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With decades of courts

denying the undeniable

b u r d e n p l a c e d o n
women when abortion
and birth control are
inaccessible, lets have a
Peoples Hearing that
bri ngs al i ve through
powerful statements and storytelling from many
voices what is actually at stake for women in the
battle for reproductive control. This event will be live-
streamed for the world to see. Invite a friend and
share the link for others to send in their stories.
Wednesday August 6
7:00-8:30 pm
Austin Centre, Room A100
3809 S 2nd St ,78704
Coat Hanger Protest
Thursday August 7
Governors Mansion
1010 Colorado St, 78701
Stand Up for Womens Lives
Forced Motherhood is Female Enslavement.
Abortion On Demand & Without Apology!
Monday August 4
Federal Courthouse
W 5th St at Nueces St, 78701
Peoples Hearing
On this day, a lawsuit is being brought by heroic
abortion providers to challenge two medically
unnecessary sections of HB2: one that will shut down
20 more abortion clinics in September, and one as
applies to two rural clinics that serve low income
women. In the nearby Republic Square Park, there
will be a prayer vigil of anti-abortion groups,
hoping and praying for what is ultimately the
continued and expanded enslavement of women.
Join the right side of this ght: confront this vigil
with the truth, exhort the court to do the right thing,
and raise our voices for womens futures and
womens lives!
When abortion is illegal, women die, and millions
more are forced to bear unwanted children. Rick
Perry signed the monstrous anti-abortion bill HB2 into
law last year, and has taken it upon himself to ensure
that dozens of abortion clinics in Texas are forced to
close, leaving women across the state in desperate
situations. Come join others who stand for womens
lives and liberation, and hold a coat hanger to
represent the world Rick Perry is ghting for. Hold the
face and name of a woman who died from illegal
abortion, and refuse to accept the unacceptable.
Join the Abortion Rights
Freedom Ride
August 4 - 7
Abortion on Demand &
Without Apology!

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