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Dirad Pte Ltd

An emerging market leader in

Face-to-Face marketing,
What we do
With the existence of many competing brands in todays croded
marketplace, b!sinesses are seeking more e"ecti#e ays and
channels of increasing brand aareness and pro$tability% &elo
the line marketing s!ch as '( media is expensi#e, needs an initial
cost o!tlay and the )%*%+ is !npredictable% As s!ch, b!sinesses
demand direct marketing,face-to-face marketing beca!se -!ick
and higher response rate is achie#able thro!gh direct
marketing,face-to-face marketing% +t gi#es yo! an opport!nity to
con#ey the -!alities of the prod!ct or any ser#ices directly to the
c!stomers thro!gh one-to-one interaction% +n this, yo! ha#e to
meet people, form a good relationship, demonstrate the
prod!ct,ill!strate the ser#ices, clear their do!bts, sell the
prod!cts,ser#ices on the spot, get positi#e response and then
mo#e on to other person% .othing beats a arm handshake,
con#ersation, and getting to kno prospects on a personal le#el%

Dirad belie#es that each employee, ith their indi#id!al

capabilities and dedication to the organi/ation ill
alays be the most #al!able reso!rce% +t is then in this
ay the organi/ation is able to boost its organi/ational
performance0 impro#ing in its pro$tability, -!ality and
le#el of c!stomer satisfaction%

With an e"ecti#e orientation and training program,

creati#ity, excellence and prod!cti#ity along ith
mentoring, open disc!ssion, m!t!al assistance and
team spirit, ill be fostered by example and enco!rage
all employees to de#elop realistic 1ob expectations,
positi#e attit!des and 1ob satisfaction%

2o#ing forard0 o!r plans to bring the

b!siness to ne heights, e are de#eloping
a strong core team to pilot !pcoming
pro1ects and e are constantly on the
looko!t for the right candidates ho can $ll
in the positions%

*!r foc!s is ne#er to employ people for a 1ob

position, instead is to ad#ance o!r people
ith a better lifestyle, career opport!nity and
ealth as part of the 1o!rney%

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