How To Advance To A Yellow Belt in American Kenpo Karate

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How to Advance to a Yellow Belt in

American Kenpo Karate

Edited by Eric Yengoyan, Ben Rubenstein, Flickety, Eric and 15 others
Tired of that white "surrender" flag around your waist? Here is what you should do to advance to a
yellow belt in American Kenpo karate.
Know your basics. Basics include:
Stances: attention, horse, meditating horse, fighting stance, bracing forward bow, directional forward bow,
Switches: hop switch, front-to-back switch, back-to-front switch;
Blocks: inward, extended outward, vertical outward, upward, downward, push-down, hammering inward,
thrusting inward;
Kicks: front ball, side, roundhouse, hook;
Strikes: horizontal punch, vertical punch, double punch, back elbow, horizontal elbow- inward and
outward, hand sword- inward and outward, roundhouse punch;
Maneuvers: push drag, cover, step through.
Once you know all these, you earn a stripe for your basics.
Know your Yellow Belt Creed. "I come to you with only karate, I have no weapons, but should I be
forced to defend myself, my principles or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, of right or
wrong, then here are my weapons, karate, my empty hands" Once you know this, you will earn a
stripe for your creed.
Learn Blocking Set 1. Start with your right hand. Perform an upward block, inward block, extended
outward block, downward block, back elbow, push down block, and back to a horse stance. Repeat
this with your left hand. Then repeat with both hands. You will earn a stripe for knowing Blocking Set
Know your 12 techniques. The yellow belt techniques are: delayed sword, alternating maces,
sword of destruction. deflecting hammer, captured twigs, lone kimono, obstructing the storm, mace
of aggression, attacking mace, and sword and hammer, intellectual departure, and encounter with
danger. You will earn a stripe for knowing all your techniques.
Know Short Form 1. Once you know Short Form, you will receive your 5th and last stripe.
Know and perform everything as best as you can on your specified test day.You will advance
to a yellow belt, and hopefully continue working your way up to a black belt!

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