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lmprovlng ?

our Condence
unlL 1
Speech 1010
Mrs. Chrlsuanson
undersLandlng ?our nervousness
ubllc speaklng ranks as Lhe mosL anxleLy-
produclng experlence mosL people face.
lL's unreallsuc Lo Lry Lo ellmlnaLe speech
?our goal ls Lo !"#"$% your nervousness so
LhaL lL does noL creaLe so much lnLernal nolse
LhaL lL keeps you from speaklng eecuvely.
WhaL are ?ou Afrald of?
Cn a plece of paper, wrlLe whaL abouL publlc
speaklng makes you nervous.

When l was ln hlgh school, l was afrald of
looklng llke an ldloL ln fronL of my classmaLes
and saylng someLhlng wrong.
undersLandlng ?our nervousness
8eallze LhaL your audlence cannoL see evldence
of everyLhlng you feel.
lf you worry LhaL you are golng Lo appear nervous
Lo oLhers, you may, ln facL, lncrease your anxleLy.
8emember LhaL you are all ln Lhe same boaL -
dolng Lhe same asslgnmenLs on Lhe same ume
schedule. ?ou are noL Lhe only nervous one.
8ulld ?our Condence
uon'L procrasunaLe ln preparlng your speech
lear of speaklng oen leads speakers Lo delay
preparlng Lhelr speeches unul Lhe lasL mlnuLe.
1he lack of preparauon oen resulLs ln poorer
speech performance.
know your audlence
locus on connecung Lo llsLeners raLher Lhan on
your fear.
8ulld ?our Condence (conunued)
SelecL an approprlaLe Loplc
?ou wlll feel less nervous lf you Lalk abouL
someLhlng wlLh whlch you are famlllar wlLh or
have had some personal experlence.
8e prepared
8elng prepared means LhaL you have:
8esearched your Loplc
ueveloped a loglcally coherenL ouLllne
racuced your speech several umes before you dellver
8ulld ?our Condence (conunued)
uevelop and dellver a well-organlzed speech
MosL speeches should have a beglnnlng, a mlddle,
and an end and should follow a loglcal ouLllne
know your lnLroducuon and concluslon
?ou are mosL llkely Lo anxlous durlng Lhe openlng
of your speech. 1herefore, have a clear plan for
how you plan Lo sLarL
lf you know your concluslon, you wlll have a safeLy
neL [usL ln case you lose your place.
8ulld ?our Condence
8e-creaLe Lhe speech envlronmenL when you
When you pracuce your speech, sLand up.
lmaglne Lhe room and your audlence.
racuce aloud
use deep-breaLhlng Lechnlques
1ake a few slow deep breaLhs before you rlse Lo
8esldes breaLhlng deeply, Lry Lo relax your enure
8ulld ?our Condence (conunued)
Channel your nervous energy
Whlle your walung, focus on remalnlng calm.
Clve yourself a pep Lalk.
1ense and release your muscles Lo help you relax
Aer your speech, reward yourself
1reaL yourself Lo your favorlLe candy
8elax Lhe resL of Lhe day
8ulldlng your condence:
repare your speech early
know your audlence and selecL an approprlaLe Loplc
8e prepared and well organlzed. know your
lnLroducuon and concluslon
8e-creaLe Lhe speech envlronmenL when you pracuce
use deep-breaLhlng Lechnlques
Channel your nervous energy
Clve yourself a menLal pep Lalk
Aer your speech, reward yourself. locus on your
LLhlcs Cuesuon
As a llsLener, you are eLhlcally responslble for
whaL you accepL from oLhers.

WhaL can you do Lo be less dlsLracLed by Lhe
dellvery and emouonal elemenLs of a
speaker's message and be more focused on
Lhe subsLance or conLenL of Lhe message?
Lxplaln your answer.

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