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Third Grade Supply List

These supplies will be needed on the frst day of 3
2 bo!es of fa"ial tissues #200 "ount or larger$
2 bottles #% o&$ of 'l(er)s Washable School Glue
2 bo!es of "rayons #24 "ount *+,-*.*/ 0o large bo!es of "rayons$
24 0o/ 2 lead1 yellow pen"ils #de"orati2e pen"ils do not sharpen
2 pin3 s"hool erasers
2 sets 4+S5+6L' (ar3ers
2 spiral #1 sub7e"t$ noteboo3s 8 4-9' :.L'9
2 ;o(position 0oteboo3s
1 de"3 of regular playing "ards
1 &ippered pen"il<(ar3er storage pou"h #0=T a plasti" pen"il bo!$
1 pair of s"issors
1 set of ;rayola 4ater"olors
2 2-po"3et folders
1 highlighter
1 standard si&e s"hool bag #s(aller bags do not allow art pro7e"ts
and i(portant papers to (a3e it ho(e in an a""eptable (anner>
bags with wheels do not ft in the lo"3ers$
=ther Suggested -te(s
2-4 '!po 9ry erase (ar3ers
1 pair of dar3 "olored tube so"3s #to be used as an eraser$
1 set of ;rayola ;olored ?en"ils #12 "olor set only$
*ar3 all ite(s in per(anent (ar3er with your "hild)s na(e/
?lease do not substitute larger @uantities for (ar3ers1 "rayons1 et"/
They do not ft into our des3s/
?lease ha2e all ite(s here the frst day of 3

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