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[ h ] n the thirty-third and last consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

ii [ hici ] n a very loud uproar; fuss. ii v. to raise an uproar; to fuss noisily. ii

D v. to gallivant, to gad about (noisily and cheerfully).
o [ h ] n being; happening, occurrence; birth; growth; production; collection, formation;
accomplishment; performance; procurement; rendering; becoming; setting in; sufficing; the state
of being in particular relation with; act of becoming one's own or one's property; fitting. v. to
be; to come into existence, to be created; to happen, to occur, to take place ( d o); to be born;
to grow ( o); to be produced or manufactured; to gather or collect; to form; to be earned or
gained; to be acquired ( = he has made money); to advance ( o); to increase,
to grow, to add to; to be finished or accomplished or performed; to be procured or obtained; to be
rendered or turned into, to be reduced to; to become ( o); to arrive ( o); to set in
(n o); to extend over, to cover (d = it is two days since he went); to be seized
or attacked with ( j o); to fall o; to be sufficient or ad equate for, to suffice (e
i ); to bear a particular relation to ( k = he is my relation); to become one's
own or one's property ( ); to fit ( ); to be likely to happen ( = it
may be so, it may happen so). a. completed, finished; done; performed (o ). v.
to drop in temporarily ( e); to be about to terminate or end, to come near
the close; to be in the last gasp, to be dying ( e).
[ hasa ] n the drake; the gander, the swan; a greedless ascetic. a. fem. walking
(gracefully or with a slight waddle) like a duck. m n. a duck's egg; (facet.) a cipher, a zero, a
mere nothing.
, n. cack ling.
n. an Indian musical mode. , n. one who rides a
duck; Brahma (bh). n. fem. , a female riding a duck; Goddess Saraswati (s). n.
a duckling. r a. seated on a goose or swan. n. fem. the duck; the goose.
[ haka ] a rightful, just, right. n. rightful claim or title, right ( , ); just or
right words ( ).
[ hakacakn ] v to be nonplussed, to be taken aback; to be astounded or flabbergasted.
[ hakadra ] n one having a rightful claim or title, a rightful claimant.
[ hakra ] n a huckster, a pedlar; (loos.) a hawker. a news-man; a
newsboy. n. huckstery, pedlary.
[ haki ] n hockey.
[ hakikata ] n (law) descriptive statement.
[ hakima ] n a physician practising the Islamic system of medicine; a hakim. a. of a
hakim. n. practice of Muslim system of medicine.
[ hakiata ] n proprietorship; right; claim; a title-suit.
[ haja ] n Mohammedan pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, hadj, hajj. v. to go on hadj.
[ hajama ] n digestion; (iron.) misappropriation or appropriation to oneself by cunning (
); (idiom.) act of enduring tamely, pocketing, swallowing (a ). v. to
digest; (iron.) to misappropriate or to appropriate to oneself by cunning; (idiom.) to endure
tamely, to take something lying down. a. digestive ( g = digestive pill).
t [ hajaytr ] n a Muslim pilgrim to Mecca and Medina.
[ hajarata ] n (Mus.) a lord, a master, a venerable or honorable person. m the
Prophet, the founder of Is lam.
, [ haa, ha ] int indicating: suddenness, quickness, rashness etc. adv. hastily;
suddenly; impetuously; abruptly.
[ ha ] v to move backwards or aside; to retreat; to evade an obligation or under taking, to
back out; to withdraw; to be defeated. v. to cause to move backwards or aside; to repel; to
cause to retreat or back out or withdraw; to defeat.
T [ haa ] n a market. n. a confused uproar, a hullabaloo; rumpus; din. n. a
prostitute. n n. (facet.) a hutted structure in a market used as a shop.
[ haha ] n application of force, violation; retreat, withdrawal; defeat; indiscretion,
imprudence; rashness.
[ hahakr ] a rash, foolhardy, impetuous; indiscreet; obstinate. fem. n.
rashness; foolhardiness; impetuosity; indiscretion, obstinacy.
[ hahayga ] n a form of yogic practice or breath control by yogic means or prescribed
[ haht ] adv suddenly, all on a sudden, all of a sudden. an upstart; (cp.)
D [ ha kn ] v to get out of position accidentally; to lose one's footing; to slip; to glide;
to slide. D n. slipping or gliding or sliding.
DD [ ha ba ] int indicating: great rapidity in talking, moving, doing etc. DD v. to
hurry overmuch in talking, walking, doing etc.; to fuss and hurry. DD a. & adv. over-hasty;
fussy and hasty.
DD [ ha ha ] int indicating: slipperiness; rapidity; rattling noise; rumbling noise ( DD
). DD v. to be slippery (to the touch). DD a. slippery.
N, N, N [ ha, haik, ha ] n (now rare) an urn.
[ hata ] a killed, slain; ruined, destroyed, spoiled, pulled down, impaired; lost, bereft of;
frustrated, foiled; bad, wretched. k a. (coll.) very ugly or uncouth; very mean or vile; very
indecent. a. deprived of glory, shorn of glory; past all glory. , , j a. deprived of
consciousness, unconscious; stupefied, utterly perplexed or confounded, flabbergasted. D a.
graceless; wretched; reckless and dissipated. D a scapegrace; a wretch; a reckless and
dissipated person; a rascal, a rogue, a scoundrel, a loafer. p a. almost or nearly killed. a.
speechless owing to amazement; dumb; dumbfounded. a. having lost one's vigour, rendered
vigourless; weakened. d, m a. stupefied, nonplussed, utterly perplexed or confounded,
flabbergasted. , a. unfortunate, illfated; wretched, miserable. fem. , a.
dishonoured; humbled; humiliated; slighted; disgraced. nd a. having lost one's reverence for or
faith in; disgusted, browned off. nd n. irreverence; apathy; disregard; neglect; slight; disdain,
despise. n a. deprived or shorn of one's grace or beauty or prosperity or glory.
[ hatdara ] a not received with cordiality or warmth; neglected; slighted. n. lack of
cordial or warm reception; neglect; slight.
[ hata ] a disappointed, crestfallen; dejected, down in the mouth, despondent. v.
to disappoint; to deject. n. disappointment; dejection, despondence, despondency.
[ hatbsa ] a having lost one's reliance (on) or faith (in); bereft of hope, hopeless,
dejected, crestfallen, despondent.
[ hathata ] a dead and wounded.
[ hat ] post from, since; of. same as
s [ hatsmi ] int I am undone. s see -s
[ haty ] n killing, slaughter; massacre; murder; persistent squatting at the temple of a deity
for obtaining divine favour. v. to kill, to slay; to massacre (lit. & fig.); to murder.
o v. to squat at the temple of a deity for obtaining divine favour; (fig.) to solicit doggedly. N
n. an instance of homicide; carnage; killing; a massacre; murder. n. a homicide; a murderer;
a slayer, a killer. fem. n. murderess. n. the offence of homicide or murder; culpable
homicide amounting to murder. a. guilty of homicide or murder. n. a homicide; a
murderer (fem. a murder ess). fem.

[ hadia
] n information, trace, clue, first taste or glimpse ( ); where abouts
u ; a means, a way ( k ).

