about service processors.
v If your system contains an Integrated systems management processor (ISMP),
you need to instead install LM78 and SMBus drivers. See Installing the IBM
LM78 or SMBus device driver for information.
12 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
1. Install the latest firmware for BMC service processors.
a. Download into a temporary directory the BMC firmware file from "IBM Support
Portal." This file is available for all supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
SUSE Linux, and VMware ESX Server operating systems, so download the
version that applies to your system.
b. Navigate to the temporary directory into which you downloaded the file.
c. Use a console prompt from the temporary directory to run the following
./ -s -a -s
2. Install the latest daemon for the RSA II service processors.
a. Download into a temporary directory the ibm_svc_rsa2_XXXXXXX_linux_32-
64.tgz RSA II daemon file from "IBM Support Portal." This file is available
for all supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux, and VMware ESX
Server operating systems, so download the version that applies to your
b. Navigate to the temporary directory into which you downloaded the file.
c. Use a console prompt from the temporary directory to run the following
tar xzf ibm_svc_rsa2_XXXXXXX_linux_32-64.tgz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin;./ --update
3. Install the latest firmware for the RSA II service processors.
a. Download into a temporary directory the RSA II firmware file from "IBM
Support Portal." This file is available for all supported Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux, and VMware ESX Server operating systems, so
download the version that applies to your system.
b. Navigate to the temporary directory into which you downloaded the file.
c. Use a console prompt from the temporary directory to run the following
tar xzf
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin;./ --update -force-if-overridden
4. Install the latest device drivers for your Integrated Management Module (IMM)
service processors.
a. Go to "IBM Support Portal."
b. Download firmware file ibm_fw_imm_yuoo******.bin into a temporary
c. Log in to the IMM web console.
d. Navigate to the "Update Firmware" page and click Browse.
e. Select the downloaded firmware file and click Update. The firmware file is
uploaded to the IMM.
f. When the upload completes, click Continue to complete the installation.
5. Install the latest device drivers for your Integrated Management Module II
(IMM2) service processors.
a. Go to "IBM Support Portal."
b. Download the firmware file ibm_fw_imm2_1aoo******_anyos_noarch.uxz into
a temporary directory.
c. Log in to the IMM2 web console.
d. Navigate to the "Server Firmware" page and click Update Firmware.
e. Select the downloaded firmware file.
Chapter 1. Installing 13
f. Click Next. The firmware file is uploaded to the IMM2.
g. When the upload completes, the "Action 1" drop-down list is displayed.
Select "Update the primary bank (default action)" or "Update the backup
bank" from the list. If you want to update both, click the Add action button
and make sure both actions are selected.
h. Click Next to complete the installation.
6. Install the latest firmware and device drivers for ServeRAID controllers.
Note: If you are installing "IBM ServeRAID Firmware and BIOS Update 7.12.14
for Windows - IBM System x" , the 8.3 short file name (SFN) should be enabled,
and the TMP environment variable should exist and point to a directory. For
information about how to enable the 8.3 short file name support, refer to your
Windows support documentation.
a. Download into a temporary directory the following individual files that are
required for your servers from "IBM Support Portal."
Note: The firmware packages apply to all Linux and VMware ESX Server
distributions, but you must download the appropriate device driver for
your particular distribution.
Table 3. Required ServeRAID controller firmware and device driver files
Files (see
Key 1)
U1 32-bit
U1 64-bit
ESX Server
1 X X
2 X X
3 X X
4 X X X X X X X
5 X X
6 X X
7 X X
8 X X X X X X X
Key 1:
v 1: ServeRAID MR 10 Device driver (systems with ServeRAID 10
hardware): ibm_dd_sraidmr_XXXXXXXX_rhel5_32-64.tgz
v 2: ServeRAID MR 10 Device driver (systems with ServeRAID 10
hardware): ibm_dd_sraidmr_XXXXXXXX_sles9_32-64.tgz
v 3: ServeRAID MR 10 Device driver (systems with ServeRAID 10
hardware): ibm_dd_sraidmr_XXXXXXXX_sles10_32-64.tgz
v 4: ServeRAID MR 10 Firmware (systems with ServeRAID 10 hardware):
v 5: ServeRAID 8 Device driver (systems with ServeRAID 8 hardware):
v 6: ServeRAID 8 Device driver (systems with ServeRAID 8 hardware):
v 7: ServeRAID 8 Device driver (systems with ServeRAID 8 hardware):
v 8: ServeRAID 8 Firmware (systems with ServeRAID 8 hardware):
14 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
b. Navigate to the temporary directory into which you downloaded the files.
c. Use a console prompt from the temporary directory to run the installation
command for each of the downloaded files. Use the following installation
command examples as guides:
Example: ServeRAID 8 on RHEL 5
tar xzf ibm_dd_aacraid_1.1.5.2434_sles10_32-64.tgz
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH ; ./ --update
./ibm_XX_aacraid_XXXXXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXX.bin -s
Example: ServeRAID 10 on RHEL 5
tar xzf ibm_dd_sraidmr_XXXXXXXX_rhel5_32-64.tgz
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH ; ./ --update
./ibm_fw_sraidmr_XXXXXXXXXXX_linux_32-64.bin -s
7. Install the latest device drivers for your IBM Brocade Adapters.
a. Go to "IBM Support Portal."
b. Download the following device drivers:
v For the IBM Flex System FC Adapter, download version device
v For the IBM System x HBA cards, download version device
Running the Pre-Installation Utility (PIU)
Use the Pre-Installation Utility to ensure that your system meets the IBM Systems
Director requirements.
The IBM Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility scans the local system to identify
potential problems that might prevent IBM Systems Director from installing
successfully. The utility runs checks on disk space, memory, prerequisite software,
processors, and more. It does not scan for device drive or firmware requirements.
The tool is run automatically during the installation process; however, you can
choose to run the tool before starting the installation wizard as well. This practice
is a good way to find and fix possible problems in advance.
Note: If you are using a local database, the requirements might be slightly higher
than what is checked by the Pre-Installation Utility. See the hardware requirements
topics for information related to database considerations.
Chapter 1. Installing 15
Related concepts:
Installation overview on page 1
Related tasks:
Preparing to upgrade and migrate
Related reference:
Installation worksheet for the management server
Hardware and software requirements
Pre-Installation Utility
Systems Director Downloads
Running the IBM Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility on the
management server (Windows)
To run the IBM Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility on Windows, complete the
following steps.
You can obtain or run the Pre-Installation Utility from three locations.
Table 4. Obtaining the Pre-Installation Utility
Location Action
IBM Systems Director 6.3.2 DVD If you do not already have the DVD, you
can burn the image onto DVD from the IBM
Systems Director Downloads website. Download the Pre-Installation Utility
directly from the IBM Systems Director
Downloads website.
Included in the file
Download the entire IBM Systems Director
installation package from the Downloads
website. The Pre-Installation Utility is
automatically started as part of the
installation process on the management
Note: The IBM Systems Director downloads website always contains the most recent
version of the Pre-Installation Utility.
1. To start the IBM Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility, choose the applicable
v Directly from the Pre-Installation Utility download
v Included with the installation package
Complete the following steps.
a. Insert the DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.
b. If the IBM Systems Director Welcome window automatically opens, then
complete the following steps:
1) Select your language.
2) Click Systems Director Server.
16 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
3) Click Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility.
c. If the IBM Systems Director Welcome window does not automatically
open, then complete the following steps, as applicable:
1) Click Start > Run
2) In the Open field, type the following command and press Enter:
e:\server\{i386 or x64}\checkds\checkds.bat
where e is the DVD-ROM drive letter on your system. The IBM
Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility starts.
v Directly from the Pre-Installation Utility download
a. Extract the contents of the Pre-Installation Utility package, type the
following command, and press Enter:
b. Change to the directory where the Pre-Installation Utility script is located
by running the following command:
cd checkds
c. Start the Pre-Installation Utility by running the following command:
v Included with the installation package
These steps assume you already downloaded IBM Systems Director and
extracted the installation package.
a. Change to the directory where the launchpad*.exe file resides, type the
following command (as applicable), and press Enter:.
The IBM Systems Director Welcome window appears.
b. On the Welcome window, complete the following steps to start the
Pre-Installation Utility:
1) Select your language.
2) Click Systems Director Server.
3) Click Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility.
2. Reports are generated and results are displayed in the command window or
the default browser. Refer to the \checkds\readme.txt file for more information
about checkds.bat options, the reports that are generated, and return codes. The
\checkds.bat -? command also displays supported syntax.
Related reference:
JAWS does not read Pre-Installation Utility content
Systems Director Downloads
Windows pre-installation checks
After you run the Pre-Installation Utility, you receive a report summarizing the
results of the pre-installation checks performed on your system. Use this
information to correct potential problems before installing IBM Systems Director
Server 6.3.x.
Some of the checks performed by the Pre-Installation Utility include:
Chapter 1. Installing 17
v Runtime authentication
v OS compatibility
v Host architecture
v Processors
v Disk space available
v Memory available
v Performance information
v User name
v Short name
v Paging size
v Managed IBM DB2 prerequisite check
The managed IBM DB2 prerequisite check is available through the installation
process when installing IBM Systems Director from the DVD or the
downloadable installation package. The managed IBM DB2 prerequisite check is
not available from the downloadable Pre-Installation Utility.
Related reference:
Pre-Installation Utility
Port availability:
IBM Systems Director Server and Common Agent require a number of ports to be
Ensure the following ports are available and start the installation process again.
Option Description
Management server The IBM Systems Director installation
processes and Web server require access to a
number of ports on the management server.
If these ports are blocked by a firewall or
used by another process, the installation
fails. By default, IBM Systems Director
server requires the following ports:
v 8421
v 8422
v 20000
18 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Option Description
Common Agent Ensure that the installation is set to use
ports that are not already in use. By default,
the Common Agent installation process
requires the following ports:
v 9510
v 9514
v 9515
If these ports are already in use when you
install the agent, the installation fails. These
ports might be in use is if you have a
different version of the CAS agent installed,
for example as part of the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager agent. Ensure these
ports are available and start the installation
process again.
Platform Agent Ensure that the installation is set to use
ports that are not already in use. By default,
the Platform Agent installation process
requires the following ports:
v 15988
v 15989
v 6989
If these ports are already in use when you
install the agent, the installation fails.
Related reference:
All available ports
Promotion check:
The promotion check determines whether you can perform an upgrade or
promotion on the system. An upgrade installs a later version of the product. A
promotion installs a common agent over an existing platform agent.
Related tasks:
Determining your upgrade path
Determining the installed version
Migration checks:
Migrating IBM Systems Director Server from 6.2.x to 6.3.2 is not supported. The
migration validity check determines whether 6.2.x is installed, and instructs the
user to migrate to 6.3.0 and then to use update manager to update to 6.3.2.
This check only shows a failure if it detects a version before IBM Systems Director
Server 6.2.x. If the Pre-Installation Utility cannot read existing product data, you
receive a warning.
1. Verify that you have IBM Systems Director Server 6.2.x installed.
2. Ensure that your management server is running IBM Systems Director Server
6.2.x. If not, you must first upgrade your system to IBM Systems Director
Chapter 1. Installing 19
Server 6.2.x. If you do not want to retain previous product files or data, you
might prefer to uninstall an older version and perform a new 6.3 installation.
Related tasks:
Determining your upgrade path
Determining the installed version
RSA check:
You cannot upgrade when the Remote Supervisor Adapter II (RSA II) is installed
and enabled.
If the Pre-Installation Utility detects the Remote Supervisor Adapter II (RSA II) or
if it detects RSA II along with IBM Director Core Services 5.20.31 or older, the
Pre-Installation Utility check fails.
1. Ensure that the management server is running IBM Systems Director Server
6.2.x before you upgrade. If not, you must first upgrade your system to IBM
Systems Director Server 6.2.x. If you do not want to migrate existing data, you
might prefer to uninstall an older version and perform a new IBM Systems
Director Server 6.3 installation.
2. If you uninstall the old version of IBM Systems Director Server, ensure that the
RSA service processor is uninstalled or disabled.
Host name check:
Ensure that your system is able to resolve both its own name and localhost name.
Use either the domain name server (DNS) or the /etc/hosts file
(%WinDir%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file for Windows) to ensure that your
system can resolve its own name and localhost name.
Important: If there is no DNS setting on your Common Agent system, to ensure
that Common Agent works properly, you must set all global IP addresses in
/etc/hosts (%WinDir%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts for Windows).
1. Use the ping command to ensure that the localhost name resolves successfully. If
the ping command is unsuccessful, ping the gateway IP address and the DNS
server IP address to help identify where the communication problem is
2. View the IP address and host name information in the /etc/hosts file to ensure
that they are listed correctly.
Valid user ID check:
Your user ID must be valid for both Windows and IBM DB2.
You will receive an error if the user ID that you used to log on to Windows is not
valid for managed IBM DB2. Ensure that your user ID meets the following
2. Cannot begin with IBM, SQL or SYS.
3. Cannot be any of the following SQL reserved words:
20 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Chapter 1. Installing 21
22 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Installing IBM Systems Director on the management server
After preparing your system, use the IBM Systems Director Server installation
procedure for the operating system on which you plan install IBM Systems
Director Server.
As part of the installation process, the Pre-Installation Utility runs automatically to
ensure that your system meets specific requirements. In addition, Service and
Support Manager, Active Energy Manager, and IBM Systems Director VMControl
are also installed. However, Active Energy Manager and IBM Systems Director
VMControl must be activated if you intend to use them.
Note: You are advised to not install IBM Systems Director on the same system as
IBM Storage Configuration Manager (SCM).
Related tasks:
Preparing the management server
Installing IBM Systems Director Server on Windows
After preparing your system, you can install IBM Systems Director Server on a
Windows system by downloading the installation files from the IBM Systems
Director support Web site or by using the DVD. You can then perform a standard
installation or upgrade by using the wizard in a standard interactive mode, or you
can perform an unattended (either with or without status feedback) installation or
upgrade by using a response file that automatically provides answers to the
questions that the wizard poses.
Installing IBM Systems Director Server on Windows using the installation
Use the IBM Systems Director Server installation wizard to install IBM Systems
Director Server on a system that is running Windows.
The following graphic shows all the components included in the installation
Management server
Installation includes:
- Management Server
- Web Interface
- Command-line Interface
- Common Agent
- Platform Agent
- Service and Support Manager
- Active Energy Manager
- VMControl
When you install IBM Systems Director Server, the installation wizard
automatically installs the necessary components and databases that you choose.
Chapter 1. Installing 23
You can install IBM Systems Director Server on Windows from either installation
media or from a downloaded installation package.
To install IBM Systems Director Server, log in with an administrator account and
complete the following steps:
1. Start the install from the installation source:
v Downloaded installation files:
a. Click Start > Run.
b. In the Open field, type the following command and press Enter:
installation_directory is the path to the extracted installation files.
installation_file is IBMSystemsDirectorServerSetup.exe for 32 bit
systems or IBMSystemsDirectorServerSetup64.exe for 64 bit systems.
For more robust installation logs, specify the verbose option.
c. The installation wizard for IBM Systems Director is shown.
v DVD media:
a. Insert the DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.
b. Determine whether the IBM Systems Director Welcome window
automatically opens:
If yes, go to Step 3f.
If no, go to Step 3c.
c. Click Start > Run
d. In the Open field, type the following command and press Enter:
dvd_drive is the drive that contains the DVD.
launchpad_file is launchpad.exe for 32-bit systems or launchpad64.exe
for 64 bit systems.
e. The Welcome window opens.
f. Select your language.
g. Click IBM Systems Director Server.
h. Click Install IBM Systems Director Server.
Alternately, you can start the installation wizard by using the keyboard. For
instructions, see Starting the installation wizard for IBM Systems Director
Server on Windows by using the keyboard on page 28.
2. Click Next. The License Agreement page is displayed
3. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next. The Feature
and installation directory selection page is displayed.
4. Continue to complete the wizard. There is a basic setup type and a custom
setup type.
Basic With basic installation, you are presented with the minimum number of
setup screens and IBM Systems Director default settings are used. The
user ID and password that you enter on the User account page is also
used for the configuration of the embedded agent manager for the
24 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
With custom installation, you are presented with all the setup screens
and can change the IBM Systems Director default values, such as which
database application to use, the web server ports, and agent manager
configuration, as necessary. Use the Custom installation worksheet to
record and collect parameters required during a custom installation
5. If you used the DVD for installation, remove the DVD from the drive.
6. If you are prompted to restart your system, click Yes.
Note: If Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI), version 4.5 or later is not installed
on the system, it is installed during the IBM Systems Director Server
installation. If the upgrade is necessary, the system prompts you to restart
following the installation of IBM Systems Director Server without specifying
that MSI was installed. You are prompted to restart whether or not the IBM
Systems Director Server installation is completed successfully.
After you have installed IBM Systems Director Server, you can start IBM Systems
Director Server and verify that the installation was successful. For instructions, see
Verifying the successful installation of IBM Systems Director on the management
server on page 30.
Related tasks:
Preparing the management server
Upgrading and migrating Systems Director on Windows using the installation
Recovering from a failed installation of IBM Systems Director Server 6.3.x
Related reference:
smstart command
Installation worksheet for the management server
Systems Director Downloads
Related information:
Windows installation troubleshooting
Exchanging information with IBM
Performing an unattended or silent installation of IBM Systems Director Server
on Windows:
After preparing your System x server for the installation of IBM Systems Director,
you can perform an unattended or silent installation of IBM Systems Director
Server by using a response file. This method creates a standard installation file that
can be used on many systems.
The following graphic shows all the components included in the installation
Chapter 1. Installing 25
Management server
Installation includes:
- Management Server
- Web Interface
- Command-line Interface
- Common Agent
- Platform Agent
- Service and Support Manager
- Active Energy Manager
- VMControl
When you perform an unattended installation of IBM Systems Director Server, the
response file provides answers to the questions that are posed by the installation
You can install IBM Systems Director Server on Windows from either installation
media or from a downloaded installation package.
After the installation process, you can configure a database to use with IBM
Systems Director and configure the agent manager.
To use a response file to install IBM Systems Director Server on Windows, log in
with an administrator account and complete the following steps:
1. If you are using the downloaded installation package, then go to the next step.
If you are using a DVD, then complete the following substeps to start the
a. Insert the DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.
b. If the installation program starts automatically and the IBM Systems
Director Setup window opens, close it.
c. Copy the dirserv.rsp response file to a local directory. A sample response
file named dirserv.rsp is located in the \i386 folder or the \x64 folder.
2. Open the copy of the dirserv.rsp file, which follows the Windows INI file
format, in an ASCII text editor.
3. Modify and save the response file with a new file name. For example, rename
the dirserv.rsp file to myresponsefile.rsp. This file is fully commented.
For information and tips for modifying the dirserv.rsp file, see Tips for
creating the server response file for IBM Systems Director Server on page 29.
4. Open a command prompt and change to the directory that contains the IBM
Systems Director Server installation file (IBMSystemsDirectorServerSetup.exe
or IBMSystemsDirectorServerSetup64.exe).
5. From the command prompt, type the following command and press Enter:
installationfile installationtype rsp="responsefile" option
where the variables are defined as follows:
One of the following installation files:
v For a 32 bit system, the installation file is the
IBMSystemsDirectorServerSetup.exe file.
26 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
v For a 64 bit system, the installation file is the
IBMSystemsDirectorServerSetup64.exe file.
One of the following commands:
v The unattended command shows the progress of the installation but
does not require any user input.
v The silent command suppresses all output to the screen during
The absolute path and name of the response file that you created
previously. For example, c:\myfolder\myresponsefile.rsp. The rsp
parameter is optional. If you do not include the rsp parameter, the
installer uses the default response file in the package.
option One of the following optional parameters:
Table 5. Optional installation parameters
Optional parameter What it does
waitforme Ensures that installation processing will not end until this
installation is completed.
debug Logs all messages that are sent by the Microsoft Windows
Installer log engine, including status and information
log=logfilename Specifies the fully qualified name of an alternative log file.
verbose Enables verbose logging.
encryptonly Prepares the response file to use a secure managed IBM DB2
For example, type the following command:
IBMSystemsDirectorServerSetup.exe silent rsp="c:\myfolder\myresponsefile.rsp"
This example performs a silent installation of IBM Systems Director Server on
Windows using the myresponsefile.rsp response file.
6. If you set the RebootIfRequired parameter to Y in the response file, reboot the
system if prompted to do so.
a. For Windows 2008, Service Pack 1 and earlier, if Microsoft Windows
Installer (MSI) 4.5 is not installed, then you are prompted to install
Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) 4.5 and to run the installation program
again after the system restarts.
b. For Windows 2008 R2, MSI version 4.5 comes installed on the system.
c. For all other supported Windows platforms, if Microsoft Windows Installer
(MSI), version 4.5 or later is not installed on the system, it is installed
during the IBM Systems Director Server installation. If the upgrade of MSI
is necessary, the system prompts you to restart following the installation of
IBM Systems Director Server without specifying that MSI was upgraded.
Unless you install IBM Systems Director Server by using the response file
and set the RebootIfRequired parameter to N, you are prompted to restart
whether the IBM Systems Director Server installation completes
Chapter 1. Installing 27
7. If you used the DVD for installation, remove the DVD from the drive.
8. You must configure your database if you choose one of the following
installation options:
v Basic silent installation with managed IBM DB2 database and then a switch
to a custom database
v Custom silent installation with any database other than the managed IBM
DB2 database
For instructions, see Configuring the database for use with IBM Systems
9. Run the following command in the \director\bin directory to configure the
agent manager:
cfgserver.bat -am
10. Run the following command to manually restart the IBM Systems Director
Server service:
net start dirserver
After you have installed IBM Systems Director Server, you can start IBM Systems
Director Server and verify that the installation was successful. For instructions, see
Verifying the successful installation of IBM Systems Director on the management
server on page 30.
Related tasks:
Preparing the management server
Upgrading and migrating Systems Director
Recovering from a failed installation of IBM Systems Director Server 6.3.x
Related reference:
smstart command
cfgdbcmd command
smreset command
Systems Director Downloads
Related information:
Windows installation troubleshooting
Exchanging information with IBM
Starting the installation wizard for IBM Systems Director Server on Windows by
using the keyboard:
Screen readers might not process the IBM Systems Director Setup window
correctly when you use a mouse. You can start the installation wizard for IBM
Systems Director Server on Windows using the keyboard.
To start the installation wizard for IBM Systems Director Server by using the
keyboard, complete the following steps:
1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Browse to the \server\platform directory on the DVD, where platform is i386
or x64.
28 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
3. Run the IBMSystemsDirectorServerSetup.exe or
IBMSystemsDirectorServerSetup64.exe program. The installation wizard starts,
and the IBM Systems Director Setup window opens.
Tips for creating the server response file for IBM Systems
Director Server
You can use these tips and techniques to modify the sample dirserv.rsp server
response file for your IBM Systems Director Server 6.3.2 installation or IBM
Systems Director Server 6.3.0 upgrade.
About the server response file
You can specify the following items in the server response file:
v Specify the Web console port numbers
v Specify the Tivoli Provisioning Manager host name and IP address
v Enable or disable the nonstop service, which keeps the server continuously
v Specify a different location from where to install updates
v If you are installing IBM Systems Director Server, you must specify the database
type that you plan to use with IBM Systems Director Server:
If you want to use the default managed IBM DB2 database, you must specify
USE_MANAGED_DB=1. This value is the default.
v If you are upgrading IBM Systems Director Server to version 6.3.0 and migrating
your database, you must specify migration options:
If you plan to migrate your database data, you must specify
If you do not plan to migrate your database data, you must specify
If you plan to migrate to the managed IBM DB2 database, you must specify
If you are currently using the Apache Derby database, it does not matter
which value you specify for the MIGRATE_TO_MANAGED_DB2 option. The
upgrade and migration process automatically migrates your Apache Derby
database to the managed IBM DB2 database.
v If you plan to use the managed IBM DB2 database, you can specify the
following options:
You can specify the password that the managed IBM DB2 database uses in
the DB_PWD option. If you leave this option blank, the installation or
upgrade process automatically generates a password.
You can specify the port that the managed IBM DB2 database uses in the
DB_PORT option. If you leave this option blank, the installation or upgrade
process automatically uses the default port 50010. If that port is in use, the
installation or upgrade process automatically searches for and uses the next
available port.
You can specify a non-default location to store the managed IBM DB2
database data in one of the following options:
- For Windows, use the DB_DATADRIVE option. If you leave this option
blank, the installation or upgrade process automatically stores the managed
IBM DB2 database data in the same location that it installs IBM Systems
Director Server.
Chapter 1. Installing 29
If your system has user ID and password restrictions, you might need to
specify certain options to ensure that the installation succeeds. For more
information, see "Managed IBM DB2 installation fails."
Tips and techniques
Apply the following tips when you modify the sample dirserv.rsp server
response file during the installation or upgrade processes of IBM Systems Director
v A sample response file named dirserv.rsp resides in the same directory as the
dirinstall.server installer.
v In the response file, 1 indicates that an item is installed or upgraded and 0
indicates that an item is not installed or upgraded.
v If you want to use the default for any value in the response file, comment out
that value with a # symbol at the beginning of the line instead of leaving the
value blank.
v If you need to enter any Windows-based locations, ensure that you include the
back slash after drive_letter. For example, use C:\foldername instead of
Related tasks:
Upgrading and migrating Systems Director
Related information:
Managed IBM DB2 installation fails
Verifying the successful installation of IBM Systems Director
on the management server
You can verify a successful installation by logging into the Web interface, and
verifying the environment variables.
To verify that the installation was successful, complete the following steps:
Log in to the Web interface for IBM Systems Director Server. For instructions, see
Logging on to IBM Systems Director Server for the first time.
After you have verified that the installation was successful, complete the following
1. Use update manager to update to the latest version of IBM Systems Director, if
updates are available. For instructions, see Updating IBM Systems Director.
2. If IBM Systems Director Server is running on Windows and you uninstalled
IBM Storage Configuration Manager before the install, reinstall IBM Storage
Configuration Manager on a different system.
3. Configure IBM Systems Director plug-ins that were installed with IBM Systems
Director Server. For instructions, see Configuring IBM Systems Director
4. You can switch your database to a different database type at any time. For
instructions, see Switching the database that IBM Systems Director uses.
Configuring IBM Systems Director Server after installation
You might need to configure the database, configure systems, and set up your
environment before you start to use IBM Systems Director.
30 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Configure IBM Systems Director Server after a successful installation, so that you
can get the most benefit from the product, and be able to work efficiently. Do not
confuse this task with Configuring Systems, which is a separate topic for
configuring those resources that are controlled by IBM Systems Director.
The IBM Systems Director home page provides a quick overview, as well as links
to all necessary configuration tasks.
To configure IBM Systems Director, complete the following topics.
Related concepts:
The Home page
Related tasks:
Installing IBM Systems Director Server
Upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director Server
Logging into IBM Systems Director Server
Discovering systems with system discovery
Collecting and viewing inventory data
Switching the database that IBM Systems Director uses
You can switch the type of database you are currently using with IBM Systems
Director 6.3.x from one database type to another at any time.
When you switch your database to the default managed IBM DB2 database, you
can migrate your database data to the managed IBM DB2 database.
When you switch your database to any type of non-default database, you cannot
migrate your database data.
Related tasks:
Configuring the database
Determining your database migration path
Switching the database to a non-default database:
You can switch the type of database you are currently using with IBM Systems
Director 6.3.x to IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Server Express, or

