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Using sysprep utility :-

1- --- extract ----

2- sysprep ---- ---- use mini-setup ----- reseal
3- after restart – use norton ghost to take an image from c:
** using Norton ghost :-
1- boot with Hiren boot cd .
2- backup tools --- ghost --- ghost (normal) .
3- local --- partition --- to image .
4- select partition ---- select destination (image location) to save .
5- select compression type .
Using RIS” remote installation services”
** Server requirements :-
1-AD + DNS + DHCP 2- Drive (NTFS) to store images .
3- install RIS service : add/remove windows components --- RIS --- restart
4- open RIS (administrative tools) ---- select drive to store images --- client respond
* respond to unknown clients (any client requesting service) .
* respond only to known clients : you must specify GUID for computers that will
request the service OR (20 zero+mac address)
AD u/c ---- --- new computer --- name --- GUID ------

** client requirements :-
1- client must have NIC that is PXE enabled (boot from lan + IP – dhcp)
2- if PXE is not supported ----- remote install folder --- admin --- rbfg.exe
“ remote boot floppy generator” – to create F.D to emulate PXE .
3- boot from lan . (motherboard setup utility) .
Note :-
Make sure you make this change in RIS server :-
ristndrd.sif ---- open with notepad
Repartition = no
UseWholeDisk = no
** to make user join computers to domain from ris :
AD u/c ---- server --- delegate --- add user --- join …..

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