[ hadia
] n the body of traditions about Mohammad the Prophet, the hadith; Muslim
+ [ hadda ] n boundary or jurisdiction. a. extreme (+ ); not exceeding, in all (+
). + a. & adv. at the most; at best.
[ hanana ] n killing, slaying, slaughter, murdering, murder. v. to kill, to slay; to
murder. a. that which can be or is fit to be killed or slaughtered or slain.
[ hanahana ] int indicating: walking or moving at a great speed. adv. at a great
speed, very fast; in hot haste.
, [ hanu, han ] n the jaw or the jawbone, the mandible; the chin; (obs.) the Entellus; the
langur. n. the langur; a character of the Ramayana.
[ hanana ] n (facet.) walking; walk.
[ hantadanta ] a extremely hurried and anxious, in a nervous hurry or flurry; fussy.
[ hantabya ] a fit to be killed or slain; to be killed or slain.
[ hant ] n a killer, a slayer; a murderer (fem. a murderess). a. killing, slaying; murdering.
n. a killer, a slayer; an obstructor; an obstacle. a. killing, slaying; obstructing.
s [ hantr ] fem of
n [ handara ] n (obs.) a hundred weight.
[ hany ] a frantically rushing and looking for ( ); madly rushing to kill or beat
or bite or attack, (cp.) running amok; frenzied; rabid ( kk).
+ [ habacandra ] n an utterly stupid king of folk tales. + + s a king and his
minister, both utterly stupid; (fig.) a stupid person and his equally stupid counsellor.
[ habana ] n an oblation of fire; a fire-sacrifice; burnt-offering. n. a pit for making
sacrificial fire.
[ hab ] n Eve.
[ habi ] n any article esp. ghee offered in fire-sacrifice, a burnt-offering; clarified butter,
ghee; an oblation of fire, a fire-sacrifice. , r, n. (rare) sunned rice boiled in ghee;
(pop.) boiled sunned rice and ghee. v. to eat (nothing but) boiled sunned rice and ghee.
a. eating (nothing but) boiled sunned rice and ghee.
[ habu ] a to be; would-be; future.
[ habya ] n same as a. fit to be offered in fire-sacrifice, oblational.
mm [ hambitambi kar ] n bluster, bullying; intimidation. mm v. to bully, to
bluster; to intimidate; to breathe fire.
---- [ ha-ya-ba-ra-la ] n gibberish, abracadabra; disorder, messy condition.

[ haa
] n the horse, the stallion.

[ haa
] v the form of o in the present tense and third person. (fig.) to
disprove what is true, to undo or unsettle a settled fact. - a. impending, imminent.

[ haa
] con either ( , ). ............ either......or.
[ haat ] adv perhaps, perchance; possibly; probably.
[ haarna ] a harassed; fatigued; badgered. exasperated. v. to harass; to fatigue;
to badger, to exasperate. n. harassment; fatigue; exasperation.
[ hara ] n Shiva (); (math.) a denomina tor or divisor. a. killing; destroying; removing or
allaying; taking away; carrying off; robbing; (math.) deducting or dividing.
[ harakata ] n obstacle, hindrance, impediment, obstruction, stumbling block.
[ harakar ] n a messenger; a courier; a postal messenger, a runner; a postman.
[ haragaur ] n Shiva () and Durga (d); the manifestation of Shiva and Durga in one
D [ haragha i ] adv every hour; always; often, every now and then.
[ haraa ] n carrying off, robbing, plunder, stealing, pilferage, lifting; abduction; removal,
allayment; destruction or act of taking away; (math.) division. v. to carry off, to rob, to
plunder, to steal, to pilfer, to lift; to abduct; to remove, to allay; to destroy or to take away;
(math.) to divide. - n. division and multiplication.
[ haratana ] n hearts (of playing-cards).
[ haratla ] n stoppage of all work in protest throughout a wide area, hartal.
[ haradama ] adv always; incessantly, continuously, non-stop; often, every now and then.
[ harapha ] n any letter of the alphabet, a character; (print.) a type. -i n. type casting.
i a type foundry.
[ harabla ] n one who mimics or is capable of mimicking various voices, sounds, notes
etc., (cp.) a mimic.
--(-( [ hara-hara-bam-bam ] int a sound uttered in honour of Shiva ().

[ har
] a. fem of
[ hari ] n Narayana (), Vishnu (), Krishna (). a. yellow or auburn.
(lit.) the cowhouse of Hari Ghosh; (fig. & facet.) a place where noise and confusion reign;
a pandemonium. scattering of , that is, sweet drops, in honour of Lord Hari for the
congregation of devotees to pick up. O Hari! O Hari! (uttered to express amazement,
disgust etc.) g n. act of singing the glory of Lord Hari. n see n n. (lit.) Lord Hari's
people or flock; (pop.) the depressed classes amongst Hindus or a member of these classes. n.
yellow orpiment. -s n. the calx of yellow orpiment. n. a loud shouting of the name of
Lord Hari. v. to utter (repeatedly) the name of Lord Hari in devotion. a
bag to hold the rosary of beads which keep count of the number of times the name of Lord Hari
is repeated by a devotee. rosary of beads which keep count of the number of times the
name of Lord Hari is uttered by a devotee. p n. attachment or devotion to Lord Hari. n. any
eleventh lunar day of a fortnight which is a day of fast; (facet.) fasting. v. (facet.) to go
without food. to fast. n & int. a loud shouting of this word meaning "shout the name of Lord
Hari". k a. devoted to or worshipping Lord Hari. n. a devotee of Lord Hari; a
Vaishnava. k n. devotion to Lord Hari. k u o v. (idiom.) to have one's high esteem or
confidence lost. n. fast, fasting; going without food. v. (facet.) to dine with Duke
Humphrey or with Democritus, to enjoy Barmecide's feast, to tighten one's belt, to go without
food. n. singing in chorus in praise of Lord Hari; a song thus sung. n. an assembly to
discuss the glory of Lord Hari. n. Lord Hari and Lord Hara or Shiva (). t a. (usu. of two
friends) inseparably united (like Lord Hari and Lord Hara in one body), (having) one soul and
one mind, bosom.
[ haria ] n the buck, the stag, the deer (pl. deer); the antelope. fem. the doe, the hind,
the female deer or antelope. , , n. a fawn. , , a. fem. fawn-eyed. D n.
a prison-house of ancient Calcutta; a prison, a gaol, a jail, a house of correction. n. (as
food) venison.
, [ harit, harita ] n the green color; verdure. a. green; verdant. n n. emerald;
green vitriol; (erron. but pop.) blue vitriol.
[ haridbara ] n & a green; yellow.
[ haridr ] n turmeric. n. & a. yellow. a. yellowish.
[ harila ] n a species of yellow bird of the dove kind, the green pigeon.
[ hartak ] n black myrobalan.
[ harka ] a many and diverse; assorted; different ( ). of various kinds; assorted.
[ hardar ] adv on the whole; on an average.
[ hart ] a & n one who carries off or robs or steals or abducts or removes or allays or
destroys or kills. fem. t n. a destroyer and builder; a killer and creator; (fig.) an absolute
ruler, a dictator. n. a destroyer, a killer and maintainer; a killer, creator and preserver;
(fig.) an absolute ruler, a dictator.
[ harmya ] n a large and beautiful building, an edifice, a mansion, a palace. n. the floor of
any room of a mansion or palace. (for.) n. pl. large and grand mansions, palatial buildings.
[ haryaka ] n a lion.
[ hara ] n joy, delight, pleasure; mirth; happiness; erection. () n. same as a.
giving joy, joyful, delightful, delightsome, pleasant; causing to stand up, upright (). h a.
beside oneself with joy. a. gladdened, delighted, pleased. n. ecstasy, rapture, elation.
l a. blooming or beaming with joy or de light.

[ hala
] n gilding. v. to gild. a. gilded, gilt.

