Bagepalli Taluk: Industrial Perspective Plan OF

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Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan


Department of Industries & Commerce
Government of Karnataka
Prepared by
Small Industries Service institute
Ministry of Small Scale Industries
Government of India
Rajajinagar industrial Estate, Bangalore - 560 0!
"#one $o% 0&0-'((5)50 * '((5)5&) * '((5)5&' * '((5)5&( +a, % '()506 ///!sisi0arnata0a!org E-Mail % sisi.angalore1dataone!in
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

Chapter Particulars Page Nos.
Taluk at a Glance 1 - 3
Summary, Conclusion & Recommendations 4 - 6
Part A
1 Preamble 7 - 9
2 Potential Investment Opportunities 10 - 38
3 Action Plan / Facilitation 39 - 41
4 Credit Plan 42 - 44
Part B
5 Statistical Profile 45 - 47
6 Salient features 48 - 50
7. Resource Profile 51 - 55
8. Infrastructure 56 - 61
9. Industrial Scenario 62 - 65
10. SWOT Analysis 66 - 73
11. Salient Features of Central and 74 - 78
State Government Schemes
Annx. I Promotional Institutions and their role in 79 - 83
development of Micro & SMEs
Annx. II Industrial Policy 2006-2011 84 - 102
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

The role played by micro, small and medium enterprises is significant
in over all growth of the economy. The enterprises acts as a nursery for the
development of entrepreneurial talent and has been contributing significantly
to the tate as well as district!s gross domestic products, besides, meeting the
social ob"ectives.
The prospective plan for the development of industrial activity for
#agepalli Talu$, %olar district for the period &'''(&'') was prepared by
*istrict +ndustries Centre, %olar. +n order to ta$e this programme forward
mall +ndustries ervice +nstitute, ,ovt. of +ndia, -inistry of mall cale
+ndustries, #angalore, has prepared the #agepalli Talu$ +ndustrial
*evelopment Plan for the period &''.(&'//. This Plan will serve as the
guideline for ta$ing up industrial development activity in the Talu$ and
provide a road map re0uired for orderly development of industry and trade.
-y special appreciation to *r. 1. riramappa, Assistant
*irector2E+3Admn.3**45 for shouldering the responsibilities in successful
preparation of the Prospective Plan Report of the Talu$ and for the creener
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

efforts he had put in, collection, compilation and analysis, interpretation of
data and preparation of report right from the planning stage till its
completion as well as bringing out this valuable plan report, in spite his
administration, establishment, finance and accounts responsibilities and also
pre(occupation in planning and conducting training programmes and
providing consultancy services.
+ also than$ mt. 6. Ra"ashree for the secretarial services and well
e7ecution of the report.
+ would place in record my special than$s to the *eputy Commissioner
and *istrict -agistrate and Chief E7ecutive officer %olar *istrict for their
co(operation and valuable guidance in bringing out this plan report and +
would also li$e to than$ the 8oint *irector, *istrict +ndustry Centre, 8oint
*irector, *epartment of Agriculture, *eputy *irector, *epartment of
9orticulture, The -anager, :ead #an$ Canara #an$, The Assistant ,eneral
-anager, %FC, *istrict 4fficer, %1+#, The -anaging *irector, %olar
*airy, The President of +ndustrial Association and all other ,overnment
*epartments and Promotional Agencies and also the individual
entrepreneurs, ta$e 9olders, Resource persons, 6,4s, etc., for e7tending
their valuable information and assistance helped us to complete the Plan
Report successfully.
+ would also li$e to than$ all the Talu$ *evelopment 4fficers,
Thasildars and Talu$ -agistrate, Talu$ E7tension 4fficers and enior
4fficers of the tate ,overnment *epartments for their co(operation in
providing the detailed information of the Talu$ in the completion of the Plan
Report successfully.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

+ am confident that this prospective Plan Report will prove to be useful
for all entrepreneurs who are interested to set up the industries in the Talu$
during the plan period and also the Policy -a$ers, Administrators,
Researchers, ,overnment *epartments and all Promotional Agencies
involved in development of industries.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan
1. Area : 90009 ectares
!. "ain #ivers : $%itravat%&
'. (o. of o)lies : *
+. (o. of Gra, Panc%a&ats : !+
*. (o. of in%a)ited villages : !1!
-. Average annual rainfall : -./ ,.,..
A. Human Resources (2001 Census)
1. Population : 1-9-/9
a0 1r)an : !0119
)0 #ural : 1+9*.0
c0 S$ : +'.'!
d0 ST : !.-*.
!. 2ensit& of Population : 1*-
'. 3iterate Population : .+/0+
+. "ale 3iterates : +-*9*
*. 4e,ale 3iterates : !/!09
-. Percentage of 3iterac& : *0*-
B. Agricultural Resources (2001 Census)
1. I,portant 4ood $rops : #agi, "ai5e, Padd&,
"illets, Tur, Avare
!. I,portant $o,,ercial $rops : Groundnut, Sunflo6er
SISI, Govt of India 1
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

C. Horticultural Resources (2001 Census)
1. 7egeta)les gro6n : 8nion, Potato, Beans,
!. 4ruits gro6n : "ango, Banana, Gauva
'. Plantation $rops : Ta,arind
D. Livestock Resources (as per 2002 Census)
1. Total 3ive stock population: !10+/.
!. Poultr& : 1.!+.+
'. 7eterinar& Institutions : !
+. 7eterinar& 2ispensaries : -
E. Forest Resources (2001 Census)
1. Area under forests : 1/+*/
!. I,portant 4orest produce : Ta,arind, 9cal&ptus
F. Mineral Resources
1. "inerals found in t%e district : #ock& ills, Black Gra:
nite, Bldg. Stone, Sand
G. Infrastructure for Industrial Development
SISI, Govt. of India 2
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

1. #ail6a& 3ine : :
!. #oads : Total ;!00':0+0 : 1'/* <".
;a0 Surface : !1/ <"
;)0 1nsurfaced : 11-. <"
'. (o. of "otor 7e%icles;!00':0+0 : *!9/
+. Industrial 9states : 1
*. $o,,ercial Banks;!00*:0-0 : 9
-. 3ead Bank : $anara Bank
H. Technical Institutions : (2003-04)
1. 9ngineering $ollege : :
!. Pol&tec%nic : 1
'. Industrial Training Institute : 1
I. Post and Telegraph facilities (2003-04)
1. (o. of Post 8ffices : !.
!. (o. of Telegrap% 8ffices : 1.
'. (o. of Telep%one 9=c%anges : 1'
+. (o. of Telep%ones in use : +0-9
1. Existing Industrial Structure(31.03.2006)
1. (o. of ,ediu, and large scale industries : :
!. (o. of S,all Scale Industries : **-
'. (o. of people e,plo&ed : ''..
Executive Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
SISI, Govt. of India 3
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

T%e 2epart,ent of Industries > $o,,erce, Govern,ent of
<arnataka entrusted t%e Preparation of Prospective Plan for five &ear
period !00-:!011 to identif& potential invest,ent opportunities for
furt%er industrial develop,ent in t%e Taluk )asicall& to ac%ieve t%e t6in
o)?ectives of e,plo&,ent generation and utili5ation of resources.
T%e present Prospective Plan prepared is )ased on t%e resource
endo6,ents, infrastructure facilities availa)le in t%e taluk for identif&ing
t%e potential for industrial and econo,ic develop,ent of Bagepalli
Bagepalli Taluk is endo6ed 6it% ,ineral, %orticulture, agriculture,
livestock, and sericulture resources. o6ever, t%e potential resources
availa)le in t%e Taluk %ave not )een %arnessed effectivel&.
T%e )asic pro)le, confronting t%e Taluk is t%e e=istence of e=tre,e
povert& and )ack6ardness. T%e inade@uate infrastructure features, lack
of entrepreneurs%ip a,ong t%e people of t%e taluk, inade@uate support
fro, )anks, financial institutions and Govern,ent is t%e ,ain causes for
industrial develop,ent of t%e taluk.
8pening up of suc% a )ack6ard econo,& is full& dependent upon
Govern,entAs initiatives and interest. T%e Govern,ent can co,e
for6ard to launc% a fe6 )ig pro?ects in t%e taluk so as to open t%e taluk
econo,& to attract ne6 invest,ent.
SISI, Govt. of India 4
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

Traditional industries like ,ilk produce, )ricks, rice ,illing, groundnut
decorticating and oil e=traction, carpentr&, potter&, silk reeling, general
engineering and auto,o)ile repair and servicing are do,inating t%e
industrial ,ap of t%e taluk.
T%e taluk %as t%e potential to launc% ,odern dair& pro?ects like ,ilk
processing and ,ilk )ased products, fruit pulp vegeta)le processing,
granite cutting and polis%ing, stone crus%ing, auto,o)ile co,ponents,
poultr& and cattle feed, natural fi)re products 6%ic% %ave tre,endous
scope in t%e taluk.
To accelerate t%e industrial gro6t%, t%e gro6t% centers %ave to )e
identified in t%e taluk in order to trickle do6n t%e fruits of t%e industrial
Bit% t%e fast c%anging industrial scenario, t%e e=isting potentialities in
t%e agriculture and non:far, sectors can )e e=ploited effectivel&
9ntrepreneurial co,petence and personalit& are t%e ke& factors t%at are
necessar& to succeed in entrepreneurial ventures. <eeping in vie6 t%e
c%allenging entrepreneurial opportunities at present and future, it is of
para,ount i,portance to pro,ote ,anage,ent skills of t%e )udding
entrepreneurs to succeed in t%eir 9ndeavour. It is necessar& to conduct
intensive ,otivation ca,paign in eac% )lock to ,otivate t%e prospective
entrepreneurs to e&e t%e opportunities follo6ed )& )usiness:cu, skill
oriented 92Ps, and S2Ps to start self:e,plo&,ent ventures.
SISI, Govt. of India 5
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

T%e e=isting industries ,a& also )e %elped )& conducting vendor
develop,ent, )u&erAs sellers ,eeting, IS8 C9000 certification and e=port
pro,otion progra,,es.
T%ere are no industrial estates and industrial areas in t%e Taluk. T%is
%a,pers industrial develop,ent in t%e Taluk. ence, t%ere is urgent
need for construction of industrial s%eds and Industrial Area in t%e
Taluk for pro,otion and develop,ent of "icro, S,all and "ediu,
SISI, Govt. of India 6
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

<olar district %as eleven taluks. 4or ad,inistrative convenience district %as
)een divided into t6o su) divisions, na,el& <ola and $%ick)allapur. <olar su)
: division co,prises of <olar, Bangarpet, "alur, Srinivaspura > "ul)agal.
$%ik)allapur Su) : division includes $%ik)%allapur, Go6ri)idanur, Bagepalli,
Gudi)ande, Sidlagatta and $%inta,ani taluks.
Bagepalli taluk is one a,ongst eleven taluks of $%ik)%allapur su) division of
t%e <olar 2istrict. As per (an?undappa co,,ittee report, Bagepalli is one
a,ong t%e '9 ,ost )ack6ard taluks in t%e State.
<eeping t%e ,ost )ack6ardness in vie6, t%e 2epart,ent of Industries >
$o,,erce %as entrusted S,all Industries Service Institute, "inistr& of
Industr&, Govern,ent of India t%e preparation of Taluk Industrial Perspective
Plan ;TIPP0 of Bagepalli Taluk for t%e period !00-:!011.
1.1 Objectives of the Study
Primary Objectives
To Identif& t%e potential invest,ent opportunities in ,anufacturing and
service sectors and to suggest Action Plan for ,ateriali5ing t%e potential.
Secondary Objectives

T%e strengt%s > opportunities and 6eaknesses > constraints )ased on
#esource )ase:trend and gro6t% rate
9=isting industrial and ot%er infrastructure facilities and recent
9=isting industrial )ase
#ecent trends in industriali5ation
8t%er i,portant factors availa)le in t%e taluk.
SISI, Govt. of India 7
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

1.2 Methodology
T%e #eport is prepared )ased )ot% on pri,ar& data and secondar& data.
T%e pri,ar& data 6as collected )& contacting and interacting 6it%
resource persons, stake%olders in Govern,ent 2epart,ents E
8rganisations, Industr& Associations, Industrialists, (G8s etc., )ot% at
Taluk > 2istrict levels. T%e secondar& data 6as collected fro, pu)lis%ed
sources including internet. T%e collected data 6as anal&sed and utili5ed
for t%e preparation of Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan.
1.3 Disclaimer
2ata availa)le fro, t%e relevant Govern,ent Pu)lications %ave
)een adopted.
2ata o)tained fro, various Govern,ent 2epart,entsE
organi5ations are anal&5ed to for, t%e )asis for t%e Taluk
Industrial Perspective Plan.
B%erever a particular data 6as not availa)le, appropriate trend
pro?ections E esti,ates 6ere ,ade )ased on t%e gro6t%E
develop,ent and adopted in t%e #eport.
T%e #eport is for general guidance of entrepreneurs, t%e
2epart,ent of Industries > $o,,erce and ot%er develop,ental
Invest,ent opportunities %ave )een suggested taking into
consideration t%e via)ilit&, availa)ilit& of ra6 ,aterial, la)our
)esides ot%er factors. o6ever, an& entrepreneur desirous of
setting up an enterprise is advised to carr& out due diligence
)efore co,,itting invest,ent.
Additional infrastructure facilities to )e developed are suggested
)ased on t%e identified invest,ent opportunities. o6ever,
depart,ents and ot%er develop,ental agencies ,a& plan t%eir
develop,ents E activities in tune 6it% t%e felt needs as per t%e
actual and e,erging de,and. T%us, planning develop,ental
activities s%ould )e preceded )& an indept% assess,ent of t%e
needs of t%e Taluk.
SISI, Govt. of India 8
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

1.4 The Structure of the Report.
T%e #eport presented in t6o Parts.
Part - A
1 Prea,)le.
! Potential Invest,ent 8pportunities
' Action E 4acilitation Plan
+ $redit Plan

Part - B
* Statistical Profile
- Salient 4eatures
. #esource Profile
/ Infrastructure
9 Industrial Structure
10 SB8T Anal&sis
11 $entral > State Govern,ent Sc%e,es
Ann=. I Address of t%e Pro,inent Govern,ent > Pro,otional Agencies
Ann=. II (e6 Industrial Polic& !00-:!011
SISI, Govt. of India 9
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

Potential Investment Opportunities
FIndustrialise or Peris%G is t%e slogan of t%e da&. It %as a ,a?or role to pla& in
t%e econo,ic develop,ent of t%e district E taluk. It is also an essential
ingredient of rapid and self sustained develop,ent of rural areas. It is )elieved
t%at t%e solution to t%e econo,ic ,elodies like povert&, une,plo&,ent, ,al
nutrition, etc., lies in t%e rapid industriali5ation. As suc% industriali5ation
assu,es para,ount i,portance, particularl&, in t%e rural econo,ies.
Industrialisation is usuall& regarded s&non&,ous 6it% econo,ic develop,ent.
9cono,ic develop,ent i,plies an increase in diversion of la)or fro,
agriculture to non:far, activities 6%ic% is a)undantl& depending on far, sector.
Industrial develop,ent in ter,s also induce agricultural develop,ent.
Industries supplies )asic ra6 ,aterials and tools 6%ic% are so i,portant for
agriculture develop,ent. Agriculture ,eets t%e gro6ing needs for ra6
,aterials in industries. T%erefore, a close colla)oration )et6een industr& and
agriculture is needed for rapid econo,ic develop,ent of a region. It %elps
industr& and agriculture take )enefit of t%eir ,utual e=istence. T%e
co,pli,entar& of t%e t6o sectors ,ake t%e pace of econo,ic develop,ent
rapid and cu,ulative.
As suc% t%e progra,,e of industriali5ation ,ust give due consideration to t%e
develop,ent of rural areas.
2.1 Anchor/Medium/Large/Thrust Industry.
$onsidering t%e resources availa)le in t%e taluk, t%e plan suggested follo6ing
large, ,ediu, and t%rust sectors t%at could )e setup in t%e ne=t five &ears.
10 9di)le oil refining
!0 "ilk Processing
'0 Sponge iron
+0 4ruits > 7egeta)le Processing
*0 Auto,o)ile parts ,anufacturing
-0 #ead& "ade Gar,ents
.0 Bio:Tec% park
/0 Soft6are park
90 and tool $entre
SISI, Govt. of India 10
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

2.2 Micro, Small & Medium scale Industries
Potential invest,ent opportunities in Bagepalli taluk %ave )een suggested )ased
on #esource )ase, 2e,and in t%e location > surrounding areas, 9ntrepreneur
skillEpossi)le HfootlooseH invest,ent opportunities, Innovative pro?ects and
e,erging service sector, Scope for Touris, )ased enterprises, 9=isting
industrial )ase and present rate of gro6t%. <eeping t%e i,portance of
industriali5ation and t%e said para,eters in vie6, t%e prospective plan as
suggested &ear:6ise potential invest,ent opportunities, "icro, S,all and
"ediu, Scale 9nterprises , 6%ic% could )e set up in t%e Taluk for five &ears
Plan period . T%e identified industrial opportunities ,a& )e taken as indicative
and not e=%austive. T%e entrepreneurs 6%o are interested in setting up
industries in Taluk are advised to contact t%e Pro,otional 8rganisations E
2epart,ents E Institutions 6%ic% are given in t%e Anne=ure : I for furt%er details
of t%e Pro?ects 6%ic% could )e set up in t%e ne=t five &ears. .
T%e invest,ent opportunities 6%ic% are %aving i,,ense scope for esta)lis%ing
"icro, S,all and "ediu, 9nterprises in t%e Taluk %ave )een identified )ased
t%e follo6ing categor&
Agro )ased and 4ood Products
Ani,al Based
"ec%anical > "etallurg&
"ineral ;Glass > $era,ics0
9lectrical > 9lectronics
Te=tiles > osier&
Plastic, 6ood and 3eat%er products
Printing > Stationer&
S,all Scale Service Business 9nterprises
T%e sector:6ise details of nu,)er of units proposed, likel& invest,ent and
e,plo&,ent opportunities e=pected during !00-:11 are presented in anne=ure
given )elo6.

SISI, Govt. of India 11
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

SISI, Govt. of India 12
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

"23E$3I45 I$6ES3ME$3 2""2R37$I3IES I$ B4GE"455I 8MI9R2, SMEs : SSSBEs 7$I3S; '006 < '00=
Products Land
Capacity Working
(Rs in
Plant &
(Rs in
KW /
No of
Agro - Based & Food Products
1 Ground nut and Processed Spices 1,*00 /00 /0 "T -.** !.*0 10 !! !
! 2e%&drated 7egeta)les 1,000 +00 90 "T -./* '1.1. !. '0 !
' (oodles 1,000 !!* 1*0 "T 1.*/ '..+ 1' '0 !
+ Baker& Products : .*0 ' lak% loavesEannu, '.00 '..+ / !' '
* 4lavoured Groundnut : 1,000 1* "T 0.-0 0.+- * ! 1
- Groundnut Products : *00 '0 "T 0.1' 0.09 ! '* 1
. "ilk Products : '00 !000 ".T. '.0 !.0 1! 10 !
/ 2air& 4ar,E"ilk Processing !-1,'-0 1,/00 #s. ..+0 lak%s
revenue E annu,
0.9+ +*.00 !/ ! 1
9 Papad : !,000 1* "T 1.-0 1.1* 10 ! !
10 Popcorn : +00 - "T 0.+0 0.'* ! 1 '
11 Pea (ut Butter : *00 '00 "T 9019 ..** 1. ** !
1! Bread 1,000 -*0 '- 3ak% loaves of
+00 g, )read
10.*! 1..9! '* .- 1
1' Tutti 4rutti : !00 1'* "T 0.1. 0.+1 - 1 1
1+ "eat Processing 10,000 *,000 1*0 "T !9.-! !*.// / 1* 1
1* #ead& to serve curved 7egeta)les !,000 .00 -00 "T 19,1.* 1*.'. !. *0 1
1- atcatr& !0,000 11,000 ! lak% da& old c%icks 1.0- *./' 1* 1* 1
1. Packed 2rinking E "ineral 6ater 0.* acres -,000 s@ft *,000 Bottles;per
1. .00 '0,0 !0 *0 1
SISI, Govt. of India 13
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

1/ Potato Bafers 100 1,-*0 -0 "T 1.90 1.10 . !0 1
19 To,ato products : 1*0 1 lak% <gs !.'* -.*0 1* 1* 1
!0 7ar,i $o,post : : *.0 "TEda& '.00 /.00 1* : 1
!1 Silk #ealing : : *00 <gs E da& -+.' +*.' 19 !0 !
!' $astor 8il > its derivatives : : '00 <gs E da& .1.00 ++.00 1' 1* 1
!+ 8nion Storage : : '*0 "T !.00 ..0 . - !
!* $attle 4eed : : '0.0 Tonnes Eda& !!.0 !!.- . !0 1
!- Broo, Stick : : 10,000 (os E da& !!.0 !!.- * : 1
!. Aro,atic Plant $ultivation >
: : 1*,000 "T !*.00 '.+ !0 : 1
!/ 4ruit Bars *,000 1,000 100 <gsEda& 0../ ..+' !0 !0 !
!9 4ruit Ia,, Iellies > "ar,alade -,000 1,000 .*0 <gs E da& 1.9* +.0* '0 !0 !
Textiles / Hosiery Products
1 #ead& ,ade Gar,ents for Ba)ies : !*0 9000 sets E annu, 0.+* 0.'! ' 1* 1
! #ead&,ade Gar,ents : /00 !0,000 nos E annu, '.00 1./+ 10 !* 1
' Bandage $lot% : *00 '0,000 )undlesE
1.*0 1..' . 1* !
+ Sc%ool 1nifor,s : '00 1*,000 Pcs !..! *.-* 1' * '
* Sc%ool Bags : *00 !*,000 pcsEannu, 1.*0 0.*/ / 10 !
- Sanitar& (apkin : .*0 -0,000 )o=esE annu, 0.19 0.'' - 10 1
Printing & Stationery
1 Paper $ups > Plates : '00 1* lak% (osEannu, 1.00 1..!* + ! 1
! Paper 9nvelopes : ',*00 '0 lak% (osEannu, 1.*0 1./+ 10 * 1
SISI, Govt. of India 14
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

