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Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.

Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Upper Saddle River, NewJ ersey07458
All rights reserved.
Chapter 7
The Nursing
Process in
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Steps of Nursing Process
Establishment of nursing diagnoses
Planning care with goals and outcomes
Carrying out interventions
Evaluating care
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Pertinent Assessment Data in
Medication Administration
Health-history information
Physical-assessment data
Lab values
Assessment of medication
Therapeutic effects
Side effects
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Pertinent Assessment Data in
Medication Administration
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Pertinent Assessment Data in
Medication Administration
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Nursing Diagnoses for
Drug Administration
Same as other client conditionspecific
Address actual problems, potential
problems, maintaining level of wellness
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Actual Problems Include
Diagnostic statement
Related factor or inferred cause
Evidence to support statement
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Risk Problems Include
Diagnostic statement
Related factor or inferred cause
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Most Common Nursing Diagnoses
for Medication Administration
Knowledge deficient
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
NANDAApproved Diagnoses for
Drug Administration
Activity Intolerance
Risk for Falls
Urinary Incontinence
Oral Mucous Membrane Impaired
Consult books on nursing diagnoses
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
NANDAApproved Diagnoses for
Drug Administration
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
NANDAApproved Diagnoses for
Drug Administration
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Goals for Client Receiving
Based on nursing diagnosis
Focused on what client will achieve or do
Discussed with client or caregiver
Can be short- or long-term goals
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Goals for Client Receiving
Medications (continued)
Goals focused on
Safe and effective administration
Therapeutic outcome
Treatment of side effects
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Outcomes for Clients
Receiving Medications
Specific, measurable criteria
Evaluate degree to which goal is met
Focus on what client will achieve or do
Discuss with client or caregiver
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Outcomes for Clients Receiving
Medications (continued)
Should be written and should include
Subject (client)
Action required by subject
Expected performance
Specific time frame
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Aim of Interventions
Client returned to optimal level of wellness
Safe and effective administration of
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Key Intervention Strategies
Five rights of administering medications
Chapter 4
Techniques of administering
medicationsChapter 4
Monitoring drug effects
Documenting medications
Client teaching
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Monitoring Drug Effects Is Primary
Identifying therapeutic effects
Reassessing client
Physical condition
Vital signs
Body weight
Lab values
Serum drug levels
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Monitoring Drug Effects Is Primary
Taking client statements
Monitoring side or adverse effects
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Documentation of Medication
When, where, and how
Therapeutic and adverse effects
Client statements
Objective assessment data
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Client Teaching
Directly related to
Knowledge deficit
Elderly and pediatric clients are special
May need to co-teach clients caregiver
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Evaluation Is a Checkpoint
Overall goal is safe, effective medication
Therapeutic outcome should be best
Take steps to ensure success
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 2nd Ed.
Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, J r., and Paula Manuel Bostwick
Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Evaluation Begins New
Cycle When
New assessment data is gathered and
Nursing diagnoses are reviewed or
Goals and outcomes are refined
New interventions are carried out

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