[ hala
] n the main room in a great house, a hall. Also

[ hala
] n a plough. , v. to plough, to till (land). n. a ploughman, a
tiller (of land), one who drives the plough. , same as n. agriculture, cultivation.
[ halak ] n (obs.) a flock, a troop ('D '); (pop.) a sudden hot wave (g
[ haladi ] n (dial.) turmeric.
[ halad ] a. & n yellow.
[ halanta ] a (gr.) ending with a (l or _) sound or sign.; consonantal. n. a consonant;
(gr.) the sublinear consonant sign (l or _).
, [ halapha, halapa ] n a solemn swearing or oath. v. to swear, to take an oath.
v. to swear by God. v. to swear to. n. an affidavit.
[ halahala ] int., indicating: overmuch looseness or slackness. a very loose or slack.
[ haludha ] n one using a plough as one's weapon; Balaram (), the elder brother of
Krishna ().
[ halhala ] n (myth.) a deadly poison.
[ hal ] n one equipped with a plough; a ploughman, a cultivator; Balaram () the elder
brother of Krishna ().
[ haluda ] n turmeric; the yellow colour. a. yellow.
[ halya ] a cultivable, arable. fem. n. cultivated land.
l [ hall ] n a riotous uproar or tumult, a hullabaloo; (sl.) a raid or chase by a posse of
policemen. l v. to make a riotous uproar, to make a hullabaloo; to kick up a row.
_, [ has, hascihna ] n (gr.) the sublinear sign of the consonant sound; ',' this sign.
[ hasana ] n act of laughing or smiling; a laughter, a laugh; a smile.
, [ hasantik, hasant ] n a vessel for holding fire, a fire-pot, a fire-urn.
[ hasita ] a laughing; smiling; blooming.
? [ hasta ] n the hand; the forearm; the arm; the corresponding limb of beasts; a cubit. (di
?). N n. (lit. but rare) the itching of the hand; (pop. & fig.) a strong desire to do
something by the hand esp. to beat or write. n. artful use of the hand; (loos.) palming;
sleight-of-hand. , v. to set one's hand to; to intervene, to interfere. a. in one's
possession, in hand, on hand; obtained; appropriated; received; seized. v. to secure
possession of, to get hold of; to get in hand or on hand; to appropriate; to seize. v. to
move one's hand; (facet.) to beat, to flog. a. driven or run by the hand, hand-driven. a.
passed or slipped out of one's hand. o v. to pass out of one's hand or possession or control;
to slip out of one's hand. n. the palm of one's hand. n. the two hands, both hands. v.
to hold one's hand. p v. to stretch out or extend one's hand. n. masturbation;
self-abuse. n. the line on the palm. v. to tell (one's) fortune from the lines on the
palm. v. to tell one's fortune by studying the lines on the palm. n. a
palmist. v. to palm. a. written by hand. a manuscript. , n.
handwriting; a manuscript. -j same as ?-j n. handicraft; handiwork.
n. a handicraftsman (fem. a handicraftswoman), an artisan. ? n. handwriting; calligraphy.
? j n. an expert in handwriting, a ch(e)irographist. ? n. a finger. ? n. (rare)
another or a different hand; (pop.) transfer to another's hand or possession or control; handing
over; (law) conveyance; (rare) transfer to an other hand. ? a deed of conveyance. ?
v. to transfer to another's hand or possession or control; to hand (something) over (to). ?
a. transferred to another's hand or possession or control; handed over; (rare) transferred to
another hand. ? a. & adv. like a my robalan placed on the palm of the hand; already in
one's grasp. ? v. to lay hands on; to set one's hand to; to interfere, to intervene.
? [ hastabuda ] a accounts past and present; a descriptive rent-roll (of an estate) drawn up
? [ hast ] n the thirteenth of the twenty-seven zodiacal stars according to Hindu astornomy.
? [ hastidanta ] n the elephant's tusk; ivory. a. inlaid with ivory.
? [ hastin ] n. fem the female elephant, the cow-elephant; the worst of four types of women
from the point of view of sexual union.
?, ? [ hastipa, hastipaka ] n the driver or keeper of an elephant.
? [ hastimada ] n a water secretion from the nostrils, eyes and penis of a must elephant.
? [ hastimrkha ] a utterly stupid.
? [ hastil ] n a stable for housing elephants.
?N,?uN [ hastiuua ] n the elephant's trunk.
? [ hast ] n the elephant.
[ h ] int indicating: grief, suffering, amazement etc.; oh, ah, ha, alas.
i [ hi ] n a yawn. i v. to yawn.
i [ hiphna ] n (gr.) a hyphen. i o v. to hyphen, to hyphenate.
ui, ui [ hui, huibji ] n a rocket (for fireworks display).
uu [ humu ] n a loud or uproarious complaint attended with wailing; hue and cry. uu
v. to make a loud or uproarious complaint wailingly, to raise a hue and cry.
oD [ h ] n an extensive marsh or quagmire or fen.
o [ hd ] n a seat fixed on an elephant's back, a howdah, a haudah.
o [ h ] n air; wind; breeze; climate; (fig.) contact or influence (d o); (fig.) general
tendency, trend ( o). o v. to fan. o o v. to enjoy fanning; to have an airing;
to air oneself; (sl.) to fast, to eat Barmecide's feast. o o v. to fan; (facet.) to decamp. o
o v. to get air; (fig.) to get stimulus; (fig.) to come in contact (of) or to be influenced (by);
(fig.) to sense. o n. a change of air; (lit. & fig.) a change of climate. o- n. an air-
gun. o same as o o except the last meaning. o o v. (facet.) to disappear, to
vanish (into thin air); to decamp, to flee. o v. to air. a n. meteorological office. D
n. a motor car, a car.
o [ hl ] n custody; charge. o v. to commit to the custody or charge of. n. a
piece of land held under fixed terms and conditions. n. one who holds an aforesaid piece of
o [ hlta ] n borrowing; a debt; a loan. o v. to borrow. o o v. to lend.
o-+ n. borrowing and fixing a future point of time for payment. o a. borrowed, taken
on loan.

[ h
] n open mouth or expanse of open mouth or beak; a gape; an opening, an orifice (
). v. to stare with open mouth, to open one's mouth, to gape. o v. to become wide
open, to gape; to form a large hole in oneself. -o a. gaping (such as wound).

[ h
] int. & adv indicating: acquiescence, affirmation, confirmation, presence, response etc.,

, [ h
, mhng ] int used in addressing a person familiarly ( ).
[ hnka ] n a loud call or shout. o, D v. to call or shout loudly, to bawl (to).
[ hnkaka ] n repeated loud calls or shouts; wide reputation of being wealthy and
powerful. D v. to raise a hue and cry.
D [ hnka n ] v to brandish or move with an eclat ( D); to drive very
speedily or proudly (D D); to build with a great eclat (D D).
[ hnk ] v to call or announce or declare loudly.
[ hnkn ] v to drive away, to chase away; to drive proudly (D ).
[ hnkhnki ] n repeated loud calling or shouting. v. to call or shout loudly
and repeatedly.
[ hnc ] v to sneeze. v. to cause to sneeze.
[ hnci ] n a sneeze.
[ hnakn ] v to rummage busily; to make a mess of in course of rummaging.
[ hn ] v to walk. v. to cause to walk; to teach one (esp. a baby) how to walk. n. a
way to be covered by walking. n. repeated walking; repeated visits on foot. v. to go
(to) or visit repeatedly on foot.
[ hnu ] n the knee. D, v. to kneel down, to be on one's knees. e knee-
deep water.
[ hnuni ] n walking, ambulation.
D [ hn i ] n an urn-shaped pot. D an urn-shaped clay pot turned black on account of
being used in cooking for a long time. kD n. different pots and jars collectively; kitchen utensils.
D v. (fig.) to be burdened with the drudgery of cooking. D (fig.) the private affair;
internal secrets or in formation.
D [ hn icnc ] n a bird akin to the magpie, the Indian tree-pie.
D [ hn i ] n an inferior liquor distilled from fermented rice, rice-beer.
[ hnd ] a fat, corpulent; idiot, dull-witted. n. an idiot of idiots, a great idiot.
, [ hmpa, hmpha ] n laboured breathing; panting; asthmatic spasm. o same as
D v. to expel a deep breath; (fig.) to breathe freely. D a breathing-time,
breathing-space, respite; a breather. v. to be out of breath; to pant, to breathe hard; to be
seized with an asthmatic spasm. D v. (fig.) to breathe again, to heave a sigh of relief.
v. to pant; (fig.) to fidget. n. panting; asthma. - n. an asthmatic patient.
[ hmsa ] n the drake; (fem.) the duck; the gander; (fem.) the goose, swan. duck-
[ hmsakala ] n a hasp; a latch.
[ hmsaphmsa ] n laboured breathing; (fig.) fidget. v. to breathe with
difficulty, to gasp for breath; to fidget.
[ hmsu ] n a crescent-shaped knife with a haft.
[ hmsuli ] n a crescent necklace.
- [ h-mh ] int used to prevent or interrupt suddenly.
[ hkika ] n a kind of precious stone, cornelian.

