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Cc dng tham kho thi tuyn sinh vo lp 10

s 8
Bi 1: Chn t m phn gch chn c cch pht m khc cc t cn li.
1. A. la!n ". ha! C. #a! $. cla!
%. A. &icycl ". !ich C. ti!d $. kind
'. A. too ". #ood C. soon $. good
(. A. luck ". sun C. )un $. #un
*. A. nvlop ". dcid C. dliv! $. dsign
Bi 2: : Chn p n ng nht cho cc cu !u.
A. +, v-ng
.. /y 0nglish class al1ays sta!ts at 2300 and 4 at 10300 a.m.
". clo# B. l#!$# C. %#l!&# '. #n(
2. +h t!ain lavs 5a!is at 10300 and 4 in 6yon at '300 p.m
". com# B. !%%i$# C. )nih# '. %#ch#
7. $o 1 hav to la!n ths n1 1o!ds 48
". *+ h#!%t B. in min( C. ,ith h#!%t '. to min(
9. :o1 can 1 !mm&! all g!amma! !uls8 ; $o mo! 4 <!ciss.
". ,%itiing B. %#!(ing C. g%!mm!% '. p%onouncing
10. =# you don>t kno1 th maning o# a 1o!d? look it up in 4 .
". ! *ook B. ! )lm C. ! %#co%( '. ! (iction!%+
11. = p!atic listning and spaking 0nglish &y 4 .
". ,%iting ,o%( ! much ! poi*l# B. (oing hom#,o%k %#gul!%l+
C. ,!tching -nglih ./ p%og%!m '. tu(+ing g%!mm!% l#on
1%. = also p!ctic listning and spaking skills &y 4 .
". l#!%ning to ing -nglih ong B. p#!king -nglih ,ith 0%i#n(
C. going to th# li*%!%+ '. *oth " !n( B
1'. $o you 4. any #o!ign languag8
". t!lk B. !+ C. p#!k '. t#ll
1(. +am is studying ha!d #o! th @nal 4 . : 1ants to pass it.
". ch#ck B. #&!m C. t#t '. 1ui2
1*. $o you @nd ths Austions 4 8
". t#%%i*l+ B. #!il+ C. h!%(l+ '. (i3cult
1.. "ill is good at math. : 1ants 4 a high! cou!s o# math.
". to go B. to ,o%k C. to !tt#n( '. to $iit
". CBu t!Cc ngD php.
12. =# you study ha!d!? you 4 pass th tst asily.
". houl( B. coul( C. c!n '. might
17. Eou 4 go to univ!sity o# mdicin i# you 1ant to & a docto!.
". m!+ B. c!n C. h!$# to '. h! to
19. =# you 1ant to go out tonight? you 4. @nish you! hom1o!k.
". h!( to B. coul( C. m!+ '. mut
%0. Eou 4 do mo!ning <!ciss !gula!ly i# you 1ant to &
". houl( B. c!n C. m!+ '. mgiht
%1. = #l sick. ; Eou 4 s a docto! i# you 1ant to gt 1ll.
". coul( B. ought to C. m!+ '. c!n
%%. =# "a dosn>t com to th class mting? h 4 & ill.
". c!n B. might C. houl( '. h! to
Gio viHn 3 phan khnh linh 1 +in :i I +hi "Jnh
Cc dng tham kho thi tuyn sinh vo lp 10
%'. = 4 s1im 1hn = 1as @v and = still 4 s1im no1.
". coul( 4 coul( B. coul(n5t 4 coul(n5t C. coul( 4 c!n5t '. coul(n5t 4 c!n
%(. Kh said? L =>m having a good tim h!M. =n !po!td spch
it 1ill & 3
". 6h# !i( h# i h!$ing ! goo( tim# h#%#.
B. 6h# !i( th!t h# ,! h!$ing ! goo( tim# th#%#.
C. 6h# tol( h# ,! h!$ing ! goo( tim# th#%#.
'. 6h# !i( th!t h# ,! h!$ing ! goo( tim# h#%#.
%*. Alic 4 m that sh 1nt to 6ondon last ya!.
". !+ B. !i( C. tol( to '. t#ll
%.. LN hav @nishd ou! hom1o!kM. +hy said thy 4. .
". h!$# )nih#( ou% hom#,o%k B. h!$# )nih#( th#i% hom#,o%k
C. h!( )nih#( th#i% hom#,o%k '. h!( )nih#( out hom#,o%k
%2. =# you 1ant to attnd th cou!s? you 4 pass th 1!ittn
". coul( B. h!( to C. mut '. c!n
%7. L= nOoyd itM? sh says .
". 7 #n8o+#( it. B. h# h!( #n8o+#( it C. h# #n8o+#( it '. 7 h!( #n8o+#( it
%9. = 4 my moth! that = had @nisd my hom1o!k.
". !i( B. !k#( C. %#po%t#( '. tol(
'0. LClos you! &ooks? plasM? th tach! said.
A. .h# t#!ch#% !i( u to clo# ou% *ook. B. .h# t#!ch#% tol( u to clo# ou%
C. .h# t#!ch#% tol( to u to clo# ou% *ook. '. .h# t#!ch#%
!i( to u clo# ou% *ook.
'1. L$on>t play vido gamsall th tim? my sonM? h said.
". 9# tol( th# *o+ not pl!+ $i(#o g!m# !ll th# tim#.
B. 9# !($i#( hi on not to pl!+ $i(#o g!m# !ll th# tim#.
C. 9# !i( th# *o+ not to pl!t $i(#o g!m# !ll th# tim#.
'. 9# tol( to hi on not to pl!+ $i(#o g!m# !ll th# tim#.
