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AP Psychology Syllabus Fall 2014

Teacher: Ms. S Williams

Room: 2219
Phone Number: 857-574-0063
Tutorial Hours: Monday 3:30-5:00 and Wednesday 3:30-5:00

Course Description:
Welcome to Ms. Williams first semester World History class. In this class, you will
investigate how governments, religious leaders, military figures, and everyday people
were able to change the world. Students will develop their critical thinking skills,
through analyzing primary texts, research based assignments, and historical discovery.
This course will require weekly homework completion, critical reading, and writing

1. Writing Utensil
2. 1 binder ($.94 at Walmart)
3. Pack of loose leaf paper ($.75 at Walmart)
4. 1 Pack of binder dividers ($.97-1.44 at Walmart)

*All students have a week to purchase all required items before their participation
grade will be affected.

*Students can earn Extra Credit for bringing in any of the following materials.
Requested Materials:
Printer Paper
Loose Leaf Paper

Course Outline:
Unit 1: The Making of a Society: How to Become Civilized
(Test 09/09-09/10)
Unit 2: Islamic World and African Royalty Traditions
(Projects Due 10/07-10/08)
Unit 3: Exploration Versus Colonization- Who was Christopher Columbus?
(Test 10/30-10/31)
Unit 4: From the Dark to the Light (Medieval Times to the Renaissance)
(Test 11/20-11/21)
Unit 5: The Age of Worldwide Revolutions

Final Exam: 12/18-12/19

AP Psychology Syllabus Fall 2014

Teacher: Ms. S Williams
Room: 2219
Phone Number: 857-574-0063
Tutorial Hours: Monday 3:30-5:00 and Wednesday 3:30-5:00

Grading Scale:
F-69 & Below

Grading Categories:
Classwork: 30%
(Includes participation, do-nows, exit tickets, notebook checks)
Homework: 10%
Quizzes: 10%
Tests: 15%
Final Exam: 20%
Projects: 15%

Classroom information:

1. Respect yourself, respect others
2. Take responsibility

I expect you will come to class Punctually, Prepared, and ready to Participate. (The 3

1. No cell phones
2. No food or drinks in class
3. No inappropriate language
1. Verbal Warning
2. Name on the Board
3. Move Seat
4. Call home

AP Psychology Syllabus Fall 2014

Teacher: Ms. S Williams
Room: 2219
Phone Number: 857-574-0063
Tutorial Hours: Monday 3:30-5:00 and Wednesday 3:30-5:00

Make up assignments- Students are expected to OBTAIN AND COMPLETE their make up
work within a weeks time. Absent work can be found in the classwork binder in the back
of the class.

Late Assignments: Students will loose 10% on their grade everyday their assignment is
late. Late assignments will not be accepted after 2 weeks.

Re-do: If you score less than 80% on a quiz, test, or major assignment you can text me
immediately afterward to schedule a retake for full credit. However, you must come to a
tutorial, or provide proof of studying before you are allowed to retake the assessment.

Homework will be assigned weekly with all assignments being due on Friday (even if I do
not have your class on that Friday, you must still drop your homework off). If you are
absent on Friday of that week, homework will be accepted on that Monday or the first
day you return to school.

There is a strict no cheating policy in this class. If caught cheating you will not only
receive a 0 for your assignment, but you will also be receive a behavioral referral. The
following actions are considered cheating and will not be allowed:

*Copying another students answers on a classwork assignment
*Talking during a test
*Having the same responses as another student on an assignment
*Using your phone during a test
*Looking at another students paper during an assignment

Expectation for Technology:
There will be times when the teacher will ask for you to provide your own technology
for part of the lesson. This can include using a smart phone or tablet. Students will be
provided with the days in which this will be required. On days that technology is not
required, no technology will be allowed in the classroom.

AP Psychology Syllabus Fall 2014

Teacher: Ms. S Williams
Room: 2219
Phone Number: 857-574-0063
Tutorial Hours: Monday 3:30-5:00 and Wednesday 3:30-5:00

By signing below, the student understands all that is required of them and will do their
best to follow all the procedures of the classroom. The parent signing is to confirm that
they understand what their student is enrolling in. Any questions, please feel free to
contact me at via text, email, or phone.

____________________________________ _____________________________
Student Name Parent Signature

Parent phone number, e-mail, or both (whatever is your preference)

Parent Contact Information: Parents please provide your contact information below,
and answer the following questions.

Parent Name:________________________ Email Address:_______________________

Cellphone:______________________ Home Phone:___________________

What is the best way to contact you? (Circle one below)

Text Message Phone Call Email

What is the best time to contact you? (Circle one below)

Between 8:10- 11 AM Between 3:30-6:30pm Between 8:00-10:00pm

AP Psychology Syllabus Fall 2014

Teacher: Ms. S Williams
Room: 2219
Phone Number: 857-574-0063
Tutorial Hours: Monday 3:30-5:00 and Wednesday 3:30-5:00

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