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Life of Pi Vocabulary

Define each of the highlighted words. Dissect the word and using the situation in which the word
is being used write your own definition.

1. He showed me the yellowed newspaper clippings that made him briefly, obscurely

2. My gift to Mamaji one birthday, I must have been thirteen or so, was two full lengths of
credible butterfly.

3. Would you rather be out up at the Ritz with free room service and unlimited access to a
doctor or be homeless without a soul to care for you? But animals are incapable of such

4. It is interesting to note that the lion that is the most amenable to the circus trainers tricks
is the one with the lowest social standing in the pride, the omega animal.

5. Ill stick to my Krishna, thank you very much. I find his divinity utterly compelling.

6. An intellect confounded yet a trusting sense of presence and of ultimate purpose.


7. The priest looked askance at both of them.


8. Father and I find your religious zeal a bit of a mystery.


9. He looks like a plausible Mr. Patel, face rounder that his son's.

10. In fact, a hyena's catholicity of taste is so indiscriminate it nearly forces admiration.


11. Alas, Orange Juice's defense lacked precision and coherence.


12. But the shipping clerk at the Howrah train station was evidently a man
both befuddled and diligent.

13. How I had failed to notice for two and a half days a 450-pound Bengal tiger in a lifeboat
twenty-six feet long was a conundrum I would have to try to crack later, when I had
more energy.

14. You see with utter lucidity all that you are losing.

15. The rope to the lifeboat tautened with a jerk rather than a tug, and the rocking of the raft
became more pronounced and erratic.

16. There were also a few highly cryptic lines distilling the art and science of navigation.

17. It all came down to what was so abundant round us but marred by salt.

18. Treatment should be repeated until the association in the animals mind between the
sound of the whistle and the feeling of intense, incapacitating nausea is fixed and
totally unambiguous.

19. I would fall into a daze, not difficult for someone in such an advanced state of lethargy to
begin with.

20. If youre not happy with this figment of your fancy, pick another one.

21. Don't be obtuse. Did they taste good?


22. I was getting used to the mental delusion.


23. Not plants that contradict the laws of nature.


24. In Japanese a story would have an element of invention in it.


25. Neither makes a factual difference to you.


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