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Limitless Possiblilities

I sing my song,
I sang my song,
I will continue to sing my song til I die.
No. You cant.
But why not? I sang.
Because you are girl
And its not right.
But why? I sang:
You make no sense.
So I will and I sang,
Be damned you all!

Walk small, talk small, be small.
But why? I sang,
You make no sense.
So I will not and I sang:
Be damned, you all!

I chose not to.
I chose to.
I knew not that I was choosing.
I confused them, I confused me,
But I lived, and
I sang-
Angry songs, joyful songs, songs of love to
My loves, my son, to you.
Songs of myself.

Be damned you all, this is MY life!
Now I am here. I look at you
Children of my heart.
I sing to you,
Push you, want for you, and cry for you.
You are my limitless possibilities.

--Ms. Bell

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