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G N 1 ~ rpJ !

~~1J im~D/l~" r* J ;& "

#~~r,!l6\:tp T j ; - ~ ~ f f l ti~,: t E ~ 1ttJm 1tJ "
~~ ~"ttg::" #~,qJ l t ~ ~ ! 1mB ' , 1l J fF ~l O )il
f f l o
* m~#J i ; J 1I ! , $tJ l ri~* , 'l1:fi~~"9f, * . m
~~H#~m~~##J ~~~ ~, ~~~~o
*m :tE tfj r 1l l i ~: i i F n J *ff.J ~~ ~iJ t~, ~
~t t * m~~~~oo~~~~~m. ~~~
* 0
~T ~f f l Pi ; J 1I ! ~m~m~* m, * r ~
~~. ~~* * ~~, f t r m~~: t E ~m1l l i .
1r fm:lt!!I~ii*~,m ~ r t fto fiiJ l E f! ffJ ~.m*m , / ? J j
~~~. m~~~~. * ~$, f r mU~" 9f : l t ! ! ~
~ n~ ~ o
mediumspeed three-thread overlock sewing
machines are usually special machines for Knitting milis
and garment factories. used to perform overlocking in
sewing various knitted goods such as sweaters.cotton
jerseies.sweatshirts andwoolen goods. etc.
It is precise in construction,reliable in quality and
nimble in operation,Two thread overlcck stitch forms with
a needle andtwo loopers.
Before being dispatched by the factory,each machine
has been subjected to careful examination so as to ensure
that it meets the required specifications and is in perfect
working or-dr .
For its proper use and adequate maintenance,it s
recomended that the operator should read these
instructons carefully and follow the suggested usage and
method of are assured of t being brought in
a wonderful newworld of sewing.
-,fli1l~~it 1
=,=t~tt*.lt 1-2
.:::, *m~.-)j.:{!m1trt(.J j ll 3- 4
1.~t*'~Q i~ 3
2. ~:i: '"3
3. iM~~i;\4- 4
zg,{!m~~.:~ 6-19
1.1tJJJ #:i!. : 6
2. i!.tt;fJt~t;fptJt~ 7
3.&.1t;fJtAf.. 9-10
4. i,I!J-:p$t:it*J.t 11
5. 1,!l-:p 4t :it 1:1l. ...... .......... .. 11- 12
6.;f.rt..4t~~;;t~ 12
7./J,'ltit~~;;t~ 14
8::k. ~4t~~;;t~ 16
9. tJt!JJ{ f.J 7f"M;;fp~-*- 17- 18
10.1,!l-:PtJt~t.}:t.9;;t~ 18-19
,,tl#l~~tJ .. .... 20- 24
1.t:i.'tli!j.v;fp~1t} 20
2. ~~mltLJ])f 20- 21
3. Pf ~l!.jIJ!J;itff;fp~J.f;;t~ 24
t\,*i*IE~.i*~~~~mmUil 28- 31
-1:::;, 1Ift#~i'k#'" 40
Stitch Form , 1
Specifications '" '" 2
Preparations forUsinq the Machine 5- 6
1. Cleaning grease and dirt ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . 5- 6
2. Inspecting , ... ... ... ... .. ... . .. . ... 6
3. Lubrication and trial runs 6
Use and Adjustment 8- 20
1.0peration speed 8
2. Selecting the needle and thread 8- 9
3. Setting the needle 12 - 13
4. Regulating Stitch Length 13
5. Regulating Stitch Width 13- 14
6. Threading the Needle 14
7. Threading for die Small Looper 15
8. Threading for the Big Looper 16
9. Starting and Finishing Sewing 18
10. Adjusting the Thread to a Suitable Tightness .
........................................................... : 19 -20
Maintenance and Repair '" :.. 21 - 27
1. Routine Maintenance and Repair 21
2. Changing the Blade 22 - 23
3. Common Problems and their Solutions 25 - 27
List of Parts 32 - 39
Mode!' Accessories and spare Parts 40
- , ! t i f . t i ~~s\
Stitch Fonn
. = . t i mi t l t i i 2 t
Three thread overedge
::::iim ! i t t i r t E
Three thread overlock.
AtjlttJJ it&.: 300o-ft/mn
.k#i!.-!Jt.: U;-3.2mm
~it. .tt1:&.: 2.5- 4.5rnm
A k!Un)J . Jt.: s. ro tb;!k~ T ifJ !t#;9 4mrn
~#~-t: GN x l~ Nrn60-Nrn90
tt~~: 40- 80fJ - 4~*~A~~.;.tit~
~,*';~~J.J{. -t: 250 x 210 x 270rnrn ( E?.:if;~la)
~'*;t't': 1?14kg
t! lt
- s} }
30004t/min 250W
800- 15004t/min I50W
Max.sewing speed: 3000 r. p. m.
