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study of common birds,insects and plants.

1.Aim & objective: To study the common birds,plants and insects found in our area.
2. Methodology:
The common birds that are found in my locality are cukooo,common house
sparrow,parrot,eagle,tufted duck,owl ,strom petrals,Indian robin,great egret,common kingfsher,blue
rock pigeon.
The common plants that are found in our area are
Plants like hibiscus & datura are also found.
The common insects that are found are earthworms,catterpillers,butterfies,dragon
fies,grasshopper,beetles,aphids and worms.
Food chain:
Grass is eaten by insects which are inturn eaten by birds.
This represents a food chain.
3. Conclusion:
Thus our ecosystem shows interaction between diferent organisms.
Every living organism has a vital role in functioning of ecosystem.
study of simple ecosystem:Pond / Lake
study of simple ecosystem:Pond / Lake
1. Aim and objective: To study a simple ecosysytem Pond / Lake.
2. Methodology:
we visited a lake pond at Ghatkesar and prepared a document as per over observations.
Abiotic components: Temperature,light,inorganic components like
caebon,hydrogen,nitrogen,phosphorus,sulpher and calcium.
biotic components:
1. phytoplanktons
2. macrophytes
1. phytoplanktons: algae
spirogyra, oedogonium, volvox, chlamydomonas, anabaena and ulothrix.
2. Macrophytes: plants
foating plants:
pistia, lemma, azolla and Eicchornia.
submerged plants:
hydrilla, uticularia, ceratophyllum and vallisnaria.
foating leaves:
Lotus and water lilly.
Primary consumers:Zooplanktons
Daphnia, cyclops
secondary consumers:
insects, fsh
teritary consumers:
large fsh, ducks, herons, cranes, kingfsher
Fungi like Aspergillus and pythium.
3. Result and conclusion:
pond is rich in aquatic fora and fauna.
presently we did not found any pollution caused to the pond.

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