'%. : askd m ho1 old = 1as. =n di!ct spch this should &3
". 6h# !k#(: ; 9o, ol( +ou !%#<= B. 6h# !k#(: ;9o, ol( +ou ,#%#<=
C. 6h# !k#(: ; 9o, ol( !%# +ou<= '. 6h# !k#(: ; 9o, !%# +ou ol(<=
''. Kh askd3 L Nhat do you think a&out +ania8M.
". 6h# ,!nt#( to kno, ,h!t 7 think !*out .!ni!.
B. 6h# ,!nt#( to kno, ,h!t (i( 7 think !*out .!ni!.
C. 6h# ,!nt#( to kno, ,h!t (o 7 think !*out .!ni!.
'. 6h# ,!nt#( to kno, ,h!t 7 thought !*out .!ni!.
'(. Could you plas 4 m th 1ay to th !ail1ay station8
". !+ B. ho, C. g#t '. #&pl!in
'*. sh is v!y int!std 4 la!ning languags.
". in B. !*out C. !t '. ,ith
'.. : told us 4 !ing him a#t! 10300 p.m.
". not to B. to not C. ,# (on5t '. th!t not
'2. 4 to :olly1ood8
". "%# +ou #$#% B. (o +ou #$#%
C. >#%# +ou #$#% '. 9!$# +ou #$#% *##n
Gio viHn 3 phan khnh linh % +in :i I +hi "Jnh
Cc dng tham kho thi tuyn sinh vo lp 10
'7. Kh 4 h! n<t Kunday.
". ,ill B. ,on5t C. ,on5t *# '. ,!nt to *#
'9. : has livd in 6ondon 4. .
". 0o% om# +#!% B. inc# h# i *o%n C. inc# ! long tim#'. inc# om#
(0. Ask )an 4 com 1ith us.
". ,h#th#% ,ill h# B. i0 h# ,ill
C. i0 ,ill h# '. ,h#th#% h# ,oul(
Bi ?: .@m lAi !i t%ong cu.
(1. Kh 1ishs sh 1ill go to th pa!ty 1ith h! sist! tomo!!o1.
A " C $
(%. : said m that h had &n a&snt #!om th class th day
A " C $
('. $on>t ask m. = hav no ida 1h! is h staying no1.
A " C $
((. +hy askd him not giv that n1 in#o!mation to anyon
A " C $
(*. +h! a! so much placs o# int!st in th city that /a!y
can>t dcid 1h! to go @!st.
A " C $
(.. : says h 1as &adly sick sinc h !tu!nd #!om a&!oad.
A " C $
(2. $o you kno1 1hat 1as sh doing at this tim yst!day8
A " C $
(7. Accidnts a! o#tn caus &y ca!lssnss.
A " C $
(9. +h docto! advisd h! to go #o! a dit to los 1ight.
A " C $
*0. +om askd m hlp him 1hil h 1as doing his hom1o!k.
A " C $
Bi B: Chn p n thCch hDp iEn $o chA t%Fng.
Learning English
0v!y ya! studnts in many P*1Q 4 la!n 0nglish. P*%Q 4 o# ths a! young
child!n. Rth!s a! tnag!s. /any a! adults. Kom la!n at school? oth!s study
P*'Q 4 thmslvs. A #1 la!n 0nglish Oust &y P*(Q 4 th languag in @lm? P**Q 4
tlvision? in th oSc? o! among thi! #!inds. "ut not many a! lucky nough to
do that. /ost popl must 1o!k P*.Q 4 to la!n anoth! languag.
6a!ning anoth! languagT 6a!ning 0nglishT Nhy do all thspopl 1ant to
la!n 0nglish8 =t is P*2Q 4 to ans1! that Austion. /any &oys and gi!ls la!n 0nglish
at school &caus it is on o# thi! su&Octs. /any adults la!n 0nglish &caus it is
P*7Q 4 #o! thi! 1o!k. +nag!s o#tn la!n 0nglish P*9Q 4 thi! high! studis?
&caus som o# thi! &ooks a! in 0nglish at th collg o! Univ!sity. Rth! popl
la!n 0nglish &caus thy 1ant to !ad n1spap!s o! magaVinns P.0Q 4 0nglish.
*1. A. count!is ". homs C. hous $.
Gio viHn 3 phan khnh linh ' +in :i I +hi "Jnh
Cc dng tham kho thi tuyn sinh vo lp 10
*%. A. Won ". Kom C. Any $. All
*'. A. #o! ". 1ith C. &y $. on
*(. A. ha! ". ha!d C. to ha! $.
**. A. on ". at C. in $. to
*.. A. ha!dly ". ha!d C. asy $. asily
*2. A. ho!!i&l ". cold C. diScult $.
*7. A. Us ". usd C. us#ul $.
*9. A. #o! ". 1ith C. to $. o#
.0. #o! ". 1ith C. o# $. in
Bi lm:
1. %. '. (. *. .. 2. 7. 9. 10. 11. 1%.
1'. 1(. 1*. 1.. 12. 17. 19. %0. %1. %%. %'. %(.
%*. %.. %2. %7. %9. '0. '1. '%. ''. '(. '*. '..
'2. '7. '9. (0. (1. (%. ('. ((. (*. (.. (2. (7.
(9. *0. *1. *%. *'. *(. **. *.. *2. *7. *9. .0.
Gio viHn 3 phan khnh linh ( +in :i I +hi "Jnh

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