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KINAMU Business Solutions AG 2009
KINAMU SugarCRM/Outlook 2007 Connector BETA v1.2 21/05/2009
CRM Address Book Integration:

Address Book Integration when sending
emails. In the new email window a new
Button appears on the Icon to allow a
direct search for contacts when
composing an email.
When you hit the button the CRM
address Book window opens. Type a
search term for the name (last name)
and or Account name. The connector
will search for entries using a like query
presenting you any items where the
search term is in the last name of the
contact or in the company name. Select
one or multiple items and press the
button to copy them in the to, cc or bcc
field of the email. Simply doubleclicking
the entry in the list will copy this into
the to field of the email and close the
search window.

KINAMU Business Solutions AG 2009
KINAMU SugarCRM/Outlook 2007 Connector BETA v1.2 21/05/2009
Archiving Emails

If a matching entry is found in
SugarCRM for a mailitem when you
rightclick on it the Contextmenu will
extend and show the objects linked to
the Contact if one is found with the
email address of the sender.
To archive the email simply click on the
item you want to associate the item
with. It will be in any case associated
with the Contact and then additionally
also with the item you select.
A progress Window will show you the
status and close when the archiving has
Change to SugarCRM and look up the
contact or the account. Your email
should be in SugarCRM (HTML
Formatted and as plain Text) including
all attachements.

KINAMU Business Solutions AG 2009
KINAMU SugarCRM/Outlook 2007 Connector BETA v1.2 21/05/2009
Account/Contact Creation in Outlook

Rightcklick on an email Item and the
Context menu should include a
menuItem KINAMU Connects.
If you select the KINAMU Connects
Menu Item Item will expand and show
either the Option to create a contact in
SugarCRM or the linked Objects (some
pages further down)
In the case depicted on the left side the
contact is not found in SugarCRM
(lookup by the email address)
Select Add Contact <name> to create a
Contact in SugarCRM

KINAMU Business Solutions AG 2009
KINAMU SugarCRM/Outlook 2007 Connector BETA v1.2 21/05/2009

The Add Contact Dialog as shown on
the left opens. Dropdownboxes are
populated with the values from the
Dropdown maintained in your
SugarCRM Instance.
Complete the Information.
To make the Information entry easier
the email is presented in a textbox at
the bottom of the Dialog Box. You can
select Text in the Textbox and then
rightclick on the selected Text to open
the contextmenu to the selected text
that will present you options for the
meaning of the text. Just select the
Field this value should be assigned to
and the value will be pasted into this
You can also select e.g. the name of the
Company and then select Search for
Account. This will trigger a lookup in
SugarCRM for an Account matching the
selected string in the name.

KINAMU Business Solutions AG 2009
KINAMU SugarCRM/Outlook 2007 Connector BETA v1.2 21/05/2009

If records are found a Dialog Box is
presented to allow you to select an
account. Select an account by
doubleclicking on the account in the
List. If just one account is found no
dialog is presented and the Account is
copied over. If no account matching the
search string is found a Message will be
You can also trigger this select process
manually by entering a name in the
name field of the Account Details and
then hitting the find button. This is
equivalent and will also trigger the
Account Selection.
If you select an existing account the
Account Name filed will be filled (also
the other fields that are copied over
from SugarCRM) and disabled. To
Change that hit unlock (the button next
to the field and that will untie this
relationship again and allow you to
search for another account or to create
new account. If you can not find an
account just complete the Form
KINAMU Business Solutions AG 2009
KINAMU SugarCRM/Outlook 2007 Connector BETA v1.2 21/05/2009

Dropdownfield are populate (note that
at this point in time this is not language
dependend but represents the values
as they are stored in the Database.
Something to change in a next release.
If the Checkbox create/update Account
at the bottom of the form is checked
the account will be created or changed
fields will be updated and the
relationship between the contact and
the account will be created.
The Archive email with Contact
Checkbox is not yet implemented still
a todo.
If data I correct hit OK and the system
will create the records and link them.

KINAMU Business Solutions AG 2009
KINAMU SugarCRM/Outlook 2007 Connector BETA v1.2 21/05/2009
Contact Integration & Synchronization

When adding a new contact or editing
an existing one selecting the SugarCRM
Button on the Ribbon will present you
with three Options:
(1) just sync (for new contacts without
account assignment): which will mark
the record for synchronization with
SugarCRM and simply create a new
record in SugarCRM marking that for
Outlook Synchronization
(2) Select Contact and Sync (to select an
existing contact from Sugar): will
present you a Dialog for Object
selection allowing you to search for a
contact by Name or account and upon
accepting the contact will copy the
details to the Outlook Contact and
mark the contact for sync in Outlook
and SugarCRM.
(3) Assign Account and Sync (for new or
existing Contacts that should be
assigned to an existing account and
synchronized): which will allow you to
select an account and link a new or
existing contact in Outlook creating a
new record in SugarCRM.