The following procedure applies to your situation if you are currently using IBM
Systems Director 6.3.x with some type of existing database. You want to continue
to use IBM Systems Director 6.3.x, but switch your database application to one of
the following database types:
v An external IBM DB2 database and not the managed IBM DB2 database that is
included with IBM Systems Director Server
v Microsoft SQL Server
v Microsoft SQL Server Express
v Oracle

Chapter 1. Installing 31
For example, you are currently using Oracle

Database with IBM Systems Director

6.3.x and want to use IBM DB2 instead.
If you are switching from managed IBM DB2 to another type of database, managed
IBM DB2 will be uninstalled and the managed IBM DB2 database will be removed.
Restriction: When you switch your database to any type of non-default database,
you cannot migrate your database data.
Before you start, complete the following steps:
v Ensure that the database instance is created and accessible.
v Ensure that all prerequisites for connecting to the database application are
installed and configured. For instructions, see Preparing the database
v Verify that there is no other IBM Systems Director Server configured to use the
database. Do not configure more than one IBM Systems Director Server to use
the same database.
v Ensure that IBM Systems Director Server is stopped before starting this
Complete the following steps to switch your database:
1. Open the cfgdbcmd.rsp file with any text editor. The cfgdbcmd.rsp file resides
in the <install_root>\proddata directory, where <install_root> is the root
directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. For example on Windows,
\program files\ibm\director\proddata.
2. In the cfgdbcmd.rsp file, ensure that the configuration information for your
chosen database is commented correctly:
v Ensure that the information for your database is not commented out.
v Ensure that the information for the other possible databases is commented
Information that is commented out is ignored. By default, all database
configuration information is commented out using the ; character before the
line and is therefore ignored by IBM Systems Director Server. So, to ensure that
your chosen database is not commented out, remove the ; character at the
beginning of each applicable line for your database.
3. Enter information in all of the fields required for your chosen database
application. Do not use any quotes in the response file because they cause
errors during database configuration. For a detailed description and examples
of the required attributes, see Database configuration attributes on page 33
and select your database type.
4. Save and close the cfgdbcmd.rsp file.
5. Run the cfgdbcmd tool. If you are performing a silent installation of IBM
Systems Director Server on Windows, run the cfgdbcmd tool in
install_root\bin, where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems
Director installation. The cfgdbcmd tool uses the cfgdbcmd.rsp response file that
you previously filled in to properly connect IBM Systems Director Server to the
chosen database.
6. Optional: Verify the connection to your database. For instructions, see Verifying
a successful database connection.
Attention: Connectivity problems with the database server affect IBM Systems
Director. For example, if the database server goes offline or becomes
unreachable, IBM Systems Director Server stops responding and hangs.
32 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
7. After the cfgdbcmd tool completes, run the smreset command located in the
install_root\bin folder to reinitialize the databases and clear all persistent
Attention: If you do not complete this step, IBM Systems Director Server does
not start correctly.
After you finish switching your database application to a different type, complete
the following steps:
1. Start IBM Systems Director Server:
v On Windows, run the following command from the service control panel:
net start dirserver
2. After you have confirmed that the server is working well, consider removing
the old database that was configured. You can refer to the documentation for
the specific database application for information about how to do that.
Note: If you are switching from managed IBM DB2 to another type of database,
you can skip this step.
Related tasks:
Determining your database migration path
Related reference:
smstop command
smreset command
smstart command
cfgdbcmd command
Supported database applications
Database configuration attributes
You can learn about the database configuration attributes that must be set in the
cfgdbcmd.rsp response file in order to configure the database.
Related tasks:
Configuring the database
Switching the database
Related reference:
Tips for database user authorities and passwords
Database configuration attributes for the managed IBM DB2 database:
There are database configuration attributes that must be set in the cfgdbcmd.rsp
response file in order to switch your database type to the managed IBM DB2
database. This information applies only to the managed IBM DB2 database that is
provided with IBM Systems Director 6.3 and not to external IBM DB2 databases.
Database configuration attributes
The following table lists the database configuration attributes for the managed IBM
DB2 database, a description of each attribute, and an example of each attribute.
Chapter 1. Installing 33
Table 6. Database configuration information and values
Database configuration
attribute Value
Selected database application DbmsApplication Managed DB2
Host name or IP address of the IBM DB2
server instance
DbmsServerName localhost
Location for the managed IBM DB2
For Windows, you must specify a drive
DbmsDatabaseHome Default value:
v Windows: C:\DIRINST1
Custom value:
v Windows: C
Do not include double quotation marks
around the path name.
TCP/IP service port number for the
managed IBM DB2 server instance
DbmsTcpIpListenerPort Default value: 50010
Custom value: You can specify a port that
is available and not in use.
Password of the database user account
For detailed information about passwords,
see Tips for user authorities and
passwords for the managed IBM DB2
database on page 42.
DbmsPassword Default value: Leave this attribute blank.
When you leave this attribute blank, IBM
Systems Director automatically generates a
password for you.
Custom value:
Example: mypwd
Example cfgdbcmd.rsp file for Windows
DbmsApplication = Managed DB2
DbmsTcpIpListenerPort = 50010
DbmsServerName = localhost
DbmsDatabaseHome = C
DbmsPassword = mypwd
Related concepts:
Database application
Related tasks:
Determining your database migration path
Switching to the managed IBM DB2 database
Database configuration attributes for IBM DB2:
There are database configuration attributes that must be set in the cfgdbcmd.rsp
response file in order to configure the IBM DB2 database. This information applies
only to external IBM DB2 databases and not to the managed IBM DB2 database
that is provided with IBM Systems Director 6.3.
Database configuration attributes
The following table lists the database configuration attributes for IBM DB2, a
description of each attribute, and an example of each attribute.
34 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Table 7. Database configuration information and values
Database configuration
attribute Value
Selected database application
v If you want to configure IBM Systems
Director Server by setting options in a
database-configuration response file,
then the value for DbmsApplication
must match the database value that you
v You must enter into the cfgdbcmd.rsp
response file the exact value for the
database as it appears here.
DbmsApplication DB2
Host name or IP address of the IBM DB2
server instance
Note: A IBM DB2 database must always be
considered remote, even if IBM Systems
Director Server and IBM DB2 server
instances reside on the same system.
Therefore, a host name or IP address is
required here.
DbmsServerName Custom value:
v localhost
Use a host name or localhost instead of
an IP address for this attribute in the
following situations:
v Use localhost if the following
statements are true:
You are using a local, non-default,
The IP address of IBM Systems
Director Server might change in the
future. For example, the IP address is
assigned by using DHCP.
v Use a host name if the IP address of the
database server might change in the
future. For example, the IP address is
assigned by using DHCP.
In these situations, if you use an IP
address, you must manually update all of
the files that end in
with the changed IP address. You must
make this update each time the IP address
changes. The files that end in, such as and, are located in
the install_root\lwi\conf\overrides
Database name
v If the database does not exist, then it is
created later on by the cfgdbcmd task. If
the database does exist, then it is used.
v Use a database name and instance name
that do not exceed 8 characters.
DbmsDatabaseName Custom value:
Example: DIRDB01
Chapter 1. Installing 35
Table 7. Database configuration information and values (continued)
Database configuration
attribute Value
Local installation folder in which the IBM
DB2 client instance resides
For Windows systems:
v This value must be the fully qualified
path name.
v This value is the location of the SQLLIB
directory. For example, a typical
Windows installation specifies this value
as C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB. You
can determine the
DbmsDatabaseAppHome value by
opening an IBM DB2 command window
and specifying DB2SET DB2PATH.
DbmsDatabaseAppHome Custom value:
v Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB
Do not include double quotation marks
around the path name.
TCP/IP service port number for the IBM
DB2 server instance
On Windows, you can determine the
DbmsTcpIpListenerPort value by opening
an IBM DB2 command window and
specifying db2 get dbm config . Look for
the value associated with SVCENAME. If
SVCENAME is a number, that is the port
number. If it is a name (such as db2c_DB2)
you must find the name in the services file,
which is typically located at
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\ on
Windows and at /etc on Unix. Inside that
services file, find the SVCENAME value
that matches the one returned from the db2
get dbm config command. It includes a
port number. For example, it might look
like db2c_DB2 50000/tcp, which indicates a
port number of 50000.
DbmsTcpIpListenerPort Custom value:
Example: 50000
User ID of the database user account that
is used to connect to the database
v Database tables are created under the
schema for this user ID.
v If you do not use the database
administrator user ID for the runtime
connection, provide a second user with
access to the information collection
v For detailed information about user IDs,
see Tips for user authorities and
passwords for IBM DB2 on page 43.
DbmsUserId Custom value:
Example: myuserid
Password of the database user account
For detailed information about passwords,
see Tips for user authorities and
passwords for IBM DB2 on page 43.
DbmsPassword Custom value:
Example: mypwd
36 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Example cfgdbcmd.rsp file for Windows
DbmsApplication = DB2
DbmsTcpIpListenerPort = 50000
DbmsServerName =
DbmsDatabaseName = dirdb
DbmsUserId = myuserid
DbmsPassword = mypwd
DbmsDatabaseAppHome = C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB
Related tasks:
Configuring the database
Switching the database
Enabling Dynamic IP support
Database configuration attributes for Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL
Server Express:
There are database configuration attributes that must be set in the cfgdbcmd.rsp
response file in order to configure the Microsoft SQL Server database and the
Microsoft SQL Server Express database.
Database configuration attributes
The following table lists the database configuration attributes for Microsoft SQL
Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express, a description of each attribute, and an
example of each attribute.
Table 8. Database configuration information and values
Database configuration
attribute Value
Selected database application
v If you want to configure IBM Systems
Director Server by setting options in a
database-configuration response file,
then the value for DbmsApplication
must match the database value that you
v You must enter into the cfgdbcmd.rsp
response file the exact value for the
database as it appears here.
DbmsApplication SQLServer
Chapter 1. Installing 37
Table 8. Database configuration information and values (continued)
Database configuration
attribute Value
Host name of the server on which the
database is installed
Optional: You can include the
DbmsInstanceName with the
DbmsServerName in the form of
DbmsServerName Custom value:
v MyServer
v localhost
Use a host name or localhost instead of
an IP address for this attribute in the
following situations:
v Use localhost if the following
statements are true:
You are using a local, non-default,
The IP address of IBM Systems
Director Server might change in the
future. For example, the IP address is
assigned by using DHCP.
v Use a host name if the IP address of the
database server might change in the
future. For example, the IP address is
assigned by using DHCP.
In these situations, if you use an IP
address, you must manually update all of
the files that end in
with the changed IP address. You must
make this update each time the IP address
changes. The files that end in, such as and, are located in
the install_root\lwi\conf\overrides
Database name DbmsDatabaseName Custom value:
v MyDatabase
Note: This value must match the name of
the database that is created in the chosen
database application.
Instance name of the database that is
applicable only if a non-default instance is
DbmsInstanceName Custom value:
v MyInstance
v If you have only one instance of
Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL
Server Express, you do not need to set
this attribute.
v If you specified the instance name with
the DbmsServerName attribute, you can
leave this attribute blank.
38 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Table 8. Database configuration information and values (continued)
Database configuration
attribute Value
Fully qualified local installation folder of
the database server instance or admin
client instance on the IBM Systems Director
Server system
Note: This value is the location of the
JDBC driver, sqljdbc4.jar. For example, a
typical Windows installation specifies this
value as C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~4\
sqljdbc_4.0\enu or C:\Downloads\SQLJDBC\
DbmsDatabaseAppHome Custom value:
v C:\sqljdbc2\sqljdbc_4.0\enu
v C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
JDBC Driver 4.0\sqljdbc_4.0\enu
Do not include double quotation marks
around the path name.
TCP/IP listener port ID for the database DbmsTcpIpListenerPort Default or custom value:
Example: 1433
Whether IBM Systems Director is to
connect to the Microsoft SQL Server
database by using Windows authentication
(true) or Microsoft SQL Server
authentication (false)
v For IBM Systems Director version 6.2.0
and previous versions, the Windows
authentication option is supported only
when Microsoft SQL Server is installed
on the same system as IBM Systems
v If DbmsIntegratedSecurity is set to
false, then Microsoft SQL Server must
be configured with mixed mode
v For detailed information about user IDs
and passwords, see Tips for user
authorities and passwords for Microsoft
SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server
Express on page 45.
DbmsIntegratedSecurity __ v true
__ v false
v Microsoft SQL Server authentication:
v Windows authentication: true
User ID of the database user account
v It is recommended that you choose a
different database user ID than the
database administrator user ID. The
database user does not need as much
authority to the database as the database
administrator user.
v For detailed information about user IDs,
see Tips for user authorities and
passwords for Microsoft SQL Server and
Microsoft SQL Server Express on page
DbmsUserId Custom value:
Example: myuserid
Password of the database user account
For detailed information about passwords,
see Tips for user authorities and
passwords for Microsoft SQL Server and
Microsoft SQL Server Express on page 45.
DbmsPassword Custom value:
Example: mypwd
Chapter 1. Installing 39
Example cfgdbcmd.rsp file for Microsoft SQL Server authentication
DbmsApplication = SQLServer
DbmsTcpIpListenerPort = 1433
DbmsServerName =
DbmsDatabaseName = DIRDB
DbmsInstanceName = MyInstance
DbmsUserId = myuserid
DbmsPassword = mypwd
DbmsDatabaseAppHome = C:\sqljdbc2\sqljdbc_4.0\enu
DbmsIntegratedSecurity = false
Example cfgdbcmd.rsp file forWindows authentication
DbmsApplication = SQLServer
DbmsTcpIpListenerPort = 1433
DbmsServerName = MyServer\MyInstance
DbmsDatabaseName = DIRDB
DbmsUserId =
DbmsPassword =
DbmsDatabaseAppHome = C:\sqljdbc2\sqljdbc_4.0\enu
DbmsIntegratedSecurity = true
Example cfgdbcmd.rsp file forWindows authentication for remote Microsoft SQL
DbmsApplication = SQLServer
DbmsTcpIpListenerPort = 1433
DbmsServerName = MyServer
DbmsDatabaseName = MyDatabase
DbmsInstanceName = MyInstance
DbmsUserId =
DbmsPassword =
DbmsDatabaseAppHome = C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 4.0 /
DbmsIntegratedSecurity = true
Related tasks:
Configuring the database
Switching the database
Enabling Dynamic IP support
Database configuration attributes for Oracle