.Max.stitch length: 1.5 - 3.2mm
Overlock stitch width: 2.5 - 4.5mm
Max.thickness of material to be sewn: 4mm
Needle: GN xl Nm60 Nm90
Thread: 42- 801304 cotton thread and the like
Overall dimension of the head: 250 x 210 x 270rnm
(includng oil resevoir)
Netweight of the head: Approx14kg
Power of motor:
Sewing spccd Power
3,000 rprn 250W
~OOI,500rpm 150W
66 65 12 64 11 62
*mf i ~m-~~m. , . ~a~~~~n~I ~:
1) ~~AA~: ~*~ , ~1~~~*~. , ~~
~. ~~. 4 ~~. ~ . . ~~, ~*~. ~, ~~f t ~~*
~e~~M~*~~~~M, ~A~. ~~A~. ~~. M~
. ~~m*~~a~at ~~. ~~~*~~ .
2) . ~: ~*~*~~. t , ~. ~*~~~~~~~
1t~*~~ij/J~A:!Ib. p/f .:J..(f.~~~tbit. :J.$. j tF- i k . % ] ~ : ~- lt
_. *m+~ij/J~~, ~~*~M. ~~~~~~~~. ~~
~; iu BtFit ~(r!) jI'~~UJLgtY-~ : R~ JJll. t~ r?I~ ] ) .
~~;fr (~rol.ffi3.m-*Pfr-F) , *ftJ-tH'#;4~A, 1t~tb~A
~#~~#~~. ~g. m~~~~~*#*~~~.~.,
m~~~#~.~~B~.~#. ~~~~~.~a, #~~
2500H /min- ~H~~4'-~4t JL~-it. 1Ht~~~ff}, li3Ht i){.
t,~~'~ttt. ~~~t\3tm.
- 4-
Preparations for Using the Machine
Beforeusngthe machine for fue first time, the following
steps shouldbetaken after unpacking:
a)Cleaning grease and dirtBefore packing the head, all
the machine parts have been coated with grease to prevent
rust, it ma,y become hardened in storage or transport,
furthermore, dust may gather in the machne, so it s
necessary to clesn the grease and dirt fromthe surface and
- 5-
oil holes of fuemachine.
b.) lnspecting: The machine parts may become loose or
damaged after being subjected to strong shock in transporto
So after cleaning the grease and dirt, a careful inspection
should be made, meanwhile tuming balance wheel to make
sure that there are no trouble such as knockng, uneven
friction of rotatng, etc, if found proper adjustment should
rnakc.(machine installation seefig. of assembly)
c.) Lubrication and trial runs: Addthecleanspindle ol to
all places where need oiling (as is ndcated wth arrows in
Turn the balance wheel so as to allowthe oil to makc its
wayintotherunning part. Then wipeout the remaining ol out
-side and then make idle run al a Iowspeed. Ir the machne
runs smoothly, coruinue fue idIerun al ahigher speed of 2500
rprn for several minutes: After that, recheck all the parts,
Once you are satisfied that the machine is running properly,
youmay begin regular operation.
~1~*~B~*m. ~B~~*~m~~#_s
~A!ii2500'H/min, ~A1~*J L ~Jt~3@.*".'- 1)A.:6~1t
m,G, -"r1ttt'l-. Lf t a. ~ .j.~~jIJ30004t/min. ~a~tts. foJ~r
*U (J\!.1iJ 1>
- 6-
t~'M;f.;l{/.]t~;f+at, -&m GN x 112NrnfiO- Nm65{JLH.
tJ:.Wlt/.'j.flJtJ:#ut, /f](;N x 11'.!Nm75- Nm90{JLH.
~~~#ut, ~~S~~~_~. Lf t ~f I J ~*, ~*~
~~. *JL4t~lt, i~,G:fltt'l-;fJ L#lr1~.ft.J j.~#=r..t~U1HI1l.
t~#-t f.j: r.lU\f~A~
100-1201. it 1'3;(l 80-120/2;f* ~~ 60-65
801. it::t3;(l
80/2;f*~~ 65
6o1. 7t::t3;(l 60/3;f~H\ 75
60/3;f*~~ 75
; f J
.:E .

; f J 60/3;f*~~ 90
;l~~!ft 80/2**~li. 60-G5
r'121ttt ,~.A~;(l
60/3**~\ 65
tf *tt~.&.;f~A\'
42/3**~~ 75-80
+.ft- 9J.)pj
42/3**~li. 75-90
-1Uf .&.~ -t,;:J .;jt"k
42/3{*~li. 75-HO
off.. tf ~~-t, :k.;f' ..o/r. . 'PR.;(l
42/3;f~~~ 90-100
Use and Adjustment
1.0peration speed:
Toensure longer servicelife. at first themachineshould
berunat aspeed of not morethan 2500rpmsoastobreak it
in sufficiently. After use for a month, the speed may be
increased to appaox. 3000 rpm according to the material
being sewn. The machine balance wheel should be turned
toward theoutside(seeFig1).
2.Selecting the needle and thread:
Theneedles of typeGN-1Nm60-65areusuallyused reir
sewingsoft andthinmaterials, whileneedles of GN-l Nm75-
90are used for sewing tough and thick materals, Selecte a
needle suitable the thread required by the workpiece or
selecte a thread suitable for the needle required by the
The following table is suggested for your guidance,
showing the suitable threads and needles usually used with
different materials.
