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Operational Efficiency: operational efficiency can be defined as the ratio between the input to run a business operation and

output gained from the business. When improving operational efficiency, the output to input ratio improves.
Inputs would typically be money (cost), people (headcount) or time/effort. Outputs would typically be money (revenue, margin,
cash), new customers, customer loyalty, market differentiation, headcount productivity, innovation, quality, speed & agility,
compleity or opportunities.
!perational "ffectiveness# $ny kind of practice which allows a business or other organi%ation to maimi%e the use of their inputs
by developing products at a faster pace than competitors or reducing defects, for eample. !perational effectiveness is often
divided into four components# &eading and controlling functional performance, measuring and improving the process, leveraging
and automating process and continuously improving performance.
$ctual output in a period '(( ) *aimum rated output.
+ead more# http#//,effectiveness.html-i%%./0n1!p'
External resource management originally pioneered by Toyota:
Toyota's waste minimisation techniques
Only produce what is pulled from the
customer just-in-time

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