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Course Name: SCIENCE 9

Grade Level: 9th


Teacher name: Kate Faulk Website:
Lindsey Greenwell

Course Description

Ninth grade Science is a one-year course taught in English. It covers basic topics in Earth Science
such as the Universe, the Earths systems, as well as the impact of human activity on the Earth.
Students will develop skills that will enable them to become more independent individuals capable
of understanding and applying scientific knowledge and ideas. Special emphasis will be given to
the development of scientific process skills such as researching, collecting, and organizing data,
using formulas, designing and interpreting graphs. Inquiry-based activities will encourage critical
thinking and problem solving abilities. Building environmental awareness is also a fundamental
part of this course as well as providing opportunities for students to experience hands on
authentic scientific experiences.

Course Objectives

! To use the scientific method for solving problems, conducting experiments, organizing, and
analyzing information.
! To use tools and instruments properly in order to conduct scientific activities and research.
! To design scientific experiences and activities that foster environmental awareness,
identification, action, and interdisciplinary understanding.


Unit 1: The Nature of Science
! Earth Sciences
! Lab and Safety Basics
! Earth Chemistry
! Data analysis and Graphing
Unit 2: Astronomy
! Earth and the solar system
! The Universe and its stars
Unit 3: Mineral and Rocks
! Types of Rocks
! Mineral Identification
Quarter II
Unit 4: Mapping the World
! Latitude and Longitude
! Types of Maps
Unit 5: Plate Tectonics
! Drifting continents
! Seafloor spreading
! Plate boundaries
! Causes of plate motions
! Earthquakes, Volcanoes

Quarter III
Unit 6: Geologic History
! Relative and Absolute Dating
! Early Evolution
! The History of Planet Earth
Unit 7: Surface Processes
! Surface Water
! Erosion
! Weathering
! Deposition

Quarter IV

Unit 8: Weather and Climate
! Defining weather and climate
! Climate classification
! Climatic changes
! Impact of human activities
Unit 9: Environmental Awareness


! _Textbook: iBook Earth Science: Interactive Review Book Science by Leigh-Manuell
! _Materials: Notebook, charged iPad, pencil/pen, colored pencils


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