There are database configuration attributes that must be set in the cfgdbcmd.rsp
response file in order to configure the Oracle

Database configuration attributes
The following table lists the database configuration attributes for Oracle

a description of each attribute, and an example of each attribute.
40 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Table 9. Database configuration information and values
Database configuration
attribute Value
Selected database application
v If you want to configure IBM Systems
Director Server by setting options in a
database-configuration response file,
then the value for DbmsApplication
must match the database value that you
v You must enter into the cfgdbcmd.rsp
response file the exact value for the
database as it appears here.
DbmsApplication Oracle
Host name of the server on which the
database is installed
DbmsServerName Custom value:
v MyServer
v localhost
Use a host name or localhost instead of
an IP address for this attribute in the
following situations:
v Use localhost if the following
statements are true:
You are using a local, non-default,
The IP address of IBM Systems
Director Server might change in the
future. For example, the IP address is
assigned by using DHCP.
v Use a host name if the IP address of the
database server might change in the
future. For example, the IP address is
assigned by using DHCP.
In these situations, if you use an IP
address, you must manually update all of
the files that end in
with the changed IP address. You must
make this update each time the IP address
changes. The files that end in, such as and, are located in
the install_root\lwi\conf\overrides
Database name DbmsDatabaseName Custom value:
Example: mydatabase
Note: This value must match the name of
the database that is created in the chosen
database application.
Chapter 1. Installing 41
Table 9. Database configuration information and values (continued)
Database configuration
attribute Value
Fully qualified local installation folder of
the database server instance or admin
client instance on the IBM Systems Director
Server system
DbmsDatabaseAppHome Custom value:
Example: c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\
Do not include double quotation marks
around the path name.
TCP/IP listener port ID for the database DbmsTcpIpListenerPort Default or custom value:
Example: 1521
User ID of the database user account
For detailed information about user IDs,
see Tips for user authorities and
passwords for Oracle

Database on page
DbmsUserId Custom value:
Example: myuserid
Password of the database user account
For detailed information about passwords,
see Tips for user authorities and
passwords for Oracle

Database on page
DbmsPassword Custom value:
Example: mypwd
Example cfgdbcmd.rsp file for Windows
DbmsApplication = Oracle
DbmsTcpIpListenerPort = 1521
DbmsServerName =
DbmsDatabaseName = mydatabase
DbmsUserId = myuserid
DbmsPassword = mypwd
DbmsDatabaseAppHome = c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1
Related tasks:
Configuring the database
Switching the database
Enabling Dynamic IP support
Tips for database user authorities and passwords
Use these tips and techniques to configure, manage, and troubleshoot user
authorities and passwords for your database application.
Related tasks:
Configuring the database
Switching the database
Related reference:
Database configuration attributes
Tips for user authorities and passwords for the managed IBM DB2 database:
Use these tips and techniques to configure, manage, and troubleshoot user
authorities and passwords for the managed IBM DB2 database.
42 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Default user ID and password
IBM Systems Director automatically creates the user ID of the database system
administrator. The default user ID is dirinst1.
When you initially configure the managed IBM DB2 database, you can specify the
password for the dirinst1 user ID. Depending on your operating system, you can
specify the password as follows:
v You can specify the password in the installation or migration panels of the
installation wizard.
v You can specify the password by using the DbmsPassword configuration attribute
in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file.
Do not use any of the following characters in the password of the database
! % ^ & ( ) | " ? , < >
If you use any of these characters, the database connection between IBM Systems
Director Server and the database fails.
If you do not specify a password during the initial configuration, IBM Systems
Director automatically generates the password for the dirinst1 user ID.
After installation or migration, you can change the password by using the
changePassword command.
Related concepts:
Database application
Related tasks:
Switching to the managed IBM DB2 database
Related reference:
cfgdbcmd command
changePassword tool
Database configuration attributes for the managed IBM DB2 database
Tips for user authorities and passwords for IBM DB2:
Use these tips and techniques to configure, manage, and troubleshoot user
authorities and passwords for the IBM DB2 database.
IBM Systems Director grants dbadm authority to the IBM Systems Director database
user ID. The IBM Systems Director database user ID is the user ID specified in the
DbmsUserID configuration attribute in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file. One exception is when
the -dbAdmin user ID is the same as the DbmsUserID user ID. In this case, IBM
Systems Director assumes that the user ID already has the required level of
Do not use the database user ID dirinst1. This user ID is reserved for the
managed IBM DB2 database that is installed with IBM Systems Director Server.
Do not use any of the following characters in the password of the database
Chapter 1. Installing 43
! % ^ & ( ) | " ? , < >
If you use any of these characters, the database connection between IBM Systems
Director Server and the database fails.
If you are using Storage Control, the IBM Systems Director database user ID must
be the same as the database administrator ID. In other words, the value for the
DbmsUserID configuration attribute in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file must be the same as the
-dbAdmin user ID.
The cfgdbcmd tool
The cfgdbcmd tool automatically encrypts the database user password that you
specify in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file.
Differences between user ID and password parameters, configuration attributes,
and arguments
The -dbAdmin parameter for the cfgdbcmd tool serves a different purpose than the
DbmsUserId database configuration attribute in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file. The -dbAdmin
parameter specifies the ID of the instance owner so that the cfgdbcmd tool has the
authority to create a database. The DbmsUserId database configuration attribute
specifies the user ID that IBM Systems Director uses to store data in the database.
The -dbAdminPW parameter for the cfgdbcmd tool serves a different purpose than the
DbmsPassword database configuration attribute in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file. The
-dbAdminPW parameter specifies the password of the instance owner so that the
cfgdbcmd tool has the authority to create a database. The DbmsPassword database
configuration attribute specifies the password that IBM Systems Director uses to
store data in the database.
Do not specify the same user ID in the cfgdbcmd.rsp configuration file as is
specified in the -dbAdmin parameter to the cfgdbcmd tool. Doing so might result in
an error or in having the administrator authority of the user revoked. If you
mistakenly used this configuration in the past, you might need to grant
administrator authority again to this user ID after the cfgdbcmd command runs.
When you back up and restore the database by using the smsave command and the
smrestore command, you enter the user ID and password of the database system
administrator as follows:
v You enter the user ID of the database system administrator in the -dbUserName
v You enter the password of the database system administrator in the -dbUserPwd
If you do not specify a value for these arguments, the commands prompt you to
specify a value.
44 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Related tasks:
Configuring the database
Switching the database
Related reference:
cfgdbcmd command
smsave command
smrestore command
Database configuration attributes for IBM DB2
Tips for user authorities and passwords for Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft
SQL Server Express:
Use these tips and techniques to configure, manage, and troubleshoot user
authorities and passwords for Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server
Integrated security
If you use integrated security (DbmsIntegratedSecurity=true), IBM Systems
Director connects to the database by using the Windows user ID.
If you do not use integrated security (DbmsIntegratedSecurity=false), IBM
Systems Director connects to the database by using the user ID and password that
you specify in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file. You specify the user ID in the DbmsUserId
configuration attribute and you specify the password in the DbmsPassword
configuration attribute.
User ID roles and authorities
If IBM Systems Director creates the user ID of the database system administrator
during the installation process, IBM Systems Director automatically assigns the
db_owner role to the user ID.
If you create the user ID of the database system administrator before you configure
the database for use with IBM Systems Director:
v The cfgdbcmd tool keeps the user ID that you create and does not delete it.
v The user ID must have the following authorities and roles:
db_datareader authority
db_datawriter authority
db_ddladmin role or db_owner role
These authorities and roles are required in order to create database tables.
If you use integrated security (DbmsIntegratedSecurity=true), the previous list
of authorities and roles applies to the Windows user ID.
The cfgdbcmd tool
The cfgdbcmd tool automatically encrypts the database user password that you
specify in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file.
Chapter 1. Installing 45
Differences between user ID and password parameters, configuration attributes,
and arguments
If you do not use integrated security (DbmsIntegratedSecurity=false):
v The -dbAdmin parameter for the cfgdbcmd tool serves a different purpose than the
DbmsUserId database configuration attribute in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file. The
-dbAdmin parameter specifies the user ID for the database system administrator.
The DbmsUserId database configuration attribute specifies the user ID that IBM
Systems Director uses to store data in the database.
v The -dbAdminPW parameter for the cfgdbcmd tool serves a different purpose than
the DbmsPassword database configuration attribute in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file. The
-dbAdminPW parameter specifies the password for the database system
administrator. The DbmsPassword database configuration attribute specifies the
password that IBM Systems Director uses to store data in the database.
v Do not specify the same user ID in the cfgdbcmd.rsp configuration file as is
specified in the -dbAdmin parameter to the cfgdbcmd tool. Doing so might result
in an error or in having the administrator authority of the user revoked. If you
mistakenly used this configuration in the past, you might need to grant
administrator authority again to this user ID after the cfgdbcmd command runs.
v When you back up and restore the database by using the smsave command and
the smrestore command, you enter the user ID and password of the database
system administrator as follows:
You enter the user ID of the database system administrator in the -dbUserName
You enter the password of the database system administrator in the
-dbUserPwd argument.
If you do not specify a value for these arguments, the commands prompt you to
specify a value.
If you use integrated security (DbmsIntegratedSecurity=true):
v You do not need to specify -dbAdmin and -dbAdminPW parameters when using the
cfgdbcmd command.
v You do not need to specify the -dbUserName argument and the -dbUserPwd
argument when using the smsave command and the smrestore command.
v You do not need to specify the DbmsUserId configuration attribute and the
DbmsPassword configuration attribute in cfgdbcmd.rsp file.
Related tasks:
Configuring the database
Switching the database
Related reference:
cfgdbcmd command
smsave command
smrestore command
Database configuration attributes for Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL
Server Express
Tips for user authorities and passwords for Oracle

46 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Use these tips and techniques to configure, manage, and troubleshoot user
authorities and passwords for Oracle

The user ID of the database system administrator must be granted the admin
option to the database.
The user ID uses the default table space called users and the temporary table
space called temp. If you receive errors while running the smreset command to
create tables, you might need to increase the size of the temporary table space.
IBM Systems Director grants the following authorities to the user ID of the
database system administrator:
v create any table
v alter any table
v delete any table
v drop any table
v insert any table
v lock any table
v select any table
v update any table
v create any index
v alter any index
v drop any index
v create view
v create any procedure
v alter any procedure
v drop any procedure
v execute any procedure
The cfgdbcmd tool
If you create the user ID before you run the cfgdbcmd command, the cfgdbcmd
command uses the user ID that you create. The cfgdbcmd command does not delete
the user ID and create a new one.
The cfgdbcmd tool automatically encrypts the database user password that you
specify in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file.
Differences between user ID and password parameters, configuration attributes,
and arguments
The -dbAdmin parameter for the cfgdbcmd tool serves a different purpose than the
DbmsUserId database configuration attribute in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file. The -dbAdmin
parameter specifies the user ID for the database system administrator. The
DbmsUserId database configuration attribute specifies the user ID that IBM Systems
Director uses to store data in the database.
The -dbAdminPW parameter for the cfgdbcmd tool serves a different purpose than the
DbmsPassword database configuration attribute in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file. The
-dbAdminPW parameter specifies the password for the database system
administrator. The DbmsPassword database configuration attribute specifies the
password that IBM Systems Director uses to store data in the database.
Chapter 1. Installing 47
Do not specify the same user ID in the cfgdbcmd.rsp configuration file as is
specified in the -dbAdmin parameter to the cfgdbcmd tool. Doing so might result in
an error or in having the administrator authority of the user revoked. If you
mistakenly used this configuration in the past, you might need to grant
administrator authority again to this user ID after the cfgdbcmd command runs.
When you back up and restore the database by using the smsave command and the
smrestore command, you enter the user ID and password of the database system
administrator as follows:
v You enter the user ID of the database system administrator in the -dbUserName
v You enter the password of the database system administrator in the -dbUserPwd
If you do not specify a value for these arguments, the commands prompt you to
specify a value.
Related tasks:
Configuring the database
Switching the database
Related reference:
cfgdbcmd command
smsave command
smrestore command
smreset command
Database configuration attributes for Oracle

Logging on to IBM Systems Director Server for the first time
After installing IBM Systems Director Server, you need to log on using a Web
browser, update IBM Systems Director Server, discover managed systems, and
request access to those managed systems.
You must already have installed and started IBM Systems Director Server before
beginning this task. When you start IBM Systems Director for the first time,
inventory is automatically collected on the management server.
1. Log on to IBM Systems Director using a Web browser.
a. Point your browser to the following URL:
where System_Name is the name of the system on which IBM Systems
Director Server is installed and Port_Number is the first (lower) of two
consecutive port numbers that you specified for the Web server to use. The
default ports for the Web server are 8421 and 8422. If you use port 8422,
make sure that you specify https to indicate a secure port.
b. Type the user ID and password that correspond to an authorized IBM
Systems Director administrator user ID and password. Authorized
administrator credentials include credentials for the root user or any user
that is a member of the smadmin group.
48 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Note: The first time you log in, use the administrator user ID that you used
during the installation or the root user. After this initial login, you can add
other users to the smadmin group.
c. Click Log in.
Note: A security alert window might be displayed before logging in. This is
due to incorrect configuration of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate.
For information see Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) between IBM
Systems Director and the Web browser client.
Note: Logging in to IBM Systems Director will be slower with SSL enabled.
2. Follow the steps on the Initial Setup tab on the home page to set up IBM
Systems Director for the first time.
After you complete the tasks on the Start page, you can:
v Begin managing the systems you have discovered.
v Install agents on managed systems to enable additional management capabilities.
Related concepts:
System discovery
Related tasks:
Installing IBM Systems Director Server
Authenticating users
Updating IBM Systems Director
Managing access
Collecting inventory
Restarting IBM Systems Director Server
Restarting IBM Systems Director Server requires that you run one command to
stop the management server processes and then run another command to start
them again.
Before you stop the IBM Systems Director Server, warn users to finish their work
or stop the processes they are running.
To restart the IBM Systems Director Server, complete the following steps:
Note: You must run all the commands in the following procedure on the IBM
Systems Director management server.
1. Stop the IBM Systems Director processes that are running on the management
v If you are running Windows, run the following command: net stop
2. Restart the IBM Systems Director processes that run on the management server.
v If you are running Windows, run the following command: net start
3. Check to ensure that the IBM Systems Director Server started successfully.
v If you are running Windows, check the status of the server by checking the
system tray.
Chapter 1. Installing 49
Related tasks:
Enabling Dynamic IP support
Changing IBM Systems Director server health settings on page 56
Related reference:
smstart command
smstatus command
smstop command
Enabling Dynamic IP support
Enabling the Dynamic IP support feature automatically reconfigures IBM Systems
Director Server and notifies the managed resources of the IP address change if the
IP address of the system running IBM Systems Director Server changes.
In IBM Systems Director 6.1.x and earlier releases, the IP address of the
management server had to remain static. Thus, the IP address of the management
server was not supposed to change after IBM Systems Director Server was
installed on the system. In IBM Systems Director 6.2 and later releases, changing
the IP address of IBM Systems Director Server is supported. If the IP address of
the IBM Systems Director Server system changes, the embedded Dynamic IP
feature automatically detects the changed IP address when the IBM Systems
Director Server stops, starts, and initiates the following actions:
v It reconfigures IBM Systems Director Server for the new IP address.
v It notifies the resources that are managed by IBM Systems Director Server that
the IP of the management server has changed and the managed resources are
updated to use the new IP address of the server. This notification ensures that
the resources that are managed by IBM Systems Director Server maintain
communication with the server after its IP address has changed.
This feature is supported on IBM Director 5.20.x agents, IBM Systems Director 6.2
(or later) common agents, and all IBM Systems Director platform agents.
Restriction: This feature is not supported if you are managing 6.1.x common
agents. To use this feature, you must first upgrade 6.1.x common agents to 6.2 or
later releases.
The following manageable resource types support updating the IBM Systems
Director Server IP address when it changes:
v Operating system
v BCChassis
v Server (RSA, IMM, BMC)
v StoragePlatform
v StorageSubSystem
v Switch
50 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Attention: If you configure the switch to send SNMP traps to IBM Systems
Director Server, the switch does not automatically update if the IP address
changes. Because it requires a manual action from the user to set the SNMP trap
destination, it also requires a manual action to change it. Most switches support
setting multiple SNMP trap destinations. So, configure the switch to send SNMP
traps to the primary IBM Systems Director Server IP address and to any backup
IP addresses to which IBM Systems Director Server could potentially move.
However, this configuration is only possible you know ahead of time that there
is a small set of IP addresses to which IBM Systems Director Server could
potentially move.
v Frequent IP address changes can drive network traffic in association with
updating the managed resources with the new IBM Systems Director Server IP
address. IP address changes can also cause the CPU utilization of IBM Systems
Director Server to increase and slow down the overall performance. This
performance change occurs during the time period that the IP address updates
are sent to the managed resources.
v Dynamic IP does not support on-the-fly processing, meaning that it does not
work unless you restart IBM Systems Director Server.
v Start IBM Systems Director Server for the first time on the same IP address on
which it was installed. Changing the IP address any time after the first startup is
v Processing for an IP address change is not supported for the scenario where the
configuration for one IBM Systems Director Server and data is captured with the
smsave command and restored to another IBM Systems Director Server with the
smrestore command and both of these IBM Systems Director Server instances
have different IP addresses.
To enable the Dynamic IP function, complete the following steps when the IP
address of the IBM Systems Director Server system changes:
1. Stop IBM Systems Director Server.
2. Start IBM Systems Director Server.
Note: IBM Systems Director Server takes more time to start (become active)
when it is restarted for the first time with a new or modified IP address. IBM
Systems Director Server takes more time because it must configure itself to the
new IP address.
IBM Systems Director Server is active.
3. Perform Lite Query on the local operating-system agent by issuing the
following command in a command prompt or shell on the management system:
smcli querysystem OID_of_local_OS_MEP 1
After you complete this procedure, the processes of reconfiguring and notifying the
managed resources about the IP change commences.
Note: It takes typically 8 - 10 minutes after IBM Systems Director Server becomes
active for the IP address change notifications to be sent to the managed resources.
By default, IP address related processing is enabled (turned on) on IBM Systems
Director Server. To turn the processing for an IP address change on or off, set the
.enableIPChangeProcessing property in the install_root\lwi\conf\overrides\ file:
Chapter 1. Installing 51
Turn on IP address change processing
To turn on IP address change processing, delete the property or set it to
If this property is not set or present, the Dynamic IP change processing is
enabled by default.
Turn IP address change processing off
To turn off IP address change processing, add or edit the property to set it
to false:
Related tasks:
Restarting IBM Systems Director Server
Configuring IBM Systems Director plug-ins
IBM Systems Director Server automatically installs some plug-ins that require
configuration in order to use them. If you want to use plug-ins that IBM Systems
Director Server does not automatically install, you must install and configure them
after you install IBM Systems Director Server.
If you do not intend to use a plug-in, you do not need to configure it.
To install or configure the plug-ins that you intend to use, complete the following
1. Configure console settings, including encryption, console navigation, and event
log settings.
2. Configure users and roles. Click Security > Users and Security > Roles.
3. Optional: Activate or configure the advanced plug-ins that were automatically
installed with IBM Systems Director Server:
v Activate the free trial period for Active Energy Manager. For instructions, see
Activating Active Energy Manager.
v Configure Electronic Service Agent

in Service and Support Manager to

securely transmit serviceable hardware problems and associated support
files, inventory, and Performance Management data to support. For
instructions, see Activating Electronic Service Agent.
v Activate the free trial period for IBM Systems Director VMControl. For
instructions, see Activating IBM Systems Director VMControl.
4. Install and configure all other IBM Systems Director plug-ins that you intend to
Table 10. Configuration tasks and information resources for IBM Systems Director plug-ins
Plug-in Tasks Information resources
Base plug-ins
IBM System Storage