Plastic, Wood & Leather
1 Plastic 4olders : *00 1,00,000 (osEannu, 0./0 0.9! ! ' !
! 2ocu,ent 3a,ination unit : !,*00 1'*000 (osEannu, 0.*0 1.!0 * * 1
' #e=in 1tilit& Articles : *00 !,*00 (osEannu, 0..0 0.*/ ' ! 1
+ Booden 4urniture 1*0 100 1/0 0.!* 0.!0 * 10 !
* Sa6 "ill *00 1*0 *.00 1*.00 1* 10 !0 1
Chemical Based
1 B%ite P%en&l !,*00 1,000 10/ <3A '.!+ !.01 - * 1
! 2isposa)le S&ringes 1,000 '*0 *..- lak% Pcs 0./- /...0 !. '0 1
' $e,ent Paints *00 !*0 !*0 "T 10.* +.-* 1. !1 1
+ (. $. t%inner : ',000 ',00,000 litres 1.0 0.9* . !* !
* Bleac%ing po6der J acre -00 900 "T +.*1 1/.*0 19 1* 1
- 2%oop Sticks : 1,000 '0 "T 1.!1 0./* 9 10 !
. Agar)at%i #olling and Perfu,ing : '00 1,++,000 Packet 0.10 0.. * : !
/ $leaning Po6der : !00 .* "T 0.!! 0.!0 ' 1 !
9 $a,p%or ta)lets : 100 1/,000 <gs 1.1- 0.-* 11 1 !
10 8ffice Gu, paste : 1*0 : 0.-1 1.1! . * !
11 3i@uid 2etergent : !00 !+0 <gs E ,ont% '.*0 0.+0 * : '
1! $opper Sulp%ate !00 *0 !+ "T 1.+1 +.1' 1! 1 1
1' $orrugated paper )oards +00 '00 1-,'/,000 )oards 11..* +.0/ 11 : '
1+ Ba= $andles : +00 !0 "TA 0.!/ 0.+' ' ' '
SISI, Govt. of India 15
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

Mechanical Products / Engineering
1 "ac%ine S%op : 1,000 - "T 0.+0 1'./0 10 / !
! General 9ngineering : 1,000 100 "T !.00 '.+* * 1* 1
' 4a)rication 1nit : 1,*00 #s.!*.00 lak%s
revenue E annu,
!.00 -.-. 10 1! 1
+ Auto,o)ile 6orks%op : : 10*00 (os '.0 11.! : !* 1
* $lutc% Plate : '00 '*,000 plates 1.1* 11.00 * +0 1
- ig% Precision turned ,ac%ine tools
: '00 : : !0.*+ * -0 1
. Bi:c&cle 3ocks : !*0 : 0.*0 !.990 19 1* !
/ 8rna,ental fittings for Auto : '00 9 tonnes 0.+0 '.-+ 11 1* 1
Electrical / Electronics / IT & ITES
1 Batter& #ec%arging #epairs >
: *00 '000 #ec%arging
1000 reconditioning E
0.+* 0.*! ' ! !
! 9lectrical #epairs > "otor
: '00 1000 (os E annu,
9lectrical repairs,
!*0 nosEannu,
"otor re6inding
0.+* 0.+- ' ! !
' 9lectrical S6itc% Board : *00 !*,000 nosEannu, 0.*0 0./1 * ! !
+ #epair and Service $entre for
$onsu,er 9lectronics and
Teleco,,unication 9@uip,ent
including ,o)ile p%ones
: 1,000 ''/0 (os E annu, 1.-! 1.*1 - * !
* Auto,atic $urtain opener : '00 1,!00 (os !.-+ !.-* 1' !* 1
- Auto,atic S6itc%es for 9lectrical
: '*0 1,/00 11.1* !..* 9 !* 1
SISI, Govt. of India 16
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

. $%okes for Sodiu, E "ercur& 7apour
: 100 -,000 (os !.!/ 0.9+ / -0 1
/ $ontrol Panel ;for single p%ase
Su),ersi)le Pu,pset0
: !00 1!,000 (os *.-! *..0 1+ 10 1
9 ot cases : -00 1!,000 (os *1,.*0 1.!0 !* !0 1
10 P7$ $a)les : *00 '-,000 '.-! ..!* 1' !* 1
11 Pu)lic Address A"P3I4I9#S : '00 .,!00 (os *.+0 1..+ 1- *0 1
1! Po6er Packed E Batter& : 100 -0,000 +..* 1.*- 11 *0 1
1' Transistor #adio #eceivers;A"E4"0 : !*0 10,000 1.1. 1.00 10 -0 1
1+ 9lectronic Burglar Alar, S&ste, for
: '00 1,*00 (os .*,000 1.!0 10 * 0 1
1* 1ninterrupted Po6er Suppl& : +00 900 (os !.00 !./* 1+ *0 1
1- 2TP $entre : **0 *0,000 Pages 9,000 !.90 - '0 !
1. 3oud Speakers : +00 -0,000 (o !.!0 '.- 1! *0 1
1/ T. 7. Turners ;Turret T&pe0 : +00 -0,000 (os !.00 '.-! 1! *0 1
19 Transfor,ers > $oils : -00 '0,000 (os 1./* +.*- 9 100 1
!0 Solid State 3ig%t 2i,,ers >
T6ilig%t S6itc%es
: '00 !-,+00 (os 1.1' 1.0! 1' +00 1
!1 $o,puter ard6are 2evelop,ent
: *0 : 0..* 0.*+ * * 1
!! $o,puter Training Institute : *00 1/,000 %rs.Eannu, 0.-0 !.// - ' !
!' $&)er $afK E Bro6sing $enter : !00 1!,*00 %rs.Eannu, 0.-0 1..' ! ! '
!+ "ulti Purpose $o,puter $enter for
IT 9na)led Services E $&)er $afe
: 100 #s. 1+,0+,000 !0,000 ..00 . 100 *
SISI, Govt. of India 17
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

Mineral Based / Glass & Ceramic Products
1 $era,ic "osaic 4looring Tiles '0,000 +,000 1,*00 "T '.!9 10.*0 !9 !0 1
! $era,ic $apacitors 1000 9,!00 -00 "T 1.'1 !'.'* !+ !0 1
' 4looring Tiles ;Granite0 1000 *00 .*,000 (os !.'* !/.0! !' /0 !
+ Glass ollo6 Bare ;"out% Blo6n
!000 -0.* : 9.*0 '..0' .* !0 !
* Glass "irror '00 1'* 1!,000 S@. "trs 1.// 11.19 !1 !0 '
- 3a,inated Safet& Glasses : 1,*00 1',/00 S@. "trs '.1! +.** 1' !0 1
. #$$ Spun Pipe ! acres !00 !,000 #"T 1..! 1!.11 1/ !0 !
/ Sanitar& Bare !+00 +900 1,!00 "T 9-.* +'.199 100 9* 1
9 Toug%ened Glass '000 *+0 +,/0,000 Sft ..+0 -!..* !+ '0 1
10 Stone $rus%ing 1 acre *0 1*,000 tonnes 0./0 ...0 1. !0 !
11 "osaic tiles cutting, la&ing >
: : #s.!.00 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0.-0 + !* 1
1! Granite E "ar)le cutting, la&ing >
: : #s. '.00 lak%s
inco,e E annu,
: 1.00 * '* !
1' Art Potter& J acre +00 '00 "T 1.10 !-.00 +1 1
1+ Ta)le "oulded Bricks +00 !00 *000 1.* 10.00 10 10 '
Metallurgical Products
1 $opper $oated "S Bire .00 *00 !+0 "T './. 1!.00 1+ !* 1
! $opper Strips : -00 !.,+*,000 +.** 1* 1* /0 1
' Galvani5ed "S Bire : : 11-0 Tonnes 1/..* !+.90 !* !* 1
+ eat Treat,ent Servicing 1nit : +00 -* "T +'./* -.0' 1+ '0 1
* Bater Taps *00 '00 ',!0,000 (os *.9/ '..1. !* !* 1
SISI, Govt. of India 18
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

1 4ast 4ood $enter : *00 #s. - lak% turnoverE
0.-0 !..- - ! 1
! 4ast 4ood #estaurant !,000 1,000 #s. 1* lak%s
turnover E annu,
0.'0 0.-' 1+ * 1
' 4ast 4ood $entre !1,./0 1,000 #s. '! lak%s
turnover E annu,
1.-9 +.0' 10 / 1
Service Activities
1 &gienic vending of peris%a)les
;fruits > vegeta)les0
-00 !00 #s.!. lak%s
0.*- 0.+0 ' ! 1
! Packaged groceries ;cereals, pulses,
spices etc0
: 1,000 #s.-0 lak%s sales E
1.!* 0.'0 10 ' 1
' #etail packing of %orticulture
co,,odities ;spices,@ualit& fruits etc0
: *00 #s../ lak%s sales E
1.-0 0.'0 10 ' 1
+ 4inancialE"arketingEIndustrial
consultanc& Services
: : #s.!!0 lak%s sales E
: 1.00 ' : 1
* Securit& Services : *00 #s.!- lak%s inco,e E
1.0* 0.'0 -/ ' 1
- "asonr& : : #s.1.+0 lak%s
inco,eE annu,
: 0.!+ - : '
. 9lectrician : : #s.1.*0 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0'.0 + : '
/ Plu,)ing 6ork : : #s.!.00 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0.+0 ' : +
9. Painting : !00 #s. '.00 lak%s : 0.!0 / : *
SISI, Govt. of India 19
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

inco,e E annu,
10. $entering : *00 #s.'.00 lak%s
inco,eE annu,
: '.00 - : 1
11 Bar Bending : : #s.!.00 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0.10 - : 1
1! $arpentr& Bork : -00 *00 cu.ft.Eannu, 0.+0 0./1 ' 1 *
1' Booden > $ane 4urniture 1nit : 1,!00 #s.'.00 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
1.00 1.'/ * / !
1+ Beaut& Parlour : +00 #s.10.00 lak%s
inco,e E annu,
0.-* !.'0 - ' 1
1* 3aundr& : +00 '0,000 pcs.Eannu, 0..* 0./- ! ' !
1- #epairs > Servicing of Pu,ps : !00 #s.1.!0 lak%s revenue
E annu,
0.1* 0.'* ! : !
1. Tractor Servicing !,*00 *00 #s.1.+0 lak%s revenue
E annu,
0.19 0.9! ' : 1
1/ ealt% $are Services ;P%&sio
t%erap%&, diagnostic services,
para,edics etc0
1*,000 *,000 #s.'0 lak%s inco,e E
-.00 -*.00 1/ * 1
19 2iagnostic $entre : !*0 '0 tests E da& 0./0 1.1* ' * 1
!0 (ursing o,e E S,all ospital '0,000 1*,000 !* (o. of )eds 10.00 .!.00 *0 *+ 1
!1 #epair > Service $entre for
$onsu,er 9lectronics and
Teleco,,unication 9@uip,ent
: !00 ''/0 (os Io)s !*,000 1..+ - * 1
SISI, Govt. of India 20
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

4nne, - )
"23E$3I45 I$6ES3ME$3 2""2R37$I3IES I$ B4GE"455I 8MI9R2, SMEs : SSSBEs 7$I3S; '00=< '00&
Products Land
Capacity Working
(Rs in
Plant &
(Rs in
No of
Agro - Based & Food Products
1 Baker& Products : .*0 ' lak% loavesEannu, '.00 '..+ / 10 !
! Groundnut Products : *00 '0 "T 0.1' 0.09 ! 1* !
' "ilk Products : 1,*00 !,000 <gs.Eannu, 1.00 1./+ ' 10 1
+ "eat Processing 10,000 *,000 1*0 "T !9.-! !*.// / : !
* #ead& to serve curved 7egeta)les !,000 .00 -00 "T 19,1.* 1*,'.,0'0 !. !0 '
- Packed 2rinking E "ineral 6ater 0.* acres -,000 s@ft *,000 Botl. ;per da&0 1. lak%s '0,00,000 !0 *0 !
. 7ar,i $o,post : : *.0 "TEda& ',00,000 /.0 lak%s 1* : '
/ Silk #eeling : : *00 <gs E da& -+.' lak%s +*.' !! !* '
9 $attle 4eed : : '0.0 Tonnes Eda& !!.0 !!.- 1. !* '
10 Broo, Stick : : 10,000 (os E da& !!.0 !!.- . : 1
11 4ruit Ia,, Iellies > "ar,alades -,000 1,000 .*0 <gs E da& 1.9* +.0* '0 !0 *
Textiles / Hosiery Products
1 #ead&,ade Gar,ents : /00 !0,000 (os E annu, '.00 1./+ 10 !0 +
! Bandage $lot% : *00 '0,000 )un,E annu, 1.*0 1..' . * '
' Sc%ool 1nifor,s : '00 1*,000 Pcs !..! *.-* 1' * *
Printing & Stationery
1 Paper $ups > Plates : '00 1* lak% (osEannu, 1.00 1..!* + ! '
SISI, Govt. of India 21
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

! Paper 9nvelopes : ',*00 '0 lak% (osEannu, 1.*0 1./+ 10 * '
Plastic & Leather Products
1 Plastic 4olders : *00 1,00,000 (osEannu, 0./0 0.9! ! ' '
! 2ocu,ent 3a,ination unit : !,*00 1'*000 (osEannu, 0.*0 1.!0 * * !
' #e=in 1tilit& Articles : *00 !,*00 (osEannu, 0..0 0.*/ ' ! '
Chemical Based
1 B%ite P%en&l !,*00 1,000 10/ <3A '.!+ !.01 - * '
! (. $. t%inner : ',000 ',00,000 litres 1.0 0.9* . 1' !
' Bleac%ing po6der J acre -00 900 "T +.*1 1/.*0 19 * 1
+ 2%oop Sticks : 1,000 '0 "T 1.!1 0./* 9 . !
* Agar)at%i #olling and Perfu,ing : '00 1,++,000 Packet 0.10 0.. * *
- $leaning Po6der : !00 .* "T 0.!! 0.!0 ' 1 !
. $a,p%or ta)lets : 100 1/,000 <gs 1.1- 0.-* 11 1 1
/ 8ffice Gu, paste : 1*0 : 0.-1 1.1! . * '
9 3i@uid 2etergent : !00 !+0 <gs E ,ont% '.*0 0.+0 * ' '
10 $orrugated paper )oards +00 '00 1-,'/,000 )oards 11..* +.0/ 11 10 *
Mechanical Products / Engi
1 General 9ngineering : 1,000 100 "T !.00 '.+* * * '
! 4a)rication 1nit : 1,*00 #s.!*.00 lak%s
revenue E annu,
!.00 -.-. 10 1! !
' Auto,o)ile 6orks%op : : 10*00 (os '.0 11.! / 1* !
Electrical / Electronics / IT & ITES
1 Batter& #ec%arging #epairs >
: *00 '000 #ec%arging
1000 recond. E annu,
0.+* 0.*! ' ! !
! 9lectrical #epairs > "otor
: '00 1000 (os E annu,
9lectrical repairs,
!*0 (os E annu,
"otor re6inding
0.+* 0.+- ' ! '
' 9lectrical S6itc% Board : *00 !*,000 nosEannu, 0.*0 0./1 * ! !
SISI, Govt. of India 22
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

+ $ontrol Panel ;for single p%ase
Su),ersi)le Pu,p set0
: !00 1!,000 (os *,-!,000 *,.0,000 1+ 10 '
* P7$ $a)les : *00 '-,000 ',-!,000 .,!*,000 1' !* !
- 1ninterrupted Po6er Suppl& : +00 900 (os !,00,000 !,/*,000 1+ *0 '
. 2TP $entre : **0 *0,000 Pages 9,000 !,90,000 - ' '
/ $o,puter ard6are 2evlp. $enter : *0 : 0..* 0.*+ * 1* 1
9 $o,puter Training Institute : *00 1/,000 %rs.Eannu, 0.-0 !.// - ' !
Metallurgical Products
1 $opper $oated "S Bire .00 *00 !+0 "T './. 1!.00 1+ !* 1
! Galvani5ed "S Bire : : 11-0 Tonnes 1/..* !+.90 !* !* '
' Bater Taps *00 '00 ',!0,000 (os *.9/ '..1. !* !* '
Mineral Based / Glass & Ceramic Products
1 $era,ic "osaic 4looring Tiles '0,000 +,000 1,*00 "T '.!9 10.*0 !9 !0 '
! 4looring Tiles ;Granite0 1000 *00 .*,000 (os !.'* !/.0! !' /0 '
' Glass ollo6 Bare
;"out% Blo6n Process0
!000 -0.* : 9.*0 '..0' .* : '
+ Glass "irror '00 1'* 1!,000 S@. "trs 1.// 11.19 !1 !0 *
* #$$ Spun Pipe ! acres !00 !,000 #"T 1..! 1!.11 1/ !0 !
- Sanitar& Bare !+00 +900 1,!00 "T 9-.* +'.199 1* 9* !
. Toug%ened Glass '000 *+0 +,/0,000 Sft ..+0 -!..* !+ '0 '
/ Stone $rus%ing 1 acre *0 1*,000 tonnes 0./0 ...0 1. !0 '
9 "osaic tiles cutting, la&ing >
: : #s.!.00 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0.-0 + !* '
10 Granite E "ar)le cutting, la&ing >
: : #s. '.00 lak%s
inco,e E annu,
: 1.00 * '* !
11 Art Potter& J acre +00 '00 "T 1.10 !-.00 +1 : '
SISI, Govt. of India 23
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

1 4ast 4ood $enter : *00 #s. - lak%s turnoverE
per annu,
0.-0 !..- - ! '
! 4ast 4ood #estaurant !,000 1,000 #s. 1* lak%s turnover
per annu,
0.'0 0.-' 1+ * !
Service Activities
1 &gienic vending of peris%a)les
;fruits > vegeta)les0
-00 !00 #s.!. lak%s sales E
0.*- 0.+0 ' ! +
! Packaged groceries ;cereals, pulses,
spices etc0
: 1,000 #s.-0 lak%s sales E
1.!* 0.'0 10 ' *
' #etail packing of %orticulture co,:
,odities ;spices, @ualit& fruits etc0
: *00 #s../ lak%s sales E
1.-0 0.'0 10 ' *
+ "asonr& : : #s.1.+0 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0.!+ - : .
* 9lectrician : : #s.1.*0 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0'.0 + : +
- Plu,)ing 6ork : : #s.!.00 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0.+0 ' : *
. Painting : !00 #s. '.00 lak%s
inco,e E annu,
: 0.!0 / : *
/ $arpentr& Bork : -00 *00 cu.ft.Eannu, 0.+0 0./1 ' 1 '
9 #epairs > Servicing of Pu,ps : !00 #s.1.!0 lak%s revenue
E annu,
0.1* 0.'* ! * '
SISI, Govt. of India 24
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

4nne, - )
"23E$3I45 I$6ES3ME$3 2""2R37$I3IES I$ B4GE"455I 8MI9R2, SMEs : SSSBEs 7$I3S; '00& - '00>
Products Land
Capacity Working
(Rs in
Plant &
(Rs in
No of
Agro - Based & Food Products
1 2e%&drated 7egeta)les 1,000 +00 90 "T -./* '1.1. !. '0 !
! 2air& 4ar, > "ilk Processing !-1,'-0 1,/00 #s. ..+0 lak%s
revenue E annu,
0.9+ -.*- / 100 !
' Pop $orn : +00 - "T 0.+0 0.'* ! 1 1
+ Bread 1,000 -*0 '- 3ak% loaves of
+00 g, )read
10.*! 1..9! '* .* !
* "eat Processing 10,000 *,000 1*0 "T !9.-! !*.// / 1* '
- #ead& to serve curved 7egeta)les !,000 .00 -00 "T 19,1.* 1*,'.,0'0 !. !0 !
/ Packed 2rinking E "ineral 6ater 0.* acres -,000 s@ft *,000 Bottles
;per da&0
1. lak%s '0,00,000 !0 *0 '
9 Potato Bafers 100 1,-*0 -0 "T 1,90,000 1,10,000 . !0 !
10 To,ato products : 1*0 1 lak% <gs !,'*,!00 -,*0,000 1* 1* *
11 7ar,i $o,post : : *.0 "TEda& ',00,000 /.0 lak%s : : !
1! $astor 8il > its derivatives : : '00 <gs E da& .1,00,000 ++.00 : 1* '
1' 8nion Storage : : '*0 "T !,00,000 ..0 : - +
1+ Broo, Stick : : 10,000 (os E da& !!.0 !!.- : : !
1* Aro,atic Plant $ultivation >
: : 1*,000 "T !*,00,000 '.+ : !0 '
SISI, Govt. of India 25
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

1- 4ruit Bars *,000 1,000 100 <gsEda& 0../ ..+' !0 ! '
Textiles / Hosiery Products
1 #ead&,ade Gar,ents : /00 !0,000 nos E annu, '.00 1./+ 10 !0 +
! Bandage $lot% : *00 '0,000 )undlesE
1.*0 1..' . 1 !
' Sc%ool 1nifor,s : '00 1*,000 Pcs !..! *.-* 1' * +
+ Sc%ool Bags : *00 !*,000 pcsEannu, 1.*0 0.*/ / 1 '
Chemical Based
1 B%ite P%en&l !,*00 1,000 10/ <3A '.!+ !.01 - * '
! 2isposa)le S&ringes 1,000 '*0 *..- lak% Pcs 0./- /...0 !. '0 +
' Bleac%ing po6der J acre -00 900 "T +.*1 1/.*0 19 1* +
+ 2%oop Sticks : 1,000 '0 "T 1.!1 0./* 9 10 '
* Agar)at%i #olling and Perfu,ing : '00 1,++,000 Packet 0.10 0.. * : -
- $leaning Po6der : !00 .* "T 0.!! 0.!0 ' 1 +
. Ba= $andles : +00 !0 "TA 0.!/ 0.+' ' ' '
Mechanical Products / Engineering
1 "ac%ine S%op : 1,000 - "T 0.+0 1'./0 10 / '
! General 9ngineering : 1,000 100 "T !.00 '.+* * * '
' 4a)rication 1nit : 1,*00 #s.!*.00 lak%s
revenue E annu,
!.00 -.-. 10 1! !
+ Auto,o)ile 6orks%op : : 10*00 (os '.0 11.! : !* '
Electrical / Electronics / IT & ITES
1 Batter& #ec%arging #epairs >
: *00 '000 #ec%arging
1000 recond. E annu,
0.+* 0.*! ' ! '
! 9lectrical #epairs > "otor
: '00 1000 (os E annu,
9lectrical repairs,
!*0 (os. Eannu,
"otor re6inding
0.+* 0.+- ' ! '
SISI, Govt. of India 26
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

