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Ion Popescu

Phone: +4.021.777.77.77 (home), +40.723.777.888 (mobile),

2013 in po!ess Post University Studies
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Matheatics and Matheatics
Master in !oputer Science
2010 2013 University of Bucharest, Faculty of Matheatics and Matheatics,
!oputer Science "epartent
"iploma #i#le $Real time communication between two mobile devices,
using TCP protocol%
200# 2010 $icolae %ri&orescu 'i&h School, !oputer Science "epartent
Professional ()perience
0#*2012 02*2013
03*2011 0#*2011
S! +o Soft,are !opany
Soft,are (n&ineer in the applications departent
"e&elope' an (n'oi' po#o#ype #ha# use' #he 'e&ice)s camea #o
#a*e pic#ues an' pocess #hem a+#e,a's.
(''e' +ea#ues #o an e-is#in! .a&a applica#ion
/elpe' employees ins#all 0inu- on #hei machines.
"e&elope' P/P 1ame +o company2s clien#s.
S! $et,or-s in Bucharest
Soft,are (n&ineer &rade I
3ain mission:
4mplemen# /5 ne#,o*s
4mplemen# 6o+#,ae solu#ions +o ne#,o*s ,i#h 70 8 100 uses
"e&elop so+#,ae +o mana!in! #he ne#,o*s.
9ey !oo' communica#ions s*ills, #he *ey #o #he success :
Page 1 of 2
;!ani<in!, choose #he i!h# peson=#eam +o #he i!h# >ob #o be sue #he
#hin!s ae !oin! as planne':
?eachin!, #ainin!, coachin! bo#h ne, an' ol' #eams nee' #o ecycle
#hemsel&es an' #o lean some#hin! ne,.
0ea'in!, poblem +in'in! an' poblem sol&in! s*ills: 4 +in' ou# ,ha# i#
nee's #o be 'one an' cea#e pope plans an' ac#ion poin#s #o sol&e i#:
!oputer S-ills
@-cellen# A, A++ *no,le'!e.
@-cellen# *no,le'!e o+ .a&a, .6cip#.
1oo' *no,le'!e o+ 3BA, 6"C 5in'o,s an' (ssemble.
3icoso+# ;++ice ((ccess, 5o', @-cel, Po,ePoin#), 3icoso+#
Bon#Pa!e, 3icoso+# Po>ec#:
3icoso+# 9isual Dasic, Dolan' A 4.0, 3a#lab:
1oo' *no,le'!e o+ ela#ional 'a#a base: ;acle Ei @n#epise @'i#ion
(6F0GPlus, P0=6F0), ;acle "e&elope 6ui#e (;acle Boms):
@n!lish: +luen#ly:
4#alian: a&ea!e:
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