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20 June 2014

Barry Connor Design Limited

130 Rossall Street
Christchurch 8014
Dear Sir/adam
Building Consent: BCN/2013/3372/A
84 Rugby Street Merivle
A!end!ent 1 " Re#ir e$isting %ire&ll to '()e/Study*
Cvity to +ire)t ,$ #rtil )ldding
Re-uest .or in.or!tion
!ll re"ie#s ha"e no# started $or the a%o"e a&&lication' (o#e"er) #e re*uire $urther
in$ormation to ena%le the Council to &rocess your a&&lication'
/enerl0 12M0 site Code Sttus
+n"elo&e com&le,ity in the re"ised ris- matri, &lan is not
correct' !lso) you ha"e re"ised the cladding detail $rom ca"ity
to direct .,' /lease clari$y ho# it #ill com&ly #ith the
re*uirement o$ +2'
/lease res&ond $ully #ithin 20 #or-ing days' 1$ you do not res&ond #ithin this
time$rame your a&&lication may %e re$used'
!n early res&onse #ill assist in the com&letion o$ consent &rocessing #ith minimal
2hen re&lying to our re*uest) &lease &ro"ide a co"ering letter stating #hat action has
%een ta-en $or each item) and highlight all changes to re"ised documentation'
3o su%mit the re*uested documentation4
5se the Upload additional information o&tion at onlineser"ices'ccc'go"t'n6' 1$ you
are not already registered $or 7nline Ser"ices) you can register $or $ree at any time
at onlineser"ices'ccc'go"t'n6'
0or more in$ormation) see ###'ccc'go"t'n6/%cguide'
1$ your a&&lication is %eing &rocessed in !cone,) u&load documents into the
Additional Information &laceholders in this a&&lication8s document register) then
send them %ac- as a Transmittal mail ty&e' 0or more in$ormation) see
!lternati"ely) you can &ost or deli"er your a&&lication to the address %elo#'
(o#e"er) you can eliminate scanning $ees) and reduce &rocessing $ees and delays)
%y su%mitting documents online'
B9:21 L5 140:14 LR 140:14 "4
/age 1 o$ 2
Ci"ic 7;ces) :3 (ere$ord Street) Christchurch 8011
/7 Bo, <3013) Christchurch 81:4
/hone4 =03> ?4198???) 0a,4 =03> ?4198<?2
/lease do not loc- or &ass#ord9&rotect /D0s) as they ha"e to %e merged into .nal
consent documents'
3his letter is sent to the a&&licant and the o#ner) #here &ossi%le'
@ours sincerely
Rey 1gdun
Building Consent 7;cer
Building Consents 3eam 3
/age 2 o$ 2
Ci"ic 7;ces) :3 (ere$ord Street) Christchurch 8011
/7 Bo, <3013) Christchurch 81:4
/hone4 =03> ?4198???) 0a,4 =03> ?4198<?2

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