1. Configure SMI-S
2. Configure external
storage applications.
1. Managing SMI-S
2. Installing and configuring
external storage
52 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Table 10. Configuration tasks and information resources for IBM Systems Director
plug-ins (continued)
Plug-in Tasks Information resources
Remote access manager
1. Configure Virtual
Network Computing
2. Configure Remote
1. Virtual Network
2. Configuring Microsoft
Windows Remote
Desktop Connection
Update manager Optional: Complete the
Getting Started wizard and
change update settings.
Configuring update manager
Advanced plug-ins
IBM Systems Director
Network Control
Install the plug-in. Installing and uninstalling
IBM Systems Director
Network Control
IBM Systems Director
Storage Control 4.2.3
Install the plug-in. Installing Storage Control
The following base plug-ins are installed with IBM Systems Director Server and
have no configuration tasks:
v Automation manager
v Configuration manager
v Discovery manager
v IBM BladeCenter Chassis management
v IBM Power Systems management
v IBM System x management
v IBM System z management
v Network manager
v Status manager
Related concepts:
Base function and extensible plug-ins
IBM Systems Director plug-ins
Related tasks:
Installing IBM Systems Director plug-ins
Configuring the command-line interface
Before running the smcli commands or displaying help for them, ensure that
required software is installed and the locale is correctly installed and configured on
the system.
You can run smcli commands in one of the following ways:
v You can run them locally on the management server.
v You can run them remotely by accessing the management server by using a
remote-access utility, such as Secure Shell (SSH) or Telnet
Perform these steps on the management server and on all other systems that you
might use to access the management server to run commands.
Chapter 1. Installing 53
1. (Windows only) Management servers running Windows 2000 or Windows 2003
require msvcr80.dll to run smcli. You can obtain the dynamic link library
(DLL) by installing vcredist_x86.exe. For information about downloading and
installing this file, see
2. Ensure that the desired locale is supported by IBM Systems Director and is
installed correctly on the client system, from where smcli is run.
v To verify languages supported by smcli, see Language specifications for smcli
v If your system does not support double-byte character sets, you see garbage
characters or small block-like characters when you display operating-system
specific man pages.
Related reference:
smcli - Systems management command-line interface
Reviewing Microsoft Internet Explorer security options
If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browsers that have Enhanced
Security Configuration enabled, and are running on Windows Server 2008, review
these instructions.
When using a Web browser with Enhanced Security Configuration enabled, some
properties of the IBM Systems Director Web interface might not display as
Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration establishes a configuration for
your server and for Internet Explorer that decreases the exposure of your server to
potential attacks that can occur through Web content and application scripts. As a
result, some websites might not display or perform as expected.
Using a server for Internet browsing is not a good security practice because
Internet browsing increases the exposure of your server to potential security
attacks. It is a best practice recommendation that you run your Web browser on a
system that is not a server. However, if you must use a server running Windows
Server, you must turn off Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration.
Complete the following applicable steps to disable Internet Explorer Enhanced
On Windows Server 2008 systems:
1. Close any instances of the Internet Explorer Web browser.
2. Start Server Manager.
3. In the Details pane, locate the Security Information area that is displayed under
the Server Summary area.
4. In the Security Information area, click Configure IE ESC.
5. In the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration window, click the
applicable option:
v If your user account is a member of the Administrators group, click Off
under Administrators.
v If your user account is a member of a standard users group, click Off under
6. Click OK.
54 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Configuring IP address properties
Configure IP address properties when your management server has more than one
IP address, when your network uses one or more subnets that IBM Systems
Director does not manage, and when resources that you want to manage have
more than one IP address. Configure IP address properties by creating or updating
the file.
Specifying the preferred IP address for the management server:
Specify the IP address that you want the server to use when your management
server has more than one IP address. For example, a server that has more than one
network interface card has more than one IP address. Specify the preferred IP
address for the management server by creating or updating the file.
To specify the preferred IP address for the management server, perform the
following steps:
1. Use a text editor to open an empty file named in the
following location: install_path/data/
install_path is the path where you installed IBM Systems Director.
Note: If the /data/ file exists, open the file with a text
editor, then go to the next step.
2. On a single line, type the following entry:<IP_address>
whereIP_address is the IPv4 or IPv6 address for the management server.
v Each entry in the file must be on a separate line.
v To insert a comment, begin the line with a number (#) character.
Note: If a entry exists, confirm that the
change correctly supersedes the current entry.
3. Save and close the file.
For Systems Director to recognize the preferred IP address, you must restart the
management server.
Related tasks:
Excluding IP addresses
Excluding IP addresses
Excluding IP addresses:
Exclude IP addresses by creating or updating the file for
resources that you do not want IBM Systems Director to manage or that have
multiple IP addresses, or for subnets that you do not want Systems Director to
You can exclude one or more individual IP addresses, an IP address range, or an
entire subnet. Consider the following examples:
v When a managed resource has multiple network interface cards, exclude all but
the IP address that Systems Director uses to communicate with the resource.
v When managed resources are on more than one subnet, exclude the subnet that
Systems Director does not use to manage resources.
Chapter 1. Installing 55
To exclude IP addresses, perform the following steps:
1. Use a text editor to open an empty file named in the
following location: install_path/data/
install_path is the path where you installed Systems Director.
Note: If the /data/ file exists, open the file with a text
editor, then go to the next step.
2. Type the IP addresses that you want to exclude:<IP_addresses>
where IP_address is one or more IPv4 or IPv6 addresses or address ranges that
you want to exclude.
v To exclude one or more individual IP addresses, use a comma character (,) to
separate the IP addresses:,
v To exclude an IP address range:
v To exclude a subnet, use the asterisk character (*) as a wildcard:*
v All entries in the file must be on the same line.
v To insert a comment, begin the line with a number (#) character.
3. Save and close the file.
For Systems Director to ignore the excluded IP addresses, you must restart the
management server.
Related tasks:
Specifying the preferred IP address for the management server on page 55
Specifying the preferred IP address for the management server
Changing IBM Systems Director server health settings
You can change local system health settings to customize when you will receive a
warning. For example, by default, you will get a warning when the Systems
Director server CPU usage is at 90% for 30 minutes, but your environment might
require notification sooner or later than the default.
When the warning threshold for a setting is met, the following happens:
v An event appears in the event log.
v The problem shows in the Problems view.
v The overall status of the Systems Director server endpoint is warning.
1. Navigate to and open it for editing. The location of this
file depends on your operating system:
v On Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\Director\lwi\conf\overrides\
2. Add entries for any properties you want to modify:
Table 11. Settings with default values that can be changed
Property Input value Default value
System properties
56 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Table 11. Settings with default values that can be changed (continued)
Property Input value Default value
The percentage that triggers
the warning.
The number of milliseconds
the CPU must be at the
threshold level to trigger a
By default, this warning is
triggered after the CPU is
at 90% for 30 minutes.
1 800 000 milliseconds (30
Example: By default you get a warning when the Systems Director
server CPU usage is at 90% for 30 minutes.
Disk usage properties
The amount of free space
before triggering the
1 073 741 824 bytes (1 GB)
The amount of free space
before triggering a critical
500 MB
Example: By default you get a warning when the Systems Director
server free space available is less than 1 GB.
Memory usage properties
The percentage of memory
usage that triggers the
The amount of time, in
milliseconds, that memory
use must be sustained to
trigger the warning.
By default, this warning is
triggered after the memory
usage is at 90% for 1 hour.
3 600 000 milliseconds (1
Example: By default you get a warning when the Systems Director
server memory usage is at 90% for 1 hour.
Managed endpoint (MEP)
count properties The maximum number of
MEPs supported.
10 000 The maximum number of
MEPs supported when the
Apache Derby database is
1 000
Example: By default the Systems Director server supports 1000
MEPs when using the Apache Derby database.
Page space properties
The page space usage
percentage that triggers the
Chapter 1. Installing 57
Table 11. Settings with default values that can be changed (continued)
Property Input value Default value
The time in milliseconds
that page space usage must
be sustained to trigger the
By default, this warning is
triggered after the page
space usage is at 80% for 20
1 200 000 milliseconds (20
Example: By default you get a warning when the Systems Director
server page space usage is at 80% for 20 minutes.
3. Restart the server.
Related tasks:
Restarting IBM Systems Director Server
Recovering from a failed installation of IBM Systems Director
Server 6.3.x
You can recover from a failed installation of IBM Systems Director Server 6.3.x by
fixing the problems that are identified in the log files and then performing the
installation procedure again.
To recover from a failed installation, complete the following steps:
1. Access the log files for the installation and fix all of the problems that the log
files identify. The following table lists the locations of applicable log files for
IBM Systems Director 6.3.x.
Table 12. Example locations of log files for IBM Systems Director 6.3.x
AIX IBM i Linux Windows
IBM Systems Director Server installation logs:
v /var/log/dirinst.log
v /var/log/director/*
v /opt/ibm/director/log/
Not applicable
v /var/log/dirinst.log
v /opt/ibm/director/log/
v /opt/ibm/director/log/
v C:\Windows\
v C:\Windows\
v C:\Windows\
v C:\Windows\
v C:\Windows\
v C:\Windows\
(64-bit Windows only)
v c:\Program
Common Agent installation logs:
58 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Table 12. Example locations of log files for IBM Systems Director 6.3.x (continued)
AIX IBM i Linux Windows
v /tmp/director/
v /tmp/director/
v /www/cas/lwi/runtime/
All of these can be found in
the dirmedic results.
v C:\Windows\
v C:\Windows\CasInst.log
v C:\Windows\certutil.log
v C:\Windows\
v C:\Windows\
v C:\Windows\
Platform Agent installation logs:
/var/log/dirinst.log Not applicable /var/opt/ibm/platform/
Common Agent uninstallation logs:
Not applicable /tmp/director/
which can be found in the
dirmedic results.
Platform Agent uninstallation logs:
/var/log/diruninst.log Not applicable /var/opt/ibm/platform/
v C:\Windows\
v C:\Windows\
Migration logs:
Not applicable /var/tmp/
Configuration logs:
/var/log/director/* Not applicable /opt/ibm/director/log/
Default managed IBM DB2 database logs:
v /tmp/installdb2.log
v /tmp/db2setup.log
v Directory structure for
your installed IBM DB2
database product (Linux)
Not applicable
v /tmp/installdb2.log
v /tmp/db2setup.log
v Directory structure for
your installed IBM DB2
database product (Linux)
2. Perform the installation procedure again. For instructions, see Installing IBM
Systems Director on the management server on page 23 and select your
operating system.
When you are finished recovering from a failed installation, verify that the
recovery was successful. For instructions, see Verifying the successful installation
of IBM Systems Director on the management server on page 30.
Chapter 1. Installing 59
Related information:
Installation and migration troubleshooting
Exchanging information with IBM
Managed IBM DB2 installation fails
60 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Chapter 2. Installing agents
Prepare your managed systems and environment for agent and subagent
installation and then install Common Agent, Platform Agent, or IBM z/VM

Manageability Access Point Agent.