Material Thread Needle
120Count knitting Ior 80-120 count 2strand
undershirt cotton thread
80Count knitting for 80count 2strand cot-
undershirt ton thread
60COImtknitting Ior 60count 3strand cot-
undershirt ton thread
- 8-
42Count knitting Cor
Thinchemlcal libre
eotton cloth
Medium-Iong fibreand
eotton cloth
Khaki drills anddenim
Chemical libre and thin pure
woolen faney suiting
Chemineal libreandpure
woolencloth Ior overeoat,
;VAt~!.t!:~~i!Jt , .;l.~j
~'J fl1: V IJ -tft;ffi f.iJ
if.J~~JIAt.r , f fiJ ;64-{.;J P
;#J ::. ff flJ :J i ;Zj tiJ '. , ~ f i J l ' i 1 i
t*:f.-l!f3{.;J~~t.}, lfJtT~.t4
4c-:.tttMtatit~.i ~:
1) *JL4t lIJH#J ;ld~ {.;J J:. . 1 t
2) ~JtAtl]*~ (~~O lIJ
!HJLH~A1t;# , -1J}JfJ
Thread Needle
60eount 3strand
eotton thread
60count 3strand
eotton thread
60eount 3strand
eotton thread
8012 60- 65
60/3 65
42/3 75-80
42/3 75-90
4213 75-90
42/3 90-100
~*-T, .f;L gJ ::.~~~<tt Jl..:r.
~, Ej1}lJ~.
r~4H~tt1(Ji!.l!llOO4) , 1~:H
;ft.-*E~~?'-2 (Ji!.f!]4) , ~~*
&~;Jf1;-t-r.J*)At .
J 1..., 1tJt~~.Hf';L~.
- ~ ) E L iJ{.;J4*1f~.
~*4+*H*.l~-l!f3 {.;J :6~',t.
f ~Jt.#~J:.~, ar~;:l..JJHtl~~. ~-j;{.ajJ 4t~~~~;;;t
f oJ ~ ~. 1;~;Jf tJt.4H~)/}f o - A f oJ tiitt ~t, 1t'J ' 1"iU~i E.JJt !1!.
f ut*)LHrJ f~~A~t~!f."
- 10- l
#~~*~ar L~~~~~~a~~~~~~. ~f
~' ~*#~A~##~*~. ~~I ,~~m.~~s~.
*~foJ T~tHH~~~4T5 ( J iLl-tlfi) I -It*4tl!f i !l(H'T5i !T;Hf > ~*
i!~to-~,~k1f -1t* 7l 1i ': -t~~~i,b. i!1tyA.aryA~t*A tfti
M#~" *#~foJ*#~; ~#~foJX#i,b. ~~~*~~~
1H~i;f. ir5itt ~f.
i j ir..I~iti1!~J l:
~~~#~~4. ~mA~~~~~n~~~_~*~~
1.. ill)-;t!ft. ~;t~~:.f3-.J)*~~iT8 (J iLfEl) , ;jf .f 3-J7*Yx!
1;;1 ~iJ7 ,f Q..IO-~f oJ;G ,f~#J , ;'41f; m ~,zJ1.~t':T .J) **.f .4rll-lt Jf J
m f'
I<'i g)
+~8Tn*~~~~~.~Tn*~A~~~#~. ~~~
rJf'.t~~ :tf{(.-{;i.f.. jf-4t- T n **J~11~~~. .Ji 4+~n *9
~.~~~. 1t~n~1O{(...;;~~~TJi~.1..nJt 13*4+~n ~
*l4T8~~lf. .
~~ k<ttJ tJ tat, }1tTn*~t;~~~, -t-~J 'atJ !lj} ~
..~~~ .
~11~! t-**-at. -t;t~lf.JJif 1: . {(. ~ ! t-*J . k: *J ~14~*'}
( J\!. ffi 1) , ti,;; Jiftl-tI H JJ ULn{r!J -{;i .i.4+i.i, ! t-*J . k: 15,(f.lf,. JJif {(. ~
~I ~t ; A~. . #~?f t I ~~J i 4+. ! t ~~{( ' ~J . k: * J ~M~
~lf. .
6AJt.'H ~~~~
4H ~4ib*-,(f.~4ib&1:., ~Ji~Jf-t**~~~1Rik~~ ( J\!.
006) 16- 18- 19-20-21- 23-25;t;~ -26-27!f;00-4
3 Setting the needle:
After detennining theneedle andthread sizes for the
material being sewn,check to see if fue needle on the
rnachneistheproper size.
Tumbalance wheel (1) clock-wise frst a.sshown in
Fig. 1until the needle bar is inits hghest position. Loosen
fueneedle clampscrew (3) bytuming it dock wisewiththe
spanner (2) (Fig .4) supplied with t.he machine, and
exchange the needle (4) for a suitable one. machine,and
exchange theneedle(4) for asuitableone.
l.) Thestemof theneedle isinserten fullyas far as it
will gointotheendof theneedlebushing.
2.) Thelonggrooveof theneedle(i. e. thesidewithout
notch) facestheoperator.
