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Enabling organizations to develop, maintain, and
acquire applications they can trust

Dinis Cruz

AppSe Copyright © 2006 - The OWASP Foundation
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
c under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5
License. To view this license, visit

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2006 Foundation

Enabling organizations to
develop, maintain, and
purchase applications that
they can trust

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OWASP Foundation

 The OWASP Foundation is a 501c3 not-

for-profit charitable organization that
ensures the ongoing availability and
support for our work. Participation in
OWASP is free and open to all.

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 2000: Mark Curphey and Microsoft Word

 2001: OWASP Guide 1.0
 Sep 2002: Many volunteers finish 1.1.1
 Oct 2002: owasp-leaders created
 Leaders from each project
 This meritocracy still leads us today
 2003: OWASP Foundation created
 -> 2006: tons of new projects (see

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It’s about community

 Built on great foundations built by our


 Greater peer to peer participation

 Emphasis on local community building
 More support for your projects

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It’s about building a solid foundation

 Transparency
Annual Report, financial details
Annual report (with financial details) starting 2006
Move to more formal structure in 2007 timeframe
(à la Apache, NetBSD, Debian, etc)

 Improve membership experience

Membership packages
 Individual
 Corporate
 Sponsor
Starter chapter pack

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Autumn of Code 2006

» The Open Web Application Security

Project (OWASP) has recently launched
a new project entitled "OWASP Autumn
of Code 2006” that is aimed at
financially sponsoring contributions to
OWASP Projects.
 On the 18th of September our call for entries
ended and on the 25th of September we released
our list of selected projects to be sponsored.
OWASP has made the decision to sponsor 9
projects (5 at $3,500 USD and 4 at $5,000 USD)
instead of our originally planned number of 8.

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Autumn of Code 2006 - Projects

WebScarab NG – Rogan Dawes

Live CD – Joshua Perrymon
CAL9000 – Chris Loomis
SiteGenerator and ORG – Mike de Libero
Pantera – Simon Roses
Web Goat – Sherif Koussa
Testing Guide – Matteo Meucci
OWASP .NET Tools – Boris Maletic
OWASP Website and Branding – Aaron M.
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Current projects (see website)

Release Quality
Beta Status
Alpha Status
Technology, Research, and Guides

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Funding model

 Need to increase OWASP individual and

corporate members

 Current funding model

 Conferences
 Corporate and Individual Memberships (to
be GNI adjusted)
 Advertising
 Sponsorships

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OWASP Membership
 An active voice in the development of OWASP Materials that are becoming
widely accepted as an application security standard for all organizations.
 A OWASP Commercial License to use the materials within your organization
without the restrictions associated with the various open source licenses used
by the OWASP projects.
 Timely electronic notification of updates to the OWASP Materials.
 Visibility for your organization's tangible commitment to application security
through its inclusion in the members list on the OWASP website and promotional
 The right to use the OWASP name and membership mark to show that you are
an OWASP Member. Note that the mark must not be used in any way that might
indicate that OWASP supports a commercial product or service.
 Collaboration with other highly skilled people from organizations around the
world, both virtually and in person during periodic OWASP AppSec conferences
and chapter meetings.
 Discounted registration fees for OWASP AppSec conferences to all individual
members and all employees of member organizations.

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OWASP Membership cost

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Local Chapters
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Local chapters

 Easily the most useful OWASP activity

 Lots of chapters all around the world

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Local chapter support

 Use our Internet resources

 Announce meetings well in advance
 Have a schedule well in advance
 Be consistent
 Community: blogs, forum - in your local

 Present new stuff

... or borrow other chapter’s slides

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Guidelines for chapters

 Encourage membership in OWASP

 Try to be easily found and a popular time

 Always try to meet, if only for drinkies
 Local sponsorship by vendors is fine
 Try not to be 0wned by the vendors (of any

 Protect yourself - insurance, talk choices,

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Leadership Focus

 Developing OWASP Foundation and infrastructure

 Helping you deliver timely, useful projects
 Keeping today’s flagship products fresh and relevant
 Winter, Spring, and Summer of Code 2007

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 Our brand is important to us

 Need something to help get rid of

 Many firms abusing OWASP Top 10 /
Guide brand
 Need a 'brand management' project

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Project Incubators

 Initiate any project you like

 Each project will have its own space

 Community: Link to team member blogs
and forum
 Resources: Samples, downloads, private

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Project Focus


What do you want us to focus on?

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