IBM Systems Director Server must be updated to 6.3.2 before, or at the same time
as, the agents that are installed on the management server are updated to 6.3.2. If
you attempt to update a local agent to 6.3.2 before updating IBM Systems Director
Server, then the IBM Systems Director Server update to 6.3.2 fails.
Use the following flowchart as a guide through the installation process for agents.
Note: A managed system might have more than one IP address (for example,
when the system contains more than one network interface card). When a
managed resource has multiple IP addresses, specify which IP address Systems
Director uses to manage the resource. To specify the IP address to use, you specify
that the management server ignore (or exclude) the other IP addresses associated
with the resource. For more information, see Excluding IP addresses.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012 61
Note: For more information about using the Web interface, see Publications and
related information to access the Systems Management guide.
Related tasks:
Choosing the level of agent capabilities to deploy on managed systems
Updating Systems Director
Excluding IP addresses
Installing VMControl agents and subagents
Related reference:
Systems Director Agent Deployment Cookbook
Running the Pre-Installation Utility on an agent (Windows)
Use these instructions to run the IBM Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility
(PIU) on Windows.
You can obtain or run the Pre-Installation Utility from two locations.
Table 13. Obtaining the Pre-Installation Utility
Location Action
IBM Systems Director 6.3.2 DVD If you do not already have the DVD, you
can burn the image onto DVD from the IBM
Systems Director Downloads website. Download the Pre-Installation Utility from
the IBM Systems Director Downloads
Note: The downloads website always
contains the most recent version.
1. To start the IBM Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility, choose the applicable
v Pre-Installation Utility download
Complete the following steps.
a. Insert the DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.
b. If the IBM Systems Director Welcome window automatically opens, then
complete the following steps:
1) Select your language.
2) Click Systems Director Server.
3) Click Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility.
c. If the IBM Systems Director Welcome window does not automatically
open, then complete the following steps, as applicable:
1) Click Start > Run
2) To change to the directory where the Pre-Installation Utility script is
located, type the following command in the Open field and press
e:\server\{i386 or x64}\checkds\
62 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
where e is the DVD-ROM drive letter on your system. If you
downloaded the utility, use the directory in which the Pre-Installation
Utility is located.
3) To start the utility, type the following command and press Enter:
checkds.bat -p [platformagent|commonagent]
For example:
checkds.bat -p commonagent
Note: If you do not specify the -p attribute, the tool is run for the
server. So, you must specify -p and designate whether you are
running the tool to prepare for the common agent or platform agent
The IBM Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility starts.
4) See Step 2.
v Pre-Installation Utility download
a. Extract the contents of the Pre-Installation Utility package, type the
following command, and press Enter:
b. To change to the directory where the Pre-Installation Utility script is
located, type the following command (as applicable) and press Enter:
cd checkds
c. To start the utility, type the following command and press Enter:
checkds.bat -p [platformagent|commonagent]
For example:
checkds.bat -p commonagent
Note: If you do not specify the -p attribute, the tool is run for the server.
So, you must specify -p and designate whether you are running the tool
to prepare for the common agent or platform agent installation.
The IBM Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility starts.
2. Reports are generated and results are displayed in the command window or
the default browser. Refer to the e:\checkds\readme.txt file for more
information about checkds.bat options, the reports that are generated, and
return codes. The checkds.bat -? command also displays supported syntax.
Related tasks:
Preparing to upgrade and migrate
Related reference:
Systems Director Downloads
Installing Common Agent
Prepare your systems and environment for installing Common Agent. Then, use
the Agent Installation wizard, or alternatively, use the manual instructions, to
install Common Agent.
v Installation of IBM Systems Director installs IBM Systems Director Server,
Common Agent, and Platform Agent all together as a bundle. Therefore, it is not
Chapter 2. Installing agents 63
necessary to separately install Common Agent or Platform Agent on the
management server after installing IBM Systems Director Server.
v Ensure that the system clocks on the systems that contain IBM Systems Director
Server and Common Agent remain synchronized.
Related tasks:
Running the Pre-Installation Utility
Preparing for a Common Agent managed system
Before installing Common Agent on a managed system, ensure that the
requirements applicable to your system have been met.
Complete the following steps on each system to be managed with Common Agent:
On all managed systems that use the ssh protocol to communicate with IBM
Systems Director Server, ensure that the PasswordAuthentication value in
/etc/ssh/sshd_config is set to yes. So, the corresponding line in the sshd_config
file will appear as follows:
PasswordAuthentication yes
Note: You must restart the ssh server for any changes made to sshd_config to take
Related reference:
Hardware requirements for systems running Common Agent or Platform
Obtaining licenses for Common Agent
IBM Systems Director includes licenses for up to 20 installations of Common Agent
on non-IBM x86 systems. To install Common Agent on additional non-IBM x86
systems, you must obtain a license from IBM.
1. Determine which non-IBM x86 systems require Common Agent licenses.
2. Obtain licenses for each installation of Common Agent on non-IBM x86 systems
from the software ordering web page at From
the web page, complete the following steps:
a. Click Products.
b. Under Systems and servers, select System x (xSeries).
c. Under Options and upgrades, select All options and upgrades.
d. Under More options and upgrades, select Software.
Related concepts:
License information
Preparing to install Common Agent on Windows
Before installing Common Agent on a managed system running Windows, make
sure that your system meets all the applicable requirements.
Review the following information and complete the necessary steps to prepare
your system for installation:
v Run the Pre-Installation Utility and fix any errors that it identifies. For
instructions, see Running the Pre-Installation Utility on an agent (Windows)
on page 62.
64 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
v Ensure that your system meets the hardware and software requirements for
installation, as described in Hardware and software requirements.
v If there is an operating system update in progress, ensure the process is
complete and you restart the system before starting the IBM Systems Director
installation process.
v Ensure that any agentless managed systems are prepared for discovery, as
described in Preparing agentless managed systems.
v Systems with service processors: Install the supporting device drivers and
mapping layers, if they are not already installed. See Preparing to manage
service processors with IBM Systems Director for information about these
drivers and mapping layers.
v If you want to use IBM Systems Director Server on System x for heterogeneous
server management, you can install Common Agent or Platform Agent on the
platforms you want to manage. You can obtain Common Agent and Platform
Agent for the supported operating systems from the IBM Systems Director Web
site at
v The IBM Systems Director for x86 DVD no longer includes OpenSSH for
Windows. If a Platform Agent managed system or Common Agent managed
system does not have a Secure Shell (SSH) package installed, IBM Systems
Director Server cannot communicate securely with the managed system. To
secure communication, install OpenSSH on the managed system. Download
OpenSSH for Windows from and
update the managed system with SSH.
Related tasks:
Installing agents using the Agent Installation Wizard
Installing Common Agent on Windows
Related reference:
Hardware and software requirements
Supported operating systems
IBM Systems Director Web page
OpenSSH for Windows
Related information:
Windows installation troubleshooting
Installing agents using the Agent Installation Wizard
You can use the Agent Installation Wizard to install agent packages on managed
IBM Systems Director Server requires a number of agent packages that can be
deployed to managed systems using the Agent Installation Wizard.The imported
agent packages are located in the dynamic group Agent Package Groups and can
be accessed by clicking Release Management > Agents in the navigation area. You
use the Agent Installation Wizard to select one of these agent packages to install
and one or more systems on which to install the agent package. Then, the wizard
creates an agent installation job that can run immediately or at a scheduled time.
Important: Ensure that the following requirements are met to enable use of the
Agent Installation Wizard to install and update agents:
Chapter 2. Installing agents 65
v The root user account was used to initially request access to the managed
v IBM Systems Director Server on non-Windows systems has SSH, and a
successful SSH connection exists in both directions between the server and the
v IBM Systems Director Server on Windows systems has DCOM, and a successful
DCOM connection exists in both directions between the server and the agent.
Complete the following steps to import the agent packages:
1. Download the remote agent packages from
software/director/downloads/agents.html. Ensure that you choose packages
from the Remote Deployment using Agent Installation wizard section.
2. Copy the packages to a location of your choice on the IBM Systems Director
Server system.
3. Import the packages with the Agent Installation Wizard.
4. Make any required changes to the diragent.rsp and or platform.rsp response
files. See the topic for your operating system under Installing Common Agent
manually or Installing Platform Agent manually for instructions about how
to change the response files.
Complete the following steps to install agents using the Agent Installation Wizard:
1. Start the Agent Installation Wizard. You can start the wizard in multiple ways:
v From the Home page, click Additional Setup. Then, click Install agents on
systems > Deploy Agents.
v Right-click an agent package or a managed system and select Release
Management > Install Agent.
2. If the Agent Installation Wizard Welcome page appears, click Next.
3. In the Agent Installation Wizard Agents page, complete the following steps:
a. Select the agent or subagent package that you want to install in the
Available list.
Note: A subagent plugs in to a base agent and provides additional
capabilities to support IBM Systems Director plug-ins such as IBM Systems
Director VMControl. This documentation uses the collective term agents
to refer to both agents and subagents.
b. Click Add. The selected agent package is displayed in the Selected list.
v Depending on how you started the Agent Installation Wizard, the
Selected list might already contain one or more agent packages.
v The Agent Installation Wizard can install only one agent package at a
time. If more than one agent package is displayed in the Selected list,
you will not be able to advance to the Systems page.
c. Click Next.
4. In the Agent Installation Wizard Systems page, complete the following steps:
a. Select the managed systems on which you want to install the agent package
in the Available list.
b. Click Add. The selected systems are displayed in the Selected list.
66 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
v Depending on how you started the Agent Installation Wizard, the
Selected list might already contain one or more systems.
v Depending on the agent package that you are installing, some selected
systems are potentially not valid targets for installation. The wizard
checks the selected systems for some or all of the following criteria to
ensure that the systems are valid targets before allowing you to continue:
Operating system family
Operating system version
Operating system distribution
Operating system name
Server architecture
c. Click Next.
5. In the Agent Installation Wizard Summary page, review the Selected Agents
and Selected Systems lists to ensure that they are correct.
v If the selections are not correct, click Back and make the necessary changes.
v If the selections are correct, click Finish.
After you click Finish, the Run - Install Agent window opens.
6. In the Run - Install Agent window, click the Schedule tab. On this page, you
can choose to run the job immediately or schedule the job to run at a later time.
a. A job name is required and the Name field provides a unique default name.
To change the default name, type a job name in the field.
b. To run the job immediately, click Run Now and go to step 7. Otherwise,
click Schedule.
c. In the Schedule list, select how frequently you want the job to run. The
default setting is Once. Other values are Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly,
Yearly, or Custom. Also, you can specify whether to run the job on the
d. Select the date and time to run the job for the first time.
e. Select the time range for the job to repeat.
7. Click the Notification tab. On this page you can customize a notification that is
sent by e-mail.
a. Select from the available criteria to customize when the mail notification is
sent. You can specify that the mail be sent when one of the following
criteria is met:
v When the job begins.
v When the job completes successfully.
v When the job fails. You can further customize this criterion by setting
either the percentage of target systems on which the job had errors or the
number of systems on which the job had errors. Therefore, if the job runs
on five systems, the job has errors on two systems, and you set the
criterion threshold to 50%, the notification is not sent.
v When the job receives any error.
b. Type your mail address, mail server, and mail server port.
Tip: You can provide only one mail address.
8. Click the Options tab. On this page you can select additional options for the
job behavior.
a. Select whether you want the job to run according to your management
server's time or the target system's time.
Chapter 2. Installing agents 67
Tip: Make sure that you know the time and time zone to which the
respective systems' clocks are set.
b. Select whether you want the job to fail if a system is offline or if you want
the job to run when the system is online again.
9. Click OK to save the job.
Click Cancel to exit from the Launch Job window without saving the job.
If the job is created successfully, a message is displayed on the page from
which you started the Scheduler. If the job creation fails, a message is displayed
in the Launch Job window so that you can correct the job.
The job created by the Agent Installation Wizard will transfer the agent
self-extracting script and the agent response file into the following directory,
which depends on your version and agent level, on the target system:
6.x Common Agent
6.x Platform Agent
5.x Common Agent
After the files are copied, the installation file sets are extracted into the /tmp
directory and installed. The files are then removed after a successful
installation. You need to ensure that there is sufficient space on the target
system to copy the self-extracting script and extract the file sets. Refer to the
space requirements as specified in Hardware requirements for systems
running Common Agent or Platform Agent.
If the agent deployment completes with errors, check the log file for your target
operating system for a possible root cause:
v Windows: %WINDIR%/diragentinst_timestamp.log or %WINDIR%/
Note: For more information about error log files, see Information to provide
to the IBM Technical Support Center.
You can view the status of the agent installation job by clicking Task Management
> Active and Scheduled Jobs.
If you installed Platform Agent on Linux, enable SNMP Access and Trap
Forwarding by installing and configuring Net-SNMP. For instructions and
information, see
Installing Common Agent manually
You can use these manual instructions to install Common Agent on a managed
system. These manual instructions provide an alternative method of installation to
using the Agent Installation Wizard.
v Installation of IBM Systems Director installs IBM Systems Director Server,
Common Agent, and Platform Agent all together as a bundle. Therefore, it is not
necessary to separately install Common Agent or Platform Agent on the
management server after installing IBM Systems Director Server.
v Ensure that the system clocks on the systems that contain IBM Systems Director
Server and Common Agent remain synchronized.
68 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Related tasks:
Preparing a Common Agent managed system
Installing Common Agent on Windows
After preparing your system, you can install Common Agent on a Windows
system by downloading the installation files from the IBM Systems Director
support Web site or by using the DVD. You can then perform a standard
installation or upgrade by using the wizard in a standard interactive mode, or you
can perform an unattended (either with or without status feedback) installation or
upgrade by using a response file that automatically provides answers to the
questions that the wizard poses.
Installing Common Agent on Windows using the installation wizard:
After preparing your Windows system, you can use the installation wizard to
install Common Agent.
v Installation of IBM Systems Director installs IBM Systems Director Server,
Common Agent, and Platform Agent all together as a bundle. Therefore, it is not
necessary to separately install Common Agent or Platform Agent on the
management server after installing IBM Systems Director Server.
v Ensure that the system clocks on the systems that contain IBM Systems Director
Server and Common Agent remain synchronized.
Common Agent 6.3.2 and Platform Agent 6.3.2 are primarily intended to support
new hardware and operating systems. You can install them for the first time on
any system that has the supported operating system and hardware, or you can
install them as updates to 6.3 upgrades to most 5.x and 6.x agents. One exception
is that the Platform Agent 6.3 installation does not upgrade agents that have the
IBM Systems Director 5.20.x on systems with an RSA service processor. In this
situation, you have the following options:
v To maintain full support of agents on these systems, continue to use Common
Agent 6.1 for Windows, Common Agent for Linux for System x, or IBM
Director Core Services 5.20.31 or 5.20.32.
v To use Common Agent 6.3.2 with reduced support on these systems, first
uninstall Common Agent 6.1 and then install Common Agent 6.3.2.
v To use Platform Agent 6.3.2 with reduced support on these systems, first
uninstall IBM Director Core Services 5.20.31 or 5.20.32 and then install Platform
Agent 6.3.2.
Depending on the version of Common Agent that you are installing, you can
install Common Agent on Windows from either installation media or from a
downloaded installation package.
Table 14. Installation options for Common Agent on Windows
Installation method Title or file name
DVD media IBM Systems Director for x86, V6.3.2 DVD
Note: To obtain an image of the IBM
Systems Director for x86, V6.3.2 DVD,
download the
SysDir6_3_2_DVD_Windows_x86-64.iso or
SysDir6_3_2_DVD_Windows.iso file.
Chapter 2. Installing agents 69
Table 14. Installation options for Common Agent on Windows (continued)
Installation method Title or file name
Downloaded installation package
(agent package for manual installation)
(agent package for Agent Installation
Wizard installation)
Note: If Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI), version 4.5 or later is not installed on
the system, it is installed during the Common Agent 6.3.2 installation. If the
upgrade is necessary, the system prompts you to restart following the installation
of Common Agent 6.3.2 without specifying that MSI was installed. Unless you
install using the response file and set the RebootIfRequired parameter to N, you are
prompted to restart whether or not the Common Agent 6.3.2 installation is
completed successfully.
To install Common Agent on Windows using the installation wizard, log in with
an administrator account and complete the following steps:
1. Start the installation from the Common Agent installation source:
Downloaded installation files: To start the installation from a Web download,
complete the following steps:
a. Download the installation package from the IBM Systems Director
Downloads Web Site at (
b. Use the unzip command to extract the contents of the installation package
to a temporary directory.
c. Click Start > Run.
d. In the Open field, type the following command and press Enter:
where installation_directory is the path to the extracted installation
files. The Welcome to the installation wizard for IBM Systems Director
Common Agent window opens.
DVD media: To start the installation from the DVD, complete the following
a. Insert the DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.
b. If the IBM Systems Director Welcome window automatically opens, then
complete the following steps:
1) Select your language.
2) Click IBM Systems Director Agents.
3) Click Install IBM Systems Director Common Agent.
4) Go to the next step.
If the IBM Systems DirectorWelcome window does not automatically open,
then complete the following steps:
1) Click Start > Run
2) In the Open field, type the following commands and press Enter:
v For 64-bit:
70 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
e:\agent\SysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_Windows.jar -d c:\632CA\
v For 32-bit:
e:\agent\SysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_Windows.jar -d c:\632CA\
where e is the drive letter of the drive and c:\632CA\ is an existing
folder where the installation files are to be extracted.
3) From the directory where you saved the installation files, open the
repository folder and run IBMSystemsDirectorAgentSetup.exe
The installation program starts.
4) Go to the next step.
Accessibility note: Screen readers might not process the IBM Systems
Director Welcome window correctly. To start the installation wizard for
Common Agent using the keyboard, complete the following steps:
a. Close the IBM Systems Director Welcome window.
b. Open Windows Explorer.
c. Browse to the directory where you extracted the installation files.
d. Run the IBMSystemsDirectorAgentSetup.exe program. The installation
wizard starts, and the Common Agent Welcome window opens.
2. Click Next. The License Agreement page is displayed
3. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next. The Feature
and installation directory selection page is displayed.
4. To select an alternative location for the creation of the installation, click
Change and select another directory.
5. Click Next. The Common Agent configuration page is displayed.
6. Specify the common agent port numbers for the common agent that is
installed with the server.
7. Click Next. The Registering Common Agent Services (CAS) page is displayed.
8. If you want the agent that you are installing to register with an agent
manager that already exists in your environment, select Check only if you
want to register CAS Agent with agent manager and enter in the information
for that existing agent manager:
Agent Manager Hostname or IP Address
The host name or IP address of the existing agent manager. If the
agent is installed in a network address translation environment, set
this parameter to ensure that the agent has the correct IP address to
contact the agent manager.
Agent Manager Registration Password
The password associated with the existing agent manager.
9. Click Next. The Ready to Install the Program window is displayed.
10. Click Install. Various windows that display the status of the installation are
