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(Paper) SBI Bank Po (Pt) Solved Paper (Held On July 6 , 2008)

Directions(Q. 4150) Read the following passage carefully and answer the uestions gi!en "elow it.
#ertain words are printed in "old to help you to locate the$ while answering so$e of the uestions.
%he yearly festi!al was close at hand. %he store roo$ was pac&ed with sil& fa"rics. gold orna$ents'
clay "owls full of sweet curd and platefuls of sweet$eats. %he orders had "een placed with shops well
in ad!ance. %he $other was sending out gifts to e!eryone.
%he eldest son' a go!ern$ent ser!ant' li!ed with his wife and children in far off lands. %he second son
had left ho$e at an early age. (s a $erchant he tra!elled all o!er the world. %he other sons had split up
o!er petty sua""les' and they now li!ed in ho$es of their own. %he relati!es were spread all across
the world. %hey rarely !isited. %he youngest son' left in the co$pany of a ser!ant' was soon "ored and
stood at the door all day long' waiting and watching. )is $other' thrilled and e*cited' loaded the
presents on trays and plates' co!ered the$ with colourful &erchiefs' and sent the$ off with $aids and
ser!ants. %he neigh"ours loo&ed on.
%he day ca$e to an end. (ll the presents had "een sent off.
%he child ca$e "ac& into the house and de+ectedly said to his $other' ,-aa' you ga!e a present to
e!eryone' "ut you didn.t gi!e $e anything /0
)is $other laughed' ,1 ha!e gi!en all the gifts away to e!eryone' now see what.s left for you.0 2he
&issed hi$ on the forehead.
%he child said in a tearful !oice' ,Don.t 1 get a gift 30
,4ou.ll get it when you go far away.0
,5ut when 1 a$ close to you' don.t 1 get so$ething fro$ your own hands 30
)is $other reached out her ar$s and drew hi$ to her. ,%his is all 1 ha!e in $y own hands. 1t is the
$ost precious of all.0
41. 6hy did the wo$an7s second son tra!el 3
(() )e was restless "y nature
(5) )e did not want to stay at ho$e
(#) )e was rich and could afford to tra!el
(D) )is +o" was such that he had to tra!el
(8) 9one of these
4:. 6hy did the wo$an.s eldest son not attend the festi!al 3
(() )e was not on good ter$s with his youngest "rother who li!ed at ho$e
(5) )e had uarrelled with his $other
(#) )is wife did not allow hi$ to return ho$e
(D) )is +o" pre!ented hi$ fro$ ta&ing lea!e
(8) 9one of these
4;. )ow did the wo$an prepare for the festi!al 3
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1. 2he "ought e*pensi!e gifts for her children and neigh"ours.

:. 2he ordered her ser!ants to prepare sweets and food well in ad!ance.
;. 2he $ade sure that her youngest child was loo&ed after so that he wouldn.t "e "ored.
(() 9one
(5) <nly 1
(#) <nly :
(D) 5oth 1 and :
(8) (ll 1' : and ;
44. 6hat did the youngest child do while his $other was "usy 3
1. )e waited for a chance to steal so$e sweet$eats.
:. )e pestered his $other to gi!e hi$ a present.
;. )e stood at the door with ser!ants.
(() <nly 1
(5) <nly :
(#) 5oth 1 and ;
(D) <nly ;
(8) 9one of these
45. 6hich of the following can "e said a"out the wo$an 3
(() 2he was a widow who had "rought up her children single handedly
(5) 2he was not a good $other since her children had left ho$e at an early age
(#) 2he en+oyed sending her fa$ily gifts at festi!al ti$e
(D) 2he ga!e e*pensi!e presents to show that she was wealthy
(8) 2he rarely !isited her grand=children "ecause they all li!ed a"road
4>. 6hat did the "oy recei!e fro$ his $other 3
(() 2he taught hi$ the !alue of patience
(5) 2he encouraged hi$ to grow up and li!e independently li&e his "rothers
(#) 2he showed hi$ the i$portance of gi!ing e*pensi!e gifts
(D) 2he ga!e hi$ a hug to e*press her lo!e
(8) 9one of these
4?. 6hich of the following is %R@8 in the conte*t of the passage 3
(() %he wo$an usually ignored her youngest son
(5) %he wo$an.s eldest son li!ed a"road
(#) %he $e$"ers of the wo$an.s fa$ily did not care a"out her
(D) %he wo$an $ade all the preparations herself since she did not want to "urden the ser!ants
(8) %he wo$an sent gifts to her children to ensure that they !isited her
Directions(Q. 4A4B) #hoose the word which is $ost nearly the 2(-8 in $eaning as the word
printed in "old as used in the passage.