[ hkima
] n a magistrate; a deputy magistrate; a judge; a ruler. n. magistracy. a.
[ hg ] v (ind.) to evacuate one's bowels, to ease or relieve nature; to have loose motions.
v. to evacuate another's bowels, to purge; to cause to have loose motions.
[ hghara ] n (rare) a homeless person; (pop.) a low family. a. born of a low or
indigent family.
[ hara ] n the shark; (fig.) an extortioner; (fig.) a sharper.
, [ hjata, hjatakhn ] n a guardroom for under-trial prisoners; a (police) lock-
up; police custody.
[ hjari ] n same as anda European or English meal. break-fast. D
lunch; dinner.
[ hj ] v to rot or be spoilt by being drenched in water (esp. in rain-water) for a long time
( ); to be affected with chilblain ( ). n. excessive rainfall or flood (); sore
caused by excessive use of water, chilblain. a. (of a pond) shallow and miry.
[ hjra ] n & a thousand. , thousands of; countless; in countless
number; in thousands. e one in a thousand. o even if repeated a thousand
times or times without number. n. a commander of a troop of thousand soldiers.
[ hjukh ] n excessive rain or flood and drought.
[ hji ] n a pious Muslim who has performed pilgrimage to Mecca and Madina, a haji.
[ hjira ] a appeared; present; attendant. v. to bring (one) in presence
(of), to make one appear, to present. v. to be in attendance; to attend; to be present.
o, o v. to put in an appearance, to appear; to attend; to be present. ,
n. attendance, appearance; presence. -, -i, -, -i n. an attendance
[ ha ] n a market (esp. one held on fixed days of the week); a fair; (fig.) a disturbingly
noisy place ( -); (fig.) a concourse, an assemblage ( ); (fig.) abundance, plenty
(r ). v. to visit a market for buying and selling, to market; (fig.) to open fully or to
open to public view ( - ). , v. to establish a market; (fig.) to
cause to assemble; to make a loud disturbing noise. a market or fair on the point of
closing for the day or for the term or for good; (fig.) anything disrupted or on the point of
winding up. n. a market-day. , (coll.) n. a market-man (fem. a market-woman).
a. carrying goods (and also people) to the market ( ); going to the market for buying or
selling, market-bound, marketing ( ). D to disclose or reveal one's guilt or
wrong-doing in public, (cp.) to wash one's dirty linen in public.
D [ h ] n bone. a. (used as a pfx.) to the bones, inveterate, utter. D v. (fig.) to
exhaust or exasperate utterly (with toil or affliction); (fig.) to beat black and blue. D gD
v. (fig.) to beat soundly, to belabour. D D v. (fig.) to relieve or to feel relieved. D
j v. (fig.) to trouble or pester in the extreme. D , D same as D gD
D v. (fig.) to feel relieved. D- D v. (fig.) to be inseparably
connected. , variants of D a. extremely miserly or niggardly; close-fisted.
D a skinflint. , (coll.) n. the adjutant stork, the argala; (fig.) a long-necked long-
legged thin person, (cp.) a bag of bones. D n. bones and ribs. a. (fig.) reduced to a
skeleton, skinny. j a. (fig.) troubling or pestering in the extreme. a. (fig.) precocious to
the bones. , , a. wicked to the bones. a. (fig.) extremely toilsome or fatiguing,
extremely strenuous. + n. all particulars or information. adv. utterly indigent or wretched.
D D adv. to the bones.
D [ h i ] n a scheduled caste amongst Hindus; a member of this caste.
D, D [ h ikha, h ika ] n a wooden framework to which the neck of a
sacrificial victim is fixed at the time of immolation.
, - [ huu, hu-uu ] n an Indian outdoor game, kabadi ()
D [ hi ] n (usu. facet.) bone. a. reduced to a skeleton, very gaunt, skinny, skin and
[ hta ] n the hand or the fore-arm or the arm; the corresponding limb of beasts; a cubit;
(fig.) possession or control; (fig.) influence or manipulation, hand. an inexperienced or
unskilled worker, a raw or poor hand. an empty hand; an unornamented hand.
a a small letter (of the English alphabet). a skilled or experienced worker, an old
hand. D a a capital letter (of the English alphabet). v. to develop the habit of.
v. to wring one's hand (in order to express regret or to curry favour). v. (fig.)
to win (one) over or to bring under one's control or to bring into one's possession. D v.
(fig.) to squirm (lit. to bite one's hands) in disappointment or frustration. v. to read one's
hand or palm. v. (fig.) to take off one's hands, to cease participating in a work.
v. to work quickly with one's hands, (fig.) to raise one's hand to strike ( ).
v. to quicken pace of work; to beat or belabour with one's hand, to cuff. D v. to
fold one's hands; to apologize or solicit or salute with folded hands. D v. to have one's
hands full. v. to beat with the hand, to lay hands on, to deal or strike a blow (to
someone) with one's hand, to assault; to raise one's hand in order to vote for (or against) or to
express one's assent, to raise one's hand (to support a person or a proposal). (fig.)
to accomplish a stupendous task by humble means. o v. to touch with one's hand to
handle; to take in hand, to set one's hand to, to undertake; to intervene. o v. to
become utterly dejected and stupefied at one's ill-luck. v. to read one's hand or palm.
to walk hand in hand. D v. to be touched or handled; to be taken in hand, to be
undertaken; to be interfered with. v. to get one's hands used to something by practice,
to become skilled by practice. v. to earnestly request or ask for (momentary) assistance
or help, to beg. v. to pass one's hand lightly and often caressingly over anything.
v. (fig.) to win over or propitiate or pacify or console with adulatory words and
caressing. v. (facet.) to cheat by cajolery, to wheedle (something out of
somebody), to wangle. v. to clench the fist. same as o
v. to learn firsthand. a. only a handful, very few in number. (fig.) to be
extremely close-fisted or miserly. v. (idiom.) to importunate or solicit very ardently.
v. (fig.) to subdue o weaken not by beating but by starving. o v. to take or
hold in one's hand; to take up or undertake. o v. (fig.) to get under one's control.
(fig.) ready proof. D D v. (lit.) to be handcuffed; (fig.) to be arrested by the police
on a criminal charge. v. (fig.) to become very haughty or to become very proud of
one's power or authority. D (fig.) a shot in the locker once thrown will
not come back. v. (fig.) to throw away one's fortune. D, D n. a handcuff.
D o v. to handcuff. n. a handsaw. a. stingy, niggardly, closefisted.
a. having one's arm or arms amputated; armless; (of shirts, blouses etc.), sleeveless. n. pocket
money. a. empty-handed; wearing no ornament in one's hands; having all one's money
exhausted, broke; having no work on hand. a. given to spending profusely, lavish;
bountiful. n. a hand-note, a note or a sum of money borrowed; a chit; a short note or
letter. D a. out of possession or control, lost, out of hand. n. a beckoning with the hand.
o v. to beckon with the hand. n. stinginess; frugality; pilfering habit. D v. to grope; to
appropriate to oneself; to misappropriate. n. clapping of hands. o v. to clap one's
hands. n. a thing obtained out of another's favour; a charitable gift. a. very obedient to.
- a. utterly helpless; inescapably bound to. - v. (fig.) to throw or fling
to the jaws of death whence escape is impossible; to con sign to utter misery. o v. to
change hands. ? n. a small box esp. for keeping money and other small valuables, a cash box, a
handbox. n. a hand-grenade. a. close-fisted, stingy. n. gloves. n. reputation for
efficiency (esp. of physicians, lawyers, artisans etc.). n. a handle. i n. good
marksmanship. i n. skill of the hand; sleight of hand; deftness in pilfering with the hand; the
state of being light fingered.

[ ht
] n limits; area, confines, precincts (D )

[ ht
] n a ladle; a sleeve (of a coat, shirt etc.). v. to ladle out. a.
having sleeves up to wrists. a. having sleeves up to elbows only.
[ htn ] v to seize or to take possession of (esp. by cunning); to appropriate to oneself;
to misappropriate, to defalcate; to rummage with the hand; to handle.
[ hthti ] n a scuffle with hands, a hand-to-hand fight. a. hand-to-hand.
Di a battle-royal.

