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Zinovia Ewles

Children use the internet for researching material for

school and to socialize with friends.
Emailing and chatting are the most common online
activities for kids.
It is through these activities that we see bullying.
Children use the internet to harass, threaten, embarrass, or
target another person, which is called cyberbullying.
The 5 types of Cyberbullying are, harassing someone,
impersonating someone, creating websites, blogs and
polls, using photographs and participating in Happy
This form of bullying is done through using text
messaging, instant messaging and using emails to
harass, threaten or embarrass the target.
This is also done through posting rumors, threats or
embarrassing information on social networking sites
such as Facebook and Twitter.

This form of bullying is when you develop a screen
name that is similar to the victims screen name and
then posting rude and hurtful remarks while
pretending to be the victim.
This is also seen through stealing the victims password
while chatting with other people and pretending to be
the victim.
Changing the targets online profile to include sexual,
racist or other inappropriate things and setting up an
account or social networking site and posing as the
victim while saying mean, hurtful and offensive things
online are other ways to show this type of bullying.
We see this form of bullying through developing a
website with information that is humiliating,
embarrassing or insulting for the victim.
Also through spreading rumors, lies or gossip about
the victim online through websites and blogs.
This form of bullying is seen through taking nude or
degrading pictures of the victim in a locker room, a
bathroom or dressing room without his or her
Threatening to share embarrassing photos as a way of
controlling or blackmailing the victim is also seen
here. Also sending mass emails or texting messages
that include nude or degrading photos of the victim is
another form of bullying.
This form of bullying is seen through using a camera
phone to videotape a bullying incident, which shows
kids slapping, hitting, kicking and punching a victim.
Also downloading the videotaped bullying incident
and posting it to You Tube in order to allow a larger
audience to view the incident is another way we see
We also see many children sharing a videotaped
bullying incident via mass email or text messaging to
humiliate and embarrass the victim.
feeling hurt
poor concentration
low school achievement
absenteeism from school

Parents need to be made aware of the dangers that the internet can
pose for their children.
Parental supervision is a key factor. Guidelines for computer use is a
good place for them to start, as well as monitoring internet use and
To protect themselves online, children should use assumed identities.
When they are being harassed by e-mails or chat, they should block
those users out.
They should also print any of the offensive messages as proof of what
has occurred.
Schools should adopt acceptable use policies that their students must
sign in order to have internet access at school.
Parents must remember that the same criminal laws that apply to
traditional face to face bullying also apply to cyberbullying.

This is a website for parents/guardians to protect
children from cyber bullying. It gives safety advice and
tools parents can use. It provides sister websites such
as Connect Safely, Safe Teens and Net Family News.
The techsite allows parents to learn how to put
blockers on computers to prevent children form access
to certain unsafe websites.
The goal of this site is to educate children on how to
avoid dangerous, inappropriate or unlawful online
behaviour. It provides a K-12 curriculum program that
educators can follow. It provides contact information
to the site and people that can answer questions.
Parents and schools are able to subscribe and receive
curriculum packages. It provides videos and modules
about the site. Students are also able to chat face to
face with imentors.
Internet Safety
It provides a product that can be purchased called
safetyeyes for parents to download and monitor
children's internet use as well as block certain websites
from being uploaded. It provides internet safety
presentations, videos and internet safety links. It also
provides a blog that can be accessed and read.
The FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation website gives
safety tips on how children can protect themselves
online. It gives children rules to follow to protect
themselves. Children can play games that help them
learn proper tips on how to use the internet safely. It
also give contact information so that children and
parents have someone to help them with cyber safety
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children-
This website is for both parents and children. They are able
to learn about internet safety. It includes real life stories
from children, and gives tips on basic internet safety to
help children. There are additional resources available such
as tips from law enforcement on how to help keep children
safe. They include videos and presentations to watch to
help parents and children with different cyber safety
situations. It gives contact information on who to contact
to help and assist with the site. It also includes videos and
tips from specialist on cyber safety.

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