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The media has had a very significant impact on elections, and even how political parties are
viewed. Things such as T.V. and the radio have become essential parts of the average Americans
life, it is their source of information and it is run and manipulated by the media. Through these
mediums, the media is able to make a candidate seem appealing simply by the way they deliver
the news.
For example, a news channel such the conservative FOX would (and did) support Mitt Romney in
the 2012 presidential elections. The manner they spoke and presented Romney was more
appealing than how President Obama had been president. Hence, creating a biased and even
influencing the publics view on both candidates.
Another example related to presidential elections could be the debate between Nixon and
Kennedy. The individuals watching the television agreed that they believed Kennedy would be
the winner due to his confident appearance, however the public listening to the radio argued
that Nixon would win due to how he sounded, spoke, and argued.
The last example could be the newspaper. Same with the television, the journalists have a
manner in presenting the candidates in presidential elections that could biased the public. For
example, Miami Herald could support Obama and could have made him seem like the ideal
2. Yes the process has become more democratic.
To begin, there is a limit in fundraising. Before 1968, the candidates could get easy money
from a few wealthy supporters, and would have had no limit. However, since then, there is an
actual limit and the handful of wealthy supporters are now gone and replaced by the public,
difficult fundraising.
Another example could be the decreased involvement by political parties. Compared to before,
now there is little involvement and influence by the party, the candidates are the ones
dominating, not the parties.
Lastly, the candidates are elected by primaries, whom are heavily influenced by the public, they
are not selected by party establishments like before.

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