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Lab Roles

A lab team typically consists of four students. Each student assumes one of the
following lab roles. The roles change during each lab. The students who are
technicians during lab 1 will assume the other two roles during lab 2

Lab Manager
1. The lab manager takes the leadership role in writing down the lab instructions during the
pre-lab session
2. The lab manager is responsible for drawing a rough sketch of how the equipment will be set
up during the lab investigation.
3. During the lab session, the lab manager feeds step-by-step instructions to the technicians.
4. The lab manager monitors the progress of the lab while it is in progress and makes sure that
everything is being done correctly.
5. The lab manager is responsible to remind students to wear aprons and goggles. It is also his
responsibility to remind the technicians when a danger exists in a particular portion of the
lab procedure.
6. The lab manager is the primary spokesperson during the Board Meeting and provides
leadership during the presentation to the class. He presents the groups data to the class.

1. The recorder is responsible for writing down all observations made during the lab
2. The recorder is responsible for drawing any data tables needed to record lab data
3. The recorder provides a neatly organized copy of all data and observations to team members
when the lab is over
4. The recorder is responsible for reporting the team data in the classroom if class data is

1. The technician is responsible for the assembly and disassembly of all laboratory tools and
2. The technician works hands on to mix chemicals or to actually perform the lab
3. The technician stays at home and tends the lab station. Ex: Everyone walking away from the
lab station while the lab burner is lit is a serious safety violation. For safety reasons, the
technician is required to stay with the station at all times.
4. The technician is responsible for cleanup after the laboratory is completed. All glassware
must be washed, dried, and returned to storage. The lab station should be left clean, neat,
and dry.

1. The gopher works on the same side of the station as the technician and functions as a tech
assistant. He assists in the assembly and disassembly of laboratory tools and equipment.
2. The gopher is the only member of the lab team with permission to leave the lab station. As
his name implies, he goes fer this and goes fer that as needed. The gopher always sits
closest to the aisle so that he can enter and leave the lab station easily.
3. The gopher goes for chemicals or supplies stored in remote locations within the laboratory.
4. The gopher returns all unused chemicals and wastes to the proper location after the lab is
5. The gopher is responsible for disposal of all chemicals in the manner described by the
6. The gopher assists the technician with cleanup after the lab is completed.

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