displayed. When the installation is complete, the Installation complete
window is displayed.
11. Click Finish.
12. If you used the DVD for installation, remove the DVD from the drive.
13. If you are prompted to restart your system, click Yes.
Note: If Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI), version 4.5 or later is not installed
on the system, it is installed during the IBM Systems Director Server
Chapter 2. Installing agents 71
installation. If the upgrade is necessary, the system prompts you to restart
following the installation of IBM Systems Director Server without specifying
that MSI was installed. You are prompted to restart whether or not the IBM
Systems Director Server installation is completed successfully.
When the installation has completed, the resource will be set up as a manageable
To ensure full functionality of your new Common Agent instance, discover it with
IBM Systems Director Server.
Related tasks:
Importing agent packages
Upgrading and migrating agents
Restarting Common Agent
Related reference:
Systems Director Downloads
Related information:
Windows installation troubleshooting
Exchanging information with IBM
Performing an unattended installation of Common Agent on Windows:
After preparing your Windows system, you can use a response file to perform an
unattended installation of Common Agent. The response file that you create can be
employed on supported systems in your environment to install Common Agent.
v Installation of IBM Systems Director installs IBM Systems Director Server,
Common Agent, and Platform Agent all together as a bundle. Therefore, it is not
necessary to separately install Common Agent or Platform Agent on the
management server after installing IBM Systems Director Server.
v Ensure that the system clocks on the systems that contain IBM Systems Director
Server and Common Agent remain synchronized.
Common Agent 6.3.2 and Platform Agent 6.3.2 are primarily intended to support
new hardware and operating systems. You can install them for the first time on
any system that has the supported operating system and hardware, or you can
install them as updates to 6.3 upgrades to most 5.x and 6.x agents. One exception
is that the Platform Agent 6.3 installation does not upgrade agents that have the
IBM Systems Director 5.20.x on systems with an RSA service processor. In this
situation, you have the following options:
v To maintain full support of agents on these systems, continue to use Common
Agent 6.1 for Windows, Common Agent for Linux for System x, or IBM
Director Core Services 5.20.31 or 5.20.32.
v To use Common Agent 6.3.2 with reduced support on these systems, first
uninstall Common Agent 6.1 and then install Common Agent 6.3.2.
72 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
v To use Platform Agent 6.3.2 with reduced support on these systems, first
uninstall IBM Director Core Services 5.20.31 or 5.20.32 and then install Platform
Agent 6.3.2.
Depending on the version of Common Agent that you are installing, you can
install Common Agent on Windows from either installation media or from a
downloaded installation package.
Table 15. Installation options for Common Agent on Windows
Installation method Title or file name
DVD media IBM Systems Director for x86, V6.3.2 DVD
Note: To obtain an image of the IBM
Systems Director for x86, V6.3.2 DVD,
download the
SysDir6_3_2_DVD_Windows_x86-64.iso or
SysDir6_3_2_DVD_Windows.iso file.
Downloaded installation package
(agent package for manual installation)
(agent package for Agent Installation
Wizard installation)
Note: If Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI), version 4.5 or later is not installed on
the system, it is installed during the Common Agent 6.3.2 installation. If the
upgrade is necessary, the system prompts you to restart following the installation
of Common Agent 6.3.2 without specifying that MSI was installed. Unless you
install using the response file and set the RebootIfRequired parameter to N, you are
prompted to restart whether or not the Common Agent 6.3.2 installation is
completed successfully.
To use a response file to install Common Agent on Windows, log in with an
administrator account and complete the following steps:
1. Start the installation from the installation source:
Downloaded installation files: To start the installation from a Web download,
complete the following steps:
a. Download the installation package from the IBM Systems Director
Downloads Web Site at
b. Use the unzip command to extract the contents of the installation package
to a temporary directory.
c. Copy the diragent.rsp response file to a new location. This file is in the
\directory\FILES (5.20.31) or the \directory (6.1.x or later) directory, where
directory is the local directory into which you extracted the files.
DVD media: To start the installation from the DVD, complete the following
a. Insert the DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.
b. If the installation program starts automatically and the IBM Systems
Director Setup window opens, close it.
c. If the IBM Systems DirectorWelcome window does not automatically open,
then complete the following steps to extract the jar file:
Chapter 2. Installing agents 73
1) Click Start > Run
2) In the Open field, type the following commands and press Enter:
v For 64-bit:
e:\server\x64\bin>miniunz.exe /
e:\agent\SysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_Windows.jar /
-d c:\632CA\
v For 32-bit:
e:\server\i386\bin>miniunz.exe /
e:\agent\SysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_Windows.jar /
-d c:\632CA\
where e is the drive letter of the drive and c:\632CA\ is an existing
folder where the installation files are to be extracted.
3) Go to the next step.
d. Copy the diragent.rsp response file to a local directory. This file is in the
repository folder within the directory where you extracted the jar file.
2. Open the copy of the diragent.rsp file, which follows the Windows INI file
format, in an ASCII text editor.
3. Modify and save the response file with a new file name. For example, rename
the diragent.rsp file to myresponsefile.rsp. This file is fully commented.
The following parameters are used in the diragent.rsp file to register the
Common Agent services with an agent manager. These parameters are optional,
but, if one is specified, then both must be specified.
The host name or IP address for the agent manager. If the agent is
installed in a network address translation environment, set this
parameter to ensure that the agent has the correct IP address to contact
the agent manager.
The password for registering with the agent manager.
The following parameters are used to set the ports that the common agent
services will use. A valid number for each port is a number that is greater than
1024 and lesser than 65535. The values listed are the default values for each
v CASInstall.AgentPort=9510
v CASInstall.NostopPort1=9514
v CASInstall.NonstopPort2=9515
4. Open a command prompt and change to the directory that contains the
Common Agent installation file. This file is in the \respository directory.
5. From the command prompt, type the following command and press Enter:
IBMSystemsDirectorAgentSetup.exe /s /a installationtype \
rsp="responsefile" option
where the variables are defined as follows:
One of the following commands:
v unattended shows the progress of the installation but does not
require any user input.
v silent suppresses all output to the screen during installation.
The absolute path and name of the response file that you created
previously. For example, c:\myfolder\myresponsefile.rsp. The rsp
74 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
parameter is optional. If you do not include the rsp parameter, the
installer uses the default response file in the package.
option One of the following optional parameters:
Table 16. Optional installation parameters
Optional parameter What it does
waitforme Ensures that installation processing will not end until this
installation is completed.
debug Logs all messages that are sent by the Microsoft Windows
Installer log engine, including status and information
log=logfilename Specifies the fully qualified name of an alternative log file.
verbose Enables verbose logging.
For example, type the following command:
IBMSystemsDirectorAgentSetup.exe /s /a silent
This example performs a silent installation of Common Agent on Windows
using the myresponsefile.rsp response file.
6. If you set the RebootIfRequired parameter to Y in the response file, reboot the
system if prompted to do so.
a. For Windows 2008, Service Pack 1 and earlier, if Microsoft Windows
Installer (MSI) 4.5 is not installed, then you are prompted to install
Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) 4.5 and to run the installation program
again after the system restarts.
b. For Windows 2008 R2, MSI version 4.5 comes installed on the system.
c. For all other supported Windows platforms, if Microsoft Windows Installer
(MSI), version 4.5 or later is not installed on the system, it is installed
during the IBM Systems Director Server installation. If the upgrade of MSI
is necessary, the system prompts you to restart following the installation of
IBM Systems Director Server without specifying that MSI was upgraded.
Unless you install IBM Systems Director Server by using the response file
and set the RebootIfRequired parameter to N, you are prompted to restart
whether the IBM Systems Director Server installation completes successfully.
7. If you used the DVD for installation, remove the DVD from the drive.
To ensure full functionality of your new Common Agent instance, discover it with
IBM Systems Director Server.
Chapter 2. Installing agents 75
Related tasks:
Importing agent packages
Upgrading and migrating agents
Restarting Common Agent
Related reference:
Systems Director Downloads
Related information:
Windows installation troubleshooting
Exchanging information with IBM
Installing Platform Agent
Prepare your systems and environment for installing Platform Agent. Then, use the
Agent Installation wizard, or alternatively, use the manual instructions, to install
Platform Agent.
v Installation of IBM Systems Director installs IBM Systems Director Server,
Common Agent (when applicable), and Platform Agent all together. Therefore, it
is not necessary to separately install Common Agent or Platform Agent on the
management server after installing IBM Systems Director Server. In most cases,
any IBM Systems Director tasks requiring Common Agent or Platform Agent
will be performed for systems with IBM Systems Director Server installed.
v Ensure that the system clocks on systems that contain IBM Systems Director
Server and Platform Agent remain synchronized.
v If you have BMC, IMM, or IMM2 service processors, use Platform Agent 6.1.1 or
later to help ensure full functionality and support.
v If you have RSA service processors, use IBM Director Core Services 5.20.x to
help ensure full functionality and support. If you do decide to use Platform
Agent 6.3.2, you must first uninstall IBM Director Core Services 5.20.x before
installing Platform Agent 6.3.2.
Restriction: Platform Agent 6.3.2 will block updates on IBM Director Core
Services 5.20.x systems and RSA service processors. You will no longer be able to
manage the RSA in-band. You can manage it out-of-band by connecting it to the
network and discovering it with IBM Systems Director.
v Platform Agent 6.1.1 and later uses a newer version of the LSI MR provider. This
provider will not function properly with older versions of the LSI device drivers.
In order to ensure that CIM data and alerts function properly with LSI devices,
it is important that the device drivers are at the latest levels for all Platform
Agent systems.
v See Installing and uninstalling KVM Platform Agent for considerations
regarding the use of Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Linux Kernel-based Virtual
Machine (KVM).
Note: If you are upgrading agents manually on a previously discovered endpoint,
you must discover the endpoint again after the upgrade. Discovering the endpoint
76 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
again allows the correct functionality to be reflected in IBM Systems Director. For
example if you are upgrading an endpoint from Agentless managed system to
Platform Agent through the manual agent installation script, you must then
discover the endpoint again with IBM Systems Director.
Related tasks:
Running the Pre-Installation Utility
Binding Platform Agent to specific IP addresses
Installing and uninstalling KVM Platform Agent
Preparing for a Platform Agent managed system
Before installing Platform Agent on a managed system make sure that the
requirements that are applicable to your system have been met.
Complete the following steps on each system to be managed with Platform Agent:
Set the clock on the managed system to match the time of the management server.
If the managed system time is earlier than that of the management server, the
management server will be unable to unlock the managed system.
To avoid the problem of system-time mismatch, you can configure managed
systems and the management server to synchronize their clocks using a common
network time protocol (NTP) server.
Related reference:
RedHat chkconfig bug fix
Preparing to install Platform Agent on Windows
Before installing Platform Agent on a managed system running Windows, make
sure that your system meets all the applicable requirements.
Review the following information and complete the necessary steps to prepare
your system for installation:
v Run the Pre-Installation Utility and fix any errors that it identifies. For
instructions, see Running the Pre-Installation Utility on an agent (Windows)
on page 62.
v Ensure that your system meets the hardware and software requirements for
installation, as described in Hardware and software requirements.
v If there is an operating system update in progress, ensure the process is
complete and you restart the system before starting the IBM Systems Director
installation process.
v Ensure that any agentless managed systems are prepared for discovery, as
described in Preparing agentless managed systems.
v Systems with service processors: Install the supporting device drivers and
mapping layers, if they are not already installed. See Preparing to manage
service processors with IBM Systems Director for information about these
drivers and mapping layers.
v If you want to use IBM Systems Director Server on System x for heterogeneous
server management, you can install Common Agent or Platform Agent on the
platforms you want to manage. You can obtain Common Agent and Platform
Agent for the supported operating systems from the IBM Systems Director Web
site at
Chapter 2. Installing agents 77
v The IBM Systems Director for x86 DVD no longer includes OpenSSH for
Windows. If a Platform Agent managed system or Common Agent managed
system does not have a Secure Shell (SSH) package installed, IBM Systems
Director Server cannot communicate securely with the managed system. To
secure communication, install OpenSSH on the managed system. Download
OpenSSH for Windows from and
update the managed system with SSH.
Related tasks:
Installing agents using the Agent Installation Wizard
Installing Platform Agent on Windows
Related reference:
Hardware and software requirements
Supported operating systems
Systems Director Web page
OpenSSH for Windows
Related information:
Windows installation troubleshooting
Installing agents using the Agent Installation Wizard
You can use the Agent Installation Wizard to install agent packages on managed
IBM Systems Director Server requires a number of agent packages that can be
deployed to managed systems using the Agent Installation Wizard.The imported
agent packages are located in the dynamic group Agent Package Groups and can
be accessed by clicking Release Management > Agents in the navigation area. You
use the Agent Installation Wizard to select one of these agent packages to install
and one or more systems on which to install the agent package. Then, the wizard
creates an agent installation job that can run immediately or at a scheduled time.
Important: Ensure that the following requirements are met to enable use of the
Agent Installation Wizard to install and update agents:
v The root user account was used to initially request access to the managed
v IBM Systems Director Server on non-Windows systems has SSH, and a
successful SSH connection exists in both directions between the server and the
v IBM Systems Director Server on Windows systems has DCOM, and a successful
DCOM connection exists in both directions between the server and the agent.
Complete the following steps to import the agent packages:
1. Download the remote agent packages from
software/director/downloads/agents.html. Ensure that you choose packages
from the Remote Deployment using Agent Installation wizard section.
2. Copy the packages to a location of your choice on the IBM Systems Director
Server system.
3. Import the packages with the Agent Installation Wizard.
78 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
4. Make any required changes to the diragent.rsp and or platform.rsp response
files. See the topic for your operating system under Installing Common Agent
manually or Installing Platform Agent manually for instructions about how
to change the response files.
Complete the following steps to install agents using the Agent Installation Wizard:
1. Start the Agent Installation Wizard. You can start the wizard in multiple ways:
v From the Home page, click Additional Setup. Then, click Install agents on
systems > Deploy Agents.
v Right-click an agent package or a managed system and select Release
Management > Install Agent.
2. If the Agent Installation Wizard Welcome page appears, click Next.
3. In the Agent Installation Wizard Agents page, complete the following steps:
a. Select the agent or subagent package that you want to install in the
Available list.
Note: A subagent plugs in to a base agent and provides additional
capabilities to support IBM Systems Director plug-ins such as IBM Systems
Director VMControl. This documentation uses the collective term agents
to refer to both agents and subagents.
b. Click Add. The selected agent package is displayed in the Selected list.
v Depending on how you started the Agent Installation Wizard, the
Selected list might already contain one or more agent packages.
v The Agent Installation Wizard can install only one agent package at a
time. If more than one agent package is displayed in the Selected list,
you will not be able to advance to the Systems page.
c. Click Next.
4. In the Agent Installation Wizard Systems page, complete the following steps:
a. Select the managed systems on which you want to install the agent package
in the Available list.
b. Click Add. The selected systems are displayed in the Selected list.
v Depending on how you started the Agent Installation Wizard, the
Selected list might already contain one or more systems.
v Depending on the agent package that you are installing, some selected
systems are potentially not valid targets for installation. The wizard
checks the selected systems for some or all of the following criteria to
ensure that the systems are valid targets before allowing you to continue:
Operating system family
Operating system version
Operating system distribution
Operating system name
Server architecture
c. Click Next.
5. In the Agent Installation Wizard Summary page, review the Selected Agents
and Selected Systems lists to ensure that they are correct.
v If the selections are not correct, click Back and make the necessary changes.
Chapter 2. Installing agents 79
v If the selections are correct, click Finish.
After you click Finish, the Run - Install Agent window opens.
6. In the Run - Install Agent window, click the Schedule tab. On this page, you
can choose to run the job immediately or schedule the job to run at a later time.
a. A job name is required and the Name field provides a unique default name.
To change the default name, type a job name in the field.
b. To run the job immediately, click Run Now and go to step 7 on page 67.
Otherwise, click Schedule.
c. In the Schedule list, select how frequently you want the job to run. The
default setting is Once. Other values are Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly,
Yearly, or Custom. Also, you can specify whether to run the job on the
d. Select the date and time to run the job for the first time.
e. Select the time range for the job to repeat.
7. Click the Notification tab. On this page you can customize a notification that is
sent by e-mail.
a. Select from the available criteria to customize when the mail notification is
sent. You can specify that the mail be sent when one of the following
criteria is met:
v When the job begins.
v When the job completes successfully.
v When the job fails. You can further customize this criterion by setting
either the percentage of target systems on which the job had errors or the
number of systems on which the job had errors. Therefore, if the job runs
on five systems, the job has errors on two systems, and you set the
criterion threshold to 50%, the notification is not sent.
v When the job receives any error.
b. Type your mail address, mail server, and mail server port.
Tip: You can provide only one mail address.
8. Click the Options tab. On this page you can select additional options for the
job behavior.
a. Select whether you want the job to run according to your management
server's time or the target system's time.
Tip: Make sure that you know the time and time zone to which the
respective systems' clocks are set.
b. Select whether you want the job to fail if a system is offline or if you want
the job to run when the system is online again.
9. Click OK to save the job.
Click Cancel to exit from the Launch Job window without saving the job.
If the job is created successfully, a message is displayed on the page from
which you started the Scheduler. If the job creation fails, a message is displayed
in the Launch Job window so that you can correct the job.
The job created by the Agent Installation Wizard will transfer the agent
self-extracting script and the agent response file into the following directory,
which depends on your version and agent level, on the target system:
6.x Common Agent
80 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
6.x Platform Agent
5.x Common Agent
After the files are copied, the installation file sets are extracted into the /tmp
directory and installed. The files are then removed after a successful
installation. You need to ensure that there is sufficient space on the target
system to copy the self-extracting script and extract the file sets. Refer to the
space requirements as specified in Hardware requirements for systems
running Common Agent or Platform Agent.
If the agent deployment completes with errors, check the log file for your target
operating system for a possible root cause:
v Windows: %WINDIR%/diragentinst_timestamp.log or %WINDIR%/
Note: For more information about error log files, see Information to provide
to the IBM Technical Support Center.
You can view the status of the agent installation job by clicking Task Management
> Active and Scheduled Jobs.
If you installed Platform Agent on Linux, enable SNMP Access and Trap
Forwarding by installing and configuring Net-SNMP. For instructions and
information, see
Installing Platform Agent manually
You can use these manual instructions to install Platform Agent on a managed
system. These manual instructions provide an alternative method of installation to
using the Agent Installation Wizard.
v Installation of IBM Systems Director installs IBM Systems Director Server,
Common Agent (when applicable), and Platform Agent all together. Therefore, it
is not necessary to separately install Common Agent or Platform Agent on the
management server after installing IBM Systems Director Server. In most cases,
any IBM Systems Director tasks requiring Common Agent or Platform Agent
will be performed for systems with IBM Systems Director Server installed.
v Ensure that the system clocks on systems that contain IBM Systems Director
Server and Platform Agent remain synchronized.
v If you have BMC, IMM, or IMM2 service processors, use Platform Agent 6.1.1 or
later to help ensure full functionality and support.
v If you have RSA service processors, use IBM Director Core Services 5.20.x to
help ensure full functionality and support. If you do decide to use Platform