' 9lectrical S6itc% Board : *00 !*,000 nosEannu, 0.*0 0./1 * ! +
+ #epair and Service $entre for
$onsu,er 9lectronics and
Teleco,,unication 9@uip,ent
including ,o)ile p%ones
: 1,000 ''/0 (os E annu, 1.-! 1.*1 - * +
* P7$ $a)les : *00 '-,000 ',-!,000 .,!*,000 1' * !
. 1ninterrupted Po6er Suppl& : +00 900 (os !,00,000 !,/*,000 1+ 10 '
/ 2TP $entre : **0 *0,000 Pages 9,000 !,90,000 - ' +
9 $o,puter ard6are 2evelop,ent
: *0 : 0..* 0.*+ * * !
10 $o,puter Training Institute : *00 1/,000 %rs.Eannu, 0.-0 !.// - ' !
11 $&)er $afK E Bro6sing $enter : !00 1!,*00 %rs.Eannu, 0.-0 1..' ! ! !
Metallurgical Products
1 $opper $oated "S Bire .00 *00 !+0 "T './. 1!.00 1+ !* +
! eat Treat,ent Servicing 1nit : +00 -* "T +'./* -.0' 1+ !0 !
' Bater Taps *00 '00 ',!0,000 (os *.9/ '..1. !* '* '
Mineral Based / Glass & Ceramic Products
1 $era,ic "osaic 4looring Tiles '0,000 +,000 1,*00 "T '.!9 10.*0 !9 !0 +
! Glass ollo6 Bare
;"out% Blo6n Process0
!000 -0.* : 9.*0 '..0' .* !0 '
' Glass "irror '00 1'* 1!,000 S@. "trs 1.// 11.19 !1 !0 '
+ 3a,inated Safet& Glasses : 1,*00 1',/00 S@. "trs '.1! +.** 1' !0 +
* Sanitar& Bare !+00 +900 1,!00 "T 9-.* +'.199 100 9* '
- Toug%ened Glass '000 *+0 +,/0,000 Sft ..+0 -!..* !+ '0 *
. Stone $rus%ing 1 acre *0 1*,000 tonnes 0./0 ...0 1. !0 -
/ "osaic tiles cutting, la&ing > : : #s.!.00 lak%s inco,e : 0.-0 + !* +
SISI, Govt. of India 27
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

polis%ing E annu,
1 4ast 4ood $enter : *00 #s. - lak% turnoverE
0.-0 !..- - ! +
Service Activities
1 Packaged groceries ;cereals, pulses,
spices etc0
: 1,000 #s.-0 lak%s sales E
1.!* 0.'0 10 ' +
! Industrial $onsultanc& Services : : #s.!!0 lak%s sales E
: 1.00 ' : !
' "asonr& : : #s.1.+0 lak%s
inco,eE annu,
: 0.!+ - : +
+ 9lectrician : : #s.1.*0 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0'.0 + : !
* Plu,)ing 6ork : : #s.!.00 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0.+0 ' : '
- Painting : !00 #s. '.00 lak%s
inco,e E annu,
: 0.!0 / : +
. $arpentr& Bork : -00 *00 cu.ft.Eannu, 0.+0 0./1 ' 1 '
/ Booden > $ane 4urniture 1nit : 1,!00 #s.'.00 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
1.00 1.'/ * / +
9 Beaut& Parlour : +00 #s.10.00 lak%s
inco,e E annu,
0.-* !.'0 - ' 1
11 #epairs > Servicing of Pu,ps : !00 #s.1.!0 lak%s revenue
E annu,
0.1* 0.'* ! * +
1! Tractor Servicing !,*00 *00 #s.1.+0 lak%s revenue
E annu,
0.19 0.9! ' ' +
1' ealt% $are Services ;P%&sio
t%erap%&, diagnostic services,
para,edics etc0
1*,000 *,000 #s.'0 lak%s inco,e E
-.00 -*.00 1/ * !
SISI, Govt. of India 28
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

1+ 2iagnostic $entre : !*0 '0 tests E da& 0./0 1.1* ' * !
4nne, - )
"23E$3I45 I$6ES3ME$3 2""2R37$I3IES I$ B4GE"455I 8MI9R2, SMEs : SSSBEs 7$I3S; '00>< '0)0
Products Land
Capacity Working
(Rs in
Plant &
(Rs in
No of
Agro - Based & Food Products
1 $anned "us%roo, ;9=port 8riented0 1,000 1' 9 lak% cans '0.++ +0.00 1* '0 !
! Groundnut Products : *00 '0 "T 0.1' 0.09 ! 1 *
' "ilk Products : 1,*00 !,000 <gs Eannu, 1.00 1./+ ' ! .
+ #ead& to serve curved 7egeta)les !,000 .00 -00 "T 19,1.* 1*,'.,0'0 !. *0 .
* Packed 2rinking E "ineral 6ater 0.* acres -,000 s@ft *,000 Bottles ;per
1. lak%s '0,00,000 !0 *0 !
- 7ar,i $o,post : : *.0 "TEda& ',00,000 /.0 lak%s : : '
. $attle 4eed : : '0.0 Tonnes Eda& !!.0 !!.- : !0 '
/ 4ruit Ia,, Iellies > "er,alides -,000 1,000 .*0 <gs E da& 1.9* +.0* '0 !0 1
Textiles / Hosiery Products
1 #ead& ,ade Gar,ents for Ba)ies : !*0 9000 sets E annu, 0.+* 0.'! ' * .
! Sc%ool 1nifor,s : '00 1*,000 Pcs !..! *.-* 1' * *
Printing & Stationery
SISI, Govt. of India 29
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

1 Paper $ups > Plates : '00 1* lak% (osEannu, 1.00 1..!* + ! '
Plastic & Leather
1 #e=in 1tilit& Articles : *00 !,*00 (osEannu, 0..0 0.*/ ' ! +
Chemical Based
1 B%ite P%en&l !,*00 1,000 10/ <3A '.!+ !.01 - * *
! 2%oop Sticks : 1,000 '0 "T 1.!1 0./* 9 10 -
' $leaning Po6der : !00 .* "T 0.!! 0.!0 ' 1 1
+ Ba= $andles : +00 !0 "TA 0.!/ 0.+' ' ' .
Mechanical Products / Engineering
1 "ac%ine S%op : 1,000 - "T 0.+0 1'./0 10 / !
! General 9ngineering : 1,000 100 "T !.00 '.+* * * !
' 4a)rication 1nit : 1,*00 #s.!*.00 lak%s
revenue E annu,
!.00 -.-. 10 1! !
+ Auto,o)ile 6orks%op : : 10*00 (os '.0 11.! : : !
Electrical / Electronics / IT & ITES
1 9lectrical S6itc% Board : *00 !*,000 nosEannu, 0.*0 0./1 * ! *
! Auto,atic S6itc%es for 9lectrical
: '*0 1,/00 11,1*,*00 !,.*,000 9 !* !
' $%okes for Sodiu, E "ercur& 7apour
: 100 -,000 (os !,!/,000 9+,000 / : '
SISI, Govt. of India 30
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

+ $ontrol Panel ;for single p%ase
Su),ersi)le Pu,pset0
: !00 1!,000 (os *,-!,000 *,.0,000 1+ 10 '
* ot cases : -00 1!,000 (os *1,.*0 1,!0,000 !* * !
- P7$ $a)les : *00 '-,000 ',-!,000 .,!*,000 1' !* 1
. Pu)lic Address A"P3I4I9#S : '00 .,!00 (os *,+0,-00 1,.+,'*0 1- * 1
/ $o,puter <e& Boards : '*0 +/,000 (os /,/0,000 /*,000 1- * !
9 2TP $entre : **0 *0,000 Pages 9,000 !,90,000 - ' !
10 $o,puter Training Institute : *00 1/,000 %rs.Eannu, 0.-0 !.// - ' *
11 $&)er $afK E Bro6sing $enter : !00 1!,*00 %rs.Eannu, 0.-0 1..' ! ! +
1! "ulti Purpose $o,puter $enter for
IT 9na)led Services E $&)er $afe
: 100 #s. 1+,0+,000 !0,000 ..00 . 10 !
Mineral Based / Glass & Ceramic Products
1 $era,ic "osaic 4looring Tiles '0,000 +,000 1,*00 "T '.!9 10.*0 !9 !0 .
! $era,ic $apacitors 1000 9,!00 -00 "T 1.'1 !'.'* !+ !0 !
' 4looring Tiles ;Granite0 1000 *00 .*,000 (os !.'* !/.0! !' /0 *
+ Glass ollo6 Bare
;"out% Blo6n Process0
!000 -0.* : 9.*0 '..0' .* : +
* Glass "irror '00 1'* 1!,000 S@. "trs 1.// 11.19 !1 !0 +
- 3a,inated Safet& Glasses : 1,*00 1',/00 S@. "trs '.1! +.** 1' : *
. #$$ Spun Pipe ! acres !00 !,000 #"T 1..! 1!.11 1/ !0 !
/ Sanitar& Bare !+00 +900 1,!00 "T 9-.* +'.199 100 9* 1
9 Toug%ened Glass '000 *+0 +,/0,000 Sft ..+0 -!..* !+ : '
10 Stone $rus%ing 1 acre *0 1*,000 tonnes 0./0 ...0 1. : *
11 "osaic tiles cutting, la&ing >
: : #s.!.00 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0.-0 + : /
1! Granite E "ar)le cutting, la&ing >
: : #s. '.00 lak%s
inco,e E annu,
: 1.00 * : '
SISI, Govt. of India 31
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

Metallurgical Products
1 $opper $oated "S Bire .00 *00 !+0 "T './. 1!.00 1+ !* !
! $opper Strips : -00 !.,+*,000 +.** 1* 1* /0 !
' eat Treat,ent Servicing 1nit : +00 -* "T +'./* -.0' 1+ '0 !
+ Bater Taps *00 '00 ',!0,000 (os *.9/ '..1. !* : !
Service Activities
1 &gienic vending of peris%a)les
;fruits > vegeta)les0
-00 !00 #s.!. lak%s
0.*- 0.+0 ' ! '
! Securit& Services : *00 #s.!- lak%s inco,e E
1.0* 0.'0 -/ ' 1
' 9lectrician : : #s.1.*0 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0'.0 + : /
+ Painting : !00 #s. '.00 lak%s
inco,e E annu,
: 0.!0 / : .
* $arpentr& Bork : -00 *00 cu.ft.Eannu, 0.+0 0./1 ' 1 -
- Beaut& Parlour : +00 #s.10.00 lak%s
inco,e E annu,
0.-* !.'0 - ' 1
. #epairs > Servicing of Pu,ps : !00 #s.1.!0 lak%s revenue
E annu,
0.1* 0.'* ! ' 1
/ #epair > Service $entre for
$onsu,er 9lectronics and
Teleco,,unication 9@uip,ent
: !00 ''/0 (os Io)s !*,000 1..+ - * '
SISI, Govt. of India 32
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

4nne, - )
"23E$3I45 I$6ES3ME$3 2""2R37$I3IES I$ B4GE"455I 8MI9R2, SMEs : SSSBEs 7$I3S; '0)0 - '0))
Products Land
Capacity Working
(Rs in
Plant &
(Rs in
No of
Agro - Based & Food Products
1 $anned "us%roo, ;9=port 8riented0 1,000 1' 9 lak% cans '0.++ +0.00 1* '0 *
! Ground nut and Processed Spices 1,*00 /00 /0 "T -.** !.*0 10 !! /
' 2e%&drated 7egeta)les 1,000 +00 90 "T -./* '1.1. !. '0 *
+ (oodles 1,000 !!* 1*0 "T 1,*/,000 ',.+,000 1' '0 *
* Baker& Products : .*0 ' lak% loavesEannu, '.00 '..+ / !' 9
- 4lavoured Groundnut : 1,000 1* "T 0.-0 0.+- * ! /
. "ilk Products : 1,*00 !,000 <gs Eannu, 1.00 1./+ ' 10 *
/ 2air& 4ar, > "ilk Processing !-1,'-0 1,/00 #s. ..+0 lak%s
revenue E annu,
*.'0 +*.00 !/ 100 '
9 Papad : !,000 1* "T 1.-0 1.1* 10 ! *
10 Popcorn : +00 - "T 0.+0 0.'* ! 1 !
11 Pea (ut Butter : *00 '00 "T 9019 ..** 1. ** *
1! Idli #ava : 1,000 +*0 "T '.00 *.+- 10 !- .
1' Bread 1,000 -*0 '- 3ak% loaves of
+00 g, )read
10.*! 1..9! '* .- 1
1+ Tutti 4rutti : !00 1'* "T 0.1. 0.+1 - 1 *
SISI, Govt. of India 33
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

1* "eat Processing 10,000 *,000 1*0 "T !9.-! !*.// / 1* '
1- #ead& to serve curved 7egeta)les !,000 .00 -00 "T 19,1.* 1*,'.,0'0 !. *0 +
1. atc%er& !0,000 11,000 ! lak% da& old c%icks 1,0-,000 *,/',-00 1* 1* *
1/ Packed 2rinking E "ineral 6ater 0.* acres -,000 s@ft *,000 Bottles
;per da&0
1. lak%s '0,00,000 !0 *0 *
19 Potato Bafers 100 1,-*0 -0 "T 1,90,000 1,10,000 . !0 *
!0 7ar,i $o,post : : *.0 "TEda& ',00,000 /.0 lak%s : : *
!1 Silk #eeling : : *00 <gs E da& -+.' lak%s +*.' : !0 .
!' $astor 8il > its derivatives : : '00 <gs E da& .1,00,000 ++.00 : 1* *
!+ 8nion Storage : : '*0 "T !,00,000 ..0 : - 1!
!* $attle 4eed : : '0.0 Tonnes Eda& !!.0 !!.- : !0 1-
!- Broo, Stick : : 10,000 (os E da& !!.0 !!.- : : 9
!. Aro,atic Plant $ultivation >
: : 1*,000 "T !*,00,000 '.+ : : '
!/ 4ruit Bars *,000 1,000 100 <gsEda& 0../ ..+' !0 ! '
!9 4ruit Ia,, Iellies > "ar,alades -,000 1,000 .*0 <gs E da& 1.9* +.0* '0 !0 !
'0 Sugar$ane Iuice Beverage -,000 1,000 '000 )ottles E da& 0..! -.0/ !/ !0 '
Textiles / Hosiery Products
1 #ead& ,ade Gar,ents for Ba)ies : !*0 9000 sets E annu, 0.+* 0.'! ' * '
! #ead&,ade Gar,ents : /00 !0,000 nos E annu, '.00 1./+ 10 !* *
' Bandage $lot% : *00 '0,000 )undlesE
1.*0 1..' . * .
+ Sc%ool 1nifor,s : '00 1*,000 Pcs !..! *.-* 1' * '
* Sc%ool Bags : *00 !*,000 pcsEannu, 1.*0 0.*/ / * !
- Sanitar& (apkin : .*0 -0,000 )o=esE annu, 0.19 0.'' - 10 1
Printing & Stationery
1 Paper $ups > Plates : '00 1* lak% (osEannu, 1.00 1..!* + ! '
SISI, Govt. of India 34
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

! Paper 9nvelopes : ',*00 '0 lak% (osEannu, 1.*0 1./+ 10 * *
Plastic & Leather Products
1 Plastic 4olders : *00 1,00,000 (osEannu, 0./0 0.9! ! ' +
! 2ocu,ent 3a,ination unit : !,*00 1'*000 (osEannu, 0.*0 1.!0 * * *
' #e=in 1tilit& Articles : *00 !,*00 (osEannu, 0..0 0.*/ ' ! !
Chemical Based
1 B%ite P%en&l !,*00 1,000 10/ <3A '.!+ !.01 - * +
! 2isposa)le S&ringes 1,000 '*0 *..- lak% Pcs 0./- /...0 !. '0 *
' $e,ent Paints *00 !*0 !*0 "T 10.* +.-* 1. !1 '
+ (. $. t%inner : ',000 ',00,000 litres 1.0 0.9* . !* .
* Bleac%ing po6der : -00 900 "T +.*1 1/.*0 19 1* -
- 2%oop Sticks : 1,000 '0 "T 1.!1 0./* 9 10 '
. Agar)at%i #olling and Perfu,ing : '00 1,++,000 Packet 0.10 0.. * : *
/ $leaning Po6der : !00 .* "T 0.!! 0.!0 ' 1 !
9 $a,p%or ta)lets : 100 1/,000 <gs 1.1- 0.-* 11 1 *
10 8ffice Gu, paste : 1*0 : 0.-1 1.1! . * .
11 3i@uid 2etergent : !00 !+0 <gs E ,ont% '.*0 0.+0 * : *
1! $opper Sulp%ate !00 *0 !+ "T 1.+1 +.1' 1! 1 '
1' $orrugated paper )oards +00 '00 1-,'/,000 )oards 11..* +.0/ 11 : +
Mechanical Products / Engineering
1 Alu,iniu, 4a)rications *00 '*0 '+,000 s@.ft '.** *.19 !1 1! *
! Alu,iniu, Seal for 3PG $&linders : +00 1/0 lak%s !.9* !.!9 11 !* '
' $o,puterised B%eel Balancing ;BB0
> Align,ent Borks%op ;AB0
: !,000 1/00 BB > 9000
AB E annu,
0.++ *.!9 ' '0 !
+ "ac%ine S%op : 1,000 - "T 0.+0 1'./0 10 / .
* General 9ngineering : 1,000 100 "T !.00 '.+* * * +
- 4a)rication 1nit : 1,*00 #s.!*.00 lak%s !.00 -.-. 10 1! .
SISI, Govt. of India 35
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

revenue E annu,
. Auto,o)ile 6orks%op : : 10*00 (os '.0 11.! : !* .
/ $lutc% Plate : '00 '*,000 plates 1,1*,000 11.00 * +0 '
9 ig% Precision turned ,ac%ine tools
: '00 : : !0.*+ * -0 '
10 Bi:c&cle 3ocks : !*0 : 0.*0 !.990 19 1* 1
11 8rna,ental fittings for Auto : '00 9 tonnes 0.+0 '.-+ 11 1* 1
Electrical / Electronics / IT & ITES
1 Batter& #ec%arging #epairs >
: *00 '000 #ec%arging
1000 reconditioning E
0.+* 0.*! ' ! *
! 9lectrical #epairs > "otor
: '00 1000 (os E annu,
9lectrical repairs,
!*0 (os E annu,
"otor re6inding
0.+* 0.+- ' ! .
' 9lectrical S6itc% Board : *00 !*,000 (os Eannu, 0.*0 0./1 * ! /
+ #epair and Service $entre for
$onsu,er 9lectronics and
Teleco,,unication 9@uip,ent
including ,o)ile p%ones
: 1,000 ''/0 (os E annu, 1.-! 1.*1 - * *
* Auto,atic $urtain opener : '00 1,!00 (os !,-+,+00 !,-*,000 1' !* *
- Auto,atic S6itc%es for 9lectrical
: '*0 1,/00 11,1*,*00 !,.*,000 9 !* '
. $%okes for Sodiu, E "ercur& 7apour
: 100 -,000 (os !,!/,000 9+,000 / -0 *
/ $ontrol Panel ;for single p%ase
Su),ersi)le Pu,pset0
: !00 1!,000 (os *,-!,000 *,.0,000 1+ 10 !
9 ot cases : -00 1!,000 (os *1,.*0 1,!0,000 !* * *
10 P7$ $a)les : *00 '-,000 ',-!,000 .,!*,000 1' !* 1
SISI, Govt. of India 36
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

11 #eversing Starter for "otors : '*0 1,11,000 (os 1.,00,000 ',00,000 !0 !* '
1! Pu)lic Address A"P3I4I9#S : '00 .,!00 (os *,+0,-00 1,.+,'*0 1- * 1
1' Po6er Packed E Batter& : 100 -0,000 +,.*,000 1,*-,900 11 * *
1* 9lectronic Burglar Alar, S&ste, for
: '00 1,*00 (os .*,000 1,!0,000 10 * 1
1- 1ninterrupted Po6er Suppl& : +00 900 (os !,00,000 !,/*,000 1+ 10 *
1. $o,puter <e& Boards
;"e,)rane T&pe0
: '*0 +/,000 (os /,/0,000 /*,000 1- * '
1/ 2TP $entre : **0 *0,000 Pages 9,000 !,90,000 - ' .
!0 3oud Speakers : +00 -0,000 (o !,!0,000 ',0-,'00 1! * !
!1 T. 7. Turners ;Turret T&pe0 : +00 -0,000 (os !,00,000 ',-!,*00 1! 10 .
!! Transfor,ers > $oils : -00 '0,000 (os 1,/*,000 +,*-,000 9 10 *
!' $o,puter ard6are 2evelop,ent
: *0 : 0..* 0.*+ * * *
!+ $o,puter Training Institute : *00 1/,000 %rs.Eannu, 0.-0 !.// - ' .
!* $&)er $afK E Bro6sing $enter : !00 1!,*00 %rs.Eannu, 0.-0 1..' ! ! .
!- "ulti Purpose $o,puter $enter for
IT 9na)led Services E $&)er $afe
: 100 #s. 1+,0+,000 !0,000 ..00 . 10 11
Mineral Based / Glass & Ceramic Products
1 $era,ic "osaic 4looring Tiles '0,000 +,000 1,*00 "T '.!9 10.*0 !9 !0 11
! $era,ic $apacitors 1000 9,!00 -00 "T 1.'1 !'.'* !+ !0 10
' 4looring Tiles ;Granite0 1000 *00 .*,000 (os !.'* !/.0! !' /0 1'
+ Glass ollo6 Bare
;"out% Blo6n Process0
!000 -0.* : 9.*0 '..0' .* !0 *
* Glass "irror '00 1'* 1!,000 S@. "trs 1.// 11.19 !1 !0 *
- 3a,inated Safet& Glasses : 1,*00 1',/00 S@. "trs '.1! +.** 1' !0 /
. #$$ Spun Pipe ! acres !00 !,000 #"T 1..! 1!.11 1/ !0 1
/ Sanitar& Bare !+00 +900 1,!00 "T 9-.* +'.199 100 9* '
9 Toug%ened Glass '000 *+0 +,/0,000 Sft ..+0 -!..* !+ '0 9
SISI, Govt. of India 37
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