After settng anewneedle, tighten the needle clamp
screw (3) withthespanner (2) bytuming it counter clock-
Skippingof anewneedlemayoccur because thenee-
dle clamp groove has been placed inthe wrong direction
Tum the needle clockwite slightly until the small looper
4.RegulatingStitch Length
Thestitch length canbe regulated according to the
requrements of theworkpiece, Turnthebalance wheel first
until the needle bar is inits highest position, then loosen
the stitch regulatng screw stud (5) by turnng it
counterclockwise with the spanner (2) supplied with the
machine (see Fig.5). Thenmove it together with the feed
liftinglink (6) alongtheslot of the feed regulater (7) so as
to obtainalonger or shorter stitch. Toobtainlonger stitch ,
movefuestitch regulatingscrew stud (5) outward; toobtain
ashorter stitch, moveit inward. Then retighten the stitch
Toregulate the stitch width, the positions both for
knife and loop nger have to be regulated at the same
time. First loosen thescrew (8) o the.knfeguard bracket
(shown in Fig.I ) and move the knife guard bracket (9)
together withtheknfs guard (10) totheright. Thenloosen
the srrew (11) of the lower knife holder with a
screwdriver and tum its adjusting screw(12) with the hand
so as to move the lower knife holder toward the left or right
side to reach the required position. Then tighten the screw
(11) of the lower knife holder. Finally, move the knife guard
bracket (9) to the left until the left endof the knife guard
(10) touches the upper blade (13) gently. Then tighten the
screw (8) of the knife holder.
To obtain a wider sttch width, move "the lower knife
holder' to the right: lo obtain anarrower sttch width, move
it to the left.
To regulate the loop finger on presser foot, loosen the
screw (14) of the loop finger on the presser foot first, then
move the loop finger (15) along the slot of the presser foot
toward the right or left sides, in accordance with the pos-
tion of the knife. After determinng its position, retighten
the screw (14) of the loop finger.
6. Threading the Needle (see Fig.6)
Place the bobbin on the spool pin and then thread in
order asindicated with arrows. (see Fig.6.)
16-+18-'+ 19-+20-+21-+23-+25right side-+26-+27
back r- d.
7J j\~~~~J J 5t
~#~A~##~*~A~~I , *~~~( ~OOl ) ~
~~~, ~~~. ~~~~, M~~~~~*~~*~~~
( J OO7- S)
34 33
7.Threading for the Small Looper
Tum the balance wheel until the needle bar is raised to
its highest position. Slidethe cloth plate (28) (see Fig. 1) to
the left, and place the bobbin on the spool pinoThen thread
in order as indicated with arrows. (see Figs. 7-S) 29-+30-+
4 3
~ + ; ; G~~44foJ""f.rr1t,foJ~r~4H~.a, 1~<tt:ft .L1fJ~Jit~'i
l'.,:re.~~$b~.(f~.fd}i.L,~$;fiff -5-itYd~foJ*ik.~~ (Yl- 00
8. Threading for the Big Looper
Pull down theright side cover (44). Turn thebalance
wheel clockwise until the needle bar rises to its highest
position, and place the bobbin on the spool pino Then
thread inorder asindicated witharrows. (seeFig.9)
42-+45-+46- 48-+50-+52 inside-+54-+52 outside-+
9.ti.t@ J ( t-J 1H~III ~tnR:
~~. ( f &~""f ~, *L~~~&~~; ; G~~~, ~$~""f &
~, .pj.1tMdit~.
~~w~.~~~mh$~~~~; ~~~~~~#. ~
.r,~4 fflt1k y~ t;.f :- l . ] ~ f oJ W lJ i.
ttw~%..~. .ild~~~-~, ~-tttt*.AA;,#'~AJ !t-J -.
~~~#tt; ~m.nA~B~I.]~~n ~- J - . ~T~~
~ . ~ tl J J f J 1- W If J TJ !t-J -. ~;l.~.i;i ~~-tt.
9.Starting and Finishing Sewing
W henstarting sewing, rst lif t upthepresser f oot with
the presser f oot lif ter or pedal, allowing the workpiece to
be placed under the presser f oot so as to keep the
workpiece 10 beplaced under thepresser f oot so as =.keep
theworkpiece parallel withtheright sideof thepresser f oot.
Thenput downthepresser f oot to beginsewing.
Insewing, no pressure- should be exerted to push or
pull the workpiece which needs only a gentle guiding in
order to go f orward intherequired direction.
Af ter each stitching is over, continue to sew without a
workpiece until the thread chain has f onned will help to
f asten the stitch. Then cut of f the chain with apair of sc s-
sors or the knif eand remove the workpiece. Besure not to
break thechainbypullingor theneedlewill bebent.
10.iJ !J :P~~r~~t(.]J J 5!:
~~m~.~.~~~#~, *~*k; . W~~~*
"* W , Elj j [f tt.t- ~~~ l . ] ,ti.filJ i4tii:.t.t, ~;l. -iftl ~ t.t. I.],f ,}~f
~.~.~~.~~~~.~, -.El~~~~L~~~
!~I.] tf j] ~ Jt ~ ~ $J ~1},~!"1ftl~ J .f .)J t>*:HW ~f ,f ~1tJ f J .
-j o*.tii~~;;~~~~~t~I.]~~,j X.ll}j k~4t ~J J {(.;.tJ :.
- 18-
(f lp~~~~l11.] ) ;k.'.fA,j'~4t~{(.;tJ :~ (f lPL1t~&.
;k.,f,}A,j,~-tt~I.] ;k.~f.
