Paraphrap 1 My Favorite City of Costa Rica 06-07-2013

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My favorite City in Costa Rica

My favorite place of Costa Rica and whole over the world is called Fortuna. In
addition, I have many reasons to believe that this city is a small paradise in my
country because the name of the town means something positive, the good
location, the wonderful the nature around the city and the different activates
related to tourism. First, it is important to mention that the name of the city
means in nglish fortune and good luc!. "owever, the people who live there
thin! that the name of the city is related to money# in my opinion the name of
the town is a superstition. In fact this city is located in $an Carlos which is the
town# where I was born. %nother reason that I li!e Fortuna is because it has
different types of animals li!e& sna!es, mon!eys and butterflies. 'esides, the
volcano there has a perfect triangle shape. Finally, when I have the opportunity
to visit Fortuna city# I can develop some touristic activities for e(ample& )ip line,
rappel, and horse ride or en*oy the hot springs.

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