10 Stone $rus%ing 1 acre *0 1*,000 tonnes 0./0 ...0 1. !0 10
11 "osaic tiles cutting, la&ing >
: : #s.!.00 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0.-0 + !* 11
1! Granite E "ar)le cutting, la&ing >
: : #s. '.00 lak%s
inco,e E annu,
: 1.00 * '* .
1' Art Potter& J acre +00 '00 "T 1.10 !-.00 +1 : *
Metallurgical Products
1 $opper $oated "S Bire .00 *00 !+0 "T './. 1!.00 1+ !* *
! $opper Strips : -00 !.,+*,000 +.** 1* 1* /0 '
' Galvani5ed "S Bire : : 11-0 Tonnes 1/..* !+.90 !* : !
+ eat Treat,ent Servicing 1nit : +00 -* "T +'./* -.0' 1+ '0 !
* eav& $asting of Gre& $ast Iron : '00 1*00 "T 1+.'0 11.** !* +* +
- (ickel Allo& Bires : !*00 1/ "T +.+! ..-' !* '0 '
. Bater Taps *00 '00 ',!0,000 (os *.9/ '..1. !* !* 1
1 4ast 4ood $enter : *00 #s. - lak% turnoverE
0.-0 !..- - ! .
! 4ast 4ood #estaurant !,000 1,000 #s. 1* lak%s
turnover E annu,
0.'0 0.-' 1+ * !
Service Activities
1 &gienic vending of peris%a)les
;fruits > vegeta)les0
-00 !00 #s.!. lak%s
0.*- 0.+0 ' ! 11
! Packaged groceries ;cereals, pulses,
spices etc0
: 1,000 #s.-0 lak%s sales E
1.!* 0.'0 10 ' 19
' #etail packing of %orticulture : *00 #s../ lak%s sales E 1.-0 0.'0 10 ' 1*
SISI, Govt. of India 38
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

co,,odities ;spices, fruits etc0 annu,
+ Industrial $onsultanc& Services : : #s.!!0 lak%s sales E
: 1.00 ' : *
* Securit& Services : *00 #s.!- lak%s inco,e E
1.0* 0.'0 -/ ' !
- "asonr& : : #s.1.+0 lak%s
inco,eE annu,
: 0.!+ - : !0
. 9lectrician : : #s.1.*0 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0'.0 + : !!
/ Plu,)ing 6ork : : #s.!.00 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
: 0.+0 ' : !*
9 Painting : !00 #s. '.00 lak%s
inco,e E annu,
: 0.!0 / : !*
10 $arpentr& Bork : -00 *00 cu.ft.Eannu, 0.+0 0./1 ' 1 !0
11 Booden > $ane 4urniture 1nit : 1,!00 #s.'.00 lak%s inco,e
E annu,
1.00 1.'/ * / 1'
1! Beaut& Parlour : +00 #s.10.00 lak%s
inco,e E annu,
0.-* !.'0 - ' .
1' 3aundr& E 2r& $leaning : +00 '0,000 pcs.Eannu, 0..* 0./- ! ' .
1+ #epairs > Servicing of Pu,ps : !00 #s.1.!0 lak%s revenue
E annu,
0.1* 0.'* ! * 9
1* Tractor Servicing !,*00 *00 #s.1.+0 lak%s revenue
E annu,
0.19 0.9! ' : *
1- ealt% $are Services ;P%&sio
t%erap%&, diagnostic services,
para,edics etc0
1*,000 *,000 #s.'0 lak%s inco,e E
-.00 -*.00 1/ * 10
1. 2iagnostic $entre : !*0 '0 tests E da& 0./0 1.1* ' * '
1/ (ursing o,e E S,all ospital '0,000 1*,000 !* (o. of )eds 10.00 .!.00 *0 *+ *
19 #epair > Service $entre for : !00 ''/0 (os Io)s !*,000 1..+ - * *
SISI, Govt. of India 39
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan

$onsu,er 9lectronics and
Teleco,,unication 9@uip,ent
SISI, Govt. of India 40
Bagepalli Taluk Industrial Perspective Plan
Action / Facilitation Plan
Pro,otion of s,all scale industries %as gained considera)le i,portance in
recent &ears. T%e potential for pro,oting value added "icro, s,all, ,ediu,
and large scale enterprises is &et to )e tapped in t%e Taluk. T%e Taluk is ideal
place to pro,ote various s,all scale industries in ,ulti:di,ensional 6a&.
T%e Taluk is endo6ed 6it% a)undant of natural and %u,an resources. T%e
ric% dividends derived fro, t%ese resources %ave not )een invested in
industries. T%us it offers i,,ense scope for 6ide range of tin&, s,all, ,ediu,
and large scale enterprises to co,e up 6%ic% in turn ,a& add to t%e prospects
of production of agricultural resources.
<eeping t%e i,portant role pla&ed )& t%e ,icro, s,all, ,ediu,
enterprises in respect of agro : )ased and food products, ,ineral )ased,
,ec%anical, electrical, electronics, IT, IT9S, $%e,ical )ased, te=tile E %osier&
products and service activities suggested in $%apter II, t%e stud& %as proposed
t%e follo6ing Action Plan for develop,ent of t%ese industries .
3.1 Industrial Awareness Programmes
1. Industrial Awareness / Motivation Programmes :
2uring t%e five &ear plan period t%e Prospective Plan is suggested
to conduct 1* Industrial A6areness E "otivation Progra,,e. T%ree
Progra,,es in eac% &ear 6it% active involve,ent of Banks, 4inance
Institutions, State > $entral Govern,ent and ot%er Pro,otional
Agencies to create A6areness a,ong t%e educated &out%s a)out t%e
Sc%e,es availa)le for 2evelop,ent of Industrial Service Sectors and an
i,portant role pla&ed )& t%e ,anufacturing and Service Sector to
ac%ieve t%e t6in o)?ectives of e,plo&,ent generation and utili5ation of
local resources. . T%e Govern,ent 2epart,ents like S,all Industries
Service Institute, Govern,ent of India, Tec%nical $onsultanc& Services
8rgani5ation of <arnataka, <98(I$S, $928<, 7IT$, (G8s etc., are
t%e ,ain Pro,inent 8rgani5ations for conducting t%e Progra,,es. T%e
re@uire,ent of funds for conducting t%ese progra,,es is esti,ated to
#s. 1.*0 3ak%s.
SISI, Govt of India 41
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

2. Commercialized cum Skilled Oriented EDPs : -
T%e Taluk lacks in entrepreneurs%ip a,ong t%e local people,
%ence it is suggested t%at 4ive 9ntrepreneurs%ip 2evelop,ent
Progra,,es ,a& )e conducted in t%e ,ain o)li ead Luarters of t%e
Taluk to pro,ote entrepreneurs%ip a,ong t%e local people. 4or
conducting t%e training progra,,es an a,ount of #s. '.!* 3ak%s is
3. Skill Development Programmes : -
To aug,ent t%e skill for local people of t%e Taluk, t%e plan
suggested for conducting Seven Skill 2evelop,ent Progra,,es in t%e
field of electrical, electronics, ,ec%anical, ,inerals and food
processing. An a,ount of #s. +.** 3ak%s is re@uired for conducting t%e
4. Industrial Seminars :
Industrial Se,inar ,a& )e %eld in i,portant o)li ead Luarters
of t%e Taluk, 6%erein, scope for setting up ne6 industries and pro)le,s
of e=isting industries 6ould )e discussed and offered solution to solve
t%e, t%roug% various Sc%e,es launc%ed )& $entral and State
Govern,ents 6it% active participation of Banks, 4inancial Institutions.
An a,ount of #s. 1 3ak% is re@uired for conducting t%e Se,inars during
t%e 4ive Mear Plan.
5. Industrial Exhibitions :
In order to e=%i)it and sell t%e industrial products t%e five &ear
Prospective Plan suggested five industrial e=%i)itions atleast one per &ear
na,el&, in Taluk ead Luarters and pro,inent o)lis. #s. '..* 3ak%s is
re@uired for organising t%ese 9=%i)itions.
6. Showrooms :
9=clusive S%o6roo,s ,a& also )e opened )& 2istrict Industries
$entre, Govern,ent of <arnataka in t%e Taluk ead Luarters and also at
various o)lis of t%e Taluks to sell t%e products ,anufactured )& t%e
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

7. Study Tours :
T%e Stud& Tours of Industries and Prospective entrepreneurs to
i,portant areas E to6ns in and outside t%e State ,a& )e organi5ed to
provide t%e, 6it% an opportunit& to stud& t%e industries. 4or t%is, it is
suggested to conduct t6o stud& tours per &ear.
8. Construction of Industrial Estates :
At present, t%ere is no Industrial 9state in t%e Taluk. T%ere is a
need to construct Industrial 9states in pro,inent places of t%e Taluk.
#oads in t%e e=isting Industrial S%eds need to )e i,proved. T%ere are no
facilities for artisans to 6ork and live in t%e Taluk. It is suggested t%at
6ork:cu,:living s%eds ,a& )e constructed for artisans in t%e Taluk and
ot%er o)li ead Luarters.
9. Agro Complexes :
T%e Taluk is ric% in agriculture, %orticulture resources. It is
t%erefore, suggested t%at agro )ased industrial co,ple= ,a& )e set up in
t%e Taluk ead Luarter.
10. Industrial Areas :
T%ere is no Industrial area in t%e Taluk at present. T%is %as
%a,pered t%e industrial develop,ent of t%e Taluk. T%ere is, t%erefore,
need for esta)lis%ing one Industrial area in t%e Taluk.
11. Medium and Large Scale Enterprises :
In order to create necessar& industrial cli,ate, a fe6 ,ediu, and
large scale industrial enterprises ,a& )e esta)lis%ed in t%e Taluk.
12. R & D Institutions :
T%e Taluk is in urgent re@uire,ent of #>2 Institutes for
providing tec%nical kno6 %o6 to t%e prospective entrepreneurs for
esta)lis%ing t%e industries )ased on t%e resources availa)le in t%e Taluk.

SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

Chapter- 4
Credit Plan
A strong Banking net6ork is i,perative for a speed& %arnessing of t%e talent
potential in pri,ar& and secondar& sectors. T%e district is %aving a good
net6ork of $o,,ercial Bank )ranc%es ;1!!0 and of Pragat%i Gra,in Bank
;-'0. In t%e long ter, co:operative structure t%ere are 11 Pri,ar& $o:operative
Agricultural and #ural 2evelop,ent Banks ;P$A#2Bs0 and a district office of
t%e <arnataka State $o:operative structure, <olar 2istrict $o:operative $entral
Bank is functioning 6it% 1! )ranc%es. ! 1r)an $o:operative Banks are also
functioning in t%e district. T%e <arnataka State 4inancial $oporation ;<S4$0
6it% its )ranc%es at <olar e=tends credit support ,ainl& to non:far, activities.
$anara Bank, <olar, is t%e 3ead Bank for <olar 2istrict. As per t%e guidelines
issued )& t%e #eserve Bank of India, t%e Bank prepares its credit plan for ever&
+.1 T%e Pro?ected $redit Plan prepared )& 3ead Bank for t%e 2istrict for
develop,ent of far, and non:far, sectors is :
SECTOR No. of Accounts Amount
(Rs. in Crores)
Priorit& Sector 1+9-0+ *//.+-
(on:Priorit& Sector 1119' -'.!-
::::::::::::: ::::::::::::
Total Plan 160797 651.72
::::::::::::: :::::::::::
+.! T%e Sector Bise Plan of t%e 2istrict prepared )& 3ead Bank is as
SECTOR No. of Accounts Amount
(Rs. in Crores)
Agriculture 11-.'9 '.'.0-
Allied Activit& 1*!'! ++.--
(on:4ar, Sector !1.0 '0.+.
8t%er Priorit& Sector 1*+-' 1+0.!.
::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::
Total Priority 149604 588.46
::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

Statistical Profile
T%e present Prospective Plan depicts Statistical Profile in respect of t%e Area,
Population, Agriculture, orticulture, Transport > $o,,unication and 2istrict
5.1 Geographical Area
Details Taluk District
of Taluk to
1 Area in Hectares (2004-05)
a0 Total Geograp%ical Area 90,009 ..9,+-. 11.*
)0 4orests 1/,+*/ .0,'!+ !-.!
c0 (et So6n Area '11*1 '-1,99- 0./-
d0 (et Irrigated Area '*-* .!1*' +.9+
e0 N area irrigated out of
net area so6n
11.+ 19.9' 11.+
Source: <olar 2istrict at a Glance !00+:0*
5.2 Population Census 2001
Details Taluk District
a0 Total Population 1-9-/9 !*'-0-9
)0 Population 2ensit&
1*- !.0
c0 1r)an Population 1*N 1/N
d0 Se= #atio ;4 : "0 9.!:1000 9.!:1000
e0 3iterac& #ate ;N0 *0.- -!./
"ale -!.! .'.!
4e,ale '/.- *!.!
Source: <olar 2istrict at a Glance !00+:0*
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

5.3 Agriculture
Sl. No. Name of the Crop
Area in
in tonnes

1 Groundnut !1/.0 +/11+
! #agi +!'* 1!.0*
' #ice '0+0 9.!/
+ Tur !!'0 ''+*
* "ai5e 1'.* /+!1
- Sunflo6er 1000 +100
. Avere /90 .1!
/ alsundi */- +9/
9 Sugar cane !0 1/00
10 Sasuve '* 11
11 uruli *0 .0
Source : Agricultural 2epart,ent, <olar

5.4 Horticulture
Sl. No. Details
Area in
in Tonnes
a0 7egeta)le $rops **9 111.+
)0 4ruit $rops '9* !9-/
c0 Garden $rops ''/ .!
d0 Spice $rops !0- +.!
Source: orticultural $rops Statistics of <arnataka State
at a Glance !00!:!00', Bangalore
1. Transport & Communication
Sl. No. Details 2003-04
a0 #oad lengt% in <,s. 1'/*
)0 #ail6a& lengt% in <,s :
c0 Post offices !.
d0 Telep%one 9=c%anges 1'
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

e0 Telep%ones +0-9
Source: <olar 2istrict at a Glance !00':!00+
5.6 Financial Institutions
Sl. No. Particulars No. of Branches
1 $o,,ercial Banks 9
! #ural Banks:##Bs '
' 2$$ Banks 1
+ Pri,ar& 3and 2evelop,ent Banks 1
Source: <olar 2istrict $redit Plan !00*:0-
5.7 Income of the District
Sl. No. Sectors Rs. in
to total
1. Agriculture incld. Ani,al us)andr& /!+'1 '-.1/
!. 4orestr& and 3ogging +/.' !.1+
'. 4is%ing +!' 0.1/
+. "ining and Luarr&ing +9 0.0!
*. "anufacturing 1.'!/ ..-1
-. $onstruction 1*0+. -.-0
. 9lectricit&, Gas and Bater Suppl& --./ !.9'
/ #ail6a&s 1''. 0.*9
9 Transport )& ot%er ,eans -!!' !..'
10 Storage +/ 0.0!
11 $o,,unication .91. '.+/
1! Trade, otels and #estaurants !'*'' 10.''
1' Banking and Insurance */00 !.**
1+ #eal 9states, 86ners%ip of 26ellings,
Business and Services
!01.! /./*
1* Pu)lic Ad,inistration 1!1-! *.'+
1- 8t%er Services !'/!+ 10.**
227846 100.00
Source : State 2o,estic Product <arnataka: !00':0+
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

Salient Features
6.1 Geographical Location
Bagepalli Taluk is located in t%e nort%ern part of <olar 2istrict, )ounded
)& And%ra Prades% State, Gudi)ande, $%ik)allapur, S%idlag%atta and
$%inta,ani taluks. T%e taluk %ead@uarter is at a distance of 90k,s fro,
district %ead @uarters and 9. k,s fro, Bangalore. T%e taluk
geograp%ical lies )et6een ..
+'A 11AA and ./
.A '0AA longitude and 1'
'.A '0AA and 1'
*.A !+AA latutide.
6.2 Soil
T%e taluk found #ed 3oa, and $la& loa, soil. #ed loa, soil is suita)le
for gro6ing vegeta)les onion, potato, raddis% etc. $la& loa, soil is
suita)le for cultivation of padd&, Sugarcane, to)acco, c%illies etc.
6.3 Rivers
T%ere no perennial rivers flo6 in t%e Taluk. o6ever, $%itravat%& river
tri)utar& of (ort% Pinakani flo6s in t%e Taluk during t%e rain& seasons.
6.4 Climate and Rainfall
T%e Taluk en?o&s ,oderate cli,ate t%roug% out t%e &ear. (or,al rainfall of t%e
Taluk 6as -./ ,,, 6%ereas actual rainfall during !00+ 6as 11'*.1 ,,, 6%ic%
is a)ove t%e nor,al rainfall. 2uring !00+, rain& da&s 6ere 9. da&s. T%e
rainfall details are given in t%e Ta)le:-.1.
Table-6.1: Rainfall Details
Details Taluk District
1. #ain gauge Stations * *+
! (or,al rainfall ;in ,,0 -./ /1.+
' Actual rainfall ;in ,,0 11'*.1 1!/'+./
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

+ (or,al #ain& da&s +! +9/
* Actual #ain& da&s ** .1!
Source: <olar 2istrict at a Glance !00+:0*
6.5 Administrative Divisions
Bagepalli Taluk co,es under $%ik)allapur su):division. T%e taluk is
furt%er divided into * %o))ilies na,el& Bagepalli, $%elur, Gulooru,
Patapal&a and "itte,ani. All t%e Taluk level 2epart,ents are located in
Bagepalli Taluk. T%e Taluk ad,inistration lies 6it% t%e Taluk Panc%a&at
for t%e i,ple,entation of 2evelop,ental Sc%e,es and t%eir progress.
T%e 9=ecutive officer Taluk Panc%a&at looks after t%e ad,inistration.
e reports t%e progress of t%e i,ple,entation of t%e 2evelop,ental
Sc%e,es to t%e $%ief 9=ecutive 8fficer, Oilla Panc%a&at, <olar.
6.6 Population
T%e population of t%e Taluk is a)out 1.-9 lak%s, as per !001 census,
contri)uting a)out .N to t%e 2istrict population. T%e Taluk literac& rate
is *0.-N as against district literac& rate of -!./N. ig%er literac& rate
of t%e Taluk ,eans t%ere is scope for training literate population in
various skills re@uired )& t%e industries so t%at t%e& can )e productivel&
T%e de,ograp%ic details are given in Ta)le:-.!.
Table-6.2: Demographic Details as per 2001 Population Census
Details Taluk District
1 Total Population 1-9-/9 !*'-0-9
! "ale /-0*' 1!/-19'
' 4e,ale /'-'- 1!+9/.-
+ #ural 1+9*.0 1910*+-
* 1r)an !0119 -!**!'
- 2ensit& ;Per s@.k,0 1*- !.0
. Se= #atio 9.! 9.!
/ 3iterac& #ate *0.- -!./
"ale -!.! .'.!
4e,ale '/.- *!.!
Source: <olar 2istrict at a Glance !00+:0*
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

6.7 Area and Land Utilization Pattern
T%e geograp%ical area of t%e Taluk covers 90009 %ectares .8ut of 6%ic%
forest area is 1/+*/ %ectares. . T%e net area so6n in t%e Taluk constitute
'11*1 %ectars of t%e total geograp%ical area of t%e Taluk. T%e details of
land utili5ation pattern are given in Ta)le -.'.
Table-6.3: Details of land utilization pattern

Details Taluk District
1 Total Geograp%ical Area 90009 ..9+-.
! 4orest 1/+*/ .0'!+
' 3and not availa)le for
cultivation and
1+!./ 1'.10.
+ ot%er un:cultivated land 11*9. 1!+9*9
* (et Area So6n '11*1 '-199-
- (et Area irrigated '*-* .!1+'
. N of area irrigated out of net
area so6n
11.++ !0.00
Source: <olar 2istrict at a Glance !00+:0*
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

Resource Profile
T%e details of t%e resources availa)le in t%e Taluk, )ased on statistical data
collected fro, t%e field visits and pu)lis%ed data are given )elo6: It is of
para,ount i,portance to take stock of various resources availa)le in t%e Taluk
)efore e,)arking identification of products, %aving scope of develop,ent in
Bagepalli Taluk.
It is a 6ell kno6n fact t%at an industrial develop,ent of area depends on a
greater e=tent on its resource availa)ilit& and its proper e=ploitation and
utili5ation. T%is $%apter is, t%erefore, devoted to a tread )are anal&sis of
resource, )asket of Bagepalli Taluk. #esources of an area can )e )roadl&
classified into t6o categories:
;10 "aterial #esources
;!0 u,an #esources

7.1 Agriculture
Agriculture is t%e ,ain occupation of t%e people of t%e Taluk. T%e
i,portant crops gro6n in t%e Taluk are Groundnut, #agi, #ice, Tur,
"ai5e, Sunflo6er, Avere, alsundi, Sugar $ane, Sasuve, uruli.
T%e details of t%e ,a?or agricultural food crop produced during !00':0+
is given )elo6:
Name of the Crop
Area in
Production in

1 Groundnut !1/.0 +/11+
! #agi +!'* 1!.0*
' #ice '0+0 9.!/
+ Tur !!'0 ''+*
* "ai5e 1'.* /+!1
- Sunflo6er 1000 +100
. Avere /90 .1!
/ alsundi */- +9/
9 Sugar cane !0 1/00
10 Sasuve '* 11
11 uruli *0 .0
Source : Agricultural 2epart,ent, <olar
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