1}!] it~.f tlt *-, +~it~ l . ] ,f ,}.'.f ~, 1if 1~ m* _ *J
-l t59 ( J il.m7)
k,j' .-tt ~{(.;._,f ,}'.f :;f .Vt.t.Ht1}!]" J f ;. ~~U~~~~R~
~~I.]-tti:!:. :it.;t..~Y ii!--!Viftl ~~.f],f ,}'.t.. -.~-tt .I;
l . ] ~ . ){dYi.f:-* J t~ l . ] '.f $:f1.J l., ;f ~M~k. ,j'~4t .L l . ]
~~-'t mutl!.. ~~;; ~ .r,f 1: ~ l . ] ~ !t tf f}
10.Adjusting the Thread to a Suitable Tightness
Bef ore cornmencing regular sewing, it is necessary to
make atrial run inorder to adj ust thethreads to atightne-
ss suitable to the nature of the workpiece, since this will
greatly af f ect thesewingstitch.
A correct cross knot woven by the Three- Thread
Overlock industrial sewing machine should be interweaved
onthemiddleedgeof theworkpiece,
A stitch woven ontheupper edgemaybeattributed to
the thread tension of big looper (L e the thread on the
surf ace of workpiece) being too tight or the thread tension
of small looper(i. e. the thread on the back of workpiece)
be nglo loose.
A stitch woven onthelower edgemaybeattributed to
the thread tension of big looper being too loose or the
thread tension of small looper beingtoo t ght,
Thetension nut (59) (see Fig.7) canbeused to adj ust
- 19-
the tension of thread of the needle as well a the big and
If nosatisfactory stitches canbeobtained after adjus-
tng the thread tension on the big and small loopers, it is
necessary to adjust the thread tension on the needle. The
threads of thebigandsmall loopers will not beinterwoven
neatly on the middle edge of the wrkpiece unless the
thread of theneedleissufficientlytight.
l.g"m'tt!fUP ftl~ft
~~' t 1t l f l Bt, ffiji:~)1iJ ft!}~~ ~4,1'Bt~P)IiJ - ik. f j f l f l
)1J ~~hliJ ?tdYi~i'titft!} iltfJ t{J t.)IiJ , -iJ} &; 1tlfl J t1t!,)1J ?,f)IiJ ,?~1t
lfl~~~, ~~W~{J t.B~~m~
{J t.B~~~~, ~m~'t~#*~.~~lfl~~~,ffi~
~~. ~#~~f t ! }Z4~~~' t , L m~~~' t ~m~~, ~
Bt, 3-t?f1fJ l:.1tJ fli1tAt1T~~., 4M;t. M:J f;.
~--AHtiJL T, ~1-}) .B.l1tH-ik,l'~f't,~-f4-l1tH-
ik*~~k~~. *~~K$~-ik~lfl,ffi~k~~~~.
2. iJij itU JJ J ll}J J t (.w,IIJ 1) :
7t:fH~J] *~4J 8~t~, -1i-:f1f-tiJ] *9foJ;f~#J . #~-iJ} iiL
J] J t ~~*:kt7T:
#~~J]Jt, J fl~+foJ #5~J ] Aw~~~~,
ft~J] J t 13;fil~'rJ] J t 62. ~$ l f l +*t~.tJ tJ ] *.J 4J 63, - 1i -
l f l +:f1f~J] J t 13M.~J]&64~.#n~,J i$:f1fii+t~7t. ~$
#~TJ]Jt. R~mA+~~rJ] ~~, ~~*rJ]Jt~
~. TnX#~, ~~:f1f~~#J]Jt~~~*~~~.
~~Bt~~~#~~~J]~~~, *~J I:.~~~BtL~~k.
,;&~Bt1;~~-4IfnJ t .
J]Jt~~~~A~~~nJt~~~~Bt, ~~~~r n
J t.~~Bt. lfl+~rJ]Jt~.l1tTJ]4ft!}.~~,~n~
toH~66 ft!} ~ -f-tfJ - {.f--f-, -W&; ~i:Ht~{i.LL -f-tfJ . ~ J f] ti.
+:~TJ] &*!~65.
~~~nJ tBt, ~~~##J _A, ~##r *~A~~
I . ~-1i-mti.+ #5~J]Awft!}ti..tfJ,lfl+*~J]
Jt134tiA~J] &64ft!}~~~, 1t~J] J t 13~r J]J t 62-l-J :0.5
~*.m+*.J]~4J~~~. A~, :f1f-tiJ]*9~ti.#
#l. 1t4~J ]~10ft!}~~ ;tr~~~J] J t 13. **:gJ]**~4J
Maintenance and Repair
1.Routine Maintenance and Repair
If themachne isinconstant use, theoil positions will
havetobe lubricated once every 4hours. Cleanspindle oil
to be used. Never use any other lubricative oil, especially
vegetable oil of any kindor the service lifeof themachine
All parts of the machine should constantly be kept
clean. Aperiodical inspection of itstemperature lsalsonec-
essary. If any disorder or abnormal noise occurs, a careful
check and correction should bemade at once soas to avoid
allowing minor problems tobecomemajor ones.
Under normal conditions, minor maintenance should
be conducted every month, while cleaning and major
mantenance should be conducted once every six months,
Before usng for the first time after along period of idle, a
major maintenance andinspection will have tobemade.
