1 Public Speaking Basics and Activities

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ubllc Speaklng 8aslcs

and Acuvlues
Lye ConLacL
volce ConLrol/volume
Lye ConLacL
Lye conLacL ls one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL, yeL one of
Lhe mosL dlmculL, parLs of publlc speaklng.
Lye conLacL wlLh your audlence opens communlcauon,
makes you more bellevable, and keeps your audlence
A lack of eye conLacL creaLes a barrler, or Lenslon,
beLween Lhe audlence and Lhe speaker.
1ake noLe of Lhese Lechnlques:
Make eye conLacL aL Lhe end of every senLence.
8efore you begln Lo speak make eye conLacL
wlLh your audlence.
Look aL lndlvlduals! uo noL [usL scan!
uo noL look over your llsLeners' heads - esLabllsh eye
Lye ConLacL: racuce
Cpen your eyes as wlde as you can!
8oll your eyes!
Close your eyes as ughLly as you can!
Close your eyes as much as you can and sull be able Lo
see ouL of Lhem!
CeL lnLo palrs!!
-Sad eyes
-Mad eyes
-Crazy eyes
-uppy uog" eyes

volce ConLrol/volume
lL ls exLremely lmporLanL LhaL you speak loudly and
Speaklng loudly and clearly reassures your audlence
LhaL you know and belleve ln whaL you are saylng.
ln Lerms of conLrol, eecuve publlc speaklng requlres
LhaL you !"#$ &#$'.
lMC81An1: keep your volume and speed unuL8
vCLuML - u
SLLu - uCWn
volce ConLrol racuce
1. Pow qulckly can you say Lhe alphabeL?
2. Pow slowly can you say Lhe alphabeL?

*SA? (uon'L SlnC!) Lhe words Lo
l'm a llule LeapoL"*
?our posLure communlcaLes wlLh your
audlence your amLude or your convlcuon ln
whaL you are saylng.
ln general, avold !"#()*+& !*#("&+,!, !*-.-'/
0,#1 0##2 2# 0##2, or &,##3-'/ 4#(, *+5&.
?our posLure should noL call auenuon Lo
yourself. lnsLead, lL should reecL your
lnLeresL ln Lhe speaklng evenL.
osLure racuce
SlL up sLralghL, slouch, Lry Lo Lake up as much
space as you can (how do you feel?), Lry Lo
Lake up as llule space as you can (how do you
SLand up sLralghL, slouch, Lry Lo Lake up as
much space as you can (how do you feel?), Lry
Lo Lake up as llule space as you can (how do
you feel?), sLand llke a soldler aL auenuon,
relax wlLh your arms by your slde
lf you don'L know whaL Lo do wlLh your hands, Lhlnk
abouL Lhe message you wanL Lo communlcaLe.
Llke ln ordlnary conversauon, your hands should
slmply help emphaslze or relnforce your verbal
?our gesLures could lend sLrengLh Lo or deLracL from
whaL you have Lo say.
1he mosL eecuve gesLures are:
naLural and relaxed
uenlLe and varled
ConslsLenL wlLh your message
ApproprlaLe Lo your audlence and slLuauon
CoordlnaLed wlLh whaL you say
CesLure racuce
l need elghL volunLeers!

uslng only gesLures:
- Lxplaln a sh LhaL you
- Show a vlcLory
- 8efuse Lo do someLhlng
- lead Lo be a parL of
- Show lndlerence
- Show convlcuon
- Show anger
- Show happlness
- Show frusLrauon

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