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For Immediate Release: August 5, 2014

Pennsylvania Farmers Urge Lawmakers to Address

Pension Reform Upon Return to Harrisburg
(Camp Hill) Pes!l"aia #armers are urgig t$e state %eeral Assem&l! to ma'e pesio re#orm its um&er
oe priorit! ($e la(ma'ers retur to Harris&urg e)t mot$* Pes!l"aia Farm +ureau (PF+), ($i,$ is t$e
state-s largest #arm orgai.atio, sa!s la(ma'ers ,a-t ,otiue to 'i,' t$e ,a o pesio re#orm, espe,iall!
o( t$at t$e u#uded lia&ilit! $as rea,$ed a staggerig /50 &illio*
01it$out timel! a,tio, all Pes!l"aias are goig to &ear t$e &rut o# t$e pesio de&t, t$roug$ redu,ed
ser"i,es ad i,reased propert! ta)es,2 said PF+ Presidet Carl 3* 4$a##er* 0Hig$er propert! ta)es are
espe,iall! trou&lesome #or #armers, ($o re5uire large amouts o# lad as part o# doig &usiess* 6ost s,$ool
distri,ts (ill $a"e o alterati"e &ut to raise propert! ta)es to support t$e s,$ool pesio s!stem i# t$e
legislature #ails to a,t*2
Hutigdo Cout! #armer +ill Hoo"er, ($o is a PF+ mem&er, re,etl! $osted a roudta&le dis,ussio o
pesio re#orm at $is $ome #arm* 3$e parti,ipats i,luded ot$er lo,al #armers, %o"eror 3om Cor&ett ad
state Agri,ulture 4e,retar! %eorge %reig*
Hoo"er e)plaied t$at $is lo,al s,$ool distri,t $as alread! i#ormed $im t$at $is propert! ta)es (ill go up
o,e agai (it$out pesio re#orm, ($i,$ (ill dig deeper ito $is alread! tig$t pro#it margi* 07ur i,ome is
&ased o $o( ma! a,res o# lad (e $a"e, ad it-s ot a $ig$ i,ome per a,re* I ea,$ o# t$e last #i"e !ears,
128 o# our pro#its (ere ta'e &! real estate ta)es,2 said +ill Hoo"er* 3o "ie( a "ideo e(s stor! o# t$e
%o"eror-s "isit to +ill Hoo"er-s #arm, go to (((*!outu&e*,om9(at,$:";<=gg>12???(.
Farm +ureau uderstads t$e realit! o# it &eig a ele,tio !ear ad t$at politi,s o#te pla! a ma@or role i
determiig ($et$er legislatio mo"es or is put o t$e &a,'&urer, &ut #armers &elie"e la(ma'ers s$ould
demostrate leaders$ip ad a,t o &e$al# o# t$e people ($o "oted t$em ito o##i,e &! passig a re#orm pla*
03$e pesio lia&ilit! ,risis is ot goig a(a! &! itsel#, ad t$e #urt$er la(ma'ers pus$ t$e pro&lem do(
t$e road, t$e larger it &e,omes #or Pes!l"aia ,,2 ,o,luded 4$a##er*
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau is the states largest farm organization with a volunteer membership of nearly
60,000 farm and rural families, representing farms of every size and commodity across Pennsylvania.

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