2. Changing the Blade (se e Fi.g.1)
Loosen the screw (8) of the knife guard bracket and
move the knife guard bracket (9) to the right. The blade is
tobedismantled andmounted infollowing way:
Dismantle the upper blade first. Push lightly on the Ieft
end of the cover (60) of the upper knife with the left hand
until the upper blade (13) moves slightly from the lower
blade (62). Then loosen fue knife screw (63) with the right
hand. After that, take away the left hand fromthe cover of
theupper knife.
Then dismantle the lower blade. The lower blade (62)
can be extracted merely by loosening the nut (65) on the
lower knifeseat withtheleft hand.
Then regrnd thedismantled upper and lower blades on
afine grnding wheel. Care must be taken to retain the
original angleof the blade edgeand to prevent over heating
andannealing duringgrindng.
When mounting the reground or new blades, the lower
blade has to be mounted before the upper one. Insert the
lower blade (62) intotheslot of thelower knifeseat withthe
rght hand until the blade edge is-Ievel with but does not
exceed the upper surface of the throat plate (66). Then
tighten the nut (65) on the lower knife seat 'with the left
Theupper blade isto bemounted inthe following way.
Turn the balance wheel clockwise until the needle bar
lowers to.its lowest position. Then push lightly on the left
eridof the cover (60) of the upper knife with the left hand
and insert the upper blade (13) into the slot of the upper
knifeseat (4)"soas to make the upper blade (13) overlap by
O.5mmwith the lower blade (62). Tighten the knife screw
(~3) with the right hand. Fnally, move the knife guard
bracket (9) toward the left so as to make the left -end of
knife guard (10) (see Fig.1) touch gently against the upper
blade (13), and then tighten thescrew (8) of the knifeguard
'f~~i!ftl {r!J i\tf.f:
"f~~"1-fr!J ~~
~ix. ~J J l . jit:;
~~! 5 : J ~#*~~zJ J ;f?,J t~1:-iJ:7f*~~,4+~1:
A~iE$J b
A~~, flt7T1 ~-*l '*'.t
;fI !f~~~-t*.
4t~fr!J 1tm .
1J~it <D4Ht ij1~1i.i. ~iE$J b,
<D~iJ f~~itff ij
l l tAt fr!Jij1~;fIjf o J ~ l E
1~, ~fit]-*-iJ LaA-#
$J b;
~#-;fI #: !t;fJ Lit fr!J
Q): fJ Litfr!J4t ;JA~ eA~
"fI tJ , -H ;J &; )9.: .: 11 l E
$Jb~m*J L4tfr!J ~-%- AH-%-
Q)~~i,'f fr!J4t -%- ,iE
$J bfr!J~1J!.m: fJ L4t;
Q)7.1J t mit.
Q).bJ f&J : ..r7.1J t
<D4t-5 -;fI ~-%-~;fai!..EL; <D~m i!. ~~-5 -.
Q)4t .: J L-tArtA : fJ L4t~ i: ":.k.Q)~m i,'f: fJ L4t;
-l ; Q)~ mJt -.t .$xJ t fr!J
Q)~~J t-.t~*f;
~~~i~A fi1 ~:.k.-'.t; ~fit]*-iJ LajJ ;fi ;
~7.1 J t mit. ~~&J : .. T7.1J t
!l : ~J A.l !!f ~
4t :.k.;tlI.~A e..&49i
~J fJ iJ f: fJ L4t
.I .1t4hl l t,~~
~.t.p.: iJ l .I . tt #J
~~J 4X.~4ti: l l : ;fJ L4te..~ \l b, fl t7T1;fI jjtt
~miJ f*J L4t
l it49iJ.r-jj tt *
*~l ~Ai.
4t~jil }t .. {A;t iJ}jJr7.1J t e..t~mit, ~~ ~&A~~J : ..
tt * ~)9.: .: 11l E $J b1ftl ~ , fl
7.1Jt, ~iJ f~1fjj
t7T1 ;fIilJjJr!l fr!J1i.i. ~;f~i!. tt * ~fr!J1i.i. .
. E L .
- 24-
3.Cornrnon Problerns and their Solutions
robl ems
Possibl e cause
1. Thestitches 1. Dust or fibrehas
are uneven I gathered between
I th . d
or incorrect. E' tenson I SCS,
I making it impossi-
I bl e to cl amp the
2. Skip stitch . 2. (l )The needl e bar
is at improper
height and the
needl e is at an
improper height
and direction.
sol ution
1. Dismantl e the
tension discs
and get rid of
dust and fib-
2. (1) Readjust
theneedl e bar
to its proper
height. Refer
tothe method
of sel ecting
and setting
needl e height
in this manu-
al .
(2)The tip or stem I (2) Exchange
of theneedl e is the needl e for
bent, or tp is anewsuitabl e
dul l , The type typeand No.
and No. has
been incorrectI y
sel ected.
- 2-
Possible cause
3) Grind upper
and lower
-;1-1-h-p-n-e-e-.d-lf>-k.(1) Theneedle No.
thread I is not suitable
hreaks I for thread No.
I (2) Needle holeis

h.(l) Exchange
for suitable
thread No.
(2) Exchange
for a new
f) Loop finger.
is damaged
when sewing
coarse or the
quality of the
needle ispoor.
