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Step 3: Use a calculator to nd the reference angle

cos 4x = 0,8
ref = cos
= 36,9

Step 4: Use CAST diagram to determine in which quadrants cos 4x is positive

The CAST diagram indicates that cos 4x is positive in the rst and fourth quadrants.
In the rst quadrant:
4x = 36,9

+ k . 360

x = 9,2

+ k . 90

Important: remember to also divide k . 360

by 4.
In the fourth quadrant:
4x = (360


) + k . 360

= 323,1

+ k . 360

x = 80,8

+ k . 90

where k Z.
Step 5: Check that the solution satises the original equation
Step 6: Write the nal answer
x = 9,2

+ k . 90

or x = 80,8

+ k . 90

, k Z
Worked example 12: Trigonometric equations
Find the general solution for sin cos
= sin
Step 1: Simplify the given equation
Do not divide both sides of the equation by sin :
part of the solution would be lost;
we would need to restrict the values of to those where sin = 0 (division by
zero is not permitted).
158 4.4. Solving equations

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