XX Punishment Spanking Plan Agreement

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Draft #9 4/30/2019 1

XX Punishment Spanking Plan Agreement

Date: _______________________, 2_____
I (DW)_______________________, partner of (XX___________________ do
hereby acknowledge that I have read this Agreement and the related exhibits: Ex. A
"Offences which justify Punishment Spanking and Required Penalties " and Ex. B
"The 10 Rules of the XX Punishment Spanking Plan", both based on the Spencer
Spanking Plan and methods.

I, DW, understand, fully agree with and voluntarily approve of the punishment spankings
which this plan requires DW to administer, for my husband "XX's" commission of any of
this plan's Offences (see Exhibit A). DW acknowledges that XX has a high level of trust
in DW, to bear out DW's responsibilities in this agreement.

This agreement is a cooperative decision by XX and DW, not a contested one. This
Agreement has been entered into willingly by both DW and XX, and for no other purpose
than, to improve XX's behavior, and to secure for DW and XX the benefits that will come
from the enforcement of this Plan.

XX declares, and DW accepts XX's declaration, that he has no intent in this plan to create
any kind of erotic experience for XX.

XX grants to DW, the full right and his full permission, to carry out the spankings of this
Plan upon XX, whenever any violation of the listed Offenses is committed, or a
"reminder" spanking is requested.

From the date of this agreement, for a "test period" of 6 months, it is XX's firm resolve
to have his conduct regulated by DW, through the enforcement of the spankings
described in this Plan, which will be governed by "The 10 Rules of the XX Punishment
Spanking Plan" (see Exhibit B).

This agreement may, or may not, be extended at the end of the 6 month test period, by
mutual agreement between DW and XX. The terms and rules of this Plan may be
modified in writing by mutual agreement, at any time during the life of the Plan. Any
modification will be by the execution of a suitable written amendment signed by both
DW and XX.

XX fully understands that XX will be given any punishment spanking XX is due, for any
commission of any of the listed Offenses, or any requested "reminder" spankings, without
fail. XX will not expect any warnings from, or admonishments by DW, in order to
comply with this agreement. However, XX will respond positively to any warnings or
admonishments which he is given by DW.

Agreed to by;_________________________________ Signature(XX)

Agreed to by:_________________________________ Signature(DW)

Draft #9 4/30/2019 2
Draft #9 4/30/2019 3

XX Punishment Spanking Plan Agreement

Approval Signatures

Agreed to by;_________________________________ Signature-XX.

Agreed to by:_________________________________ Signature-DW

Draft #9 4/30/2019 4

XX Punishment Spanking Plan

Agreement Approval Signatures

Agreed to by;_________________________________ Signature-Farrald G. Belote, Jr.

Agreed to by:_________________________________ Signature-Arlene B. Belote

Draft #9 4/30/2019 5

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