(3) The quality of
the thread is
a narrower
a thread of
better quality
(4) Refer to the
relevant. dese
ription of
the instruct-
6. Theedgeof
. Blade is dull, or
loopfinger isim-
properly adjusted ,
therefore isuns-
6. Grindor ex-
change upper
and 10wPf
(4) The threading
proeess has not
been correctly
followed,or the
needle thread is
too tight.
(5) Blade isdull.
iscoarse or
the cut. odge
blades, and
readjust the
position of
the loop
uitable tothepo-
sition of theknife.
(fl) Grind upper
and lower
- 26- - 27-
904 1117
Y "
~ 1407 ~
42005 :..
lf 42253 132589 42051
1~8~ ~
ilJ 'ri'~
~u "'"LE
10106 ~ 228 93
Q42000 ~ 'ir ~
~ rJ 10107
42057 ~ ~
42154 42150

85 Presser Lever Lifter Hinge Screw
Nos. I Description
93 Needle Bar Thread Retainer Screw
133 I Knife (movable) Holder Screw
I .
I Screw for Feed (front) Rack Shaft Crank Clampmg
and Knife Grinder Knife Holder Bracket Clamping
Screw for Looper (right hand) and Spreader Lever
Connection Guide,Needle Bar Connecting Rod Guide,
and Needle Guard.
Knife (movable) Lever Connection Cap Screw.
I Screw for Regulator,Fee'd (front) Dog,Thread (looper
. ,right hand) and Welt Guide.
Screw for Looper (right hand) and Spreader,Thread
( looper, right hand) Take - up and Thread (needle)
Thread Unwinder Thread Guard Screw
Needle Bar Thread Retainer Bracket Screw
Screw for Feed (front) Regulator Stop. Presser Foot
Chaining - off. Thread (looper, left hand) Eyelet
Frame Top Cover Extension Holder Thumb Screw
Looper (left hand) Set Screw
- 32-
Nos. Description
I Frame Sidf>Cover Screw
: Feed (front) Regulator lndicator Plate Screw
I Looper(left hand)Lever Connecting Link Hinge Screw
I .
I Knife (movable) Holder Cap Screw
I Balance Wheel SeLScrew
I Knife(stationary) Holder Stop Screw
: Set Screw for Feed (front) Eccentric and Thread Un-
;winder Thread Guard Rod
: Set Screw for Feed (front) Eccentric Needle Bar Bu-
shing, Thread (looper, left hand) Tube
Presser Foot. Spring Adjusting Pin Set Screw
Screw for Frame Top Cover and Throat plate
I Tension Screw Stud
1 Needle Bar Connecting Link Hinge Pn Sel Screw
I Machne Cushion Screw
1012 Feed (front) Regulaior Connertion Adjusting SlTew
Cap Screw Ior Feed (front) Connecting Rod, Looper
( right hand ) Spreader Lever Connertion and Necdlc
Bar Connectint Rod
1101 Knife (statonary) Holder Screw
11171 Welt Guide Regulating Thumb Serew
- 33-
Nos. i Description
1132 Feed (back) Connecting Link and Regulator Screw
1148 I Lifting Lever Stop Screw
12531 Feed (front) Bar Hnge Pin Set Screw
1258 i Needle Bar Crank Set Screw
1259 ! Set Screw for Feed (ront) Regulator, Frame Rot.ary
I Shaft Crank, Looper (right hand)and Spreader Lever
! Ball Stud, Spreader Lever Hnge Pin Bushing and
i Needle Bar Crank Position and Ball Stud.
1301 I Lifting Lever Hinge Screw
1324 Presser Foot Screw
1354 I Balance Wheel Position Screw
1373 :Screw CorFeed ( front ) Connecting Rod . Regulator
I Connection Hngeand Knifetmovahle) u-ver Conne-
ction Hnge
1374 Feed (front) Regulatng Screw Stud
1375 Frame Rotary Shaft Crank Position Screw
1376 1KniCe(stationary) Holder Regulatng Thumb Screw
1377 1 Presser Lever Screw Stud(eccentrie)
1378 Pressure Regulating Thumb Screw
1407 Maching Base Thumb Screw for 3in table (accessor-
Nos. Description
1437 Cloth Plate Hinge Screw
1444 Feed (back) Regulatng Thumb Screw
1520 Screw Nut for Feed ( front) Connection Rod Hnge ,
Feed ( front ) Regulator Connection Hinge, Knife
Grinder Knife Holder Praeket Stop, Knife (movable)
Lever Connection Hnge, and Looper (left hand)
Lever Connecting Link Hinge.
1534 Knife (stationary) Clamping Stud Thumb Nut
1547 Screw Nut for Knife (stationary) Holder Stop, Lifting
Lever Stop and presser Lever.