7.2 Horticulture
T%e ,a?or fruit crop produced are ,ango, sapota, le,on, guava, etc.
T%e vegeta)le crop produced is potato, to,ato, onion, etc T%e garden
crops produced are Ta,arind, Beetle nuts. .
Govern,ent of India %as announced various progra,,es in t%e State
under (ational orticulture "ission ;("0 to increase t%e production
of %orticulture crops. T%e orticulture 2epart,ent, <olar, s%ould utilise
t%e funds availa)le under (" to )oost t%e production of %orticulture
T%e details of area and production of %orticultural crops are given in t%e
Ta)le )elo6 :
Sl. No. Details
Area in
Production in
a0 7egeta)le $rops **9 111.+
)0 4ruit $rops '9* !9-/
c0 Garden $rops ''/ .!
d0 Spice $rops !0- +.!
Source: orticultural $rops Statistics of
<arnataka State at a Glance !00!:!00', Bangalore
7.3 Minerals
T%e Taluk is endo6ed 6it% rock& %ills t%e rock stones is ,ore suita)le
for t%e production of ?ell& and si5e stones and %ence, t%ere is i,,ense
scope for setting up of Stone $rus%ing and ?ell& and stone si5e units in
t%e Taluk.
7.4 Forest
T%e 4orest area covers 1/+*/ %ectares in t%e Taluk. T%e forest
depart,ent gro6s ta,arind trees, 9ucal&ptus > ot%er scru) verities of
trees. T%e ta,arind is largel& gro6n in t%e Taluk. T%ere is a scope for
setting up of ta,arind )ased industries suc% as ta,arind pulp, ta,arind
starc% etc.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

7.5 Animal Husbandry
T%e livestock populations in t%e Taluk are ,ainl& cattle, )uffaloes,
S%eep, Goats.
T%ere are t6o veterinar& %ospitals, si= veterinar& dispensaries and one
pri,ar& veterinar& center. T%e livestock details and ani,al %us)andr&
infrastructure details are given in Ta)le )elo6 :
Details Taluk District
1 $o6 ++-'. +--/-+
! Buffaloes 11.+! 1!'91/
' Goats +9/-! !0'+.+
+ S%eep *9+1' -!/-/'
* Poultr& 1.!+.+ 1-!.+!-
Source: 2istrict at a Glance, <olar !00+:0*
T%e details of 7eterinar& ospitals are given )elo6 :
Details Taluk District
1 7eterinar& ospitals ! !1
! 7eterinar& 2ispensaries - .-
' Pri,ar& 7eterinar& $entres 1 *+
+ "o)ile 2ispensaries 1 11
* Artificial Inse,ination $entre 1 '
Source: <olar 2istrict at a Glance !00+:0*
7.6 Sericulture
Sericulture activit& is ver& pro,inent in t%e taluk. T%e area under
cultivation is 9/!.!/ %ectars and cocoons production **' tonnes during !00*:
7.7 Water Resources & Irrigation
T%ere are no perennial rivers flo6ing in t%e Taluk. o6ever,
$%itravat%& #iver flo6s across t%e Taluk during t%e rain& season.
Bater is ,ainl& dra6n fro, Bore 6ells and also fro, river for industrial
and do,estic purposes.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

Area under different source of irrigation in t%e Taluk during t%e period
199/:99 and !00':0+ is given in t%e Ta)le )elo6 :
Source: <olar 2istrict at a Glance !00+:0*
7.8 Human Resources
Industrial 2evelop,ent of an area does not depend onl& on ,aterial
resources. In fact, ke& to successful develop,ent of industries in an area
can )e attri)uted to t%e availa)ilit& of %u,an resources also. "an&
deficiencies in ,aterial resources can )e overco,e if %u,an talents are
availa)le in a)undant ,easure. Iapan is a classic e=a,ple of a
countr&, 6%ic% %as developed industriall&, despite inade@uate ,aterial
resources )ecause of t%e availa)ilit& of skilled and otivated 6orkers and
,anagers. ence different factors pertaining to %u,an resources suc%
as population, literac&, occupational pattern of population, densit& of
population, skill level, etc., are discussed in t%e follo6ing
7.9 Population
As per t%e !001 $ensus, t%e total population in t%e 2istrict is 1-9-/9
persons co,prising /-0*' "ale, /'-'- 4e,ale. 8f t%e total population,
1+9*.0 persons are sta&ing in rural areas, !0119 are sta&ing in 1r)an
areas. Se= ratio in t%e Taluk is 9.! fe,ales per t%ousand ,ales.
7.10 Literacy
9ntrepreneurs%ip depends upon t%e level of literac& a,ong t%e people of
an area. 3iterac& pro,otes entrepreneurs%ip and entrepreneurs%ip in
turn %elps in pro,oting industrial develop,ent. As per !001 $ensus
t%ere are .+/0+ literate persons in t%e Taluk, of 6%o,, +-*9* are "ales
SISI, Govt of India
Sl. No. Details 2003-04
1 Tanks 1/
! Bells 1.*
' Bore 6ells ''.!
+ 8t%er Sources :
Total 3565
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

and !/!09 are 4e,ales. Percentage of literate population in t%e Taluk is
*0.-N. "ale literac& is -!.!N and 4e,ale '/.-N in t%e Taluk.
7.11 Educational Facilities
T%e Taluk %as one 2egree college, one Pol&tec%nic, - Pre:1niversities
and 1- ig% Sc%ools. T%e details of educational facilities and intake of
students are given in Ta)le:
Sl. No. Details
No. of
Intake of
1 2egree $ollege 1 /*0
! Pol&tec%nic 1 '*0
' Pre 1niversit& - 1-++
+ ig% Sc%ool 1- *-90
Source: <olar 2istrict at a Glance !00+:0*
T%e educated persons fro, t%e a)ove colleges E training institutions
could )e utili5ed )& t%e industries in t%e Taluk.
7.12 Registration in Employment Exchange
In t%e Taluk -'+! persons %ave registered in live register of e,plo&,ent
e=c%ange, <olar, as on '0.0-.!00-. 8f t%e total -'+! persons registered
6it% e,plo&,ent e=c%ange, +9.* are "ale and 1'-. are 4e,ale. T%e
details are given in Ta)le )elo6.
Details Nos. as on 30.6.2006
1 "en +9.*
! Bo,en 1'-.
Total 6342
Source : 9,plo&,ent 9=c%ange, <olar
9,plo&,ent opportunities in t%e Govern,ent E Pu)lic E Private sectors
are d6indling fast. T%ese une,plo&ed persons could )e ,otivated to
start self:e,plo&,ent activities )& conducting 9ntrepreneurs%ip
A6arenessE 2evelop,ent Progra,,e, Skill 2evelop,ent Progra,,es
t%roug% SISI, $928< and ot%er pro,inent training institutions. .
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

It is essential to %ave ade@uate availa)ilit& of infrastructure facilities suc% as
land, factor&, acco,,odation, rail6a& lines, postal, teleco,,unication
facilities, )anking institutions, etc., for industrial develop,ent. In <arnataka
State t%e reason for rapid industrial develop,ent taking place in and around
Bangalore cit& is ,ainl& due to t%e availa)ilit& of e=cellent infrastructure
facilities. Si,ilarl& poor industrial develop,ent of Bagepalli Taluk could )e
attri)uted to inade@uate infrastructural facilities. T%ere is t%erefore, urgent need
for developing infrastructure facilities in t%e Taluk to %elp and pro,ote
industrial develop,ent. T%is $%apter is, t%erefore, devoted to a detailed stud&
of e=isting infrastructural facilities in t%e Taluk and scope for t%eir furt%er
T%e infrastructure is t%e )ack)one for industrial develop,ent. I,proved
infrastructure reflects t%e %ealt% of t%e Taluk. T%e details of infrastructure
facilities in t%e Taluk is discussed )elo6 : :
8.1 Physical Infrastructure :
A. Land :
3and is an i,portant factor of production. Availa)ilit& of suita)le land
facilitates industrial develop,ent. T%ere is sufficient fallo6 land and
land not suita)le for cultivation availa)le in t%e taluk, 6%ic% could )e
utilisied for setting up industries 6it%out encroac%ing on cultiva)le land.
T%e ta)le )elo6 depicts t%e taluk 6ise availa)ilit& of suc% land in t%e
Taluk in !00':0+.
Fallow Land
(in hectares)
Land not available
for cultivation
(in hectares)
un-cultivable land
(in hectares)
1+/9* 1+!./ 11*9.
Source : <olar 2istrict at a glance !00+:0*
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

B. Factory Accommodation
Purc%ase in land and constructing s%eds is a ti,e consu,ing process.
"oreover, invest,ent in land and s%eds increases t%e capital cost of an
industrial unit and ,akes its econo,ic via)ilit& difficult )& adding to its
over%ead cost. T%erefore, availa)ilit& of read& )uilt s%eds 6ill go a long
6a& in pro,oting t%e develop,ent of ,icro, s,all and ,ediu, s,all
scale enterprises. At present, t%ere is no industrial estate in t%e Taluk.
o6ever, t%ere are - s%eds constructed under 7ISBA progra,,e and
1 s%ed under (#9P E S$P E <2$. T%e e=isting s%eds constructed
under t%e progra,,e are not ,aintained properl&, t%erefore, t%e
Govern,ent s%ould take up suita)le ,easures to i,prove t%e e=isting
In order to provide read& )uilt s%eds to t%e ,icro, s,all and ,ediu,
scale enterprises, <arnataka State S,all Industries 2evelop,ent
$orporation s%ould take up drastic steps for construction of s%eds in
t%is )ack6ard Taluk.
C. Industrial Area
At present t%ere is no industrial area in t%e Taluk. T%e <arnataka
State Industrial Area 2evelop,ent Board %as proposed for ac@uiring
land for develop,ent of industrial area under (an?undappa $o,,ittee
#eport. T%e Govt. of <arnataka %as proposed to ac@uire '00 acres of
land near (. for t%e develop,ent of industrial area.
8.2 Power
9lectric po6er is essential for t%e industries. In t%e Taluk, t%ere are four
po6er receiving stations. T%e details of po6er grid in t%e Taluk are
given in t%e Ta)le )elo6
Sub Station Nos.
Capacity in MVA
Bagepalli ! = 1!.* !* 1*.-
So,anat%pura 1 = 1!.* 1/./ 10.0
T%i,,ana%alli 1 = -.' -.' '.1
$%akavelu ' = /.0 1-.1- *.0
Source : <olar 2istrict at a glance !00+:0*
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

T%e Po6er consu,ption pattern of electricit& in t%e Taluk during
!00':0+ is as follo6s :
Category No. of
(in units)
01. 2o,estic !9/'! +'!0
0!. Industrial +.! 1.//
0'. $o,,ercial 1-!' +1+
Source : <olar 2istrict at a glance !00+:0*
8.3 Water
Bater is essential for %u,an consu,ption and industrial develop,ent.
T%e a,ount of rainfall received )& t%e Taluk is ver& less, %ence, t%ere is
scarcit& of 6ater in t%is region. T%ere are onl& ** average rain& da&s in
a &ear. 3ack of sufficient 6ater is t%e ,a?or %indrance to start industries
in t%e district. T%erefore, t%e State Govern,ent %as to take ade@uate
steps to provide 6ater fro, neig%)ouring districts of t%e State, 6%ere,
t%e 6ater is availa)le, for pro,otion and develop,ent of industries in t%e
8.4 Roads
#oads pla& a ,a?or role in transportation of ,en and ,aterials fro, one
place to anot%er, 6%ic% is essential for industrial activities. T%e roads
e=isting in t%e Taluk can )e categorised as (ational ig%6a&s, State
ig%6a&s, 2istrict "a?or roads, ot%er 2istrict #oads, 7illage #oad,
4orest #oads,T2B #oads and Panc%a&at #oads. T%e Taluk %as good
road net6ork. (ational %ig%6a& of a)out / k,s ;(:.0 passes t%roug%
t%e Taluk.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

T%e details of road lengt% is s%o6n in t%e Ta)le )elo6 :
Type of Roads Length in Kms.
1 (ational ig%6a&s /
! State ig%6a&s 19
' 2istrict "ain #oads 191
+ 8t%er 2istrict #oads '
* 7illage #oads '1!
- T2B #oads !.0
. 4orest #oads !.
/. Panc%a&at #oads */*
9. Surface #oads !1/
10. Bridges !
Source: <olar 2istrict at a Glance !00+:0*
8.5 Railways
T%e Taluk is not connected 6it% an& rail6a& net6ork.
8.6 Seaports
T%e nearest sea port is at "angalore and $%ennai. T%ese Ports provide a
gate6a& for e=port and i,port trade t%roug%out t%e &ear.
8.7 Airports
As suc% t%ere is no Airport in t%e Taluk. T%e nearest airport to t%e Taluk
is Bangalore, "angalore, &dera)ad and $%ennai.
8.8 Telecommunication
T%e co,,unication facilities in t%e Taluk t%roug% Telep%ones %ave ,ade
an eas& access to Industrial 2evelop,ent. Good teleco,,unication
net6ork is essential for @uick co,,unication. T%e details of post and
teleco,,unication facilities are given in t%e follo6ing Ta)le :
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

Posts & Telephones Nos.
1 Post offices !.
! Telep%one 9=c%anges 1'
' Telep%ones +0-9
+. Telegrap%s 1.
Source: <olar 2istrict at a Glance !00+:0*
In addition to a)ove posts > teleco,,unication facilities, t%ere are ot%er
operators like BS(3, Airtel, #eliance, Tata Indico, etc., offering
,o)ileEland line services in t%e Taluk. In addition, t%ere are ot%er private
operators providing professional courier and teleco,,unication services.
ST2EIS2 > Internet facilit& e=ists in t%e Taluk.
8.9 Financial Institutions
In t%e Taluk, as on '1'.!00* t%ere are 9 co,,ercial )ank, * rural )ank,
1 co:operative )ank and one Pri,ar& 3and 2evelop,ent )ank )ranc%.
T%e details are given in Ta)le:..+ :
No. of Branches
(as on 31.03.2005)
1 $o,,ercial Banks 9
! Gra,eena Banks '
' 8t%er $o:operative Banks 1
+ Pri,ar& 3and 2evelop,ent Banks 1
Source: <olar 2istrict $redit Plan:!00*:0-
8.10 Karnataka State Financial Corporations Ltd
<arnataka State 4inancial $orporation, <olar, e=tends its service for
develop,ent of tin&, s,all and ,ediu, scale enterprises in t%e Taluk )&
providing loan. As on '1.0'.!00', t%e Institute %as sanctioned !9.*.9/
3ak%s and %as dis)ursed !/'.10 3ak%s to -! units in t%e Taluk.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

8.11 Karnataka State Khadi & Village Industries Board (KSK&VIB)
<%adi > 7illage Industries Board, <olar is providing loan for
develop,ent of tin&, s,all and ,ediu, scale industries t%roug% Pattern
sc%e,e, $B$ Sc%e,e, 99GB Sc%e,e. T%e details of loan dis)ursed )&
t%e Board t%roug% t%ese sc%e,es is given )elo6.
Loan disbursed by the Board as on 31.03.2003
Scheme No. of
(in Lakhs)
Grant /
Rs. in
Pattern '. 10.9! 0.1* 11.1.
$B$ +- 1.+.!' -*./+ !+0.0.
Source : <7IB, <olar
#ural industriali5ation %as )eco,e a slogan a,ong polic& ,akers for t%e
uplift,ent of t%e rural areas and reducing disparities )et6een rural and
ur)an people and %ence reducing ,igration fro, rural areas to ur)an.
<%adi > 7illage Industries %as a ,a?or role to pla& in t%e rural
industriali5ation process t%roug% #9GB.
T%e Board proposed for e=tending financial facilities to . units under
#ural 9,plo&,ent Generation Progra,,e Sc%e,es in t%e Taluk, during
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

Chapter -9
Industrial Scenario
A stud& of t%e present industrial structure of Bagepalli Taluk 6ill ena)le us to
kno6 t%e e=tent to 6%ic% t%e Taluk %as developed industriall& and t%e t&pe of
industries t%at %as co,e up in t%e taluk so far. 2etailed anal&sis of t%e e=isting
industrial scenario 6ill %elp us to avoid suggesting ,ore of t%ose industries
6%ic% %ave alread& co,e up in t%e Taluk in ade@uate nu,)er. T%is 6ould
avoid esta)lis%,ent of superfluous e=cessive industries, 6%ic% ,a& )e
redundant resulting in sickness.
Bagepalli Taluk %as not ,ade ,uc% %ead6a& in industrial develop,ent. It lags
)e%ind ot%er industriali5ed districts of t%e State like Bangalore ;1r)an0 district,
"&sore district, 2%ar6ar district, 2< district and Belgau, district. 9ven
t%oug% t%e taluk is endo6ed 6it% ric% agricultural, ,ineral and %orticultural
resources, t%eir potentialities %ave not )een properl& %arnessed for industrial
T%is slo6 pace of industriali5ation is also due to inade@uate industrial
infrastructural facilities. T%e ot%er ,a?or factors attri)uted for lack of industrial
develop,ent in t%e Taluk is t%e a)sence of large and ,ediu, scale industries,
6%ic% are capa)le of pro,oting various ancillar& and tin& s,all scale
enterprises in t%e Taluk. As on '1.0'.!00-, t%ere are **- tin& and s,all scale
industries 6it% an invest,ent of #s. 1/+'.+. 3ak%s e,plo&ing ''.. persons in
t%e Taluk.
Mear:6ise gro6t% of "icro and S,all Scale 9nterprises esta)lis%ed in t%e Taluk
during * &ears is given t%e Ta)le )elo6 :
Year No. of
Investment in
Plant & Machinery
( Rs. in Lakhs )
in persons
!001:0! !- ++./+ 1!0
!00!:0' 1+ /-./! 19+
!00':0+ 11 +*.9. +9
!00+:0* 1- 1.9.-0 99
!00*:0- '- !+..'- !!1
Source : 2istrict Industries $entre, <olar
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

T%e ,a?or industrial activities of t%e Taluk include flour ,ills, edi)le oil, silk,
general engineering, gar,ents and tailoring, rice ,ills, )ricks and tiles, leat%er ,
and ot%ers. $ategor&:6ise industries developed in t%e Taluk is as follo6s :
Activity 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06
1. 4lour "ill - : : ! *
!. 9di)le 8il ! : ! 1 1
'. Silk ! * 1 : 1!
+. #ice "ills ' ! : : 1
*. Bricks > Tiles ' : : : :
-. 2.T.P. ! : : : :
.. General
! : 1 1 1
/. Gar,ents >
1 : 1 ' -
9. 4ood 1 : 1 1 1
10. Printing : 1 : : :
11. "etals : 1 1 : :
1!. Bood )ased 1 ! : 1 1
1'. 3eat%er products : : 1 : !
1+. "ineral )ased : : : : 1
1*. "ineral Bater : : : : 1
1-. 8t%ers ' ' ' . *
Source : 2istrict Industries $entre, <olar
It can )e o)served fro, t%e Ta)le t%at t%e Bagepalli Taluk is t%e ,ost
industriall& )ack6ard Taluk of t%e district, t%oug% t%e Taluk is endo6ed 6it%
natural and %u,an resources. ence, t%ere is i,,ense scope for develop,ent
of tin&, s,all, ,ediu, and large scale enterprises during t%e five &ear
prospective plan.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

9.1 Clusters
T%e ,a?or clusters e=isting in t%e Taluk are Agar)at%i, $andle ,aking
and andloo,s. T%e details of t%e clusters e=isting in t%e Taluk are C
Location Activity No. of
1. 9lla,pall& Agar)at%i *0 SGAs
!. 8ogalanagepall& $andle
'0 SGAs
'. <onda,varapall& andloo,s *0 $o:operative
Source : 2istrict Industries $entre, <olar
9.2 Textiles and Handlooms
$otton, Silk and 6ool are t%e ,a?or %andloo,s and te=tiles e=isting
in t%e Taluk. 2etails of t%e sa,e as on '1.0'.!00- is as follo6s :
Activit& (o. of units
Silk !.
$otton 1-
Total +'
Source : 2ept. of andloo,s > Te=tiles, <olar
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

9.3 Artisans
At grass root level, artisans for, an i,portant seg,ent of t%e population
6%o are engaged in t%e traditional t&pe of industrial activit&. T%e&
,ostl& need t%e local de,and for various goods and services.
"a?or categories of Artisans in t%e Taluk are found in Silk #eeling,
Tailoring, 2%o)i, Potter&, $arpentr&, Ba,)oo, Bar)er, Agar)at%i, etc.,
as per 199+ $ensus .
T%e details of Artisans found in t%e Taluk is given )elo6 :
Trade (o. of Artisans
1. Silk reeling '100
!. Tailoring -!+
'. 2%o)i '00
+. $%a,,arike !9*
*. $arpentr& 1+*
-. Agar)at%i 1/0
.. Ba,)oo 1*0
/. Blacks,it% 11*
9. Iell& $rus%ers 100
10. Bar)er 100
11. $oir -!
1!. $otton 6eaving '0
1'. #ope ,aking '0
1+. "asons !0
1*. S%eet "etal 10
1-. "otor re6inding !0
1.. General 9ngineering 1*
1/. Golds,it% 10
19. Auto,o)ile *
!0. #adio > T.7. *
Source : <7I, 2I$, OP, <olar
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