4A. Ceft
(() Done
(5) Quit
(#) Re$aining
(D) Disappeared
(8) Eorgot
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4B. Fac&ed
(() Eilled
(5) 2ueeGed
(#) #rowd
(D) #ollected
(8) @ntidy
50. #hoose the word which is $ost <FF<21%8 in $eaning of the word de+ectedly as used in the
(() #al$ly
(5) )appily
(#) 6illingly
(D) Eortunately
(8) 2oftly
Directions(Q. 5155) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. %he error' if
any' will "e in one part of the sentence. %he letter of that part is the answer. 1f there is no error' the
answer is (8). (1gnore errors of punctuation' if any)
51. -any $ultinational co$panies (() H ha!e not "een as (5) Hsuccessful in 1ndia (#) Hthan we
e*pected. (D) 9o error (8)
5:. )e has ruined (() Hhis eyesight (5) H"y not using (#) Hhis spectacles regularly. (D) 9o error (8)
5;. -ostly of the (() Hnewly recruited officers (5) Hha!e no e*perience (#) Hin the "an&ing sector. (D)
9o error (8)
54. %he resignation of (() Hone of our directors (5) Hha!e caused the price (#) H of shares to fall. (D) 9o
error (8)
55. %here are $any (() Hways of which (5) Hinflation can (#) H"e $easured. (D) 9o error (8)
Directions(Q. 5>>0) 6hich of the phrases (()' (5)' (#) and (D) gi!en "elow should replace the
phrase gi!en in "old in the following sentence to $a&e the sentence gra$$atically $eaningful and
correct. 1f the sentence is correct as it is and I9o correction is reuired.. $ar& (8) as the answer.
5>. 8ach of the loan $ust "e appro!ed "y the 5ranch -anager
(() 8!ery loan
(5) 8ach one of the loan
(#) (ny of the loan
(D) (ll of the loan
(8) 9o correction reuired
5?. %he issue was ta&en "efore the -unicipal #orporation $eeting last wee&
(() %a&ing place at
(5) %a&en after
(#) 5eing ta&en in
(D) %a&en up at
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(8) 9o correction reuired

5A. )e has as&ed for the na$es of those e$ployees in!ol!ed in the pro+ect.
(() had as&ed
(5) ha!ing as&ed a"out
(#) was as&ed that
(D) is as&ing
(8) no correction reuired
5B. #onsiderate the traffic' it is "etter to lea!e for the airport an hour early
(() 6hile considering
(5) #onsideration of
(#) #onsidering
(D) 5eing considerate to
(8) 9o correction reuired
Deneral 8nglish
>0. )e is a good leader' &nowing that to $oti!ate his e$ployees to achie!e
(() %hat &nown when
(5) 6ho &nows how
(#) 6hich &nows how
(D) Jnowing what
(8) 9o correction reuired
Directions(Q. >1>5) Rearrange the following si* sentences (1)' (:)' (;)' (4)' (5) and (>) in the
proper seuence to for$ a $eaningful paragraphK then answer the uestions gi!en "elow the$.
(1) %he a"le "odied $en of the tri"e gathered to discuss how to cli$" the $ountain.
(:) (s part of their plundering they &idnapped a "a"y of one of the fa$ilies.
(;) <ne day the $ountain tri"e in!aded those li!ing in the !alley.
(4) ,6e couldn.t cli$" the $ountain. )ow could you30' they as&ed' ,1t wasn.t your "a"y /0 she
(5) %here were two tri"es in the (ndesone li!ed in the !alley and the other high up in the $ountains.
(>) %wo days later they noticed the child.s $other co$ing down the $ountain that they hadn.t yet
figured out how to cli$".