[ hti
] a (used as a sfx.) measuring so many cubits ( ); directed towards the right
or the left hand.

[ hti
] n the elephant; (fig.) a very corpulent or hefty or bulky or gigantic person.
v. to keep an elephant; (fig.) to employ or keep somebody who entails tremendous expenditure
for the employer or keeper. an elephant's feed; (fig.) an enormous feed. a
tusk. D a trunk.
[ htira ] n a hand-weapon or handtool; a weapon; a tool. n a. carrying arms on one's
person, armed.
[ htila ] n a stable for housing elephants.
D [ htiun ] n artichoke.
D [ htu i ] n a hammer.
D [ htu ] a quacksalving, charlatanic. n. a quacksalver, a quack, a mountebank, a
charlatan. D a quack physician, a quack. n. quackery, mountebankery,
mountebankism, charlatanism.
[ ht ] adv by hand; at hand; ready to hand; on hand. - adv. first hand; by direct
practice and training. D n. the sacrament of initiation into one's studies, first lesson in writing to
a child; (fig.) initiation into a work; commencement of apprenticeship or the initial stage of
learning (a trade etc.). D a. handmade; (fig.) brought up or built (up) by oneself. adv. in the
very act of doing, red-handed. s o to be blessed with an unexpected stroke of luck. -
adv. from hand to hand; red-handed; directly; readily, promptly (- )
[ hn ] v to drive (a weapon etc.), to strike with, to shoot ( ); to cast, to dart ( );
to flash ( ). n. an attack (= ); a raid ( ). a. haunted (by an evil spirit).
o v. to raid; to haunt. n. a raider. D n. a haunted house. n. mutual fighting, dash.
[ hni ] n destruction; loss, damage, impair ment; a harm, an injury. v. to destroy; to
damage, to impair; to injure. i (there is) no harm. a. causing loss, destructive; damaging,
impairing; harmful, injurious.
[ hpara ] n a furnace (esp. of a smith), a forge; bellows, a blower.
[ hpitya ] n very greedy or eager expectation or longing; (erron.) regret or
repentance. v. to long for or expect very greedily or eagerly; to regret or repent.

[ hpusa
] a streaming with tears ( ).

[ hpusa
] int indicating: the sound of eating noisily. : int. indicating; quick repetition
of the aforesaid sound.
[ hpha ] a half. -Di n. a kind of Bengali song-tournament. -? n. a demi-rep. -
n. a ticket (of railway, cinema, theatre etc.) issued at a concessional price to children, a
concessional ticket. - n. a half holiday; work or wages for half the usual daily working
hours, half time (also -).
[ hba ] n an artistic gesture or attitude or pose. n. gestures and deportment; demeanour.
[ hbal ] a dull-witted; idiotic.
[ hbai ] n an Abyssinian; an African negro.
[ hb ] a devoid of the power of speech, dumb; dull-witted, stupid, idiotic; boobyish.
a lubberly lout, a booby, a clodhopper, a dolt, a num skull, an idiot (also ).
[ hbiladra ] n an Indian sergeant, a havildar.
[ hbuubu ] n alternately rising above and going under water (as done by a drowning
person), fidgety struggle of a drowning person to keep above water; (fig.) struggle to escape
something, deep engrossment or involvement ( ). o v. to struggle with
fidgetiness to keep afloat; (fig.) to be deeply engrossed, to be over head and ears.
[ hbli ] n a building; a residential house; a row or cluster of residential houses; huts,
, [ hbhta, hbht ] n one without means of procuring one's daily food; (fig.) an
utterly indigent or wretched person. a. having no means to procure one's daily food; utterly
indigent or wretched.

[ hma
] n measles.

[ hma
] pro (obs. & poet.) I.
D, D [ hmaba , hmaba ] a considering oneself the chief of all, self-important,
self-con ceited, egotistic(al); bumptious.
[ hmal ] n an attack; an assault; a raid; a riot; a row. v. to launch an attack or
assault or raid (upon); to riot; to kick up a row.
[ hmaln ] v to low loudly for the calf (as by the cow).
, gD [ hm, hmgu i ] n movement on all fours, crawling. , gD o v. to
move on all fours, to crawl.
[ hmna ] n an iron mortar. ? n. mortar and pestle made of iron.
[ hmma ] n a bathing establishment, a Turkish bath, a hammam.
[ hm ] adv always; often.
m [ hmb ] int. & n the noise made by cows, low.
m [ hmbira ] n an Indian musical mode.
[ ha ] int.. expressing: regret, remorse, etc.; alas, ah. v to utter repeatedly exclamations of
regret, remorse etc.; (cp.) to beat the breast. alack-a-day, alack.
[ hana ] n a calendar year, a year; an era.
[ h ] n bashfulness; modesty.

[ hra
] n defeat. n. defeat and victory. , s v. to ac knowledge defeat.

[ hra
] n a necklace; a wreath; a string; (math.) division; (loos.) rate or proportion.
n. the rate of exchange. adv. at the rate of. rate per hundred, percentage.
[ hrakta ] n (in a game) the defeated team.
[ hramniama ] n a harmonium.
[ hr ] v to be defeated; to lose (as in a game). a. (in comp.) having lost, deprived of,
bereft of (, ), bereaved of, -less ( = motherless).
[ hrn ] v to defeat, to vanquish; to lose, to miss ( , ); to be lost or
missing. a. lost, missing. pp n. what has been lost and what has been found, lost and found.
t a. missing link or clue.
[ hrma ] a any unholy or forbidden thing or creature according to Muslim scriptures; a
boar, a swine. , n. (abusively) a pig, a swine, a scoundrel. fem.
[ hrhri ] a proportionate; average; prorata.
[ hri ] n defeat, vanquishment.
[ hrikna ] n a hurricane lantern.
- [ -hr ] a (used as a sfx.) taking away, robbing; fascinating.
[ hrma ] n a harem.
[ hrdika ] a relating to the heart; cordial; tender, affectionate.

[ hla
] n a helm, a rudder. v. to steer.

[ hla
] n a plough; a metal hoop, a tire. , o v. to plough, to till.

[ hla
] n condition, state; circumstances. a. present, current; modern. see
n. condition and symptoms; trend; attitude and gestures; character and conduct. D o to
give up, to resign or surrender in despair. to steer, to be at the helm of, to take the
leadership. adv. recently, lately, of late. right royal condition; extremely happy state.
[ hlak ] a not heavy, light ( = light metal); of short weight; easily digested (
= light meal); easy; mild; gently blowing ( o); unimportant, negligible, frivolous
( ); airy ( ); care free ( ); light (in all the fore going senses). v.
to lighten; to reduce the amount of ( ); to disburden, to relieve ( ).
g to take or treat lightly.
[ hlka ] a harassed or fatigued.
[ hlla ] a holy or permissible according to Mohammedan scriptures. n. the system of
killing a beast by cutting its clavicle, as prescribed by Mohammedan scriptures.

[ hli
] n a ploughman.

