Indrabhuti Information

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The land of Oddiyana was divided into two kingdoms.

The kingdom
of Lankapuri was Brahmin and ruled by king Jalendra and the
kingdom of Sambhola was Buddhist and ruled by king Indrabhuti.
Indrabhuti had a young sister named Lakshminkara of whom king
Jalendra wanted his son to marry. Although the ountries had
religious differenes! Indrabhuti agreed that when Lakshminkara
was of age! she would move to Lankapuri to marry the prine.
"hile Lakshminkara was still growing up in Sambhola she reeived
religious teahings from the #uru Lawapa and began to pratie
diligently. "hen she was si$teen she finally traveled to Lankapuri
to be wed but when she arrived! she beame full of sadness and
loathing for the world. She deided to flee and entered a ave
where she ontinued to pratie her meditations and ahieved a
level of suess. She beame a teaher of outastes and eventually
entered the %akini&s paradise.
"hen Indrabhuti finally heard what his sister had been doing he was very impressed and inspired.
'e deided to abdiate his throne to his son and enter a solitary retreat in a small palae where
he pratied for twelve years.
One day his son! along with a full ourt! went to visit him and when they arrived and were about
to open the door and enter his palae they heard a voie oming from the sky. Indrabhuti was
sitting on a throne in the sky. 'e remained there for seven days where he gave teahings to his
son and the royal ourt. Later! along with seven hundred disiples (ing Indrabhuti along with his
son )oined his sister in the %akini&s paradise.

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