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OBJECTIVE: To obtain a position as an English as Second Language Teacher in Elementary School.
EDUCATION: 2014 present K-12 Licensure in English as a Second Language!eading
St. "ary#s $ni%ersity o& "innesota' "inneapolis' "(
2011 - 201) *raduate Le%eling +ourses in +ommunication ,isorders
Eastern (e- "e.ico $ni%ersity' /ortales' ("
1001 1.1.2. 1usiness and 2%iation "anagement
$ni%ersity o& (orth ,a3ota' *rand 4or3s' (,
005 /resent !"#$% C&&rd"na%&r'O((")e *ana#er' C&r+&ra%e P"!&%
,enera! *"!!s- In).- *"nnea+&!"s- *N
6andle internale.ternal &inancial audits &or 2%iation ,epartment.
2ir Transportation Liaison bet-een the department and internale.ternal
,irector o& Training &or all corporate pilots. Schedule all initial and recurrent
&light training &or cre-members.
"aintain cre- schedules and ensure that each pilot meets the current
re7uirements set &orth by the 422.
Trac3 usage o& corporate aircra&t on a monthly and semi-annual basis and
maintain budget &or aircra&t and administrati%e costs.
+ompare and report cost sa%ings and comparisons bet-een commercial and
corporate tra%el.
Second in +ommand in +itation 8 and +itation 9:: ;et &or corporate &light
department pro%iding transportation &or *eneral "ills e.ecuti%es and employees
under 42! /art 01. <005 through 122004=
/repare and maintain ta. in&ormation &or personal and spousal business tra%el
ta3en on the corporate aircra&t. /repare year-end documents &or the SE+' /ro.y'
and Ta. ,epartments.
Literacy +onnection 9olunteer at !ed /ine Elementary <*rade 1=
4aith 4ormation +atechist at St. >ohn (eumann <*rades 1-5=
Sunday School Teacher at St. >ohn (eumann </re-KK=
Trac3 +oach through Eagan 2thletic 2ssociation <*irls and 1oys program *rades K-)=
Training and participation in charitable running e%ents
"ember o& the ?ashburn "entoring +ommittee &or students interested in a%iation
+onsistently a top per&ormer -ithin (orth-est 2irlines +ustomer !elations and !eser%ation Sales
6elped de%elop' -rite' and implement -or3shops on team-building' con&lict management' and di%ersity
REERENCES@ 2%ailable upon re7uest.

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