[ hli
] n a helmsman, a steersman.
i [ hluikara ] n one who makes sweetmeats, a confectioner.
[ hluma ] int indicating: (facet.) the roar of a tiger.
[ hlu ] n a kind of porridge made by frying cornflour and then boiling it with sugar.
[ hi ] n the embroidered border of a woolen wrapper, shawl etc.
[ hsa ] n a laugh; a smile.
, [ hsanuhn, hsanhn ] n a species of very sweet-scented white flower
that blooms in the evening, the night jasmine, Cestrum noeturnum.
[ hsaptla ] n a hospital.
[ hs ] v to laugh; to smile; (fig.) to be illuminated, to brighten up (+ ); to
taunt, to ridicule, to deride ( ). v. to make one laugh or smile; to cause to ridicule
or deride; to be an object or butt of ridicule or derision ( ). v. to laugh over;
to ridicule or de ride; to continue to laugh; to upset the calmness of; to laugh together derisively.
uD, uD o v. to laugh away, to laugh, to scorn. adv. in an easy manner,
in a happy-go-lucky manner; playfully. adv. smilingly.
[ hsi ] n a laugh; laughter; a smile; ridicule or derison; (fig.) brightness ( ).
o v. to feel inclined to smile; to feel inclined to smile a derisive smile, to feel inclined to
laugh in one's sleeves. t an object or butt of ridicule or derision, a laughing-stock.
a ridiculous or ludicrous affair. r n. smiles and tears; tearful smiles; tears of joy; joy and
sorrow mixed together; alternate joy and sorrow. n. gaiety, liveliness, jollity, vivacity. a.
gay, lively, jolly, cheerful, vivacious. T, n. banter, badinage. T , v.
to enjoy a light and lively chat; to poke fun at, to make fun of, to pull one's leg. n. a smiling
face. adv. with a smiling face; happily, gladly; ungrudgingly; willingly. an object
of ridicule, a laughing stock. n. a funny tale, a comic story, a humorous story. a.
smiling; bright; charming; pleasant.
[ hsin ] a. fem (used as a sfx.) smiling or laughing ().
[ hsila ] a performed, accomplished; fulfilled, realized. v. to perform, to
accomplish; to have something fulfilled; to contrive, to realize.
[ hsya ] n a laugh; laughter; a smile. , a. laughable, ridiculous; ludicrous, comical;
farcial; humorous. , n. wit and fun; pleasantry; buffoonery; banter, badinage;
humour. a. smiling; pleasant; happy. fem. same as a. brightened with
smile, beaming. n. (rhet.) the sentiment of mirth, the comic. t a. comical;
humorous. t a farce; a comedy. n. a comic actor, a comique. a. witty;
jocose; humorous. n. a witty or jocose person, a wit; a buffoon; a writer of comic stories,
plays etc.; a humorist; a comic actor or singer, a comique. v. to suppress or check
laughter; to restrain the impulse to laugh. ^ same as t (see ). a.
brightened with smile, lit up with smile. +, same as
-s [ h-hatsmi ] int alas, I am undone! alas, I am lost!
[ hh ] int indicating: the noise of loud lamentation, grief, affliction etc.; emptiness,
vacuity; desolation; the noise of guffaw. v. to lament or grieve or wail loudly; to be
empty or desolate; to guffaw. o v. to burst into loud lamentation or wailing or into a
guffaw. n. loud lamentation or wailing. v. to lament or be wail loudly.
-: [ h-huta ] n profound regret or repentance. -: v. to regret or repent deeply.
, [ hi, hia ] n asafoetida.
-- [ hi-i-cha ] n (sarcas.) meaningless gibberish resembling Sanskrit words in sound.
[ hisaka ] a given to killing or harming others; malevolent; malicious, spiteful; envious,
, [ hisana, his ] n killing, slaughter; malice; spite, malevolence; (loos.) envy,
jealousy. a. that which is to be or ought to be killed; that which is to be or ought to be
envied, enviable. v. to kill, to slay; to harm; to malice; to envy, to be jealous of. t
a. killing, slaying; malicious, spiteful, malevolent; envious. same as
[ hisita ] a killed, slain; harmed; maliced; (loos.) envied.
, [ hisuka, hisu ] a envious, jealous; spiteful, malicious.
, [ hisra, hisraka ] a cruel, ferocious; killing others; murderous. a
ferocious animal; a beast of prey. n. cruelty, ferocity, act of killing others.
D [ hinca n ] v to drag or graze forcefully; to trail along forcefully.
[ hikamata ] n power; might, strength; ability; efficiency.
[ hikk ] n a hiccup. v. to hiccup.
, [ higula, higuli ] n the red sulphide or mercury, cinnabar; vermilion.
, [ hijari, hijar ] n the Mohammedan era counted from 622 A.D., hegira, hejira,
[ hijala ] n a kind of tree, the Indian oak, the Barringtonia acutangula.
- [ hijali-bdma ] n cashew-nut.
[ hijibiji ] n an illegible and worthless or meaningless writing or drawing, a scribble, a
scrawl. a. illegible and worthless or meaningless. v. to scrawl. v. to
scribble, to scrawl.
D D [ hi hi ] int indicating: rapid and violent dragging along or falling down; the noise
of such dragging or falling.
D [ hi ika ] n passing popular excitement or trend ( D); mad rush (
D); a great pressure ( D).
[ hita ] n good, benefit; well-being, weal, welfare. a. good, beneficial, salutary,
wholesome. an attempt to do good resulting in a great harm. same as
same as a. same as (a.). fem. n. well-wishing.
v. to wish one good. a. well-wishing. a. same as (a.). n. a benefactor. fem.
a. telling beneficial or salutary words; giving beneficial ad vice or good counsel. fem.
v. to do good to; to benefit; to promote the well-being of. same as
, same as fem. n. good and evil; right and
wrong. j n. knowledge of ascertaining or differentiating good and evil or right and
wrong. v. to discriminate between good and evil or right and wrong. n.
desire or disposition to do good (to); benevolence. a. desirous of doing or disposed to do
good (to.); benevolent. fem. n. salutary or beneficial or good advice or
teaching. a. giving salutary or beneficial or good advice or teaching; didactic.
n. & a. one who gives salutary or beneficial or good advice or teaching.
n [ hindi ] n the Hindi language; Hindi.
[ hindu ] n a Hindu; Hindus (also ); Hinduism (also ) a. of Hindu ism or
Hindus, Hindu. m a. Hindu. n. (usu. sarcas.) practices and rites and sacraments of
Hinduism. n. the Hindu community or society.
[ hindushna ] n Hindusthan, Hindosthan, In dia. a. Indian; inhabiting Upper or
Central India; of Hindusthan. n. the mixed dialect of Upper India, Hindusthani; an inhabitant
of upper or central India.
n [ hindla ] n swinging; a swing; the festival of or swinging; an Indian musical mode.
[ hibnm ] n (Mus.) a deed of gift.
< [ hibru ] n the Hebrew race, Hebrews; a He brew (fem. Hebrewess), a Jew (fem. Jewess); the
Hebrew language, Hebrew.
[ hima ] n winter; snow; frost; dew; coldness, the cold; chill. a. cold; cool. D v. dew
is collecting. n. win ter, (cp.) cold weather. n. the Himalayas. n. a cold store; cold
storage. n. a hail-storm; a blizzard. v. to ward off or prevent cold. n. a
glacier. n. (geog.) either of the frigid zones, a frigid zone. n n. freezing mixture. n. the
snow-line. n. hail stone; an iceberg. a. frigid; icy; ice-cold. n. an iceberg. n.
glaciation. n. a superior quality of mango; a kind of brain cooling medicinal oil. n. the
moon. n. advent of the cold season or of winter. n. freezing point. n. a body
bereft of blood-heat (that is, in a state of collapse); a frozen body; a lifeless body. a. having
any one of the aforesaid bodies. , n. the Himalayas. n. a collection or mass of
snow or hoar frost; snow-ice; (loos.) ice. n. a refrigerator. n. refrigeration. a.
refrigerated. v. to refrigerate. n. the Himalayas. a. cold; very cold.
m [ himmata ] n power, might; valour; courage; spiritedness, spirit.
[ himaima ] n extreme exhaustion or fatigue; trouble; bewilderment. o v. to be
almost fainting with exhaustion or fatigue or harassment; to cower in fear etc.; to be in deep
waters or great difficulties.
[ hiraa ] n gold. a. golden coloured.
[ hiranmaa ] a made of gold; golden-coloured; golden.
[ hiraya ] n gold. a. full of gold, auriferous. n. Brahma (bh).
[ hirkasa ] n iron sulphate, green vitriol; copperas.
l [ hill ] n (discovery of) a means or method to work out or solve (a l); (discovery of)
a remedy ( l); disposal ( l); arrangement ( l); provision (
l); providing with an employment ( l); settlement ( l); trace ( l).
l [ hillla ] n a wave; a swing; a wavy or swinging motion.
_ [ hishis ] int indicating: repeated or continued hissing or fizzing sound. _ v. to
hiss, to fizz.
[ hisiri ] n hysteria. g? a. hysteric, hysterical.
[ hihi ] int indicating: violent shivering in cold; giggling noise. v. to shiver in
cold. v. to giggle.
[ hna ] a devoid of; divested or deprived of; destitute of; lacking, bereaved of; -less (
= sinless); base, mean; vile, hateful; lowly, depressed; inferior; lower ( ); lowered,
degraded; humiliated; humble; undignified; poor, indigent ( a); miserable; decreased or
diminished; dull, dim. v. to debase; to lower, to degrade; to humiliate; to make poor or
indigent. a. doing vile or hateful deeds; employed in a lowly or base work. t a. depraved;
mean-natured. a. mean-minded. a. low-born. a. belonging to a lowly or depressed or
vile caste or race. n. privation, absence; lack; meanness; vileness, hatefulness; low state,
depression; inferiority; humiliation; humility; indignity; poverty; misery; shortage. a.
indicating meanness; disgraceful; undignified. p; a. mean-natured, of an ignoble character;
small-minded. p a. lack lustre; dim. a. weak; feeble; weakened, enfeebled. d a. having evil
or vile thoughts. n. a vile or lowly occupation or calling. a. employed in a vile or lowly
occupation. , a. mean-minded; suffering from inferiority complex. n. inferiority
