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SIOP Lesson Plan

Date: 8/3/14
Grade/Class/Subject: 2
Unit/Theme: Money
Standards: 111.4. (5) Number and operations. The student applies mathematical
process standards to determine the value of coins in order to solve monetary
transactions. The student is expected to:
111.4.5A determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar; and
111.4.5B use the cent symbol, dollar sign, and the decimal point to name the value of
a collection of coins.

Key: TL The learner: TLW The learner will; TTW The teacher will; TLWBAT The learner
will be able to; HOTS Higher Order Thinking Skills; SF Student Friendly; WG Whole

Lesson Preparation:
Content TLWBAT apply skills to determine the monetary value of coins.
SF: I can count money.
TLWBAT demonstrate ways to add coins up to a dollar
SF: I can show a dollar in coins in 2 different ways.

Language TLWBAT to verbalize and write the monetary value of coins in a
WG and in independent practice
SF: I can say and write the total of a group of coins.
TLWBAT practice adding coins to total a dollar
SF: I can count money up to a dollar.
Coins-half-dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies; Poster of money signs [$, , (.)];
Poster of coins & their value; 1 envelope per student; Interactive math notebook

Meaningful Activities
TLWBAT identify each coin and its assigned value
TLWBAT use coins to arrive at a designated total

Building Background:
Links to Students Background Experiences TLW share their experience of using money
to buy an item or items
TLW share their experience of using the money of their native country
TLW recall receiving money for their birthday
Links to Prior Learning TLW recall learning how much the snacks cost in the cafeteria
Key Vocabulary:
General: money, decimal
Specialized: half-dollar, quarter, dime, nickel, penny
Technical: $,
Comprehensible Input:
Ill use thumbs up, thumbs down when doing the whole group activity of counting
money to reach a designated total
I will explain and model how to count money
TT and TL will use coin manipulatives to identify and count to a designated total

TTW use realia to identify coins and their value
TLW work in pairs to show 2 different ways of counting coins up to a dollar
HOTS: What are the names of the coins? What is the value of each coin? Which coin
has the least value? Which coin has the greatest value? How much money would you
have if you had 1 nickel, 1 penny and 2 quarters?
WG TL learned the manipulated coins to identify and count.
Pairs TLs demonstrated ways to count coins up to a dollar.

TLW manipulate coins in WG and in pairs.
TLW draw the coins and write their name and value in their interactive math notebook

Lesson Delivery:
TT introduced the vocabulary
TT explained and modeled using realia
TTW use L1 for L2 learners to support or clarify their understanding
TLW actively engaged using realia to learn coin identities, value and to count

TTW review concept in L1 for clarification with L2 acquisition learners
Assessment: TLW receive an envelope with a designated total and need to place the
coins showing that total in the envelope
Assessment: TLW receive a worksheet to identify coins and their value

SIOP Lesson Plan

Date: 8/3/14
Grade/Class/Subject: 2
grade/Bilingual/Social Studies
Unit/Theme: Geography
Standards: 113.13. (5)Geography. The student uses simple geographic tools such as
maps and globes.
113.13.5A interpret information on maps and globes using basic map elements such as
title, orientation (north, south, east, west), and legend/map keys; and
113.13.5B create maps to show places and routes within the home, school, and

Key: TL The learner: TLW The learner will; TTW The teacher will; TLWBAT The learner
will be able to; HOTS Higher Order Thinking Skills; SF Student Friendly; WG Whole

Lesson Preparation:
Content TLWBAT demonstrate geographic skills on a map and globe
SF: I know how to use a map.
Language - TLW use a map to find their city and state.
SF: I can use a map to find locations.
Globe, Map state, city, school, white copy paper, Book Me On the Map by Joan
Sweeney, KWL Chart, handout: Community Map, index cards
Meaningful Activities
TLW draw a map of his/her bedroom, label it with north, south, east, west and include a
legend/map key

Building Background:
Links to Students Background Experiences TLW recall if they have or someone they
know has ever used a map
Links to Prior Learning TL recognizes what a map is because of the school map posted
for emergency exits.
Key Vocabulary:
General: globe, map, north, south, east, west, continent, state
Specialized: legend, map keys, route
Technical: title, orientation
Comprehensible Input:
Ill use thumbs up, thumbs down when doing the whole group activity of locating
different places on the globe(s) and map(s)
I will model how to use the legend/map keys
I will pull up a map on the promethean board and label it north, south, east, west

We will label the classroom north, south, east, west
HOTS: Can you find the United States on the globe? Where is the state of Texas on the
map? Can you locate Rosenberg on the map? How does a legend/map key help us
when we use a map?
KWL Chart: WG TTW ask TL what they know about globes and maps and what they
want to learn about globes and maps.
Vocabulary: TLW be given index cards to do the Frayer Model. As a WG we will review
the vocabulary after sufficient time of working on the index cards. I will also clarify in L1
for L2 acquisition learners.
WG - TTW take a picture walk of Me On the Map. TLW make predicitions about the
story. Afterwards TLW share their connections to the story and answer comprehension
questions about the story. TTW make clarifications in L1 for L2 acquisition learners to
support their comprehension and understanding.

Each table of cooperative learners will have a globe and maps to practice finding
different continents, states, cities
TLW be given a handout: Community Map. TLW pair up with their neighbor to answer
the direction questions on the handout.

Lesson Delivery:
TT demonstrated how to use geographical skills on a globe and map. TL practiced how
to use a legend/map key on a map. TL followed directions on a map.

TLW draw a map of his/her bedroom and will use key vocabulary terms to label it.

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