1629 Needlle Clamping Nut
1680 Feed (front) Regulating Screw Stud Nut
2102 Tension Dise
4885 Treadle complete
10106 Needle Bar Thread Retainer Disc
10107 Needle Bar Thread Retainer Spring
10148 Tension Spring
17547 Tension(looper, right hand) Thread Guide
19044 Welt Guide Holder Screw Washpr
3656:3 Oiler (copper plated)
40247 Needle Bar Connecting Link Hing 1'11I
42001 Balance Wheel with 424and 1354
42003 Cloth Plate Extension (lower)
Nos. Description
42005 Cloth Plate Lock Spring
42007 Feed (front) Bar Hinge Pin
42008 Feed (front) Connecting Rod
42011 Feed (front) Eccentrlc
42012 Feed (front) Lifting Eccentric
42013 Feed (front) Lifting Eccentric Conection
42014 Feed (front) Regulator
42015 Feed (front) Regulator Connection
42016 Feed (front) Regulator Hinge Stud
42017 Feed (front) Regulator Indicator
'42018 Feed (front) Regulator Indicator Plate
42021 Feed (front) Bock Shaft Crank with 157
42023 Frame Rotary Shaft
42024 Frame Rotary Shaft Bushiug (front)
42025 Frame Rotary Shaft Crank with 1259,1375.
42026 Frame Rotary Shaft Flanged Bushing (back)
42027 Frame Side Cover (left)
42028 Frame Side Cover (right) hinged
42029 Frame Top Cover
42030 Frame Top Cover Extension
42035 Knife (movable) Holder
42037 Knife (movable) Holder Cap
42038 Knife (movable) Holder Guide
42039 Knife (movable) Holder Guide Plate
42040 Knife (movable) Holder Screw Extension Pin
~ Description
-42041 Knife (movable) Holder Spring
42042 Knife (rnovable) Lever
4204:1 Knife (movable) Lever Connection
42045 Knife(movable)Lever HingeStudand Presser Lever
Hinge Stud
4204fl Kni[(' (s1.a1.ionary)with 42049
42048 Knife (stationary) Clamping Stud
42051 Looper (left hand) Lever
42052 Looper (left hand) Lever Connection Link
420fi: Looper (left hand) Lever Hinge S1.\lO
42054 Needle Bar
42055 Needle Bar Connecting Link
42057 Needle Bar Connecting Rod
42061 Needle Bar Connecting Bracket
42066 Needle Guar
420()9 Presser Lever
42070 Presser Lever
42071 Presser Lever Spring
42072 Spreader
42073 Looper (right hand) and Spreader Lever
42074 Looper (right hand) and Spreader Lever Ball Stud,
Ncelle Bar Crank(back)Ball Stud
420711 Loopcr(right hand) andSpreader Lever Conneetion
Nos. Description Nos. Description
42071 Looper (right hand) and Spreader Lever Connection
42112 Knife (movable) Gib
Guide, Needle Bar Connecting Rod Guide
42114 Looper (left hand)
42115 Needle Bar Thread Retainer Bracket
42078 Looper (right hand) and Spreader Lever Hinge Pin
42127 Thread (looper, right hand) Take-up
42079 Feed (front ) Rock Shaft Hinge Pin Bushing, Looper
42130 Lifting Lever
(right hand) and Spreader Lever Hinge Pin Bushing
42131 Lifting Lever Bracket
42082 Tension(needle thread) Thread Guide, 42132 Lifting Lever Spring
42083 Thread (looper.Iet hand)Eyelt 42145 Cloth Plate for 42146
42084 Thread (looper.Iet hand)Tube
42147 Feed (back) Bar
42086 Machine BaseWith three wood screws
42148 Feed (back) Connecting Link
42089 Wrench for 1324,1374 and 1629(acessories)
42149 Feed (back) Dog
42093 Thread (looper, right hand)Staple
42150 Feed (back) Regulator
42096 Thread (needle) Eyelet
42151 Feed (front) Bar
42098 Feed (front ) Rock Shaft Pin
42153 Feed (front) Eccentric Cover
42101 Frame Side Cover (right) Lock Spring
42154 Feed (front) Rock Shaft
42162 Thread (needle) Take-up
42102 Frame Top Cover Extension Holder
42166 Looper (right hand)
42103 Needle Bar Crank (back)
42182 Feed (ront) Dog
42104 Needlebar Crank (Iront)
42184 Presser Foot Chaining -off Fnger
42105 Needle bar Crank Shaft
42185 Presser Foot (spring hinged) complete
42106 Looper (right hand) and Spreader Lever Connection
42186 Throat Plate for 42149 and 42184
Oil Tube and Bracket
42188 Welt Guide (hinged)
42108 Cloth Plate Extension upper) 42189 Welt Guide Holder
42111 Knife (rnovable) 42253 Needle Bar Bushing for 42251
22539 Spool Stand complete
- 39-
~-;- .s
1 N t
1 ( .R)
2 )m
-k ( ;* ;] ~fit!}];fJ t.)m) 1 ( t- )
;tJ t.
4t (GN x1~ )
in ( t.)
4 ? f ~ 4tt
1 (.re,)
5 -~~A (f :i5x5 50x3)
-* - * ., ir
6 (.R )
,j, ~ 4- 1 (.R )
7.Accessories and Spare Parts
No. Deseription Amount
1 Accessories box one peso
2 Oiler, f illed with sewing machine oil one peso
3 Needle, type GN x ] ten peso
4 Threading tweezer one peso
5 Screw drivers, f lat head.
one peso
50x 3
one peso
65x 5
6 Woodscrews
six peso
7 Wrench. small
one peso
- 40-

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