SWOT Analysis
2evelop,ent of industries 6ould facilitate t%e greater utili5ation of do,estic
ra6 ,aterials and contri)ute significantl& to t%e e,plo&,ent gro6t%. T%e
%u,an and ,aterial resources of t%e Taluk can )e ,anaged efficientl& to t%e
develop,ent of industries in t%e Taluk.
Industriali5ation assu,es para,ount significance. T%e sector is t%e corner
stone of econo,ies of t%e Taluk. It is t%erefore, necessar& to focus attention on
t%e develop,ent of industries in t%e Taluk, so as to ac%ieve /N industrial
gro6t% and overall develop,ent of econo,& of t%e Bagepalli Taluk, since
Bagepalli is ideal place to pro,ote industries in ,ulti:di,ensional 6a&.
Anal&sis of industrial )ase of t%e Bagepalli Taluk is presented considering t%e
natural resources, social, co,,ercial and p%&sical infrastructure facilities
availa)le 6%ic% are as follo6s :
1. Horticulture :
Bagepalli Taluk is endo6ed 6it% a)undant of %orticulture crops. "a?or
vegeta)les gro6n in t%e Taluk are To,ato, Potato, 8nion, Beans, Green
$%illies, 3adies finger, #adis%, 2ru, stick, 3eaf& vegeta)les, etc. T%e
,a?or 4ruits gro6n in t%e Taluk are "ango, Banana, Guava, etc. T%e
,ain spices gro6n in t%e Taluk are Ta,arind, 2r& $%ill&, etc.
2. Agriculture :
T%e ,ain agriculture crops gro6n in t%e Taluk are "ai5e, #agi, Tur and
ot%er $ereals, 8il Seeds like Ground nut and Sunflo6er are e=tensivel&
gro6n in t%e Taluk.
3. Mineral Resources :
T%e Taluk %as ric% ,ineral resources suc% rock& %ills, granite deposits,
)uilding stone deposits 6%ic% are availa)le in large @uantit& in t%e Taluk.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

4. Animal Husbandry :
Ani,al us)andr& activities co,prising develop,ent of dair&, poultr&,
s%eep, goat, pigger&, etc., pla& a vital role in t%e develop,ent of talukAs
5.. Sericulture :
Sericulture is a la)our intensive sector and provide direct and indirect
e,plo&,ent to rural people.
6. Tourism Development :
Bagepalli Taluk is ric% in rock& %ills and is pro,inent for its te,ples,
6%ic% attracts t%e tourist, 6it%in and outside t%e State ence t%ere is a
i,,ense scope for develop,ent Touris, activities in t%e Taluk.
7. Agro Climatic Conditions :
T%e Taluk is endo6ed 6it% e=cellent agro cli,ate conditions 6%ic% are
conducive, particularl& for develop,ent of %orticulture, floriculture,
sericulture, agriculture, plantation crops, aro,atic plants, ,edicinal
plants, t%e sectors %aving i,,ense e=port potential. T%e soil condition
for cultivation for t%ese crops is so e=cellent.
8. Infrastructure development efforts :
T%e Govern,ent %as proposed to ac@uire a land of '00 acres near (:.
near t%e Taluk ead Luarter for develop,ent of industrial area. "an&
industries could set up in t%e proposed industrial area.
9. A well specified industrial policy :
<arnataka Govern,ent %as co,e out 6it% a clear cut industrial polic&
for five &ear period ;!00-:110 containing a package of incentives and
concessions. T%e polic& includes e=peditionAs develop,ent of industrial
infrastructure 6it% t%e active participation of private sector, identification
of floriculture and )io:tec% industries. .
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

10. Government Schemes :
T%e Govern,ent of India and t%e State Govern,ent %as launc%ed ,an&
financial sc%e,es for industrial develop,ent. T%e ,a?or sc%e,es for
develop,ent of industries are $redit Guarantee 4und Trust, $redit
3inked $apital Su)sid& sc%e,es, P"#M, several plan sc%e,es for t%e
develop,ent of 4ood Processing Industries, S6aro5gar $redit $ard
Sc%e,e, etc.
11. Human Resources :
"anufacturing activit& is a risk taking ?o), %u,an resource, particularl&,
tec%nical and skill 6orkers constitute a ,a?or instru,ent of econo,ic
develop,ent of Taluk. T%e Taluk %as ric% in tec%nocrats and skilled
6orkers for esta)lis%,ent of industrial pro?ects.
1. Entrepreneurship :
Inade@uate entrepreneurs%ip a,ong t%e local people of t%e Taluk is t%e
,ain dra6 )ack for industrial gro6t%.
2. Large and Medium Scale Industries :
(on e=istence of large and ,ediu, scale industries esta)lis%ed )& pu)lic
and private partners%ip in t%e Taluk is t%e ,ain cause for develop,ent of
tin&, s,all and ,ediu, scale enterprises in t%e for, of ancillaries.
3. Absence of Import and Export Facilities :
T%e Govern,ent %as not provided i,port and e=port facilities for t%e
entrepreneurs in t%e Taluk.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

4. Road Network :
Poor @ualit& of road net6ork in t%e Taluk is t%e ,ain cause for
develop,ent of industrial pro?ects.
5. Scarcity of Water :
T%e Taluk is droug%t prone and no perennial river flo6s. T%e rainfall
and ground 6ater is t%e ,ain source of 6ater. Since, good @ualit& of
6ater is a ,ust for agro )ased industries and large @uantit& of 6ater is
re@uired for c%e,ical and ani,al )ased industries.
6. Transport and Communication Bottlenecks :
T%e Taluk ead@uarter do not %ave direct rail6a& connection fro, t%e
State $apital, Bangalore and also t%ere is no )road gauge line to ot%er
Taluks of 2istrict e=cept "alur, Bangarpet and Go6ri)idanur. ence,
t%e transport of ,en and ,aterial is not taking place at t%e e=pected
level. Since, t%e transport of ,en and ,aterial is ver& difficult,
entrepreneurs are reluctant to set up industrial pro?ects.
7. Legal Formalities :
T%oug% t%ere is a de,and for land for setting up of industries at
Bagepalli and also land is p%&sicall& availa)le, )ecause of legal
for,alities, t%e industrialists are not interested in setting up of industries
in t%e Taluk.
8. Power Shortage :
T%e po6er s%ortage in t%e Taluk is t%e %ig%est. T%e erratic po6er suppl&
%as severel& affected t%e industrial production.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

9. Absence of marketing tie-up arrangements :
T%e arrange,ents for ,arketing industrial products t%roug% sale depots
and e=%i)itions, $orporations of t%e State Govern,ent, etc., are not
esta)lis%ed in t%e Taluk.
10. Poor R&D Facilities :
T%e Taluk does not %ave %u,an resource develop,ent E researc% and
develop,ent centres and tool design and ,aterial testing la)oratories.
11. Lack of Technology for Mineral Processing :
3ack of strong processing and ,ining tec%nolog& )ack:up, e=traction of
roug% )locks and irregular s%apes of finis%ed ,ineral products spoil t%e
,arket and fetc%es lo6 prices. Besides, poor tec%nolog& and slo6 pace
of tec%nolog& upgradation li,its ,arket opportunities )ot% internal and
12. Inadequate Incentives and Financial Support :
"ost of t%e co,,ercial Banks e=isting in t%e Taluk insist for collateral
securit& for e=tending t%e credit facilities 6%ic% is not possi)le for t%e
entrepreneurs. Besides, t%ere is a)nor,al dela& in i,ple,enting
govern,ent policies and progra,,ers and sanctioning t%e loans )& t%e
Banks and 4inancial Institutions. ence t%e e=isting credit flo6 to
industrial sector in t%e Taluk is ver& poor.
(on:cooperative attitude fro, t%e Banks and 4inancial Institutions is t%e
,a?or cause for industrial )ack6ardness of t%e Taluk.
Inade@uate Incentives and 4inancial Support fro, Govern,ent, Banks
and 4inancial Institutions affected t%e industrial progress of t%e Taluk.
T%e entrepreneurs are not getting sufficient 6orking capital funds fro,
t%e Banks and 4inancial Institutions.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

13. Inadequate Training and Marketing Support :
Inade@uate Infrastructure facilities like training and ,arketing support
continue to plague and i,pede t%e progress of industrial sector in t%e
1. Export Oriented Projects :
T%e Taluk %as i,,ense scope for setting up of e=port oriented pro?ects
in t%e field of "ineral, orticulture, Agriculture, 4loriculture,
Sericulture, 2air& as a t%rust areas and e=port earners .
2. Water Supply through major rivers :
T%ere is a proposal of 6ater suppl& t%roug% $%itravat%& river and t%e
Govern,ent %as planned for suppl& of 6ater t%roug% ot%er ,a?or rivers
of t%e State for industrial purpose. Besides, t%ere is good 6ater sources
t%roug% Bore 6ells. If t%ese proposals are i,ple,ented a large nu,)er
of ,ineral )ased, agro:)ased, ani,al %us)andr& and c%e,ical )ased
industries could )e esta)lis%ed in t%e Taluk.
3. International Airport :
International Airport is co,ing up near 2evana%alli, %ence, t%ere is good
scope for e=port oriented units particularl&, floriculture and %orticulture
activities, to co,e up in t%e ne=t five &ears. T%e upco,ing International
Airport 6ill provide a direct link 6it% t%e International "arket.
4. Tourism Projects :
T%ere is a scope for Touris, Pro?ects like #esorts, 4ast 4ood $enters,
A,use,ent and Bater Park 6%ic% could )e set up in t%e ne=t five &ears
in t%e Taluk ead @uarter and ot%er pro,inent se,i %o)lis.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

5. Extensive Use of Agricultural and Processed Foods :
T%e e=tensive use of agricultural and Processed 4oods in Bestern
countries pro,ises a tre,endous scope for setting up of agro )ased
industries in t%e Taluk. 9,erging de,and for finis%ed SSI products 6ill
give ne6 invest,ent opportunities in t%e Taluk.
6. Dairy based Projects :
T%e Taluk %as an e=cellent scope for esta)lis%ing ,odern 2air& )ased
Pro?ects like "ilk Processing and "ilk )ased products.
7. Opportunities for Key Sectors :
T%ere is vast scope for setting up of 9lectronic units, "ec%anical
co,ponents, Soft6are, ard6are and Bio:Tec%nolog& in t%e Taluk.
8. Floriculture activities :
Borld consu,ption of cut flo6ers 6ill offer e=cellent opportunities for
esta)lis%ing floriculture pro?ects in t%e Taluk.
9. Sericulture Projects :
T%e activities in t%e Sericulture Sector include t%e cultivation of
"ul)err& and 6eaving of silk 6or,s for production of cocoons. T%e
cultivation of "ul)err& in t%e taluk is in e=tensive. T%ere are i,,ense
opportunities for post : cocoon activities like reeling, t6isting, 6eaving,
d&eing, printing, etc.
10. Post and Telecommunication Network :
T%ere is good Post and Teleco,,unication (et6ork in t%e Taluk for
@uick co,,unication fro, Taluk ead Luarters to ot%er places.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

11 . Modernisation :
T%ere is i,,ense scope for ,oderni5ation E diversification of e=isting
units in t%e Taluk. Besides, t%ere is also scope for encouraging t%e units
in service sectors.
10.4 THREATS :
1. Competition:
9,erging co,petition fro, countries like $%ina poise t%e pro)le, to
Sericulture industries in t%e Taluk and also t%ere is acute co,petition
fro, )randed products.
2. Globalization:
2ue to Glo)alisation and agree,ent 6it% BT8 t%e foreign goods are
i,ported 6it%out an& restrictions. T%e industries particularl& tin& and
s,all scale enterprises are una)le to co,pete 6it% foreign industries 6it%
regard to cost of production and @ualit&.
3. Multi National Companies
As t%e production of "ulti (ational $o,panies is at large scale so t%e
over%ead cost is ,ini,i5ed and t%e& are a)le to sell at lo6est cost. But
t%e do,estic industries 6%ic% are co,ing up in t%e ne=t five &ears 6ill
face t%ese kind of t%reats fro, "($s .
4. Market Fluctuations :
ig% e=port ,arket fluctuations and unorgani5ed ,arket of oil industr&
is anot%er t%reat in t%e Taluk.
5. Market Intelligence :
A)sence of ,arket intelligence, especiall& on c%anging preferences of
t%e consu,ers, is t%e ,ain t%reat for industrial develop,ent in t%e Taluk.
-. Infrastructure 2eficienc&, (ational $li,atic conditions and t%e Policies
of State and $entral Govern,ent are ot%er factors 6%ic% co,e in t%e
6a& of t%reats for industrial develop,ent or industrial gro6t% in t%e
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

Salient Features of the
Central & State Government Schemes
T%e develop,ent of s,all scale industries %as )een t%e ,ost significant
feature of industrial develop,ent in India, since Independence. S,all
and ,ediu, scale enterprises constitutes an i,portant seg,ent of
industrial sector of our national econo,&. T%is sector %as sti,ulated
econo,ic activit& to a far reac%ing ,agnitude. Because of its s%ort
gestation period, suita)ilit& for )eing set up in rural and se,i ur)an areas
6%ere infrastructure is not 6ell developed, lo6er capital output ratio >
%ig%er e,plo&,ent potential for capital e,plo&ed, S,all and "ediu,
Scale Sector is considered as an i,portant tool in pro,oting econo,ic
develop,ent and generating e,plo&,ent opportunities. T%is sector
toda& accounts for +0N of total industrial output '/N of e=ports and
/0N of industrial e,plo&,ent. Its contri)ution to e,plo&,ent is ne=t
onl& to t%at of agriculture.
T%e S,all Scale Sector occupies an i,portant position in an& developing
econo,& t%e 6orld over. 4ast c%anging glo)al econo,ic scenario %as
t%ro6n up ,an& opportunities and c%allenges to t%e S,all Scale
Industries in India. B%ile, on t%e one %and, ,an& opportunities %ave
opened up for t%e s,all scale sector to en%ance productivit& and look for
ne6 ,arkets in ot%er countries, it %as also put an o)ligation on t%e, to
upgrade t%eir co,petence in ter,s of tec%nolog&, ,anage,ent >
financial strengt% to successfull& ,eet t%e glo)al co,petition.
<eeping t%e i,portance of t%is sector in vie6, t%e Govern,ent of India
and State Govern,ents %ave launc%ed ,an& sc%e,es 6%ic% are )eing
i,ple,ented in t%e Taluk. T%e salient features of so,e of t%e i,portant
sc%e,es are %ig%lig%ted.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

11.1 Credit Guarantee Fund Trust
T%is Trust is operated t%roug% SI2BI. T%e Trust e=tends guarantee to t%e
credit facilities e=tended )& t%e eligi)le lending institutions upto a
,a=i,u, of #s. !* lak%s. T%is facilit& is e=tended in respect of a single
)orro6er to raise loan 6it%out an& collateral securit& andEor t%ird part&
11.2 Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI) Schemes
"inistr& of 4ood Processing Industries ;"4PI0, Govern,ent of India,
(e6 2el%i, is operating several Plan Sc%e,es for t%e develop,ent of
different seg,ents of food processing industr&. "4PI provides grant:in:
aid assistance P !*N of plant > ,ac%iner& and tec%nical civil 6orks
cost su)?ect to a ,a=i,u, of #s. *0.00 lak%s to eligi)le units for setting
up E e=pansionE ,odernisation of food processing industries. T9$S8<
is t%e State (odal Agenc& ;S(A0 for i,ple,enting Plan Sc%e,es of
"4PI in <arnataka.
11.3 Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSC) for technology
Upgradation for Small Scale Industries
Govern,ent of India %as introduced t%e $3$S$ for tec%nolog&
upgradation of SSI units. T%e sc%e,e ai,s to facilitate tec%nolog&
upgradation in t%e specified products E su):sectors )& providing 1!N
capital su)sid& for induction of proven tec%nologies approved under t%e
11.4 Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana (PMRY)
1nder t%is sc%e,e, financial assistance is e=tended to educated
une,plo&ed &out%s to set up self:e,plo&,ent ventures. T%e financial
assistance is e=tended for setting up of ,icro enterprises relating to
service, )usiness and ,anufacturing. 1nder t%is sc%e,e, t%e pro?ect cost
is li,ited to a ,a=i,u, of #s. 1.00 lak% in case of )usiness activit&,
,a=i,u, of #s. !.00 lak%s in case of ,anufacturing E service activities
and ,a=i,u, of #s. 10.00 lak%s for partners%ip fir,s. 4or individual
pro?ects, t%e su)sid& is li,ited to 1*N of pro?ect cost 6it% a ,a=i,u,
ceiling of #s. .,*00. In case of partners%ip, t%e su)sid& is su)?ect to
individual ad,issi)ilit& and ceiling ;,a=i,u, of 1*N of pro?ect cost
and su)sid& for individual partners is li,ited to #s. .,*000.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

11.5 Margin Money Scheme
<7IB E <7I$ provides ,argin ,one& assistance for setting up village
industries t%roug% co,,ercial )anksE##BEprivate sector )anks. T%e
,argin ,one& is given P !*N of t%e pro?ect cost ;)ack end su)sid&0 for
t%e pro?ects 6it% invest,ent level upto #s. 10.00 lak%s. In respect of
)eneficiaries fro, 6eaker sections ;S$EST, P, 8B$, 6o,en, e=:
service,en and ,inorit&0 t%e ,argin ,one& is given P '0N of t%e
pro?ect cost ;)ack end su)sid&0.
11.6 Urban Self Employment Programme (USEP) for individuals
T%e sc%e,e is for individual )eneficiaries for 6%ic% inco,e criteria per
fa,il& is #s. !',1'+ 6it% education @ualification )elo6 IQ Std. T%e
su)sid& 6ill )e 1*N of t%e pro?ect cost su)?ect to a ,a=i,u, of
#s. .,*00.
11.7 National Horticulture Mission (NHM)
(ational orticulture "ission ;("0 is )eing i,ple,ented in all t%e
2istricts of <arnataka State to pro,ote %olistic gro6t% of t%e
%orticulture sector covering fruits, vegeta)les, root and ru))er crops,
,us%roo,, spices, flo6ers, aro,atic plants, cas%e6 and cocoa. T%e
,ain o)?ectives of t%e "ission are :
: To provide %olistic gro6t% of t%e %orticulture sector
t%roug% an area )ased regionall& differentiated strategies 6%ic%
include researc%, tec%nolog& pro,otion, e=tension, post:%arvest
,anage,ent, processing and ,arketing, in consonance 6it%
co,parative advantage of eac% State E region and its diverse agro:
cli,atic feature.
: To en%ance %orticulture production, i,prove nutritional
securit& and inco,e support to far, %ouse%olds.
: To esta)lis% convergence and s&nerg& a,ong ,ultiple
on:going and planned progra,,es for %orticulture develop,ent.
: To pro,ote, develop and disse,inate tec%nologies,
t%roug% a sea,less )lend of traditional 6isdo, and ,odern
scientific kno6ledge.
: To create opportunities for e,plo&,ent generation for
skilled and unskilled persons, especiall& une,plo&ed &out%.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

11.8 Swarozgar Credit Card (SCC) Scheme
T%is sc%e,e 6as announced on 1*./.!00'. 1nder t%is sc%e,e,
6orking capital assistance is e=tended to s,all artisans, %andloo,
6eavers, service sector, fis%er,an, self:e,plo&ed persons, ot%er ,icro
entrepreneurs etc., t%roug% t%e )anks in a fle=i)le and %assle free
11.9 Swarna 1ayanthi Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)
T%e o)?ective of SGSM sc%e,e is to assist poor for eradicating t%e
povert& and to )ring ever& assisted fa,il& a)ove t%e povert& line in rural
areas. T%e sc%e,e covers all aspects of self:e,plo&,ent suc% as
organisation of poor into self:%elp groups, training, credit, tec%nolog&,
infrastructure and ,arketing. Preference is given for self:%elp groups
4or individuals, '0N of t%e pro?ect cost 6it% a ceiling of #s. .,*00E: 6ill
)e given as su)sid&. 4or S$EST, *0N of t%e pro?ect cost 6it% a ceiling of
#s. 10,000 is given as su)sid&. 4or groups, *0N of t%e pro?ect cost
su)?ect to ceiling of #s. 1.!* lak%s is given as su)sid&.
11.10 Swarna 1ayanthi Shahari Rozgar Yojana (S1SRY)
T%e SIS#M progra,,e is i,ple,ented in all to6ns falling under t%e
1r)an local )odies of an& categor& irrespective of t%e population.
11.11 Development of Women and Children in Urban Areas (DWCUA) for
T%is is a su):sc%e,e of SIS#M )eing i,ple,ented to assist poor 6o,en
fro, ur)an areas to ena)le t%e, to set up self:e,plo&,ent ventures.
T%e 2B$1A group consists of . to 10 6o,en ,e,)ers fro, t%e BP3
fa,ilies 6it% annual inco,e level of #s. !',1'+E:. All activities to )e
financed s%ould )e on group )asis i.e. pro?ect for t%e group as a 6%ole.
T%e sc%e,e involves *0N su)sid& on t%e pro?ect cost su)?ect to a ceiling
of #s. 1.!* lak%s and t%e )alance in t%e for, of )ank loan and ,argin
,one& P *N. to )e contri)uted )& all ,e,)ers of t%e group.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

11.12 Scheme of Karnataka Minorities Development Corporation(KMDC)
1nder t%e S6a6ala,)ana Sc%e,e, eligi)le persons are financiall&
assisted for i,proving )usiness, starting s,all scale industries, services,
agriculture, etc., t%roug% t%e Banks and <S4$. To )eco,e eligi)le for
assistance under t%e Sc%e,e, t%e applicant, age li,it of 1/:-0 &ears,
,ust )e a per,anent resident of <arnataka )& )irt% or do,icile and
)elonging to t%e religious ,inorit& group. T%e total annual inco,e of
t%e applicantAs fa,il& s%ould not e=ceed #s. !!000. T%e applicant needs
to %ave necessar& skills and e=perience to start t%e )usiness E take up t%e
activit& on %is o6n. T%e $orporation 6ill identif& t%e appliclants and
for6ard t%e applicantions to t%e )ank concerned for verification of
via)ilit& and feasi)ilit& of t%e pro?ect. T%e 2istrict $o,,ittee 6ill
approve t%e sanctioned proposals and reco,,end to t%e corporation for
reaolise of ,argin ,one& loan and su)sid& co,ponent. It provides
,argin ,one& loan at .N per annu,. T%e 4inancial institutions 6ill
release t%e total loan including ,argin ,one& and su)sid& to t%e
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

1. S,all Industries Service Institute,
Govt. of India, "in. of Industr&,
#a?a?inagar Indl.9state,
Bangalore.*-0 0++
P%. 0/0 !''*1*/1:!:'
2irector : 0/0 !''*1*+0
4a= : 0/0 !'1++*0-
9:,ail :
Be)site :
8vide: Provides co,pre%ensive range of
facilities and services and assists
entrepreneurs in setting up ne6
units, selection of products,
preparing pro?ect reports for t%e
selected products.
- Infor,ation on selection of
,ac%iner&, ra6 ,aterials and
- Identif&ing and solving tec%nical
and ,anagerial pro)le,s.
- #egistration of s,all scale units
6it% (SI$ to suppl& t%eir products
to Govern,ent under Govt. Stores
Purc%ase Progra,,e.
- $onducting training courses in
various tec%nical trades, 92Ps,
"2Ps, S2Ps, etc.
- Provides co,,on facilit& services
and training in 6orks%op, c%e,ical,
glass and cera,ic la)oratories,
%osier& E gar,ents.
- "odern tec%nolog& pertaining to
details of ,ac%ineries, ra6
,aterials, ,arketing etc., t%roug%
Tec%nolog& #esource $entre
- Providing escort services,
speciali5ed consultanc& for
%o,ogenous groups over a period of
ti,e t%roug% cluster develop,ents.
- Assisting t%e entrepreneurs in
participating in International Trade
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

! (ational S,all Industries $orpn.
Govt. of India 1ndertaking,
*>-, Iron > Steel $o:operative
Societ& Bldg.,#a?a?inagar Industrial
To6n, Bangalore C *-0 0++
P%. : 0/0 !''0..90 : 9
4a= : 0/0 !!'0-/1+
'. S,all Industries 2evelop,ent
Bank of India,
<%ani?a B%avan, 9ast Bing,
#ace course #oad,
Bangalore C *-0 001
P% : 0/0 !!!0.1.9 E !!!0.!!*
+. Tec%nical $onsultanc& Service
8rganisation of <arnataka
Basava B%avan, Basaves6ara
$ircle, #ace $ourse #oad,
Bangalore : *-0 001
P : 0/0 !!!--1+!
4a= : 0/0 !!!--1'/
*. $o,,issioner for Industrial
2evelop,ent > 2irector of
Industries > $o,,erce,
(o. +9, <%ani?a B%avan, #ace
$ourse #oad, Bangalore C *-0 001
P%. 0/0 !!'/-.9- E !!'/9901 : 0/
-. <arnataka 1d&og "itra
++, <%ani?a B%avan, Sout% Bing,
#ace $ourse #oad,
Bangalore C *-0 0*!
P% : 0/0 !!!/!'9! E !!!/*-*9 E

- Suppl& of indigenous and i,ported
,ac%ineries on %ire purc%ase )asis
and ,arketing assistance, suppl& of
selected ra6 ,aterials and )ill
discounting facilities.
- Provides financial assistance for
pro,otion and develop,ent of s,all
scale industries t%roug% pri,ar&
lending institutions like State
4inancial $orporations, State
Industrial 2evelop,ent
$orporations and Banks 6%ic% %ave
a 6ide net 6ork of )ranc%es.
- Provides assistance in product
- Preparation of pro?ect reports etc.

