Semester: III: Subject Name: Internet & Mobile Technology Subject Code

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Semester: III
Subject Code:
Learnin O!"e#ti$es:
1. To be able to create web pages using HTML.
2. To be able to understand the concepts o !atabase "rogramming# using $!%C
&. To de'elop proicienc( in creating web)based applications using Ser'lets and $S".
*. To be able to use $2M+ de'elop mobile application at beginner le'el.
,nowledge o Core $a'a "rogramming
Unit (
-ntroduction to HTML . onl( basic structure and tags /upto table tag0 o HTML# Ser'let
%asics# %asic Ser'let structure# Ser'lets 1enerating te2t3html content# "ac4aging
Ser'lets# The ser'let lie)c(cle.
Unit )
Handling Client 5e6uest 7orm !ata# 5eading 7orm !ata rom Ser'lets# Handling Client
5e6uest# 5eading 5e6uest Headers# Changing the page according to how the user got
there. 1enerating the Ser'er 5esponse# HTT" Status Codes# Speci(ing Status Codes#
8sing 5edirections# HTT" 5esponse Headers# Setting 5esponse Headers rom
Unit *
Handling Coo4ies# 5emembering 8sernames and "asswords# !eleting Coo4ies# Sending
and 5ecei'ing Coo4ies# 8sing Coo4ie 9ttributes# !ierentiating Session Coo4ies rom
"ersistent Coo4ies# 8sing Coo4ies to 5emember 8ser "reerences# Session Trac4ing#
Need or Session Trac4ing# +ncoding 85Ls Sent to the Client# 9ccumulating a List o
8ser !ata
Unit +
$S" %asic S(nta2# HTML Te2t# HTML comments# Template Te2t# $S" Comment# $S"
+2pression# $S" Scriptlet# $S" !eclaration# $S" !irecti'es# $S" 9ction.
Unit ,
9ccessing !atabases with $!%C# Loading $!%C !ri'er# +stablishing Connection#
Creating Statements# +2ecuting S:L and "rocessing 5esults o a :uer(# 8sing
"repared Statement# 8sing CallableStatement# 8sing !atabase Transactions
Unit -
$2M+ . introduction# building M-!lets# creating a user interace# e'ent handling with
commands# tic4ers# screens# te2tbo2# lists and orms.

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