complex. n. one of the two Buddhist sects. a. poor, indigent; low-lived; in a miserable
state. n. poverty, indigence; a low life; a miserable or wretched state.
, [ hraka, hr ] n diamond. - a glass cutter. diamond ore, a diamond
mine. (fig.) great sharpness or keenness or acuteness of mind, intelligence etc. D
D keenness of mind is dulled in the company of fools. n. diamond-
dust, diamond-powder. n. diamond-jubilee; diamond anniversary.
[ hrmana ] n (folk-tales) a traditional name of a talking popinjay.
:i [ huila ] n a wheel; a fishing-rod having a wheel fixed to it for ravelling thread in and out.
: [ hu ] int indicating: acknowledgment, acceptance, assent, consent, willingness, doubt etc.; yes,
: [ huma ] n consciousness; sensibility; sensation; feeling or perception; good sense;
cautiousness, caution. : o v. to regain consciousness or sensibility or sensation or power of
feeling or perception; to come to one's senses; to become cautious. : a. cautious,
circumspect, on the alert. : n. caution; cautioning; cautiousness.
: [ huka ] n a hook. n. a hook-worm, ankylostoma.
:, :k [ hukamata, hukumata ] n authority; rule; government.
:k [ huukuma ] n an order; a command; an injunction; permission. :k v. to order; to
command; to enjoin. :k v. to issue an order or command or in junction. :k
v. to carry out or execute an order, to comply with an order. :k o v. to give an
order; to command; to issue an injunction; to give permission, to permit. :k see
(in the army & police) who comes there; a call of challenge by a sentry. n. a written order, a
writ of command; a warrant; a permit. n. person who carries out order.
: [ hukra ] n a roar; a menacing shout or cry. : D, : o, (poet.) : v. to roar; to
utter a menacing shout or cry.
:, : [ hujuga, hujuka ] n a passing popular excitement or trend; a fashion esp. a passing
one; a rumour. : D v. to spread a rumour. : v. to raise a rumour. : v. to
participate (or involve oneself) madly in a passing popular excitement or trend. : a. given to
participating madly in a passing popular excitement or trend; given to accepting madly a passing
fashion; given to indulging in rumours.
: [ hujura ] n a term for addressing a prince, a judge, a master etc.; Your Majesty, Your
Highness, Your honour, My Lord, Your Excellency, Your Reverence, Sir etc.; a master, an
honoured person; the presence of a prince, judge, master etc. (: ).
: [ hujjata ] n altercation; a dispute; a hubbub, a row; a trouble, a quarrel. : v. to
raise a dispute; to create a row or trouble. : a. given to create a row; troublesome; rowdyish;
: [ hua kar ] adv rashly or abruptly; hastily.
:, : [ huapa, hupi ] n noisy playing or frisking in sport. : v. to play or
gambol noisily.
:D [ hu ] n a crowd; disorderly crowding and mutual shoving. :D v. to crowd and shove
one another in a disorderly manner.
, :D
[ hu k
, hu k
] a. fem afraid of cohabiting with one's husband; shunning
one's husband's company.
, :D
[ hu k
, hu k
] n a latch, a bolt. :D , :D o v. to latch, to bolt.
:DD [ hu mu ] int indicating: movement in a crowd shoving one another; sudden
crumbling down of a large and heavy object. :DD D v. to crumble down noisily, to
fall with a crash.
:D [ hu uma ] int indicating: disorderly or sudden or noisy movement. D int. indicating:
repeated disorderly or noisy movement.
[ huta
] n an expression of dejection. worry, dismay etc. : adv. through fright or
, : [ huta
, hutana ] n fire; the firegod; sacrificial fire.
:+ [ hudd ] n jurisdiction; precincts (of a building.)
:, : [ hunari, hunuri ] n one skilled in handicrafts. a. relating to handicrafts.
: [ huni ] n a bill of exchange; a bank-draft; a note of hand. : , : o v. to issue a
bill of exchange. : v. to cash a bill of exchange. g n. a drawer. p n. a drawee.
: [ hup ] int indicating: the whooping cry of the monkey; the noise of sudden leaping;
suddenness. : suddenly (and rashly).
: [ hupi ki ] n whooping cough.
:: [ hubahu ] a identical; exactly similar. adv. exactly.
: [ humaki ] n a threat; intimidation. : o v. to give a threatening, to threaten, to
intimidate, to utter a threat.
:D [ huma i ] n coming near to falling prone whilst walking or whilst attempting eagerly to
approach somebody or get something; stumbling. :D o v. to come near to falling prone
whilst walking or whilst attempting eagerly to approach somebody or get something; to stumble.
: [ hurar ] int indicating a loud joyous clamour or shout.
: [ huri ] n a fairy.
: [ hula ] n an antenna, a sting. : , : v. to sting.
: [ hulashla ] n a tumultuous confusion, a great hubbub or commotion, a turmoil. :
a tumultuous affair.
:: [ hulhuli ] n a commotion, a tumult; a sound made by Hindu women by moving their
tongues within their mouths on festive occasions.
: [ huli ] n a police circular containing the description of personal features of an
absconding criminal and asking the public to help in his apprehension.
:, : D [ hul, hul b la ] n a tomcat.
:lD [ hull ] n a hubbub or tumult raised by a crowd; revelry.
:_ [ hus ] int indicating: the noise of quick movement or emission. :_-:_ int. indicating:
repeated :_ noise.
:: [ huhu ] int indicating: the noise made by a strong wind or by a powerful flame of fire; the
state of affliction, dejection etc. ( :: ).
- [ hta ] a robbed, looted, plundered; stolen. s a. robbed of everything, robbed of all one's
possession; utterly ruined. - a. deprived of one's right or possession or office or privilege,
dispossessed; ousted; dismissed, cashiered.
- [ ht ] n the heart. n n. the inmost part of the heart, the bottom of one's heart, the
bosom. same as -M ^, ~ n. throbbing of the heart esp. in fear, palpitation;
heartbeat. n. the heart. n. anginapectoris; (pop.) heartache. ^n n. heartbeat.
- [ hdaa ] n the heart; the mind; the bosom. g a. captivating the heart, very pleasant or
charming. - v. to feel deeply; to understand or grasp, to realize. a. born of or
originating from the heart. s n. the heartstring. a. melting the heart; pathetic, touching.
n. the heart conceived as a piece of canvas for painting. l n. a husband; a lover; a sweet-heart
fem. l a. wife. a. large-hearted, magnanimous; sympathetic; hearty. , , a.
heart-rending; heart-breaking, pathetic; cutting to the quick. , n. heartache, grief,
affliction; heart-burning, secret grudging. n n. the heart conceived as a shrine; the sacred and
secret abode of the heart. ^ a. touching or moving the heart; very appealing or pathetic. a.
heartless, extremely unfeeling; merciless. n. heartlessness. - n. the heart conceived as
the sky, the expanse of the heart. - n. emotion; excitement; outburst of emotion. - n.
the heart conceived as a seat. - - n. the lord or master of one's heart; a lover; a
husband. n. fem. - the mistress or lady of one's heart; a wife. - n. a great outburst of
emotion, unrestrained outpouring of thought and feeling.
- [ hdrga ] n heart disease, cardiac complain, cardiac arrest; (cp.) coronary thrombosis.
- [ hdagata ] a lying in the inmost recesses of one's heart.
- [ hdya ] a captivating the heart, pleasant; dear to the heart; cordial; sincere, hearty; loving,
amicable. n. pleasantness; cordiality; sincerity, heartiness; love; amicability.
- [ hika ] n Vishnu (); Narayana (); Krishna ().
- [ ha ] v delighted, gladdened; glad, cheerful, joyful, happy; pleased. adv. with a happy
mind; gladly, cheerfully, joyfully, happily. a. cheerful and burly, buxom, happy and plump.
i [ hi ] int (pop.) indicating: earnest solicitation or appeal.
i [ hmi ] int a call to exertion as in heaving, (cp.) heave ho.
, - [ hncak, hyncak ] n a sudden tug or pull. a. sudden and forceful.
[ hnjipnji ] a most ordinary, of no importance, negligible. a man in the
street; (cp.) the rabble.
[ hna ] a bent down, bowing down (), bending down one's head, stooping (
p). n. the underneath, bottom ( ). to hang one's head from shame.
D [ hn ] a large and flat like an urn (D ); deep and harsh, croaking (D ).
[ hntla ] n a tree akin to the palm. a stick made of the timber of the aforesaid
[ hmli ] n a riddle, an enigma, a puzzle.
[ hmla ] n a kitchen-room of a residential building, a kitchen.
[ ha ] n the head; intelligence, understanding. a. (in. comp.) chief, head. z , n. a
head clerk. n. a headmaster.
[ htu ] n reason, cause; origin; the final cause; purpose; (log.) the argument for deduction;
one of the five members of a syllogism in Indian logic. ei because of this, by this reason; by
virtue of this; on account of this; for this purpose. n. act of showing cause; mention of the
cause; argument, reasoning; the preamble of a law. n. (phil.) teleology.
[ [ htbbhsa ] n a fallacy.
, [ hth, htha ] adv (poet.) here.
[ hdn ] v (sl.) to become extremely distressed for being separated from one's lover or
from an object very much longed for, to desiderate.
[ hd ] int (obs.) used in addressing, O.
[ hna ] a such, such like, like.
?, [ hnast, hnash ] n slight, neglect; (coll.) distress; (coll.) harassment.
[ hn ] n a very sweet-scented flower or its plant, the henna.
[ hp ] n a troublesome burden or charge. , v. to bear a troublesome
burden or execute a troublesome charge, (cp.) to bear the brunt of.
, [ hpjata, hphjata ] n custody, charge, care. o v. to commit to
the cus tody or charge or care of.
[ hma ] n gold a. (in. comp.) made of gold; golden. a. having golden lustre or
[ hmanta ] n the season occurring between autumn and winter comprising the months of
Kartik ( ) and Agrahayana (ag).
[ hmga ] a having a golden complexion; having a body made of gold. fem. ,