- I,ple,entation of Govt. policies
6it% regard to SSI, large and
,ediu, scale industries, industrial
cooperative and act as a liaison
agenc& )et6een Govt. of India,
Govt. of <arnataka and 2I$s in t%e
- Issuing of license to large scale
industries 6it% invest,ent a)ove
#s.'0 crore to 100 crores and act as
a nodal agenc& for all t&pes of
clearances and provides escort
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

4a= : 0/0 !!!--0-'

.. <arnataka Industrial Area
2evelop,ent Board,
#.P B%avan, II 4loor, #.P B%avan,
4loor, (rupat%unga #oad,
Bangalore :.*-0 00!
P : 0/0 !!!1*'/' E !!!110--
4a= : 0/0 !!!1..0!
/ <arnataka andloo,
2evelop,ent $orporation. 3td.
(o. 1, Pri&adars%ini $o,ple=, Tank
#oad, 1lsoor, Bangalore C *-0 0+!
P%. : 0/0 !**.*+!1 E !**.*!00
4a= : 0/0 !**.*+!1
9. <arnataka State andicrafts
2evelop,ent $orporation.
$auver& B%avan, ".G #oad,
Bangalaore : *-0001
P% : 0/0 !**/!.9' E !**/!-*-
10 <arnataka $leaner Production
(o. ', "iller Tank #oad, 8ff :
$unning%a, #d., Bangalore:*!.
P% : 0/0 !!!0010!
11. T%e 2rug $ontroller,
Palace #oad, Bangalore : *-0 001.
P: 0/0 !!!-!/+- E!!!-+.-0
4a= : 0/0 !!!/-+9!
1!. T%e 2eput& $o,,issioner >
2istrict "agistrate,
<olar C *-' 101
P : 9*/1*!:!!!1''E !!!001
- Ac@uires land, develops industrial
areas, plots and allots to ,icro,
s,all and ,ediu, enterprises.
- Providing assistance to %andloo,
6eavers )& 6a& of 6age
e,plo&,ent, procure,ent of
finis%ed goods, ,arketing,
construction of living:cu, 6ork
s%eds to t%e 6eavers.
- Providing assistance to artisans
engaged in %andicrafts products )&
6a& of 6age e,plo&,ent,
procure,ent of finis%ed products
and ,arketing.
- Provides tec%nolog& for
environ,ental friendl& industries
- 3icence for drug and p%ar,aceutical
- $%air,an for 2istrict 3evel Single
Bindo6 Agenc& to clear all t%e
pro)le,s and provide )enefits to
entrepreneurs starting fro,
conversion of land fro, agriculture
to industrial
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

1'. 2istrict Industries $entre,
2.$. $o,pound, <olar.
P% : 9*/1*! : !!!+0/ E !!!+0!
1+. <arnataka State S,all Industries
2evelop,ent $orporation 3td.
Ta,aka, <olar

1*. <arnataka State 4inancial $orpn.
$#S $o,ples, (ear <S#T$ Bus
Stand, ".2.#oad, <olar C *-'101
P : 0/1*! !!!*'. E !!+.*.
1- <arnataka State Pollution $ontrol
Board, <olar
1. $anara Bank : 3ead Bank
(e6 9=tension
<olar : *-'101
P: 0/1*!:!!!/09
1/ (ational Bank for Agriculture
> #ural 2evelop,ent
;(ABA#20, <olar:*-'101
19 <arnataka State <%adi >
7illage Industries Board,
<olar C *-' 101
P : 9*/1*! : !!!''9

- A Single Bindo6 interacting agenc&
6it% t%e entrepreneur at t%e district
level. T%e& are i,ple,enting agenc&
of $entral and State Govern,entsA
sc%e,es and progra,,es.
- #egistration of industr& .
- P"#M for e,plo&,ent generation
is i,ple,ented )& 2I$ETI$s
- $onstruction, ,aintenance and
"anage,ent of Industrial 9states.
- Procure,ent and suppl& of certain
ra6 ,aterial to S"9s.
- Provides financial assistance for
setting up industries.
: (8$ under pollution control, if
- 3ead Bank. 9=tends financial
assistance for starting industries and
coordinates t%e activities of all
financial institutions.
- 9=tends financial assistance for
develop,ent of (on:far, sector in
rural areas.
- Provides financial assistance to
<%adi, 7illage and $ottage
industries in t%e district. Also
arranges training progra,,es,

SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

!0 T%e Senior Geologists
2epart,ent of "ines > Geolog&
P.$. 9=tension, <olar
P : 0/1*! !!!1+.

!1. T%e 2eput& 2irector
2epart,ent of Ani,al us)andr&
2.$. $o,pound, <olar C *-' 101
P : 0/1*! !!''9.
!!. T%e 2eput& 2irector
Sericulture, <olar C *-' 101
P :
!'. T%e Ioint 2irector
2epart,ent of Agriculture
2.$. $o,pound, <olar C *-' 101
P: 0/1*! !!!!+-
!+ T%e 2eput& $onservator of 4orest
2.$. $o,pound, <olar C *-' 101
P: 0/1*! !!!1.-
!*. T%e 2eput& 2irector
2epart,ent of orticulture
2.$. $o,pound, <olar C *-' 101
P: 0/1*! !!-9+1
!- T%e T%asildar > Taluk "agistrate,
!+. T%e Assistant 2irector
2epart,ent of Ani,al us)andr&
!!. T%e Assistant 2irector
Sericulture, Bagepalli

!' T%e Assistant 2irector
2epart,ent of orticulture
- Provides details of ,inerals suc% as
rocks, granite deposits availa)le and
Issues @uarr& lease licence
- Provides details of cattle, )uffaloes,
s%eep, goats and ot%er ani,als
- Provides details of cocoons and
ot%er sericulture activities gro6n.
- Provides t%e details of agricultural
crops gro6n in t%e district for
Industrial purpose.
- Provides t%e details of forest
produce gro6n in t%e district.
- Provides details of fruits, vegeta)les,
flo6ers gro6n in t%e district.
- 4or6ards applications for
conversion of land for industrial
purpose in t%e Taluk.
- Provides details of cattle, )uffaloes,
s%eep, goat and ot%er ani,als gro6n
in t%e Taluk
- Provides t%e details of sericulture
crops, cocoon production in t%e
- Provides details of fruits, vegeta)les,
flo6ers gro6n in t%e Taluk
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

New Industrial Policy 2006-2011
T%e (e6 Industrial Polic& and t%e incentives package s%all )e dee,ed to
%ave co,e into effect fro, 1.+.!00- and 6ill %ave a span of five &ears
t%ere fro, i.e. upto '1.0'.!011.
1. Introduction:
1.1 <arnataka is one of t%e top * industriali5ed States in t%e countr&. It
%as a %istor& of pioneering industrial develop,ent initiatives since t%e
ti,e of t%e Princel& State of "&sore and su)se@uentl& in t%e post
independence era. T%e state 6as t%e first in t%e countr& to %ave )roug%t
out a state industrial polic& during 19/', follo6ed )& successive State
Industrial Policies in 19//, 1990, 199- and in !001.
1.! 2uring t%e ?ust concluded !001:!00- Industrial Polic& period,
invest,ent approvals of ,ega pro?ects R6it% invest,ents of over #s.*0
cores eac%S )& t%e State ig% 3evel $learance $o,,ittee RS3$$S and
large > ,ediu, pro?ects )& t%e State 3evel Single Bindo6 Agenc&
RS3SBAS %ave s%o6n sustained increaseEgro6t%. T%e nu,)er of pro?ects
approved )& t%e S3$$ is 1+/ 6it% an invest,ent of #s. 1,1*,//!
crores and e,plo&,ent potential of 11,0',/!+ persons. Si,ilarl&, t%e
nu,)er of pro?ects approved )& S3SB$$ is /-1 6it% an anticipated
invest,ent of #s. 19,0+'..' $rores and e,plo&,ent potential *,90,/-9
persons. 2uring t%e sa,e polic& period -*,!'1 SSI units registered 6it%
#s. !,0.9.-! cores of invest,ent and provide e,plo&,ent to !,9*,+/.
1.' T%e State G2P gro6t% rate during !00*:0- is /..N 6it% industrial
sector accounting for 1/N. aving regard to t%is it is felt t%at t%e ne6
polic& s%ould %ave a ,ission to ac%ieve GS2P gro6t% of over 9N.
1.+ T%e industrial recession, 6%ic% 6as prevalent upto !00!:0' %as no6
given 6a& to increased invest,ent > gro6t%, as is evident in t%e &ear C
6ise invest,ent approvals )& S3$$ > S3SB$$.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

1.* o6ever, t%is increased flo6 of invest,ent need to )e supported
6it% ;i0 8n de,and infrastructure availa)ilit&, ;ii0 u,an resources for
diverse sectors, ;iii0 Support to Tec%nolog& 1pgradation, Lualit&
I,prove,ent and ;iv0 Single Bindo6 support and facilitation
,ec%anis,, so t%at t%e pro?ects are i,ple,ented e=peditiousl& and go
into operation.
1.- Toda&, t%ere is intense co,petition )et6een States for attracting
invest,ents. Investors naturall& c%oose t%e state t%at offers )est
co,)ination of ;i0 Industrial > Social infrastructure, ;ii0 u,an
#esources, ;iii0 Tec%nolog& savv& 6ork force and ;iv0T%e Sate t%at
offers F9ase of doing BusinessG.
1.. T%e fiscal E ta=ation regi,e and incentives > $oncession offered )&
t%e States and Govern,ent of India also %ave i,portant )earing on t%e
locational decision of Pro?ects.
1./ is 9=cellenc&, t%e President of India 2r. A.P.I. A)dul <ala,, in %is
address to t%e ,e,)ers of t%e <arnataka 3egislature on !0.11.!00* on
t%e occasion of FSuvarna <arnataka $ele)rationsG %ad advocated 11
"issions for <arnatakaAs prosperit&. 8f t%ese,
"ission on Te=tiles, Bio:fuel, Agro processing and 9ntrepreneurs%ip are
related to industries sector and addressed in t%is polic&.
1.9 Govern,ent accords %ig%est priorit& to t%e o)?ectives of dispersal of
industrial invest,ents in various )ack6ard regionEdistricts of t%e State so
t%at t%e fruits of econo,ic develop,ent and e,plo&,ent opportunities
are s%ared )& all seg,ents of societ& and in all parts of State in as
e@uita)le ,anner as possi)le.
1.10 T%e ne6 Industrial polic& !00-:!011 atte,pts to address t%e a)ove
aspects in a )alanced ,anner.
2. Vision:
!.1 Polic& to %elp facilitate t%e state ac%ieves a GS2P gro6t% of over
9N, 6%ic% in turn call for an industrial sector gro6t% of over 1!N.
!.! To focus on strengt%ening of t%e ,anufacturing industr& in t%e State
and to increase itAs percentage s%are of t%e GS2P fro, t%e present
average of 1-..0N to over !0N )& t%e end of t%e polic& period.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

!.' To ac%ieve an increased s%are of <arnatakaAs e=port in t%e (ational
e=ports fro, t%e present 1*N to !0N )& t%e end of t%e polic& period.
!.+ To create additional e,plo&,ent generation to at least 10.00 lak%
persons in t%e ,anufacturing and service sectors during t%e polic&
!.* Pro,ote diversified industrial )ase 6it% strengt% in )ot% old
econo,& > ne6 econo,& fields.
!.- 4acilitate reduction of regional i,)alance in t%e ,atter of econo,ic
opportunities, e,plo&,ent and gro6t%.
!.. 9ndeavor to pro,ote sustained industrial gro6t% )& facilitating
accelerated flo6 of invest,ents.
!./ In s%ort, to pro,ote sustained, gro6t% oriented industriali5ation 6it%
e,plo&,ent > revenue generation, for overall socio:econo,ic
develop,ent of t%e State.
<eeping t%e a)ove o)?ectives in ,ind t%e Strateg& for furt%er
industriali5ation of t%e State during t%e ne=t * &ears 6ould )e:
'.1 to classif& various taluk of t%e State into ' 5ones for t%e purpose of
focused attention::
;i0 Zone-1:- .9 Taluks : ,ost E ,ore )ack6ard Taluks as categori5ed )&
2r. 2.". (a?n?undappa $o,,ittee #eport.
;ii) Zone -2 :: /* Taluks C RTaluks not covered in 5one 1 > 'S.
;iii0 Zone -3:- 1! Taluks C of Bangalore 1r)an > #ural 2istricts
Re=tending Taluks of <anakapura > "agadiS "angalore and "&sore
2etails of Taluks indicated in Annexure -B
'.! To develop industrial infrastructure facilities a%ead of t%e
re@uire,ents, in various ke& location of t%e State t%roug% t%e
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

<IA2BE<SSI2$. Annuall& a ,ini,u, of *,000 acres of @ualit&
industrial infrastructure 6ould )e created during t%e polic& period.
Suc% Industrial Areas 6ill )e de'veloped in an integrated ,anner
reserving up to !*N of t%e area for %ousing and ot%er social
infrastructure. T%e e@uit& )ase of <IA2B 6ould )e strengt%ened t%roug%
greater support.
'.' <eeping in vie6 t%e fact t%at 6ater is a crucial support re@uire,ent
for industriali5ation. Govern,ent 6ould facilitate i,ple,entation of
,ega industrial 6ater suppl& sc%e,es for potential locations t%roug%
Special Purpose 7e%icles RSP7sS.
'.+ A co,pre%ensive Po6er Polic& 6ould )e for,ulated )& t%e
2epart,ent of 9nerg&. T%is polic& 6ould encourage po6er generation
fro, IPPs and also t%roug% captive po6er generation.
'.* To ,eet t%e rising energ& re@uire,ents of t%e State on account of
rapid industriali5ation, Govern,ent 6ould facilitate preparation of a
FGas 2istri)ution "aster PlanG to ena)le pu)licEprivate sector pla&ers to
)ring in gas fro, diverse sources for distri)ution.
'.- Apart fro, standard infrastructure in t%e for, of industrial areas and
industrial estates, speciali5ed industrial infrastructure for specific sectors
and Special 9cono,ic Oones R"ulti:Product, Product specific, Sector
Specific and 4ree Trade OonesS 6ould )e encouraged to )e esta)lis%ed
t%roug% )ot% <IA2B as 6ell as private sector pro,oters. T%e
esta)lis%,ent of ,ulti:product specific S9Os 6ill )e encouraged in all
districts of t%e state e=cept Bangalore 1r)an 2istrict. o6ever,
esta)lis%,ent of S9Os even in Bangalore 1r)an 2istrict 6ill also )e
encouraged if t%e proponent of S9O co,es for6ard to do so in %isE%er
o6n land or t%roug% a ?oint develop,ent agree,ent 6it% t%e land
'.. T%e 8(G$ in association 6it% Govt. of <arnataka is alread&
i,ple,enting a large "ulti: product S9O t%at 6ould predo,inantl&
%ouse petroleu, refining and petro:c%e,ical pro?ects. Govt. 6ould take
up 6it% Govt. of India for enlarge,ent of t%e si5e and scope of
"angalore S9O 3td. into Petroleu,, $%e,icals > Petro:c%e,icals
Invest,ent #egion ;P$PI#0.
'./ Industrial corridor E $luster develop,ent 6ould )e encouraged in
potential locations.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

'.9 State 6ould encourage alternate partners%ip > financing options for
infrastructure develop,ent.
'.10 4ocused attention on su):sectors Eareas 6%ere t%e State %as core
co,petenc& i.e., Aerospace, 9ngineering, Auto,o)ile, "ac%ine:tools,
Steel, $e,ent, P%ar,aceuticals, 4ood Processing, Apparel > Te=tiles,
9lectronics, Infor,ation Tec%nolog&, Bio Tec%nolog& etc..
'.11 In vie6 of t%e fact t%at t%e silk reeling sector in %ig%l& e,plo&,ent
oriented, a separate package 6ill )e for,ulated in consultation 6it% t%e
Sericulture 2epart,ent.
'.1! I,petus for develop,ent of rene6a)le > non:conventional energ&
sources t%roug% "ission approac%.
'.1' u,an #esources 2evelop,ent : Govern,ent 6ould pro,ote E
%elp facilitate esta)lis%,ent of speciali5ed skill develop,ent institutions
at ke& locations suita)le for t%e ,anufacturing industries and e,erging
vocations in t%e service sector. A sc%e,e of State support t%roug% pu)lic,
private partners%ip 6ould )e evolved > i,ple,ented. T%e Govern,ent
assistance 6ill )e in t%e for, of providing land and financial assistance
for creation of )asic infrastructure facilities as follo6s:
;i0 Grant of up to * acres of Govern,ent land 6ill )e considered along
6it% capital contri)ution of *0N of t%e pro?ect cost su)?ect to a ceiling of
#s. ! crores per Training esta)lis%,ent for sector specific training.
;ii0 #ecurring cost for running t%e training institution an a,ount of #s.
.*0E: p., E per trainee 6ill )e provided su)?ect to a ceiling of of #s. 1*
lak%s per &ear for a period of ' Mears
;iii0 Govern,ent 6ill launc% a ne6 sc%e,e to provide #s..*0E: p.,.
stipend for on:t%e:?o) training of une,plo&ed educated &out% for
training in different vocations t%roug% industrial E service esta)lis%,ents.
T%e Training Institutions 6ould also consider providing ,atc%ing
contri)ution to6ards Stipend to t%e trainees and ot%er re@uired facilities
during t%e training period.
T%e ,odalities of t%e sc%e,e 6ill )e 6orked out )& t%e Govern,ent
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

'.1+ Pro,ote Agro 4ood Processing industries in t%e potential location to
%elp far,ers reali5e )etter value E price for t%eir produce, t%roug%
increased locali5ed processing of agriculture output. As an incentive for
setting up of ne6 agriculture produce processing industries, AP"$ cess
in respect of suc% procure,ent )& t%e processing industries directl& fro,
t%e far,ers 6ill )e e=e,pted. (ecessar& a,end,ents to t%e e=isting
la6 6ill )e )roug%t a)out )& t%e $o:operation 2epart,ent in t%is regard
'.1* In t%e conte=t of glo)ali5ed econo,&, survival > gro6t% of SSI
Sector depend upon its a)ilit& to ,oderni5e, i,prove @ualit& > cut costs.
<arnataka $ouncil for Tec%nolog& up gradation R<$T1S 6ould )e
strengt%ened to take up pro,otional progra,,es in t%is regard.
'.1- Progra,,es for pro,otion of local entrepreneurs%ip 6ould )e
strengt%ened t%roug% appropriate restructuring of institutional
,ec%anis, to i,part entrepreneurs%ip training to ',00,000 persons
during t%e polic& period.
'.1. Special incentives for entrepreneurs setting up units in )ack6ard
areas. Additional incentives for units pro,oted )& entrepreneurs fro,
t%e categor& of S$EST, "inorit&, Bo,en, P%&sicall& c%allenged > 9=:
'.1/ Govern,ent 6ould 6ork in close co:ordination 6it% Industr&
Associations E $%a,)ers of $o,,erceE Trade )odies to %ave continuous
feed )ack on t%e state of industries and t%e support ,easures needed.
'.19 I,prove,ent of invest,ent cli,ate and )usiness environ,ent
t%roug% decentrali5ed governance ,easure and efficient facilitation.
'.!0 Govern,ent 6ould take up co,pre%ensive rationali5ation >
si,plification of provisions of various la)our la6s to ena)le fle=i)ilit& >
increased productivit& in t%e industr&.
'.!1 Govern,ent 6ould co,e up 6it% a separate revival package for
sick SSI units and 2I4# cases, after consultation 6it% all t%e stake
%olders vi5T Industr& Associations, 4inancial Institutions E Banks, Service
Providers, la)our representatives. A clear cut 9=it polic& 6ould )e
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