>1. 6hich of the following should "e the 28#<9D sentence after rearrange$ent 3
(() (1)
(5) (:)
(#) (;)
(D) (4)
(8) (5)
>:. 6hich of the following should "e the E1E%) sentence after rearrange$ent 3
(() (>)
(5) (5)
(#) (4)
(D) (;)
(8) (:)
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>;. 6hich of the following should "e the E1R2% sentence after rearrange$ent 3
(() (1)
(5) (:)
(#) (;)
(D) (4)
(8) (5)
>4. 6hich of the following should "e the 21L%) (C(2%) sentence after rearrange$ent 3
(() (1)
(5) (:)
(#) (;)
(D) (4)
(8) (5)
>5. 6hich of the following should "e the %)1RD sentence after rearrange$ent 3
(() (1)
(5) (:)
(#) (;)
(D) (4)
(8) (5)
Directions(Q. >>?0) 1n each uestion "elow a sentence with four words printed in "old type is
gi!en. %hese are lettered (()' (5)' (#) and (D). <ne of these four words printed in "old $ay "e either
wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the conte*t of the sentence. Eind out the word' which is wrongly spelt
or inappropriate' if any. %he letter of that word is your answer. 1f all the words printed in "old are
correctly spelt and also appropriate in the conte*t of the sentence $ar& (8) i.e.' all correct as your
>>. %he inco$e (() of $any people in rural (5) 1ndia is not adeuate (#) to satisfy (D) their "asic
needs. (ll correct (8)
>?. )e is always (() pro$pt (5) in caring (#) out instructions. (D) (ll correct (8)
>A. %he re!iGed (() rates (5) of interest will "e effecti!e (#) i$$ediately. (D) (ll correct (8)
>B. 2uch transactions (() are uiet (5) e*pensi!e (#) and ti$e consu$ing (D) for custo$ers. (ll
correct (8)
?0. %he guidelines (() of the new sche$e (5) are e*pected (#) to "e finally (D) soon. (ll correct (8)
Directions(Q. ?1A0) 1n the following passage there are "lan&s each of which has "een nu$"ered.
%hese nu$"ers are printed "elow the passage and against each fi!e wordsH phrases are suggested one of
which fits the "lan& appropriately. Eind out the appropriate word in each case.
1 used to loo& M(?1)M to the holidays. 1 was usually M(?:)M to $y uncle.s house where 1 M(?;)M
his children. 1 did not get paid a salary for M(?4)M 6hat 1 recei!ed in return howe!er' was far $ore
M(?5)M -y uncle was an a!id reader. During the ti$e 1 spent with his fa$ily 1 had an M(?>)M to
read the !ast a$ount of "oo&s and $agaGines that he possessed. %his i$pro!ed $y 8nglish to so$e M
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(??)M Reading "eca$e $y new M(?A?B)M spending $y poc&et $oney on a tic&et to the cine$a 1
"egan to M(A0)M "oo&s. %his has "enefited $e greatly.
?1. (() forward
(5) towards
(#) "ac&ward
(D) up
(8) around
?:. (() went
(5) sent
(#) !isited
(D) tra!elled
(8) gone
?;. (() cared
(5) occupy
(#) guarded
(D) taught
(8) played
?4. (() the$
(5) who$
(#) this
(D) now
(8) which
?5. (() e*pensi!e
(5) deser!ing
(#) helping
(D) de$anding
(8) !alua"le
?>. (() opportunity
(5) a"ility
(#) use
(D) encourage$ent
(8) achie!e$ent
??. (() distance
(5) e*tent
(#) ti$e
(D) li$its
(8) degrees
?A. (() acti!ity
(5) hope
(#) ho""y
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(D) duty
(8) worship
?B. (() despite
(5) though
(#) "y
(D) instead of
(8) while
A0. (() sell
(5) read
(#) e*change
(D) in!est
(8) "uy
41. (D) 4:. (8) 4;. (() 44. (D)
45. (#) 4>. (D) 4?. (5)
4A. (#) 4B. (() 50. (#)
51. (D) Replace Ithan. with Ias..
5:. (8)
5;. (() #hange I-ostly. to I-ost..
54. (#) #hange Iha!e. to Ihas..
55. (5) Replace Iof. with Iin..
5>. (() 5?. (D) 5A. (8) 5B. (#) >0. (5)
>1. (#) >:. (() >;. (8) >4. (D) >5. (5)
>>. (8) >?. (#) >A. (() >B. (8) ?0. (D)
?1. (() ?:. (5) ?;. (D) ?4. (#) ?5. (8)
?>. (() ??. (5) ?A. (#) ?B. (D) A0. (8)
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