KINAMU Business Solutions AG 2009
KINAMU SugarCRM/Outlook 2007 Connector BETA v1.2 21/05/2009

If an account is marked for Sync the
button on the Ribbon is selected. It also
presents additional information on the
account with the owner and the
account (if assigned). New created
contacts will be assigned to you.
Select the Sync button to mark or
unmark the contact from Sync. If the
sync is deselected the system will also
change the sync with Outlook Flag in
SugarCRM with the next Sync.

Contacts are categorized with the
respective Category you have set in the
Options dialog.

KINAMU Business Solutions AG 2009
KINAMU SugarCRM/Outlook 2007 Connector BETA v1.2 21/05/2009

To Synchronize select sync Contacts
from the KINAMU Connects Menu.
The system will perform the following
- create Contacts in SugarCRM that
have been created in Outlook
- update Contacts in SugarCRM
where you are the owner and they
have been updated in Outlook. The
plug-in will not change any entry in
SugarCRM where you are not the
- Synchronize and create entries in
Outlook that are changed in
SugarCRM or have been marked
for sync with outlook there but are
not yet in Outlook.
- Mark entries in SugarCRM relevant
for sync with Outlook or not if you
changed the flag in Outlook
- The plug-in will not delete entries
on either side and also if you e.g.
delete in Outlook will not delete in

KINAMU Business Solutions AG 2009
KINAMU SugarCRM/Outlook 2007 Connector BETA v1.2 21/05/2009

In the Options dialog select the
KINAMU Connects tab and therein the
tab for Contacts.
The last Sync Date is shown (in local
time) and you can set Categories for
the system to flag your Contacts and to
flag contacts from Sugar that are
owned by another person (which you
linked by e.g. flagging them to sync in
SugarCRM or by selecting them in
Outlook with the option to select a
contact and sync.
Those categories will help you to
organize contacts and identify them in
KINAMU Business Solutions AG 2009
KINAMU SugarCRM/Outlook 2007 Connector BETA v1.2 21/05/2009
Managing Appointments (Beta no sync supported in this Build)

With the connector installed there are
additional features available in the
Outlook Appointments.
On the Ribbon you will find buttons to
mark the item to be synced with
SugarCRM. For meeting where you are
not the organizer the buttons for
setting the status will be active allowing
you to confirm or decline the meeting
in SugarCRM.
Dropdown allow you to set the type of
appointment (call or meeting) and the
status (planned, held, not held).
In the adjoining formregion on the
bottom of the appointment Contacts
and Users invited to the meeting. They
are synced from sugar but can also be
added here to the meeting. Also the
linkage to the parent object (in the
example on the left an Account is
shown including the address detail

Appointment functionality is at a beta stadium. Appointments can be created and all relevant information will be stored with the meeting. The sync
functionality is nevertheless at this point in time disabled. This will be enabled in the next build.
KINAMU Business Solutions AG 2009
KINAMU SugarCRM/Outlook 2007 Connector BETA v1.2 21/05/2009

To add attendees to the meeting push
the + button and search for contacts
or users in the search window. Add
them by selecting one or multiple items
in the window and push select.
To remove an attendee select the
attendee and hit the - button.
To send meeting invites out of outlook
to selected attendees select the entries
in the list you want to send the meeting
request to and push invite selected.
This will change the appointment to a
meeting request and copy the email
addresses of the selected attendees
into the to field of the meeting request.

Appointment functionality is at a beta stadium. Appointments can be created and all relevant information will be stored with the meeting. The sync
functionality is nevertheless at this point in time disabled. This will be enabled in the next build.
KINAMU Business Solutions AG 2009
KINAMU SugarCRM/Outlook 2007 Connector BETA v1.2 21/05/2009

Meetings can be assigned to a parent
object (they will in any case be linked
to the contacts and users selected.
Parent objects can be an Account or an
Opportunity. To create or change an
assignment hit the search button. The
object dialog opens. Select the type of
Object you want to search for from the
dropdown and type in search terms.
For opportunities optionally type a
search term for the account to identify
opportunities only for a specific
Hit select in the detail window and the
information will be copied into the

Appointment functionality is at a beta stadium. Appointments can be created and all relevant information will be stored with the meeting. The sync
functionality is nevertheless at this point in time disabled. This will be enabled in the next build.

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