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The ad is of a PSP,
or PlayStation Portable, was developed in
the U.S. in 2005 by the Sony Computer
Entertainment Company. (head office in

The product for which the ad is being

selected is shown at next slide:
The ad shown at next page is truely
unethical. This is such an ad which cant
be exposed to society. The advertisement
is in the form of a billboard.
Unethical aspects of the ad:
 I think that this billboard is extremely unethical.
 It seems to promote the idea of racism, as it
states “white is coming”. The girl is white and
she is displayed to somewhat choke the black
 It also can promote violence among races.
Thus, this billboard, in my opinion, is very
unethical and inappropriate to be exposed to
 They must not show the black man as the
symbol of inferiority.

 They can show the image of the white PSP

which should be endorsed by white girl only.

 They should include non living thing as black.

 The ad agency should show their creativity by

using the combination of black & white of such a
thing which does’nt hits the emotions.
Suggestions contd…
The ad can be made in following way:
o A big black curtain is there,
o White girl came in a aggressive way,
o She tore the curtain and come at front
with white PSP in her hand.
o The bill board could be a girl standing in
front of a tored black curtain with white
clothes & white PSP in her hand.
Suggestion contd
• They can also add the effect of darkness.
• It can be like that a dark room is there &
the endorsee comes with white PSP in
his/her hand & this turns light in the room.
(for broadcast ad)

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