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Return to Work Form

Part 1: Self-Certification (to be completed by employee)

Name: Job Title:
Day of Absence: Date Returned to Work:
Number of working days absent: Are you: confirmed / robation !
!Delete as aroriate
"tate briefly w#y you were unfit for work (secify nature of illness or in$ury% Words like
&illness' or &unwell' are not enoug#(
) reorted my absence to: on (date(:
"igned (emloyee(: ************* Date: ********%
Part 2: Return To Work Discussion (to be completed by superior officer)
"uerior +fficer,s Name: Date of RTW Discussion:
-as t#e necessary medical certification been resented. (e%g%/ w#ere
re0uired/ a fit note/s(
"ummary of discussion:
Any ot#er comments or issues raised/ and any furt#er action agreed:
2eriod of Absence : 2aid/3naid
(Contract should be referred to as to staff that are on probation or
"igned (emloyee(: ************* Date: ********%
"igned (manager(: ************* Date: ********%
Strictly Confidential

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