'.!! 3ocal A,end,ents to T%e S9O Act !00* > #ules !00- R$entral
ActS 6ould )e effected providing for state level facilitation > incentives,
la)our la6 rationali5ed etc.
'.!' T%e B"#2A %as taken up * (e6 To6ns%ips around Bangalore. As
per B"#2A "aster Plan econo,ic activities 6ould )e encouraged
6it%in t%ese to6ns%ips )& creating industrial infrastructure.
'.!+ T%e 2istrict Industries $entre ;2I$0 Bould )e designated as (odal
Agenc& at t%e district level for i,ple,entation of Self 9,plo&,ent
Progra,,ers and Self: elps Groups.
'.!* Glo)al infor,ation $enters 6ould )e set up at all 2I$s at district
%ead @uarters for t%e )enefit of entrepreneurs.
'.!- Industr& relevant skills 6ould )e identified and training progra,,e
6ould )e provided to one lak% educated une,plo&,ent &out% for taking
self e,plo&,ent ventures and 6age:e,plo&,ent.
'.'. T%e govern,ent s%all encourage setting up of various institutions
and centres of e=cellence in t%e field of auto,o)ile E ,ac%ine toolsEfood
processing E )uilding ,aterials and ot%er fields and also encourage
setting up of Tec%nolog& Business Incu)ators in t%ese areas. T%e
Govern,ent assistance 6ill )e in t%e for, of providing financial
assistance for creation of )asic infrastructure facilities, su)?ect to a
ceiling of #s.*0.00 lak%s per incu)ator E centre.
'.!/ 9=isting areas of concentration of industries 6ould )e converted in
to FIndustrial To6ns%ipG for efficient ,aintenance of civic a,enities and
services etc.
'.!9 I,ple,entation of <aigarika 7ikas Sc%e,e 6ill )e speeded up for
develop,ent of .9 ,ost and ,ore )ack6ard Taluks as identified )& 2r.
2.". (an?unddappa $o,,ittee #eport on redressal of regional
i,)alances. G.8.(o. $I 1*+ $S$ !00* dated /:1!:!00* alread& issued
for i,ple,entation of t%e sc%e,e 6ill )e integrated 6it% t%is ne6 polic&.
It envisages creation of ne6 econo,ic opportunit& )& utili5ing local
resources, skill and de,and, )& providing read& to use infrastructure,
%u,an resource develop,ent etc.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

'.'0 <%adi institutions assisted )& <7I$ E <7IB 6ould )e provided
i,proved c%arakas for increasing productivit&, 6%ic% in turn, 6ill %elp
increased 6age earning )& artisans.
'.'1 In order to encourage, sustain and safe guard t%e interest of SSI
units of <arnataka, Govern,ent is co,,itted to e=tend t%e facilit& of
price preference of 1*N for t%e purc%ases and purc%ase preference ,ade
fro, SSIs units of t%e state. T%is incentive as provided in t%e !001:0-
polic& 6ould )e e=tended in t%is polic& for ne=t five &ears.
'.'! In order to ac%ieve envisaged e=port gro6t% rate of !0N during t%e
polic& period 7isvesvar&a Industrial Trade $enter ;7IT$0 6ill )e
strengt%ened in t%is regard.
'.'' Incentives and concessions for various categories of industries and
locations are indicated in Annexure-C. (egative list of units in:eligi)le
for incentives > concessions is indicated in Annexure-D.
+.1 <IA2B 6ould focus on develop,ent of large industrial areas of *00
or ,ore acres eac% in potential locations.
+.! <IA2B 6ould endeavour to co,plete i,ple,entation of S9O
pro?ects taken up at assan, "angalore > S%i,oga.
+.'. 8ne ti,e 1pgradation of Infrastructure in e=isting industrial areas E
estates developed )& <IA2B E <SSI2$ respectivel& 6ould )e carried
out. 4inancial assistance 6ould )e provided to <IA2B E <SSI2$ to
carr& out t%e 6ork su)?ect to t%e condition t%at t%e 3ocal Aut%orities >
Industrial Associations co,e for6ard to take up future ,aintenance. An
infrastructure 1pgradation 4und of #s. *00 crores 6ould )e created for
t%is purpose.
+.+ T%e Apparel Park taken up )& <IA2B at 2odda)allapur and
integrated Te=tile park at Anekal, Bellar&, 2avanagere, "&sore,
<arnakapura 6ould )e co,pleted and co,,issioned earl&.
+.* - 4ood Parks taken up at "alur, Bagalkot, "addur, iri&ur, Ie6argi
and Belga, 6ould )e co,pleted )& end of !00..
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

+.- Govern,ent 6ould adopt t%e F"ega 4ood ParkG concept )eing
for,ulated )& "inistr& of 4ood Processing, Govt. of India, for
I,ple,entation in select 2istricts )& providing infrastructure, for6ard
and )ack6ard linkages.
+.. Accelerated develop,ent of food processing industries 6ould )e
encouraged. <arnataka %as 11 Agro $li,atic Oones ideall& suited for
cultivation of a variet& of cereals, oil seeds, fruits > vegeta)les, spices,
flo6ers etc. T%ese agro resources 6ould )e %arnessed to t%e fullest e=tent
to create value c%ain for far,ers, processors > consu,ers.
+./ Agriculture produce processing industries 6ill )e per,itted to
procure agriculture produce like cereals, oil seeds, fruits > vegeta)les
directl& fro, far,ers 6it%out going t%oug% t%e AP"$.
AP"$ cess in respect of suc% procure,ent )& processing industries
6ould )e e=e,pted.
+.9 !* S,all Industrial areas for develop,ent of $luster in potential
Taluks t%roug%out t%e State 6ould )e taken up for t%e )enefit of Tin& E
SSI 1nits )& <SSI2$ and co,pleted )& !00.:0/
+.10 Private Sector entrepreneurs 6ould )e encouraged to set up a ,ulti:
product specific, sector specific and free trade 5ones in various potential
locations and need )ased infrastructure support 6ould )e e=tended fro,
+.11 Industrial $orridor E $luster develop,ent 6ould )e taken up in
potential locations vi5: ;i0 Bangalore:"&sore ;ii0 "&sore:(an?angud, ;ii0
u)li:Belgau,, ;iv0 ospet:Bellar& ;v0 "angaloreC1dupi, ;vi0
B%adravat%i: S%i,oga ;vii0 (ela,angala:<unigal ;viii0 2avanagere:
ari%ar ;=i0 <olar:<G4 etc.
+.1! u,an #esource 2evelop,ent C A ig% level co,,ittee c%aired
)& Principal Secretar& to Govt., $o,,erce > Industries 2epart,ent and
6it% #epresentatives of ig%er 9ducation, IT > BT , Agriculture >
orticulture and 7ice:$%ancellor of 1niversities of 7T1E Agriculture
1niversities and ot%ers 6ould )e constituted to 6ork out detailed plans
for u,an #esource 2evelop,ent E Skill sets re@uired for various
seg,ents of industries. An a,ount of #s. !* $rores 6ould )e ear,arked
for t%is purpose.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

+.1' "an Po6er Training Institutions for e,erging vocations like
retailing, Apparels > Te=tiles, construction, repair and service of eart%s
,oving e@uip,ent etc. 6ould )e set up 6it% private sector participation
in PPP ,ode.
+.1+ A State 3evel Industrial 2evelop,ent $ouncil 6it% onA)le $" as
$%air,an "inister for 3arge > "ediu, Industries as 7ice:$%air,an
and consisting of captains of Industries, $%iefs of $%a,)er of
$o,,erce > Industries E Trade )odies 6ould )e constituted to aid and
advise t%e Govern,ent on polic& issues pertaining to industrial
develop,ent > Invest,ent pro,otion in t%e State.
+.1* Besides p%&sical infrastructure, 4iscal E 4inancial Incentives, t%e
ke& aspect ena)ling ti,el& i,ple,entation > co,,issioning of
pro?ects is Fde:regulation > eas& of doing )usinessG. T%e <arnataka
Industries ;4acilitation0 Act !00! and #ules !00' i,ple,ented ,ore
effectivel& for efficient deliver& of services to t%e entrepreneurs.
+.1- <arnataka 1d&og "itra 6ould )e strengt%ened and assigned a
do,inant role in t%e task of Invest,ent Pro,otion and Investors support
to facilitate speed& i,ple,entation of pro?ects. T%e Single Bindo6
"ec%anis, 6ould furt%er )e rationali5ed and strengt%ened to t%is effect.
+.1. 1nder <aigarika 7ikasa sc%e,e, GTT$ 6ould set up additional
su):centers in tool and die ,aking and i,ple,entation of Sector specific
sc%e,e of various Boards and $orporations, $onducting 92PAs
#esource ,apping of Taluks, upgradation E $reation of Industrial
Infrastructure 6ill )e taken up )& integrating various sc%e,es of ot%er
2epart,ents. 4inancial assistance 6ould )e provided for sector specific
sc%e,e i,ple,ented )& Boards E $orporations.
+.1/ 9=isting - spindle c%arakas 6ill )e replaced )& / spindle i,proved
c%arakas at su)sidi5ed rates t%roug% <%adi institutions assisted )&
<7I$ E <7IB in p%ased ,anner to increase productivit& and 6age
earnings of artisans.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

*.1 T%e incentives and concessions under t%is polic& 6ill co,e into force
6it% retrospective effect fro, 1
April !00-. o6ever Industrial units
6%ic% %ave alread& )eing granted a package of incentives and
concessions as per t%e previous policies 6ill continue to en?o& t%e
)enefits alread& granted till t%e e=pir& of t%e earlier Sanction 8rders. All
ne6 invest,ents ,ade after 1
April !00- 6ill )e covered )& t%is polic&
6ill continue to en?o& t%e )enefits alread& granted till t%e e=pir& of t%e
earlier Sanction orders. All ne6 invest,ents ,ade after 1
April !00-
6ill )e covered )& t%is polic&.
*.! Industrial units are eligi)le for Incentives > $oncessions on ne6
invest,ent ,ade on fi=ed assets onl&. Invest,ent in taken over
industrial concerns or assets 6ould not @ualif& for incentives. o6ever
for additional invest,ent ,ade )& t%e ne6 entrepreneur during t%is
polic& period in creation of ne6 assets under ne6 unit E e=pansion
progra,,e 6ould @ualif& for assistance.
*.' Incentives and concessions for invest,ent in t%e Infor,ation
Tec%nolog& E Bio Tec%nolog& Sectors 6ill %o6ever continue to )e
governed )& t%e IT polic& as per Govern,ent 8rder F"AITG and t%e
Bio Tec%nolog& Polic&.
*.+ Incentives and $oncession as per t%is polic& 6ill not )e availa)le for
t%e industries specified in Annesure:'.
5.5 Definitions:
AS Tin& Industr&: Tin& scale industries is one in 6%ic% t%e invest,ent in
plant and ,ac%iner& is less t%at #s. !* lak%s irrespective of t%e location
of t%e unit.
BS S,all Scale Industr&: An industrial undertaking is 6%ic% t%e
invest,ent in plant and ,ac%iner& 6%et%er %eld on o6ners%ip ter,s or
on lease or )& %ire purc%ase does not e=ceed #s. 100 lak%s
$S "ediu, > 3arge Scale Industries: An Industrial units 6%ic% is not
classified as tin&E s,all Scale EAncillar& Industr& s%all )e classified as
"ediu,E3arge Scale Industr&.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

2S 100N 9=port 8riented 1nits R9=port 8riented 1nitsS: A 100N
9=port 8riented 1nits is one 6%ic% undertakes to e=port its entire
production of goods su)?ect to rela=ation as per,itted )& Govt. of India
fro, ti,e to ti,e and as defined )& it. Suc% units ,a& )e set up eit%er
under t%e 9=port 8riented 1nits or under 9PIP R9=port Pro,otion
Industrial ParkS Sc%e,e or under t%e 9TP R9lectronic ard6are
Tec%nolog& ParkS sc%e,e or Soft6are Tec%nolog& Park Sc%e,e or
Special 9cono,ic Oone.
9S "ega Pro?ect: S%all ,ean pro?ects 6it% an invest,ent of #s. 100
$rore and a)ove in fi=ed assets.
4S 4i=ed Assets: 4i=ed assets s%all ,ean t%e total invest,ent ,ade on
land, )uilding and plants and ,ac%iner& and suc% ot%er productive assets
like tools, ?igs and fi=tures, dies, utilities like )oilers, co,pressors, diesel
generating sets, cranes, ,aterial %andling e@uip,ent and suc% ot%er
e@uip,ent directl& related to production purposes.
AS All ne6 industrial invest,ents s%all create ,a=i,u, possi)le
additional e,plo&,ent opportunities and provide a ,ini,u, /0N of
e,plo&,ent to t%e local people on an overall )asis R100N e,plo&,ent
to local people in case of Group $ > 2 categories 6ill )e insistedS and
t%is 6ill )e ,onitored during dis)urse,ent of incentives and
T%e a)ove re@uire,ents regarding e,plo&,ent to local people 6ill )e
,onitored )& t%e 2I$ for a period of * &ears. 4ailure of t%e industries
to provide e,plo&,ent to local people as stipulated a)ove 6ill )e
reported to t%e concerned 23SBA E S3SB$$ E S3$$, 6%ic% 6ill
reco,,end for recover& of invest,ent su)sid& sanctioned to t%e unit, for
6%ic% purpose a suita)le undertaking 6ill %ave to )e furnis%ed )& t%e
unit concerned )efore dis)ursal of su)sid&.
BS T%e @uantu, of invest,ent su)sid& s%all )e co,puted on t%e value of
fi=ed assets as specified in Su) Para:RfS of Para *.* and as approved )&
t%e financial institutions, co,,ercial )anks.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

$S T%e definition of tin&, s,all or ,ediu, and large scale industries as
indicated a)ove s%all auto,aticall& stand revised as and 6%en
Govern,ent of India ,akes an& c%anges in suc% definition and )enefit
under t%is package s%all )e availa)le to t%e Tin&, S,all, "ediu, >
3arge Scale units as per t%e ne6 definition fro, t%e respective dates.
2S T%e validit& of incentives and concessions as per t%is order s%all )e
for a period of five &ears fro, 1
April !00- R i.e. up to '1
9S B%erever industrial units avail su)sid& under an& ot%er sc%e,es of
Govern,ent of <arnataka E Govt. of India onl& differential a,ount of
Su)sid&, if an&, 6ould )e provided under t%is polic&.
4S $o,,erce > Industries 2ept 6ould ad,inister t%e package of
incentives > concessions under t%is Industrial Polic&. Separate
guidelines for ad,inistration of t%ese incentives and concession 6ill )e
issued for t%e guidance of t%e concerned agencies and officers.
Interpretation of t%is Govern,ent 8rder and t%e decision t%ereon of t%e
$o,,erce > Industries 2epart,ent, Govern,ent of <arnataka s%all )e
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

Classification of Talukas into Zones for the purpose of
administering graded scale of incentives & concessions.
No District
No. of

Zone-1 Zone -2 Zone-3
1 <olar 11 Bagepalli "ul)agal
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

Incentives & Concessions for Mega, Large & Medium
and Small Scale Industries
Type of
Large &
Small Scale Industries
1 $apital
(il (il Zone-1: !*N of t%e value
of fi=ed assets, su)?ect to a
,a=i,u, of #s.1* lak%s
per unit
Zone-2: !0N of t%e value
of fi=ed assets, su)?ect to a
,a=i,u, of #s.10 lak%s
per unit.
Zone 1&2: Addl. Su)sid&
of *N of t%e value of fi=ed
assets, su)?ected to a
ceiling of #s.1 lak% for
S$ESTEPE"inorit& > Q:
Service,an entrepreneurs.
In case of 6o,en
entrepreneurs, t%e ceiling
for additional su)sid&
6ould )e #s. * lak%s.
Note: This incentive is
available only to units financed
by KSFC/ KSIIDC/ Banks/
Other financial institutions.
Zone 3 (il
! Exemption of
Duty On
Captive Power
$urrentl& availa)le under 9nerg& 2ept. polic& $ontinued
upto !011.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

' Exemption of
Stamp Duty &
Reduction of
Zone-1:4ull 9=e,ption
Zone-2:.*N e=e,ption
Stamp duty: In respect of 3oan > credit deeds e=ecuted for
availing ter, loans fro, 4lsEBanks and for e=ecution of
3ease, 3ease cu, Sale > a)solute Sale 2eeds )&
<IA2BE<SSI2$ in respect of Industrial land Eplots allotted.
Reduction of Registration charges: $oncessional
registration c%arges at #e. 1 per #s.1,000E:.
+ Baiver of
n fine::
;on lands
Oone:1: full
su)?ect to a
,a=i,u, of
*0 acres per
Oone :!: .*N
su)?ect to a
,a=i,u, of
!* acres per
Oone:': (il
Oone:1: 4ull
su)?ect to a
,a=i,u, of
!* acres per
Oone:!: .*N
su)?ect to a
,a=i,u, of
!* acres per
Oone:' (il
Oone:1: 4ull e=e,ption
su)?ect to a ,a=i,u, of 10
acres per unit.
Oone:!: .*N e=e,ptions
su)?ect to a ,a=i,u, of 10
acres per unit.
Oone:': (il
* Ac@uisition
> allot,ent of
land t%oug%
In respect of lands ac@uired for develop,ent of industrial
areaEestates or single unit co,ple= <IA2B ac@uisition
c%arges to )e levied is !/
N in respect if areas in Zone:3 4or t%e areas in
1&2 ac@uisition c%arges 6ould )e 10N
- Su)sid& for
setting up of
8ne ti,e capital su)sid& up to *0N of t%e cost of 9TP,
su)?ect to a ceiling of #s. 100 lak%s per unit for all
categories of industries for Oones
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

. Entry Tax &
Entry Tax
Zone 1 & 2:
;i0 9T> Special 9T 9=e,ption on FPlants >"ac%iner& and
$apital GoodsG for an initial period of ' &ears fro, t%e date
of co,,ence,ent of pro?ect i,ple,entation. 4or t%is
purpose, t%e ter, FPlant > "ac%iner& and $apital GoodsG
also included plant > "ac%iner& and capital goods i.e.
e@uip,ent etc 6%ic% is put up in t%e po6er pro?ect units foe
captive generation of 9lectricit&.
;ii0 8n ra6 ,aterials, inputs, co,ponent parts >
consu,a)les ;e=cluding petroleu, products0 R6%erever
applica)leS for a period of * &ears fro, t%e date of
co,,ence,ent of co,,ercial production.
Zone-3: (il
/ Human
;i0 Grant of up to * acres of Govern,ent land 6ill )e
considered along 6it% capital contri)ution of *0N of t%e
pro?ect cost su)?ect to a ceiling of #s.! $orers per Training
9sta)lis%,ent for sector specific training.
;ii0 #ecurring cost for running t%e training institution an
a,ount of #s..*0E:p.,.E per trainee 6ill )e provided su)?ect
t a ceiling of #s.1* lak%s per &ear for period of ' &ears.
;iii0 Govern,ent 6ill launc% a ne6 sc%e,e to provide #s.
.*0E: p.,. stipend 6it% suita)le ,atc%ing contri)ution )&
training institutions for on:t%e:?o) training of une,plo&ed
educated &out% for training in different vocations t%roug%
industrialE service esta)lis%,ent
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

9 Technology
(il (il Oone1>!:
;i0 9=isting sc%e,e of +N interest su)sid& for
T1 loan availed fro, <S4$E<SII2$ s%all )e
e=tended to cover T1 loans availed fro,
sc%eduled $o,,ercial Banks, B%ic% are not
covered under $3$S sc%e,e of Govt. of
Oone 1,! >':
;ii0 9=isting incentive sc%e,e for SSI units
going in for BIS product certification or IS8
series certification is continued 6it% en%anced
financial allocation.
;iii0 9ncourage,ent to Patents #egistration:
Su)sid& at *0N of t%e cost of patents
registration, su)?ect to a ceiling of #s. ! lak%s
per unit.
4unding 6ill )e provided for certain co,,erciall& via)le
researc% pro?ects in colla)oration 6it% IITs, universities
and ot%er reputed institutions. An a,ount of #s.!* crores
is ear,arked for t%is purpose during t%e polic& period
10 Industrial
facilities in
A separate Infrastructure 1pgradation 4und #s.*00 crores
6ould )e created for upgradation of infrastructure facilities
in e=isting industrial areas E estates and also for
,aintenance. T%is fund ,a& also )e utili5ed for ne6
industrial areas. Separate guidelines 6ould )e issued for
utili5ing t%is fund.
11 Agriculture
Exemption of
AP"$ $ess in respect of direct procure,ent of agriculture
produce for processing fro, far,ers )& processing
industries is e=e,pted.
SISI, Govt of India
Bagepalli Industrial Perspective Plan

List of Industrial activities / Units in-eligible
for Incentives & Concessions
1. Bre6eries > 2istilleries of all t&pes
!. 1nits utili5ing ,olasses E rectified spirit E denatures spiri as
,ain ra6 ,aterial for ,anufacture of pota)le alco%ol
'. <%andasari 1nits
+. P%oto Studios > $olour Processing 1nits
*. P%oto $op&ing > Qero= "ac%ine
-. 4ertili5er "i=ing
.. #e:packing of 2rugs E "edicines E $%e,icals, 6it%out an&
processing or value addition.
/. All t&pe of Sa6 "ills
9. Beedies E $igarettes E $igars E Gutka > To)acco )ased
10. A5oic E #eactive 2&es
11. 4ire $rackers
1!. Industries ,anufacturing and of utili5ing 85one depleting
1'. Po6er 3aundries
1+. Brick ,aking units 9=cluding $e,ent allo6 Blocks, 6ire
cut > fl& as% Bricks
1*. Poultr&
1-. Popcorn > ice cand& ,aking units
1.. $offee #oasting and Grinding
1/. $lock and Batc% #epair S%ops
19. $assette recording ;Audio > 7ideo0
!0. $&anide
SISI, Govt of India

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