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Exercise Momentum

Answer the questions

1. What is the value of the momentum of a 10 kg ball running down a
bowling alley at a speed of 5 m/s?
#. $an you show that the %hange in momentum is &#mv?
'. (he ball has a mass of #00 g) and the value of its velo%ity throughout
remains * m/s. What is the %hange in momentum?
+. (he diagram shows two %ars at a fairground) before and after bumping
into ea%h other. ,ne %ar and driver has a total mass of 500 kg) while the
other %ar and driver has a total mass of +00 kg.
-a. What is -i. the total kineti% energy before the %ollision/
-ii. the total kineti% energy after the %ollision.
-iii. the total loss in kineti% energy.
-b. 0s this an elasti% %ollision? !1plain your answer. ANSWER
5. A se%ond %ollision is shown below2
What is the speed of the 500 kg %ar after the %ollision? ANSWER
6. A bullet of mass +5 g is travelling hori3ontally at +00 m/s when it strikes
a wooden blo%k of mass 1* kg suspended on a string so that it %an swing
freely. (he bullet is embedded in the blo%k.
a. (he velo%ity at whi%h the blo%k begins to swing/
b. (he height to whi%h the blo%k rises above its initial position/
%. 4ow mu%h of the bullet5s kineti% energy is %onverted to internal
energy. ANSWER

6. $an you e1plain how the formula F = p/t is %onsistent with Newton 00?
8. A %ar is involved in a %ollision in whi%h it is brought to a standstill from a
speed of #+ m/s. (he driver of mass 75 kg is brought to rest by his seat
belt in a time of +00 ms.
a. $al%ulate the average for%e e1erted on the driver by his seat belt.
b. $ompare this for%e to his weight and hen%e work out the 8g9for%e:
%. $omment on the likelihood of serious in;ury. ANSWER
Now try Topic 7 Test
<resentations2 =omentum
4ome <hysi%s =odule # A%tivities <hysi%s A

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