Agent 6.3.2, you must first uninstall IBM Director Core Services 5.20.x before
installing Platform Agent 6.3.2.
Restriction: Platform Agent 6.3.2 will block updates on IBM Director Core
Services 5.20.x systems and RSA service processors. You will no longer be able to
manage the RSA in-band. You can manage it out-of-band by connecting it to the
network and discovering it with IBM Systems Director.
v Platform Agent 6.1.1 and later uses a newer version of the LSI MR provider. This
provider will not function properly with older versions of the LSI device drivers.
Chapter 2. Installing agents 81
In order to ensure that CIM data and alerts function properly with LSI devices,
it is important that the device drivers are at the latest levels for all Platform
Agent systems.
v See Installing and uninstalling KVM Platform Agent for considerations
regarding the use of Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Linux Kernel-based Virtual
Machine (KVM).
Related tasks:
Preparing a Platform Agent managed system
Installing Platform Agent on Windows
After preparing your system, you can install Platform Agent on a system that is
running Windows by downloading the installation files from the IBM Systems
Director support Web site or by using the DVD. You can then perform a standard
installation or upgrade by using the wizard in a standard interactive mode, or you
can perform an unattended (either with or without status feedback) installation or
upgrade by using a response file that automatically provides answers to the
questions that the wizard poses.
Installing Platform Agent on Windows using the installation wizard:
To use the installation wizard to install Platform Agent on a system that is running
Windows, download the installation files from the IBM Systems Director support
Web site or use the DVD.
v Installation of IBM Systems Director installs IBM Systems Director Server,
Common Agent, and Platform Agent all together as a bundle. Therefore, it is not
necessary to separately install Common Agent or Platform Agent on the
management server after installing IBM Systems Director Server.
v Ensure that the system clocks on systems that contain IBM Systems Director
Server and Platform Agent remain synchronized.
Common Agent 6.3.2 and Platform Agent 6.3.2 are primarily intended to support
new hardware and operating systems. You can install them for the first time on
any system that has the supported operating system and hardware, or you can
install them as updates to 6.3 upgrades to most 5.x and 6.x agents. One exception
is that the Platform Agent 6.3 installation does not upgrade agents that have the
IBM Systems Director 5.20.x on systems with an RSA service processor. In this
situation, you have the following options:
v To maintain full support of agents on these systems, continue to use Common
Agent 6.1 for Windows, Common Agent for Linux for System x, or IBM
Director Core Services 5.20.31 or 5.20.32.
v To use Common Agent 6.3.2 with reduced support on these systems, first
uninstall Common Agent 6.1 and then install Common Agent 6.3.2.
v To use Platform Agent 6.3.2 with reduced support on these systems, first
uninstall IBM Director Core Services 5.20.31 or 5.20.32 and then install Platform
Agent 6.3.2.
You can install Platform Agent on Windows from either installation media or from
a downloaded installation package.
82 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Table 17. Installation options for Platform Agent on Windows
Installation method Title or file name
DVD media IBM Systems Director for x86, V6.3.2 DVD
Note: To obtain an image of the IBM Systems Director for
x86, V6.3.2 DVD, download the
SysDir6_3_2_DVD_Windows_x86-64.iso or
SysDir6_3_2_DVD_Windows.iso file.
Downloaded installation
6.3.2 agents
Install the 6.3.2 agents unless you need full
support for downlevel agents that have the
previously specified hardware and software
(agent package for manual installation)
v SysDir6_3_2_Platform_Agent_Windows.jar
(agent package for Agent Installation Wizard
v The Platform Agent 6.3.2 installer installs MSI 4.5 as a prerequisite. On Windows
2008, the Platform Agent installer issues an error message and exits if MSI 4.5 is
not already installed, because an immediate reboot is required. On other
versions of Windows, an immediate reboot is not required and the Platform
Agent installer is able to continue. To bypass this scenario on Windows 2008,
create Windows virtual images with MSI 4.5 already installed.
v Platform Agent 6.3.2 uses MSI 4.5, which requires a special option when using
Remote Desktop Connection. To enable Remote Desktop Connection to start,
issue one of the following commands:
For Windows XP SP2 or Windows 2003:
mstsc /console
For Windows XP SP3 or Windows 2008 or later:
mstsc /admin
v Platform Agent 6.3.2 does not support RSA II. Any attempt to install Platform
Agent 6.3.2 will be blocked on systems that contain any of the these items along
with IBM Director Core Services 5.20.31 or older. You can force the installation of
Platform Agent 6.3.2 by specifying the force option with the following
dir6.3.2_platformagent_windows.exe force
However, rather than force the installation of Platform Agent 6.3.2, instead
uninstall IBM Director Core Services 5.20.31 and then install Platform Agent
To install Platform Agent on Windows using the installation wizard, complete the
following steps:
Tip: You can find the installation logs for this process in C:\Windows\
1. Start the installation from the Common Agent installation source:
Chapter 2. Installing agents 83
Downloaded installation files: To start the installation from a Web download,
complete the following steps:
a. Download the installation package from the IBM Systems Director
Downloads Web Site at
b. Use the unzip command to extract the contents of the installation package
to a temporary directory.
c. Click Start > Run.
d. In the Open field, type the following command and press Enter:
where installation_directory is the path to the extracted installation files.
The Welcome to the installation wizard for IBM Systems Director Platform
Agent window opens.
DVD media: To start the installation from the DVD, complete the following
a. Insert the DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.
b. If the IBM Systems Director Welcome window automatically opens, then
complete the following steps:
1) Select your language.
2) Click IBM Systems Director Agents.
3) Click Install IBM Systems Director Platform Agent.
4) Go to the next step.
If the IBM Systems Director Welcome window does not automatically open,
then complete the following steps:
1) Click Start > Run
2) In the Open field, type the following commands and press Enter:
v For 64-bit:
e:\server\x64\bin>miniunz.exe /
e:\agent\SysDir6_3_2_Platform_Agent_Windows.jar /
-d c:\632PA\
v For 32-bit:
e:\server\i386\bin>miniunz.exe /
e:\agent\SysDir6_3_2_Platform_Agent_Windows.jar /
-d c:\632PA\
where e is the drive letter of the drive and c:\632PA\ is an existing
folder where the installation files are to be extracted.
3) From the directory where you saved the installation files, open the
repository folder and run dir6.3.2_platformagent_windows.exe
The installation program starts.
4) Go to the next step.
Accessibility note: Screen readers might not process the IBM Systems Director
Welcome window correctly. To start the installation wizard for Platform Agent
using the keyboard, complete the following steps:
a. Close the IBM Systems Director Setup window.
b. Open Windows Explorer.
c. Browse to the directory where you extracted the installation files.
d. Run the dir6.3.2_platformagent_windows.exe program. The installation
wizard starts, and the IBM Systems Director Welcome window opens.
84 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
2. Click Next. The License Agreement page is displayed
3. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next. The Feature
and installation directory selection page is displayed.
4. To select an alternative location for the creation of the installation, click Change
and select another directory.
5. Click Next. The Ready to Install the Program window is displayed.
6. Click Install. Various windows that display the status of the installation are
displayed. When the installation is complete, the Installation complete window
is displayed.
7. Click Finish.
8. If you used the DVD for installation, remove the DVD from the drive.
9. If you are prompted to restart your system, click Yes.
Note: If Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI), version 4.5 or later is not installed
on the system, it is installed during the IBM Systems Director Server
installation. If the upgrade is necessary, the system prompts you to restart
following the installation of IBM Systems Director Server without specifying
that MSI was installed. You are prompted to restart whether or not the IBM
Systems Director Server installation is completed successfully.
Note: On Windows and Linux RSA II systems, Platform Agent 6.3.2 will install the
LSI MegaRAID provider along with the RSA II service. Platform Agent 6.3.2 will
also install the OSA IPMI driver on Windows 2003 systems that need it. Use the
Verify Connection page to query vital properties after you upgrade to Platform
Agent 6.3.2. This will immediately renew alert subscriptions for the LSI MegaRAID
provider and Basic RAID hardware. If you do not verify the connection, the alert
subscriptions might take as long as an hour to update.
Related tasks:
Preparing to install Platform Agent on Windows
Importing agent packages
Restarting Platform Agent
Related reference:
Systems Director Downloads
Related information:
Windows installation troubleshooting
Exchanging information with IBM
Performing an unattended installation of Platform Agent on Windows:
You can perform an unattended installation of Platform Agent using a response
file, which provides answers to the questions that are posed by the installation
wizard. You can use this method to create a standard installation file that can be
used on many systems.
v Installation of IBM Systems Director installs IBM Systems Director Server,
Common Agent, and Platform Agent all together as a bundle. Therefore, it is not
Chapter 2. Installing agents 85
necessary to separately install Common Agent or Platform Agent on the
management server after installing IBM Systems Director Server.
v Ensure that the system clocks on systems that contain IBM Systems Director
Server and Platform Agent remain synchronized.
Common Agent 6.3.2 and Platform Agent 6.3.2 are primarily intended to support
new hardware and operating systems. You can install them for the first time on
any system that has the supported operating system and hardware, or you can
install them as updates to 6.3 upgrades to most 5.x and 6.x agents. One exception
is that the Platform Agent 6.3 installation does not upgrade agents that have the
IBM Systems Director 5.20.x on systems with an RSA service processor. In this
situation, you have the following options:
v To maintain full support of agents on these systems, continue to use Common
Agent 6.1 for Windows, Common Agent for Linux for System x, or IBM
Director Core Services 5.20.31 or 5.20.32.
v To use Common Agent 6.3.2 with reduced support on these systems, first
uninstall Common Agent 6.1 and then install Common Agent 6.3.2.
v To use Platform Agent 6.3.2 with reduced support on these systems, first
uninstall IBM Director Core Services 5.20.31 or 5.20.32 and then install Platform
Agent 6.3.2.
You can install Platform Agent on Windows from either installation media or from
a downloaded installation package.
Table 18. Installation options for Platform Agent on Windows
Installation method Title or file name
DVD media IBM Systems Director for x86, V6.3.2 DVD
Note: To obtain an image of the IBM Systems Director for
x86, V6.3.2 DVD, download the
SysDir6_3_2_DVD_Windows_x86-64.iso or
SysDir6_3_2_DVD_Windows.iso file.
Downloaded installation
6.3.2 agents
Install the 6.3.2 agents unless you need full
support for downlevel agents that have the
previously specified hardware and software
(agent package for manual installation)
v SysDir6_3_2_Platform_Agent_Windows.jar
(agent package for Agent Installation Wizard
v The Platform Agent 6.3.2 installer installs MSI 4.5 as a prerequisite. On Windows
2008, the Platform Agent installer issues an error message and exits if MSI 4.5 is
not already installed, because an immediate reboot is required. On other
versions of Windows, an immediate reboot is not required and the Platform
Agent installer is able to continue. To bypass this scenario on Windows 2008,
create Windows virtual images with MSI 4.5 already installed.
v Platform Agent 6.3.2 uses MSI 4.5, which requires a special option when using
Remote Desktop Connection. To enable Remote Desktop Connection to start,
issue one of the following commands:
86 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
For Windows XP SP2 or Windows 2003:
mstsc /console
For Windows XP SP3 or Windows 2008 or later:
mstsc /admin
v Platform Agent 6.3.2 does not support RSA II. Any attempt to install Platform
Agent 6.3.2 will be blocked on systems that contain any of the these items along
with IBM Director Core Services 5.20.31 or older. You can force the installation of
Platform Agent 6.3.2 by specifying the force option with the following
dir6.3.2_platformagent_windows.exe force
However, rather than force the installation of Platform Agent 6.3.2, instead
uninstall IBM Director Core Services 5.20.31 and then install Platform Agent
1. Start the installation from the installation source:
Downloaded installation files: To start the installation from a Web download,
complete the following steps:
a. Download the installation package from the IBM Systems Director
Downloads Web Site at
b. Use the unzip command to extract the contents of the installation package
to a temporary directory.
c. Copy the platformagent.rsp response file to a new location. This file is in
the \directory directory, where directory is the local directory into which
you extracted the files.
Note: The IBM Director Core Services 5.20.31 coresvcs.rsp response file is
in the \directory\FILES directory, where directory is the local directory into
which you extracted the 5.20.31 files.
DVD media: To start the installation from the DVD, complete the following
a. Insert the DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.
b. If the installation program starts automatically and the IBM Systems
Director Setup window opens, close it.
c. If the IBM Systems Director Welcome window does not automatically open,
then complete the following steps to extract the jar file:
1) Click Start > Run
2) In the Open field, type the following commands and press Enter:
v For 64-bit:
e:\server\x64\bin>miniunz.exe /
e:\agent\SysDir6_3_2_Platform_Agent_Windows.jar /
-d c:\632PA\
v For 32-bit:
e:\server\i386\bin>miniunz.exe /
e:\agent\SysDir6_3_2_Platform_Agent_Windows.jar /
-d c:\632PA\
where e is the drive letter of the drive and c:\632PA\ is an existing
folder where the installation files are to be extracted.
3) Go to the next step.
Chapter 2. Installing agents 87
d. Copy the platformagent.rsp response file to a local directory. This file is in
the repository folder within the directory to which you extracted the
installation files.
2. Open the copy of the platformagent.rsp file, which follows the Windows INI
file format, in an ASCII text editor.
3. Modify and save the response file with a new file name. For example, rename
the platformagent.rsp file to myresponsefile.rsp.
4. From the repository folder, type the following command and press Enter:
dir6.3.2_platformagent_windows.exe /s /a installationtype \
rsp="responsefile" option
where the variables are defined as follows:
One of the following commands:
v unattended shows the progress of the installation but does not
require any user input.
v silent suppresses all output to the screen during installation.
The absolute path and name of the response file that you created
previously. For example, c:\myfolder\myresponsefile.rsp. The rsp
parameter is optional. If you do not include the rsp parameter, the
installer uses the default response file in the package.
option One of the following optional parameters:
Table 19. Optional installation parameters
Optional parameter What it does
waitforme Ensures that installation processing will not end until this
installation is completed.
debug Logs all messages that are sent by the Microsoft Windows
Installer log engine, including status and information
log=logfilename Specifies the fully qualified name of an alternative log file.
verbose Enables verbose logging.
For example, type the following command:
dir6.3.2_platformagent_windows.exe /s /a silent \
This example performs a silent installation of Platform Agent on Windows
using the myresponsefile.rsp response file.
Tip: After running a silent installation, you can verify that the installation is
complete by checking for the process in Windows Task Manager.
5. If you set the RebootIfRequired parameter to Y in the response file, reboot the
system if prompted to do so.
a. For Windows 2008, Service Pack 1 and earlier, if Microsoft Windows
Installer (MSI) 4.5 is not installed, then you are prompted to install
Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) 4.5 and to run the installation program
again after the system restarts.
88 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
b. For Windows 2008 R2, MSI version 4.5 comes installed on the system.
c. For all other supported Windows platforms, if Microsoft Windows Installer
(MSI), version 4.5 or later is not installed on the system, it is installed
during the IBM Systems Director Server installation. If the upgrade of MSI
is necessary, the system prompts you to restart following the installation of
IBM Systems Director Server without specifying that MSI was upgraded.
Unless you install IBM Systems Director Server by using the response file
and set the RebootIfRequired parameter to N, you are prompted to restart
whether the IBM Systems Director Server installation completes successfully.
6. If you used the DVD for installation, remove the DVD from the drive.
Note: On Windows and Linux RSA II systems, Platform Agent 6.3.2 will install the
LSI MegaRAID provider along with the RSA II service. Platform Agent 6.3.2 will
also install the OSA IPMI driver on Windows 2003 systems that need it. Use the
Verify Connection page to query vital properties after you upgrade to Platform
Agent 6.3.2. This will immediately renew alert subscriptions for the LSI MegaRAID
provider and Basic RAID hardware. If you do not verify the connection, the alert
subscriptions might take as long as an hour to update.
Related tasks:
Preparing to install Platform Agent on Windows
Importing agent packages
Restarting Platform Agent
Related reference:
Systems Director Downloads
Related information:
Windows installation troubleshooting
Exchanging information with IBM
Verifying the successful installation of an IBM Systems Director agent
You can verify a successful installation by starting IBM Systems Director Server,
logging into the Web interface, and discovering the new managed system.
To verify that the agent installation was successful and ensure your managed
systems can be discovered, complete the following steps:
1. If IBM Systems Director Server is running on AIX or Linux, complete the
following steps to start IBM Systems Director Server:
a. If it is not already started, start IBM Systems Director processes on the
management servers by running the smstart command:
b. To view the IBM Systems Director Server status, type the following
command and press Enter:
install_root/bin/smstatus -r
Note: You can use Ctrl+C to exit from smstatus -r if necessary.
When this command returns a value of Active, the server is started.
2. Log in to the Web interface for IBM Systems Director Server. For instructions,
see Logging into IBM Systems Director Server.
Chapter 2. Installing agents 89
3. The IBM Systems Director Home page provides a quick overview, as well as
links to all necessary configuration tasks. To configure IBM Systems Director,
perform these steps:
a. Click System Discovery on the Initial Setup tab to discovery
recently-installed agents.
b. Click Collect Inventory on the Initial Setup tab to collect inventory data on
all the recently-installed agents.
c. Run these options from the Additional Setup tab.
v Create event thresholds and automation plans
v Check for updates on discovered systems.
v Set up additional user security
v Start configuring your systems
After you have verified that the agent installation was successful, complete the
following tasks:
1. (Optional) Configure and activate any plug-ins you want to use. For
instructions, see Activating or upgrading the advanced plug-ins of IBM Systems
Related tasks:
Logging in
Discovering systems with system discovery
Collecting and viewing inventory data
Importing agent packages
90 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Chapter 3. Preparing agentless managed systems
Prepare the agentless managed systems in your environment before you discover
or manage them with IBM Systems Director.
Note: A managed system might have more than one IP address (for example,
when the system contains more than one network interface card). When a
managed resource has multiple IP addresses, specify which IP address Systems
Director uses to manage the resource. To specify the IP address to use, you specify
that the management server ignore (or exclude) the other IP addresses associated
with the resource. For more information, see Excluding IP addresses.
Complete the following steps on each system to be managed.
1. On all managed systems that use the ssh protocol to communicate with IBM
Systems Director Server, ensure that the PasswordAuthentication value in
/etc/ssh/sshd_config is set to yes. So, the corresponding line in the
sshd_config file will appear as follows:
PasswordAuthentication yes
2. On all agentless managed systems that use the root user for request access for
the ssh protocol, ensure that the PermitRootLogin value in
/etc/ssh/sshd_config is set to yes.
1. You must restart the ssh server for any changes made to sshd_config to take
2. IBM Systems Director does not support the ssh protocol on VMware ESXi
hosts. If ssh is discovered on a VMware ESXi managed system, it might cause
problems when attempting to collect inventory.
Related tasks:
Excluding IP addresses
Related reference:
Hardware and software requirements
Supported operating systems
AIX Pegasus CIM server and providers
Preparing to manage service processors with IBM Systems Director
You can use IBM Systems Director to manage supported service processors that are
installed in a managed system.
IBM Systems Director can manage service processors that are installed in Agentless
managed systems, Platform Agent managed systems, and Common Agent
managed systems.
v For Agentless managed systems, you do not need to install drivers to perform
Agentless management of the service processors.
v For Platform Agent managed systems and Common Agent managed systems,
management of the service processor uses the Common Information Model
(CIM) standard, and requires not only installation of either Platform Agent or
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012 91
Common Agent on the managed system, but also installation of a device driver,
and possibly a shared library to access the device driver.
To install the required drivers on a Platform Agent managed system or Common
Agent managed system to enable management of the service processor, complete
the following steps:
1. See the documentation for your managed server to identify the type of service
processor that is installed.
2. Identify your server type in Table 20.
Note: For information about specific IBM Systems Director functions that
support or do not support these systems, see IBM ServerProven at
Table 20. Servers with service processors that are supported for Platform Agent or Common Agent management by
IBM Systems Director
Server type Supported models
IBM BladeCenter blade servers with
an IPMI baseboard management
controller (BMC)
See the IBM BladeCenter, System x,
and System x servers with an IPMI
baseboard management controller
(BMC) or with an integrated systems
management module (IMM) column
in Table 21 on page 95.
v IBM BladeCenter HC10
v IBM BladeCenter HS20, machine types 1883, 1884, 7981, 8843
v IBM BladeCenter HS12, machine types 8014, 8028
v IBM BladeCenter HS21
v IBM BladeCenter HS21 XM
v IBM BladeCenter HS40
v IBM BladeCenter JS12 Express