[ hmbha ] a having a golden glow or radiance.
[ ha ] a fit to be cast off; contemptible; despicable; slighted; base, vile; hateful; abject. j
n. contempt, slight; neglect. j v. to regard as contemptible, to slight; to neglect; to be little,
to take a dim view of.
[ hraphra ] n alteration or modification esp. to a slight degree; (slight) difference;
(accts.) manipulation (as in a balance sheet). v. to alter or modify or differentiate (esp.
slightly); (accts.) to manipulate.
[ hr ] v (poet.) to behold, to see.

[ hl
] v to slant, to lean or incline to. a. slanting; leaning or inclining to. d adv.
swingingly sideways, swingingly, in waddling fashion.

[ hl
] n contempt, slight; disdain; neglect; ease. v. to treat with contempt, to
slight; to despise; to neglect. adv. with ease, without effort; through negligence or
carelessness ( ).
[ hlna ] n slanting, slant; leaning (o ).
[ hln ] v to cause to slant or to lean or incline to. a. slanting, leaning or inclining
[ hlphl ] n utter contempt or slight or disrespect or neglect. v. to slight
or disrespect or neglect utterly. adv. without any effort; negligently.

[ hl
] a one who ploughs; used in ploughing ( ). n. a ploughman; a bullock for
the plough.

[ hl
] n a species of small non-venomous snake.
[ hlc ] n a kind of water-cress, Hingtsha repens.
?? [ hstansta ] n finalization; final settlement. ?? v. to finalize; to settle finally; to
see through.

[ haima
] a relating to the cold season or winter; cold; wintry.

[ haima
] a made of gold, golden; gold-coloured, aureated, golden; pertaining to gold,
, [ haimanta, haimantika ] a of the season. fem.
[ haimabata ] a Himalayan. n. Goddess Durga (d).
[ h ] int ho, O; oh, ah.
[ hncaa ] n a stumble. o v. to stumble; to stumble over something.
[ hntak ] a (dero.) corpulent; corpulent and dull-witted.
[ hndala ] a corpulent. -kk n. a cor pulent and dark-complexioned man.
[ hla ] n a hotel; an inn; (loos.) an eating house. o n. a hotel-keeper, a hotelier; an
inn-keeper; (loos.) the owner or manager of an eating-house. fem. o
[ ht ] n a performer or a priest of a religious sacrifice.
t [ htra ] n an oblation, a sacrifice. t fem. of t a. relating to a religious
sacrifice; sacrificial.
, [ hth, htha ] adv (poet.) there.
[ hma ] n an oblation of fire into which ghee is poured. k n. a pit for making a sacrificial
fire. n. a cow whose milk is used in religious sacrifices. s n. the residual ashes of a
sacrificial fire.
- [ hmar-cmar ] a (sarcas.) prominent and influential and well-to-do, of high
status or established social position. - a big gun.
v, [ hmgni, hmnala ] n a sacrificial fire.
[ hmipythi ] n homoeopathy.
[ hr ] n (astrol.) an hour. j n. astrology.
[ hli ] n the Hindu feast of commemorating the throwing of red powder at one another by
Krishna () and the milk maids enamoured of him; the Hindu spring festival of spraying
coloured water; the holi.
[ hh ] int. & n the noise of a very loud laughter. o v. to burst into a
very loud laughter, to guffaw.
[ hauja ] n a large cistern or water reservoir.
- [ hyl ] a repulsively greedy esp. of food. , n. repulsive greediness esp. of food.
- [ hya ] n a hat. a. wearing a hat, hatted.
- [ hynana ] n a handwritten document of obligation to repay a loan, an IOU.
- v. to write out or issue an IOU.
- [ hyp ] n a troublesome burden or charge. - v. to bear a troublesome burden or
execute a troublesome charge, to bear the brunt of.
; [ hrada ] n a lake; a lagoon; a large pond. = a. lacustrian.
;s [ hrasba ] a short; small; dwarfish; low; low pitched; small in amount, little; abbreviated;
shortened; reduced; (gr.of vowels) short. j n. (fig.) common sense, gumption, nous. s n.
a short vowel. ;s n. shortening; abbreviation; reduction.
; [ hrsa ] n diminution; decrease; shortening; reduction; curtailment; waning. ; v. to
diminish; to decrease; to shorten; to reduce; to curtail. ; o, ; o v. to be diminished, to
diminish; to decrease; to be reduced or curtailed, to wane. pp a. diminished; decreased; reduced;
abated; wanted. d n. appreciation and depreciation, rise and fall ( ;d); waning and
waxing (+ ;d); aggravation and diminution ( ;d).
; [ hr ] n bashfulness, modesty. a. modest, bashful. fem.
;, ; [ hr, hrdhbani ] n the neighing of the horse, the neigh.
;, ; [ hlda, hldana ] n delight, gladness, joy. ; a. delighted, gladdened; joyful. ; n.
(Vaishnav phil.) God; Radha ().

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