v IBM BladeCenter JS20

v IBM BladeCenter JS21
v IBM BladeCenter JS22
v IBM BladeCenter LS20
v IBM BladeCenter LS21
v IBM BladeCenter LS22
v IBM BladeCenter LS41
v IBM BladeCenter LS42
v IBM BladeCenter QS21
IBM BladeCenter blade servers with
an integrated systems management
module (IMM)
Note: The IMM internally contains a
See the IBM BladeCenter, System x,
and System x servers with an IPMI
baseboard management controller
(BMC) or with an integrated systems
management module (IMM) column
in Table 21 on page 95.
v IBM BladeCenter HS22 machine type 7870
v IBM BladeCenter HS22V machine type 7871
v IBM BladeCenter HX5 machine type 7872
IBM BladeCenter blade servers with
an Integrated systems management
processor (ISMP)
See the IBM BladeCenter and
System x servers with an integrated
systems management processor
(ISMP) column in Table 21 on page
IBM BladeCenter HS20, machine types 8678, 8832, 8833
92 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Table 20. Servers with service processors that are supported for Platform Agent or Common Agent management by
IBM Systems Director (continued)
Server type Supported models

servers with an IPMI

baseboard management controller
See the eServer servers with an
IPMI baseboard management
controller (BMC) column in Table 21
on page 95.
Note: Some systems support
installation of an optional Remote
Supervisor Adapter or Remote
Supervisor Adapter II service
processor. If this optional service
processor is installed, it supersedes
the standard service processor for
that system, and all management
occurs through the Remote
Supervisor Adapter or Remote
Supervisor Adapter II.
v IBM eServer 325, machine type 8835
v IBM eServer 326, machine type 8848
v IBM eServer 326m, machine type 7969
v IBM eServer 326m, machine type 7992
System x and System x servers with
an IPMI baseboard management
controller (BMC)
See the IBM BladeCenter, System x,
and System x servers with an IPMI
baseboard management controller
(BMC) or with an integrated systems
management module (IMM) column
in Table 21 on page 95.
Note: Some systems support
installation of an optional Remote
Supervisor Adapter or Remote
Supervisor Adapter II service
processor. If this optional service
processor is installed, it supersedes
the standard service processor for
that system, and all management
occurs through the Remote
Supervisor Adapter or Remote
Supervisor Adapter II.
v System x3200
v System x3200 M2
v System x3250
v System x3250 M2
v System x3250 M3
v System x3350
v System x3400
v System x3450
v System x3455
v System x3500
v System x3550
v System x3610
v System x3650
v System x3650 T
v System x3655
v System x3755
v System x3755 M3
v System x3800
v System x3850
v System x 206m
v System x 236
v System x 260
v System x 306m
v System x 336
v System x 346
v System x 347
v System x 366
The BMC in this system provides a subset of the function found in the
other system BMCs.
Chapter 3. Preparing agentless managed systems 93
Table 20. Servers with service processors that are supported for Platform Agent or Common Agent management by
IBM Systems Director (continued)
Server type Supported models
System x and System x servers with
an integrated systems management
module (IMM)
Note: The IMM internally contains a
See the IBM BladeCenter, System x,
and System x servers with an IPMI
baseboard management controller
(BMC) or with an integrated systems
management module (IMM) column
in Table 21 on page 95.
v System x3200 M3 machine types 7327 and 7328
v System x3250 M2 machine types 4190, 4191, and 4194
v System x3400 M2 machine types 7836 and 7837
v System x3400 M3 machine types 7378 and 7379
v System x3500 M2 machine type 7839
v System x3500 M3 machine type 7380
v System x3550 M2 machine type 7946
v System x3550 M3 machine type 7944
v System x3620 M3 machine type 7376
v System x3650 M2 machine type 7947
v System x3650 M3 machine type 7945
v System x3690 X5 machine type 7148
v System x3850 M2 machine type 7233
v System x3850 X5 machine type 7145
v System x3950 M2 machine types 7141 and 7233
v System x3950 X5 machine type 7145
System x and System x servers with
a Remote Supervisor Adapter II or
Remote Supervisor Adapter II
See the System x and System x
servers with a Remote Supervisor
Adapter II or Remote Supervisor
Adapter II SlimLine column in
Table 21 on page 95.
Note: On some of these systems,
installation of the Remote Supervisor
Adapter or Remote Supervisor
Adapter II service processor is
optional. If this optional service
processor is not installed, all
management occurs through either
an IPMI baseboard management
controller (BMC) or an integrated
systems management processor
Restriction: When IBM Director
Agent 5.20.x or IBM Director Core
Services 5.20.x is installed, you can
manage Remote Supervisor Adapter
II or Remote Supervisor Adapter II
SlimLine in-band. When Common
Agent 6.1.x or 6.2.x, or Platform
Agent 6.1.x or 6.2.x are installed, you
are no longer able to manage the
RSA in-band. You can manage it
out-of-band by connecting it to the
network and discovering it with IBM
Systems Director.
v System x3105
v System x3200
v System x3200 M2
v System x3250
v System x3250 M2
v System x3350
v System x3400
v System x3455
v System x3500
v System x3550
v System x3650
v System x3650 T
v System x3655
v System x3755
v System x3800
v System x3850
v System x3850 M2
v System x3950
v System x3950 E
v System x3950 M2
v System x 206
v System x 206m
v System x 225
v System x 226
v System x 232
v System x 236
v System x 255
v System x 260
v System x 305
v System x 306
v System x 306m
v System x 335
v System x 336
v System x 342
v System x 345
v System x 346
v System x 347
v System x 360
v System x 366
v System x 445
v System x 460
v System x MXE 460
94 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Table 20. Servers with service processors that are supported for Platform Agent or Common Agent management by
IBM Systems Director (continued)
Server type Supported models
System x servers with an integrated
systems management processor
See the IBM BladeCenter and
System x servers with an integrated
systems management processor
(ISMP) column in Table 21.
v System x 232
v System x 235
v System x 255
v System x 335
v System x 342
v System x 343
v System x 345
IBM Flex System compute nodes
with the integrated management
module II (IMM2)
v IBM Flex System x220 Compute
Node, Types 2585 and 7906
v IBM Flex System x240 Compute
Node, Types 7863, 8737, and 8738
3. Identify the required drivers for in-band (Platform Agent or Common Agent)
management of the service processors for your server type and operating
system in Table 21.
RSA restriction: When IBM Director Agent 5.20.x or IBM Director Core
Services 5.20.x is installed, you can manage Remote Supervisor Adapter II or
Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine in-band. When Common Agent 6.1.x or
6.2.x, or Platform Agent 6.1.x or 6.2.x are installed, you are no longer able to
manage the RSA in-band. You can manage it out-of-band by connecting it to
the network and discovering it with IBM Systems Director.
Table 21. Required drivers for in-band management of service processors
Operating system of
managed server
IBM BladeCenter,
System x, and System x
servers with an IPMI
baseboard management
controller (BMC) or
with an integrated
systems management
module (IMM)
eServer servers with an
IPMI baseboard
management controller
System x and System x
servers with a Remote
Supervisor Adapter II
or Remote Supervisor
Adapter II SlimLine
IBM BladeCenter and
System x servers with
an integrated systems
management processor
v Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, version 4
v Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, version 5.0
OpenIPMI driver OpenIPMI driver
LM78 driver
RSA daemon
USB drivers
LM78 driver
SMBus driver
Other Red Hat
Enterprise Linux
OSA IPMI driver
IBM Mapping Layer
MSI IPMI driver
IBM Mapping Layer
LM78 driver
RSA daemon
USB drivers
LM78 driver
SMBus driver
v SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 9 for
v SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 10
for x86
OpenIPMI driver OpenIPMI driver
LM78 driver
RSA daemon
USB drivers
LM78 driver
SMBus driver
Other SUSE Linux
OSA IPMI driver
IBM Mapping Layer
MSI IPMI driver
IBM Mapping Layer
LM78 driver
RSA daemon
USB drivers
LM78 driver
SMBus driver
Chapter 3. Preparing agentless managed systems 95
Table 21. Required drivers for in-band management of service processors (continued)
Operating system of
managed server
IBM BladeCenter,
System x, and System x
servers with an IPMI
baseboard management
controller (BMC) or
with an integrated
systems management
module (IMM)
eServer servers with an
IPMI baseboard
management controller
System x and System x
servers with a Remote
Supervisor Adapter II
or Remote Supervisor
Adapter II SlimLine
IBM BladeCenter and
System x servers with
an integrated systems
management processor
Virtual systems using
OpenIPMI driver OpenIPMI driver
LM78 driver
RSA daemon
USB drivers
LM78 driver
SMBus driver
VMware ESX Server,
versions 4.0, 4.0.1, and
OpenIPMI driver OpenIPMI driver
LM78 driver
USB drivers
LM78 driver
SMBus driver
Other VMware
OSA IPMI driver
IBM Mapping Layer
MSI IPMI driver
IBM Mapping Layer
LM78 driver
Not supported SMBus driver
Windows Server 2008 MS IPMI driver MS IPMI driver RSA Library The necessary drivers
are installed with
Common Agent or
Platform Agent.
Windows Server 2003 R2 MS IPMI driver MS IPMI driver RSA Library
USB drivers
The necessary drivers
are installed with
Common Agent or
Platform Agent.
Other Windows
operating systems
OSA IPMI driver
IBM Mapping Layer
MSI IPMI driver
IBM Mapping Layer
LM78 driver
RSA Library
USB drivers
The necessary drivers
are installed with
Common Agent or
Platform Agent.
4. Install the required drivers.
Note: If required, the MSI IPMI driver and the OSA IPMI driver must be
installed before the IBM Mapping Layer.
IBM Mapping Layer
The IBM Mapping Layer is used to translate IBM Systems Director
"generic" requests into driver-specific requests for different IPMI
drivers. Download this driver from the IBM Support Web Site at
LM78 driver
The LM78 device driver ensures that IBM Systems Director Server
receives memory and processor Predictive Failure Analysis (PFA) alerts.
See Installing IBM LM78 and SMBus device drivers for installation
MS IPMI driver
IBM Systems Director agent can use the Intelligent Platform
Management Interface (IPMI) driver included with Windows 2003 R2
and Windows 2008. In order for IBM Systems Director Server to
provide in-band alerting from the Baseboard Management Controller
(BMC) or Integrated Management Module (IMM), the MS IPMI driver
is required. By default, the MS IMPI driver is not installed with
Windows 2003 R2. To install the Microsoft IPMI device driver on
96 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Windows 2003 R2, see Managing IPMI Devices in Windows 2003 R2
and Windows 2008 in the IBM Systems Director Best Practices Wiki.
The MS IPMI driver is included with the Windows 2008 operating
system. No separate installation is required.
MSI IPMI driver
The MSI IPMI device driver is used to communicate with the IPMI
baseboard management controller. All other systems should use the
OSA IPMI driver. Download this driver from the IBM Support Web Site
OpenIPMI driver
This driver is included with the operating system. No separate
installation is required.
OSA IPMI driver
The OSA IPMI device driver is used to communicate with the IPMI
baseboard management controller. Download this driver from the IBM
Support Web Site at
RSA daemon
The RSA daemon is a Linux-only program that is used to interface with
the Remote Supervisor Adapter. Download this driver from the IBM
Support Web Site at
RSA library
The RSA library device driver is a Windows-only driver that is used to
interface with the Remote Supervisor Adapter. It also prevents driver
communication from interfering with IBM Systems Director. Download
this driver from the IBM Support Web Site at
SMBus driver
The SMBus device driver ensures that configuration manager and
status manager tasks function correctly, and is used to communicate
with the integrated systems management processor (ISMP) on some
See Installing IBM LM78 and SMBus device drivers for Linux for
installation instructions.
USB drivers
The RSA daemon and RSA library use this driver to communicate with
the Remote Supervisor Adapter II. This driver is included with the
operating system. No separate installation is required.
5. Make sure that you have the latest firmware installed for your service
Chapter 3. Preparing agentless managed systems 97
Related concepts:
Platform agent
Common agent
Related tasks:
Installing the LM78 or SMBus device driver
Related reference:
Hardware and software requirements
Supported operating systems
Support Web site
Related information:
Unresponsive service processor
Preparing to manage an IBM BladeCenter chassis using IBM Systems
Director Server on a non-blade server
You can install IBM Systems Director Server on a non-blade server. With this
management server you can manage one or more IBM BladeCenter units and the
blade servers installed in them. You must configure the network so that this
installation is possible.
Complete the following steps to prepare to manage an IBM BladeCenter chassis
using IBM Systems Director Server installed on a non-blade server:
1. Consider using a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server to
assign an address to the external port of the management module. When an
IBM BladeCenter management module is first started, it searches for a DHCP
server. If a DHCP server is not found, the IBM BladeCenter management
module assigns IP address to the external management port.
Because this static IP address is the same for all management modules, IP
address conflicts can occur if you do not use a DHCP server and introduce
multiple IBM BladeCenter chassis onto a network simultaneously. When you
configure the IBM BladeCenter chassis, you assign static IP addresses to the
switch module and the external and internal ports of the management module.
2. Set up a separate management network to configure and manage your IBM
BladeCenter chassis and blade servers. By separating the LAN segment used
for production from the LAN segment to which the IBM BladeCenter
management module is connected, you can ensure that only authorized system
administrators can connect to the IBM BladeCenter chassis and switch modules.
Figure 1 on page 99 shows such a network configuration.
3. If you intend to use Remote Deployment Manager (RDM), install RDM on the
management server.
4. Consider installing the database server on the management LAN.
5. Make sure that you have installed the latest version of the management module
firmware. To download the firmware, go to the IBM Servers Web site at
98 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
This network configuration ensures that applications running on the blade servers
cannot modify chassis settings, because the blade servers have no connection to
either the management module or the switch module configuration ports.
Note: If you are using an IBM BladeCenter management module instead of an
advanced management module, only one of the following software applications
can communicate with it at any given time:
v Cluster Systems Management (CSM)
v IBM Systems Director Server
v IBM Management Processor Command-Line Interface (MPCLI)
Preparing to manage an IBM BladeCenter chassis using IBM Systems
Director Server on a blade server
You can install IBM Systems Director Server on a blade server. With this
management server you can manage the IBM BladeCenter unit, including the
server on which IBM Systems Director Server is installed, and other IBM
BladeCenter units. You must configure the network so that this installation is
Consider the following issues when managing the IBM BladeCenter unit that
contains the management server:
v Enable access for authorized administrators as determined by the security policy
established for the user environment.
v Be careful when making changes to the configuration of the IBM BladeCenter
chassis from IBM Systems Director itself. Such changes could effectively remove
the instance of IBM Systems Director Server from the network and halt the
entire IBM Systems Director environment.
Specifically, do not perform these tasks on the blade server where IBM Systems
Director Server is installed without careful consideration:
Powering off that blade server
Figure 1. Example of IBM BladeCenter deployment network when IBM Systems Director
Server is not installed on a blade server
Chapter 3. Preparing agentless managed systems 99
Changing the boot options on that blade server
v Create a network setup that enables the IBM BladeCenter Management Module
to communicate with the management server. Otherwise IBM Systems Director
will be unable to discover the IBM BladeCenter chassis that contains the
management server.
By default, the blade servers installed in a IBM BladeCenter chassis cannot
communicate automatically with the IBM BladeCenter Management Module. This
architecture is designed to prevent the blade servers from modifying the IBM
BladeCenter chassis settings. If you install IBM Systems Director Server on a blade
server and want to use the instance of IBM Systems Director to manage the IBM
BladeCenter unit in which the management server is installed, you must enable
communication between the management server and the management module.
1. Consider using a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server to
assign an address to the external port of the management module. When an
IBM BladeCenter management module is first started, it searches for a DHCP
server. If a DHCP server is not found, the IBM BladeCenter management
module assigns IP address to the external management port.
Because this static IP address is the same for all management modules, IP
address conflicts can occur if you do not use a DHCP server and introduce
multiple IBM BladeCenter chassis onto a network simultaneously. When you
configure the IBM BladeCenter chassis, you assign static IP addresses to the
switch module and the external and internal ports of the management module.
2. Set up a separate management network to configure and manage your IBM
BladeCenter chassis and blade servers. By separating the LAN segment used
for production from the LAN segment to which the IBM BladeCenter
management module is connected, you can ensure that only authorized system
administrators can connect to the IBM BladeCenter chassis and switch modules.
Figure 1 on page 99 shows such a network configuration.
3. To use an installation of IBM Systems Director Server on a blade to manage the
IBM BladeCenter unit in which the management server is installed, enable
communication between the Campus LAN and the Management LAN. Figure 2
on page 101 shows such a network configuration.
4. Consider installing the database server on the management LAN.
5. Make sure that you have installed the latest version of the management module
firmware. To download the firmware, go to the IBM Servers Web site at
100 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
With this configuration, IBM Systems Director Server can communicate through the
Campus LAN to the Management LAN and then onto the management module.
Note: If you are using an IBM BladeCenter management module instead of an
advanced management module, only one of the following software applications
can communicate with it at any given time:
v Cluster Systems Management (CSM)
v IBM Systems Director Server
v IBM Management Processor Command-Line Interface (MPCLI)
Related reference:
Preparing Windows managed systems
You might need to configure certain Windows systems before you can discover
them with IBM Systems Director Server. Ensure that each Windows system that
you want to manage has been appropriately configured.
Preparing Windows Server 2003 managed systems
You might need to configure certain Windows Server 2003 systems before you can
discover them with IBM Systems Director Server. Ensure that each Windows Server
2003 system that you want to manage has been appropriately configured.
Typically, managed systems are first discovered using the discovery task in IBM
Systems Director Web interface. Then, Platform Agent or Common Agent is
installed on the managed systems directly from IBM Systems Director Web
interface. The configuration of some Windows Server 2003 managed systems,
however, can prevent discovery by IBM Systems Director Server.
Complete the following steps on each Windows Server 2003 system to enable
discovery by IBM Systems Director Server:
Figure 2. Example of IBM BladeCenter deployment network when IBM Systems Director
Server is installed on a blade server
Chapter 3. Preparing agentless managed systems 101
Verify that remote registry administration is enabled. Remote registry
administration must be enabled in order for Agentless managed system discovery
to run commands and run scripts on the managed system. The default setting for
remote registry administration on Windows systems is enabled. Complete the
following steps to verify or change the remote registry administration setting:
1. Click Start > Control Panel > System and Maintenance > Administrative
2. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Services.
3. In the list of services in the Services window, right-click the Remote Registry
service and select Properties from the menu.
4. On the General page, set the Startup type to Automatic.
5. If the Service status is not Started, click Start to start the service.
6. Click OK to apply the new settings and close the window.
Preparing Windows Server 2008 managed systems
You might need to configure certain Windows Server 2008 systems before you can
discover them with IBM Systems Director Server. Ensure that each Windows Server
2008 system that you want to manage has been appropriately configured.
Typically, managed systems are first discovered using the discovery task in IBM
Systems Director Web interface. Then, Platform Agent or Common Agent is
installed on the managed systems directly from IBM Systems Director Web
interface. The configuration of some Windows Server 2008 managed systems,
however, can prevent discovery by IBM Systems Director Server.
Complete the following steps on each Windows Server 2008 system to enable
discovery by IBM Systems Director Server:
Verify that remote registry administration is enabled. Remote registry
administration must be enabled in order for Agentless managed system discovery
to run commands and run scripts on the managed system. The default setting for
remote registry administration on Windows systems is enabled. Complete the
following steps to verify or change the remote registry administration setting:
1. Click Start > Control Panel > System and Maintenance > Administrative
2. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Services.
3. In the list of services in the Services window, right-click the Remote Registry
service and select Properties from the menu.
4. On the General page, set the Startup type to Automatic.
5. If the Service status is not Started, click Start to start the service.
6. Click OK to apply the new settings and close the window.
Preparing Windows Vista managed systems
Some Windows Vista systems might need to be configured before you can be
discover or manage them with IBM Systems Director Server. Make sure each
Windows Vista system that you want to manage has been appropriately
Typically, managed systems are first discovered using the Discovery task in IBM
Systems Director Web interface. Then, Platform Agent or Common Agent is
installed on the managed systems directly from IBM Systems Director Web
102 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
interface. The configuration of some Windows Vista managed systems, however,
can prevent discovery by IBM Systems Director Server.
Complete the following steps on each Windows Vista system to enable
management by IBM Systems Director Server:
Related reference:
Hardware and software requirements
Supported operating systems
Preparing to manage an agentless managed system running
Windows Vista
Before IBM Systems Director can manage a system running Windows Vista, you
must configure a password-protected administrator account on the managed
system and enable sharing and the remote registry service.
To prepare the Windows Vista system for management by IBM Systems Director,
complete the following steps:
1. Configure the user account that IBM Systems Director will use.
Type of account Configuration steps
account on the
managed system
Enable the Administrator account and set a password for the
1. Click Start > Control Panel > System and Maintenance >
Administrative Tools.
2. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Local
Security Policy.
3. Click Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options.
4. Double-click Accounts: Administrator account status.
5. Click Enabled, and then click OK.
6. Log in to Windows Vista using the Administrator account, and
then set a password for the account.
Local user account
other than
Disable User Account Control, create the user account, and set a
password for the account.
1. Click Start > Control Panel > System and Maintenance >
Administrative Tools.
2. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Local
Security Policy.
3. Click Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options.
4. Double-click User Account Control: Run all administrators in
Admin Approval Mode.
5. Click Disabled, and then click OK.
6. Create the user account you will use for IBM Systems Director,
if it does not already exist.
7. Set the user account type to administrator.
8. Set a password for the account.
Chapter 3. Preparing agentless managed systems 103
Type of account Configuration steps
Domain account Disable User Account Control.
1. Click Start > Control Panel > System and Maintenance >
Administrative Tools.
2. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Local
Security Policy.
3. Click Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options.
4. Double-click User Account Control: Run all administrators in
Admin Approval Mode.
5. Click Disabled, and then click OK.
To enable these changes, you will need to shut down and restart the managed
2. Verify that remote registry administration is enabled. Remote registry
administration must be enabled in order for Agentless managed system
discovery to run commands and run scripts on the managed system. The
default setting for remote registry administration on Windows systems is
enabled. Complete the following steps to verify or change the remote registry
administration setting:
a. Click Start > Control Panel > System and Maintenance > Administrative
b. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Services.
c. In the list of services in the Services window, right-click the Remote
Registry service and select Properties from the menu.
d. On the General page, set the Startup type to Automatic.
e. If the Service status is not Started, click Start to start the service.
f. Click OK to apply the new settings and close the window.
3. Configure Sharing and Discovery preferences. Complete the following steps:
a. Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and
Sharing Center.
b. Under Sharing and Discovery, turn on each of the following items:
v Network discovery
v File sharing
v Password protected sharing
4. Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Windows Firewall.
5. Click Allow a program through a Windows Firewall. The Windows Firewall
Settings window opens and displays the Exceptions page.
6. In the list of exceptions, select the File and Printer Sharing check box.
Note: Enabling file and printer sharing allows IBM Systems Director to use
Remote Execution and Access (RXA) ports 135, 137, 138, and 139, as well as
DCOM port 445, to communicate with the managed system.
7. Click OK.
Preparing a Windows Vista system for Platform Agent managed
system management
Before IBM Systems Director can manage Platform Agent on a system running
Windows Vista, you must configure the firewall to allow communication on the
SLP, CIM, and CIM SSL ports.
104 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
To prepare the Windows Vista system for Platform Agent managed system
management by IBM Systems Director, complete the following steps:
1. Configure the system for Agentless managed system management as described
in Preparing to manage a Agentless managed system running Windows
Vista. Configuration for Agentless managed system management is required in
order to access the managed system.
2. Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Windows Firewall.
3. Click Allow a program through Windows Firewall.
4. Select the Remote administration check box.
5. Specify ports to allow through Windows Firewall. Complete the following steps
for each of the ports listed in Table 22.
a. Click Add port.
b. Specify the Name, Port number, and Protocol in the Add port window.
c. Click OK.
Table 22. Ports required for Platform Agent managed system management of Windows Vista
Name Port number Protocol
CIM 5988 TCP
CIM Listener 6988 TCP
6. Click OK.
Preparing a Windows Vista system for Common Agent managed
system management
Before IBM Systems Director can manage Platform Agent on a system running
Windows Vista, you must configure the firewall to allow communication with
Common Agent on ports 14247 and 14248.
To prepare the Windows Vista system for Common Agent managed system
management by IBM Systems Director, complete the following steps:
1. Configure the system for Agentless managed system management as described
in Preparing to manage a Agentless managed system running Windows
Vista. Configuration for Agentless managed system management is required in
order to access the managed system.
2. Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Windows Firewall.
3. Click Allow a program through Windows Firewall.
4. Select the Remote administration check box.
5. Specify ports to allow through Windows Firewall. Complete the following steps
for each of the ports listed in Table 23 on page 106.
a. Click Add port.
b. Specify the Name, Port number, and Protocol in the Add port window.
c. Click OK.
Chapter 3. Preparing agentless managed systems 105
Table 23. Ports required for Common Agent managed system management of Windows Vista
Name Port number Protocol
Director IPC 14247 TCP 14247 TCP
Director IPC 14247 UDP 14247 UDP
Director IPC 14248 TCP 14248 TCP
Director IPC 14248 UDP 14248 UDP
6. Click OK.
Preparing Windows XP managed systems
You might need to configure certain Windows XP systems before you can discover
them with IBM Systems Director Server. Ensure that each Windows XP system that
you want to manage has been appropriately configured.
Typically, managed systems are first discovered using the discovery task in IBM
Systems Director Web interface. Then, Platform Agent or Common Agent is
installed on the managed systems directly from IBM Systems Director Web
interface. The configuration of some Windows XP managed systems, however, can
prevent discovery by IBM Systems Director Server.
Complete the following steps on each Windows XP system to enable discovery by
IBM Systems Director Server:
1. Disable Simple File Sharing. Windows XP targets must have Simple File
Sharing disabled for Agentless managed system discovery to work. Complete
the following steps to disable simple file sharing on the Windows XP system to
be managed:
a. Select Start > Control Panel > Folder Options.
b. In the Folder Options window, click the View tab.
c. In the View panel, scroll to the bottom of the Advanced settings list; then,
clear the Use simple file sharing (Recommended) check box.
d. Click OK.
2. Configure Windows Firewall (Internet Connection Firewall) to allow access by
IBM Systems Director Server. Windows XP (before Service Pack 2) includes a
built-in firewall called Internet Connection Firewall (ICF), which is disabled by
default. Windows XP Service Pack 2 includes Windows Firewall, which is
enabled by default. Either firewall will block attempted accesses by Agentless
managed system discovery unless the firewall is disabled or an exception is
defined for the management server on which IBM Systems Director Server is
Complete the following steps to enable IBM Systems Director Server to access
the managed system:
a. Select Start > Control Panel > Network Connections > connection. The
connection is the network connection that will be used for discovery.
Typically, this is Local Area Connection.
b. In the General tab of the Connection Status window, click Properties.
c. In the Connection Properties window, click the Advanced tab.
d. In the Advanced panel, click the firewall Settings button.
e. If the firewall is turned off, no further configuration is required. Continue to
step 3 on page 107.
106 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
f. If the firewall is enabled, click the Exceptions tab.
g. In the Exceptions panel, select the File and Printer Sharing check box.
h. Click OK.
Note: The network administrator can define a group policy for this
3. Verify that remote registry administration is enabled. Remote registry
administration must be enabled in order for Agentless managed system
discovery to run commands and run scripts on the managed system. The
default setting for remote registry administration on Windows systems is
enabled. Complete the following steps to verify or change the remote registry
administration setting:
a. Click Start > Control Panel > System and Maintenance > Administrative
b. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Services.
c. In the list of services in the Services window, right-click the Remote
Registry service and select Properties from the menu.
d. On the General page, set the Startup type to Automatic.
e. If the Service status is not Started, click Start to start the service.
f. Click OK to apply the new settings and close the window.
4. Verify the hidden administrative disk shares such as C$, D$, and so on. The
default hidden administrative disk shares are required for correct operation of
Agentless managed system discovery.
At a command prompt, type net share and press Enter to list the shares
defined on the managed system.
Related reference:
Hardware and software requirements
Supported operating systems
Chapter 3. Preparing agentless managed systems 107
108 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Chapter 4. Uninstalling
Uninstall IBM Systems Director and its components (including the default
database) from your system.
v Ensure that you uninstall any IBM Systems Director plug-ins before using these
methods to uninstall IBM Systems Director Server, Common Agent, or Platform
Agent. For information, see the uninstallation instructions provided with each
v Consider retaining the configuration data when you uninstall IBM Systems
Director. This enables you to reinstall or upgrade IBM Systems Director and
access the saved configuration data. Should you reinstall, be sure to reinstall
IBM Systems Director in the same location.
v If you want to change your installation of IBM Systems Director 6.x to a
previous IBM Director 5.20.x version, you need to first uninstall all instances of
Common Agent 6.x and Platform Agent 6.x. This is necessary because IBM
Director Server 5.20.x cannot discover Common Agent 6.x nor Platform Agent
6.x. As a result, the pre-6.x installation will not provide any indication that an
IBM Systems Director 6.x component is present.
Attempting to install an earlier version of Common Agent or Platform Agent
than that which already exists on the system has the potential to cause
problems. Therefore, first uninstall the existing, later version of Common Agent
or Platform Agent before installing the earlier version.
v If you are uninstalling agents on a previously discovered endpoint, you must
discover the endpoint again after you uninstall the agent. Discovering the
endpoint again allows the correct functionality to be reflected in IBM Systems
Related tasks:
Installing the management server
Preparing agentless managed systems
Installing Common Agent
Installing Platform Agent
Related information:
Installation or uninstallation fails and requires cleanup
Uninstalling IBM Systems Director on Windows
Uninstall IBM Systems Director and its components (including the default
database) by using either the Windows Add or Remove Programs feature or a
command-line prompt. You can use either of these methods to uninstall IBM
Systems Director Server, Common Agent and Platform Agent.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012 109
Related tasks:
Installing the management server
Preparing agentless managed systems
Installing Common Agent
Installing Platform Agent
Related information:
Installation or uninstallation fails and requires cleanup
Uninstalling IBM Systems Director using the Windows Add or
Remove Programs feature
Use the Windows Add or Remove Programs feature to uninstall IBM Systems
Director from Windows.
Note: Only the highest level IBM Systems Director component that is installed is
listed. The highest level component is IBM Systems Director Server, followed by
Common Agent, and then Platform Agent.
Ensure that you uninstall any IBM Systems Director plug-ins before using these
methods to uninstall IBM Systems Director Server, Common Agent, or Platform
Agent. For information, see the uninstallation instructions provided with each
Ensure that any instances of Common Agent or Platform Agent that you uninstall
are not discovered by IBM Systems Director Server. If they are discovered, remove
them from IBM Systems Director Server before you uninstall them.
To uninstall IBM Systems Director using the Windows Add or Remove Programs
feature, complete the following steps:
1. Shut down all applications.
2. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens.
3. Double-click Add or Remove Programs. The Add or Remove Programs
window opens.
4. Click the IBM Systems Director software component that you want to remove,
and then click Change/Remove. Follow the prompts to uninstall the software
Note: Depending on your operating system version and the components that
you are removing, the uninstallation task might take a long time (up to an
hour) to complete.
5. Remove the TIVguid package if it is not in use by another product. The
TIVguid package is not automatically removed in case it is needed by another
Note: An example of a scenario in which you would leave the TIVguid
package installed is where you already manage a resource with IBM Systems
Director Server and plan to reinstall and continue to manage that resource. IBM
Systems Director Server will use TIVguid to identify the resource instance. If
TIVguid is removed and then the agent is reinstalled, IBM Systems Director
Server will treat the resource as a different system with the same IP address,
which can lead to confusion. Therefore, if you are going through this process of
uninstalling and reinstalling an agent, you should remove the agent from any
management servers that are managing it before performing the uninstallation.
110 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Then perform a rediscovery after the agent has been reinstalled.
If you determine that it is not needed elsewhere, remove it using the Add or
Remove Programs window. You can then remove the following related
directories if you have first ensured that they are empty (other IBM or Tivoli
software that is installed at these locations could be damaged if you remove the
v Program Files\Common Files\IBM\icc\
v Program Files\IBM\Director\
v Program Files\IBM\tivoli\common\
v Program Files\IBM\tivoli\
v Program Files\tivoli\
v Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\
v Windows\tivoli\
v Windows\Temp\
v Windows\Temp\eclipse\.update\
v Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Temp\
v Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\
v ipmi\
v LSI\
Log files
The following files might be needed if debugging is necessary for the install or
uninstall process. It is recommended that you keep these files:
v Windows\diragentinst_date_time.log
v Windows\diragentuninst_date_time.log
v Windows\platinst_date_time.log
v Windows\platuninst_date_time.log
v Windows\dirserverinst_date_time.log
v Windows\dirserveruninst_date_time.log
v Windows\dirserver_sysdirremoval.log
v Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\Logs\edbtmp.log
v Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\Logs\tmp.edb
Attention: If you plan to uninstall IBM Systems Director and then install an
earlier release of IBM Systems Director, you must remove TIVguid. If you leave
the newer TIVguid on the system, the installation of common agent services
will fail.
6. Restart Windows.
Chapter 4. Uninstalling 111
Related tasks:
Installing the management server
Preparing agentless managed systems
Installing Common Agent
Installing Platform Agent
Uninstalling using the isduninst command
Related information:
Installation or uninstallation fails and requires cleanup
Uninstalling IBM Systems Director using the isduninst
Use the isduninst command to uninstall IBM Systems Director from Windows.
Ensure that you uninstall any IBM Systems Director plug-ins before using these
methods to uninstall IBM Systems Director Server, Common Agent, or Platform
Agent. For information, see the uninstallation instructions provided with each
Ensure that any instances of Common Agent or Platform Agent that you uninstall
are not discovered by IBM Systems Director Server. If they are discovered, remove
them from IBM Systems Director Server before you uninstall them.
Complete the following step to uninstall the IBM Systems Director component that
is running on a Windows system:
1. From a command-line prompt, run the command that applies to the component
that you are removing:
v To uninstall IBM Systems Director Server and any installed IBM Systems
Director plug-ins, type the following command and press Enter:
install_root/bin/isduninst server option
Note: The TIVguid package is not automatically removed in case it is needed
by another product. If you determine that it is not needed elsewhere, remove
it manually.
v To uninstall Common Agent, type the following command and press Enter:
install_root/agent/bin/isduninst agent option
v To uninstall Platform Agent, type the following command and press Enter:
install_root/bin/dirunins platagent option
The following table contains information about values for the option variable.
112 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
Table 24. Possible values for isduninst and dirunins options
Variable Parameter What it does
option debug Logs all messages that are sent by the Windows
Installer log engine, including status and information
log=logfilename Specifies the fully qualified name of an alternative
installation log file
noreboot Suppresses any required restart
silent Suppresses all output to the screen
unattended Shows the progress of the uninstallation but does not
require any user input
verbose Enables verbose logging
Note: Depending on your operating system version and the components that
you are removing, the uninstallation task might take a long time (up to an
hour) to complete.
2. Restart Windows.
Related tasks:
Installing the management server
Preparing agentless managed systems
Installing Common Agent
Installing Platform Agent
Related information:
Installation or uninstallation fails and requires cleanup
Chapter 4. Uninstalling 113
114 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
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116 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows
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118 Installing with managed IBM DB2 database on Windows

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